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Turbulence boundary conditions

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Fully developed turbulent pipe-flow inlet

For fully developed turbulent pipe flow the turbulence inlet properties can be estimated using the model presented by Basse in Table 1 of [1].

Turbulence Intensity:

I_{AA} = \sqrt{\left[ B_g + \frac{3}{2} A_g - \frac{8 C_g}{3 \sqrt{Re_\tau}}\right] \times \frac{f}{8}}

Turbulence Length-Scale:

L_{AA} = 0.14 \; \kappa_g \times \delta

Turbulence Energy:

k_{AA} = U_m^2 \; I_{AA}^2

Turbulence Dissipation:

\epsilon_{AA} = C_{\mu,AA}^\frac{3}{4} \times \frac{k_{AA}^\frac{3}{2}}{L_{AA}}

The subscript AA here denotes an area-averaged value. The model parameters \kappa_g, A_g, B_g and C_g can be computed using the following general function:

Q(Re_\tau) = a + b \cdot tanh(c \cdot [Re_\tau - d])

Where the a, b, c and d constants have been fitted using Princeton Superpipe measurements [2] as described in equation S44 in [3] and table 1 in [4]:

Parameter a b c d
\kappa_g −1.18 1.52 2.15e-4 -8786
A_g 2.21 -0.60 3.97e-5 11186
B_g 1.28 -0.32 5.85e-5 4609
C_g / \sqrt{Re_\tau} 1.03 -0.913.30e-5 -11755
\delta is the boundary layer thickness, which in fully developed pipe flow is the radius, or half the hydraulic diameter, d_h.
f is the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor.
Re_\tau = \frac{u_\tau \cdot \delta}{\nu_k} is the Reynolds number based on the friction velocity u_\tau and the kinematic viscosity \nu_k.

The friction velocity u_\tau can be computed using the friction factor f and the mean pipe flow velocity U_m using the formula:

u_\tau = \sqrt{\frac{f}{8}} \cdot U_m

A good estimate for the friction factor f in pipe flow is Cheng's correlation [13]:

\frac{1}{f} = \left( \frac{Re_{d_h}}{64} \right) ^a \left( 1.8 \cdot log \frac{Re_{d_h}}{6.8} \right) ^ {2(1-a)b} \left( 2.0 \cdot log \frac{3.7 \; d_h}{k_s} \right) ^ {2(1-a)(1-b)}
a = \frac{1}{1 +  \left( \frac{Re_{d_h}}{2720} \right) ^ 9}
b = \frac{1}{1 +  \left( \frac{Re_{d_h}}{160 \; d_h / k_s} \right) ^ 2}
Re_{d_h} = \frac{U_m \cdot d_h}{\nu_k}

The hydraulic diameter d_h is the diameter of a circular pipe. For a rectangular pipe with width a and height b the hydraulic diameter can be computed from d_h = 2 \; \frac{a b}{a + b}.

The equivalent sand-grain-roughness k_s is dependent on the pipe surface properties.


[1] Basse, N.T. (2023), "An Algebraic Non-Equilibrium Turbulence Model of the High Reynolds Number Transition Region", Water 2023, 15, 3234.

[2] Hultmark M, Vallikivi M, Bailey SCC and Smits AJ. (2013), "Logarithmic scaling of turbulence in smooth- and rough-wall pipe flow", J. Fluid Mech. 728, 376-395.

[3] Basse, N.T. (2023), "Supplementary Information: An algebraic non-equilibrium turbulence model of the high Reynolds number transition region",

[4] Basse, N.T. (2021), "Scaling of global properties of fluctuating streamwise velocities in pipe flow: Impact of the viscous term", Physics of Fluids, vol. 33, 125109,

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