About the Project
Particle-based methods used for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) such as
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) are widely used for free-surface flows. At
moderate and high Reynolds numbers, turbulence needs to be taken into account in
such flows, generally via a sub-particle scale method which is analogous to the
subgrid-scale method used in Large-Eddy Simulation within Eulerian frameworks.
This project seeks to expand the current capabilities of SPH methods to moderate
Reynolds number flows through development, testing and validation of sub-
particle scale methods to open-channel flows. Applications will mainly look into
flow around bluff bodies to improve current performance of SPH to capture
laminar-to-turbulent transition. This project will inspire engineering
applications from offshore renewable energy (cable dynamics, jacket foundations,
monopiles…) to natural flood management (leaky barrier dams), amongst others.
The candidate must demonstrate experience in coding using C++ with knowledge in
Python, CUDA or Julia being advantageous. Hands-on experience with UNIX, e.g.
Linux, SPH software, e.g. DualSPHysics, or other CFD codes is positive. A degree
at MSc/MEng level in the fields of engineering, mathematics, physics,
atmospheric science or similar is mandatory, with a minimum score of 2:1 or
At Manchester we offer a range of scholarships, studentships and awards at
university, faculty and department level, to support both UK and overseas
postgraduate researchers applying for competition and self-funded projects.
For more information, visit our funding page or search our funding database for
specific scholarships, studentships and awards you may be eligible for.
Before you apply
There is no funding secured for this project but strong applicants will be
supported to pursue internal funding avenues such as the President’s Doctoral
Scholarship (PDS), Dean’s Doctoral Scholarship (DD), or Excellent Woman in
Engineering (EWE).
How to apply
Apply online through our website: https://uom.link/pgr-apply-2425
When applying, you’ll need to specify the full name of this project, the name of
your supervisor, if you already having funding or if you wish to be considered
for available funding through the university, details of your previous study,
and names and contact details of two referees.
Your application will not be processed without all of the required documents
submitted at the time of application, and we cannot accept responsibility for
late or missed deadlines. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
After you have applied you will be asked to upload the following supporting
Final Transcript and certificates of all awarded university level qualifications
Interim Transcript of any university level qualifications in progress
Supporting statement: A one or two page statement outlining your motivation to
pursue postgraduate research and why you want to undertake postgraduate research
at Manchester, any relevant research or work experience, the key findings of
your previous research experience, and techniques and skills you’ve developed.
(This is mandatory for all applicants and the application will be put on hold
without it).
Contact details for two referees (please make sure that the contact email you
provide is an official university/work email address as we may need to verify
the reference)
English Language certificate (if applicable)
If you have any questions about making an application, please contact our
admissions team by emailing FSE.doctoralacademy.admissions@manchester.ac.uk.
Equality, diversity and inclusion is fundamental to the success of The
University of Manchester, and is at the heart of all of our activities. We know
that diversity strengthens our research community, leading to enhanced research
creativity, productivity and quality, and societal and economic impact.
We actively encourage applicants from diverse career paths and backgrounds and
from all sections of the community, regardless of age, disability, ethnicity,
gender, gender expression, sexual orientation and transgender status.
We also support applications from those returning from a career break or other
roles. We consider offering flexible study arrangements (including part-time:
50%, 60% or 80%, depending on the project/funder).
Funding Notes
At Manchester we offer a range of scholarships, studentships and awards at
university, faculty and department level, to support both UK and overseas
postgraduate researchers applying for competition and self-funded projects.
For more information, visit our funding page or search our funding database for
specific scholarships, studentships and awards you may be eligible for. Faculty
funding has just been announced (President’s Doctoral Scholarship or Dean’s
Doctoral scholarship). Please contact the supervisor about funding