CFD Jobs Database - Job Record #19531
Job Record #19531 |
Title | Transport via ratchet of airborne particles under microgravity |
Category | Internship |
Employer | Avignon University (EMMAH) / Lyon 1 University (LMFA) |
Location | France, Avignon |
International | Yes, international applications are welcome |
Closure Date | Thursday, May 01, 2025 |
Description: |
The sorting of particles in a fluid is crucial in various fields, and the ratchet effect offers a promising alternative to microfiltration, particularly in microgravity. This phenomenon is based on the selective transport of particles via a periodic flow in microchannels. The aim of the internship is to design an experimental device to demonstrate this effect, by analyzing numerical simulations of realistic 2D particle trajectories in quasi-static flow. The numerical calculations, performed with FreeFEM++ and continuation tools, will determine the parameters leading to the ratchet effect and produce a bifurcation diagram to assist design.
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Contact Information: |
Please mention the CFD Jobs Database, record #19531 when responding to this ad. |
Name | Pierre Trontin |
Email | |
Email Application | Yes |
URL | |
Record Data: |
Last Modified | 11:24:01, Friday, January 10, 2025 |
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