[Sponsors] |
Job Record #19534 | |
Title | PhD scholarships |
Category | PhD Studentship |
Employer | Curtin University |
Location | Australia, WA, Bentley |
International | Yes, international applications are welcome |
Closure Date | Monday, December 01, 2025 |
Description: | |
Number: 2; Open: Accept at any time Living stipend ($35,000 per year): covered for three years; Tuition fee ($38,000 per year): covered for four years. Fields of study: wave energy converters, control systems and fluid-structure interaction. Local and international students Full-time enrolment Strong background in wave energy converters or/and fluid-structure interaction or/and systems and control Solid background in mathematics (theories in both ordinary and partial differential equations) Supervisor: Prof Khac Duc Do Application: https://scholarships.curtin.edu.au/Scholarship/?id=7396 |
Contact Information: | |
Please mention the CFD Jobs Database, record #19534 when responding to this ad. | |
Name | Prof Khac Duc Do |
duc@curtin.edu.au | |
Email Application | Yes |
URL | https://scholarships.curtin.edu.au/Scholarship/?id=7396 |
Address | School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering Curtin University Bentley, WA 6102 Australia |
Record Data: | |
Last Modified | 13:23:06, Wednesday, January 15, 2025 |
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