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| align="left" |PyFR -- [ PyFR homepage]||
| align="left" |PyFR -- [ PyFR homepage]||
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| align="left" |QuickerSim CFD Toolbox for MATLAB® -- [ QuickerSim CFD homepage]|| GMSH, MATLAB®-PDE Toolbox format
|- align="center"
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| align="left" |REEF3D -- [ REEF3D homepage]||
| align="left" |REEF3D -- [ REEF3D homepage]||

Revision as of 07:12, 9 March 2018

An overview of both free and commercial CFD software. Here you will find short descriptions of codes along with links to resources.

Note to contributers: Please try to keep descriptions short and to the point (approximately 200 words) and avoid long lists of features or capabilities. Also keep in mind that all contributions are considered to be released under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 (see Project:Copyrights for details). Also note that all information should be verifiable and objective truths that also competitors to the code in question will agree upon. This is especially important if you are an employee of the company selling the code. See the CFD-Wiki:Policy for further information.


Free codes

This section lists codes that are in the public domain, and codes that are available under GPL, BSD or similar licenses.


Solver Mesh type(s) supported
ADFC -- ADFC homepage
Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics -- Solver homepage
arb -- arb homepageGMSH (.msh)
CalculiX -- CalculiX homepage internal
CFD2D -- a 2D-solver for incompressible Navier-Stokes homepageBased on Triangle grid generator (see table below)
CFD2k -- CFD2k: a 2D-solver for compressible ideal gases - homepage
cfdpack -- A collection of academic codes | 2D/3D, FV, unstr, incomp, adjoint, parallel GMSH (.msh)
Channelflow -- Channelflow: a spectral Navier-Stokes simulator in C++ homepage
CLAWPACK -- CLAWPACK homepage A Finite Volume solver especially for phenomena governed by hyperbolic PDEs
Code_Saturne -- Code_Saturne homepageI-DEAS®, GMSH, Gambit®, Simail®, Salomé, Harpoon®, ICEM
COOLFluiD -- COOLFluiD homepage Component-based C++ platform for multi-physics (e.g. flow, plasma, radiation, chemistry, EM) simulation on heterogeneous HPC systemsGMSH, Gambit®, internal CFmesh format (ASCII or binary), TECPLOT unstructured (point-based format), GridPro
Diagonalized Upwind Navier Stokes -- DUNS homepage
Dolfyn -- dolfyn a 3D unstructured general purpose solver - homepage GMSH (.msh)
Dune -- Distributed and Unified Numerics Evironment - homepage GMSH (.msh), StarCD
Edge -- Edge homepage: 2D & 3D compressible RANS / Euler flow solver on unstructured and hybrid grids.bmsh
ELMER -- ELMER homepage .unv (also with multiple body / surface attribution)
FDS -- FDS homepage
FeatFlow -- FeatFlow homepage Fortran FEM based high-performance CFD solver (available with an Octave and Matlab CFD FeatFlow GUI) FeatFlow (.tri/.prm) grid format
FEATool Multiphysics -- Matlab CFD and Multiphysics FEM Toolbox Fully integrated and easy to use Matlab CFD and Finite Element Analysis FEM simulation toolbox Automatic unstructured mesh generation, and supports Gmsh (.msh), GiD (.msh), Triangle, GMV (.gmv), FeatFlow, FEniCS Dolfin (.xml), and Ascii mesh import
FEniCS -- FEniCS homepage A Python/C++ library for Finite Element Method. Requires knowledge of weak forms of governing equations (available with FEATool-FEniCS Matlab GUI) Various types - Gmsh, Abaqus, Metis, Diffpack etc
FreeFEM -- FreeFEM homepage A FEM solver. Uses a C++-like language Gmsh (.msh), Medit (.mesh)
HiFlow³ -- HiFlow³ homepage
Gerris Flow Solver -- Gerris Flow Solver homepage
IBAMR -- IBAMR homepage A C++ library for Immersed Boundary method with Adaptive Mesh Refinement. Structured fluid mesh and unstructured mesh for immersed body.
IMTEK Mathematica Supplement (IMS) -- IMTEK Mathematica Supplement (IMS) homepage
iNavier -- iNavier Solver Home Page
ISAAC -- ISAAC Home Page
Kicksey-Winsey -- Kicksey-Winsey Home Page
MFIX -- Computational multiphase flow homepage
NaSt2D-2.0 -- NaSt2D-2.0 homepage
NEK5000 -- NEK5000 homepage
Nektar++ -- Nektar++ homepage
NSC2KE -- NSC2KE homepage
OpenFlower -- OpenFlower homepageGMSH (.msh)
OpenFOAM -- OpenFOAM homepage Internal "foam" format; convert from ansys, cfx4, dat, fluent3d, fluentMesh, gambit, gmsh, ideasUnv, kiva, msh, netgenNeutral, plot3d, samm, star3, star4, tetgen
OpenHyperflow2D -- OpenHyperflow2D homepage
OpenLB -- OpenLB homepage
OpenFVM -- OpenFVM homepage GMSH (.msh)
Palabos -- Palabos homepage
PETSc-FEM -- PETSc-FEM homepage Application-specific input (.dat)
PP3D -- parpp3d++ homepage
PyFR -- PyFR homepage
REEF3D -- REEF3D homepage
ReFRESCO -- ReFRESCO homepage. 3D multi-phase viscous-flow code (RANS,DDES,SAS,PANS,LES) for maritime applications Structured and unstructured grids. Cgns format. Converters for openFOAM, Icem-CFD, Ansys, Star-CCM, Gridpro, Pointwise, Hexpress.
Rheolef 1D 2D 3D finite elements, unstructured tri,quad,tet,hexa meshes (GMSH, BAMG)
Semtex -- Semtex homepage: 2D/3D spectral element/Fourier DNS Unstructured quad meshes
SLFCFD -- SLFCFD homepage
SU2 -- Stanford University Unstructured Homepage Internal "su2" format and cgns format
TCLB -- Cuda-based lattice Boltzmann method solver and more STL-files, binary voxels
Tochnog -- Tochnog homepage
TYCHO -- TYCHO homepage
Typhon solver -- Typhon solver homepage
Uintah Computational Framework -- Uintah homepage Structured
Vortexje -- Vortexje panel method code homepage GMSH (.msh), PLY, application specific

Grid generation

Generator Mesh type(s) supported Input filetypes supported
Delaundo -- Delaundo homepage.pts
Engrid -- Engrid homepage
GMSH -- GMSH hompage.msh
gridgen -- gridgen homepage
IA-FEMesh -- IA-FEMesh homepageABAQUS
NETGEN -- NETGEN homepage Neutral, Fepp2D, surfacemesh, solution.stl, .iges, .csg, .step
TETGEN -- TETGEN, .mesh, .smesh, .ele.node, .poly, .off, .stl, .mesh, .smesh, .ply
Triangle -- Triangle homepage(2D only) .node, .ele, .poly, .area
TwinMesh -- Twinmesh homepage .cfx5.iges, .csv


Solver coupling


Commercial codes


Grid generation

