Deadline: Recruitment will continue until the position is filled.
The Institute for Energy Research (IER) of Jiangsu University invites
applications for highly qualified students to pursue PhD degree in Power
Engineering & Engineering Thermophysics program. The PhD students will be
integrated into the active group led by Prof. Ping Wang. This group focuses on
turbulent combustion research by LES and experimental methods, and is involved
in several research projects supported by central government, Jiangsu Province
government and industry. The successful candidate will play a key role in the
research of partially premixed combustion, stratified combustion of gaseous fuel
as well as in thermos-acoustic problem, with the aid of LES and/or laser
diagnostic methods. He or she can access IER’s HPC cluster as well access to
national supercomputing facilities.
- Master degree in Engineering, Fluid dynamics, Physics or similar
- Background in Fluid Mechanics
- Programming experience with Fortran and/or C++
- Published at least one peer-reviewed journal paper
- Good verbal and written English skills
Jiangsu University:
Jiangsu University (JSU) is ranked among the top 50 universities in China. It is
a teaching, research and community oriented comprehensive institution with
emphasis on engineering and allied disciplines. At the moment, JSU has 9
disciplines have been ranked as top 1% globally in ESI. They are Engineering,
Materials Science, Clinical Medicine, Chemistry, Agricultural Science,
Pharmacology & Toxicology, Biology & Biochemistry, Environmental Ecology and
Molecular Biology & Genetics, among which the best are Engineering ranked as top
0.76‰. JSU enjoys a national reputation of being among the top research based
academic institutions for engineering sciences. At present, more than 3000
international students enjoy the comfortable & colorful life in campus.
For more detailed information about Jiangsu University, IER, the Chinese
Government Scholarship and other related information, please visit following
Applicants should send a copy of CV, a letter of interest, information of three
referees, a summary of relevant work and representative publications via email
to Prof. Ping Wang at: