CFD Jobs Database - Job Record #19476
Job Record #19476 |
Title | Ph.D. Positions at the University of Tennessee |
Category | PhD Studentship |
Employer | University of Tennessee Chattanooga |
Location | United States, Tennessee, Chattanooga |
International | Yes, international applications are welcome |
Closure Date | * None * |
Description: |
Multiple graduate research assistant openings are available in the Micro/nano-
Engineering Laboratory at University of Tennessee Chattanooga. The positions are
for Ph.D. in Computational Engineering. Projects are in collaboration with Oak
Ridge National Laboratories and supported by USA Department of Energy and National
Science Foundation. Students interested in density functional theory, surface
chemistry, transition state search, material science, or molecular and interfacial
phenomena are welcome to apply. Prior experience in computational work and
programing skills are valued. If interested, send your resume and transcript to . These positions come with full funding, including
stipend, health care, and tuition waiver.
Contact Information: |
Please mention the CFD Jobs Database, record #19476 when responding to this ad. |
Name | Recruitment Manager |
Email | |
Email Application | Yes |
Record Data: |
Last Modified | 21:24:41, Monday, November 18, 2024 |
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