Optimizing Industrial Ventilation with CFD
Online Event, May 24, 2018 In this 30-minute webinar, you will learn how to investigate
industrial buildings designs and industrial ventilation using
cloud-based CFD in order to ensure that the contamination
the workers breathing zone is below the threshold value.
CFD Simulation for Green Building Design: Session 1 - Energy Efficient Designs for Buildings
Online Event, May 23, 2018 Learn the fundamentals of fluid flow simulation and how it can
used to meet the requirements of the LEED green building rating
system. Together with the instructor, you will analyze natural
ventilation in a green building.
16th INTERNATIONAL COURSE Simulation Methods Used for the In-flight Icing Certification of Aircraft, Rotorcraft and Jet Engines
Course, 410 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Canada, May 21, 2018 This course illustrates the state-of-the-art of CFD
applications in icing
simulations and links theory to application. It is structured
to be of equal interest to aerodynamicists, icing,
environmental systems
and flight simulation engineers, regulators and
Designated Engineering Representatives.
Thermal Design Considerations for Autonomous Vehicle Electronics
Online Event, May 17, 2018 During this presentation, we will discuss thermal design
considerations when integrating electronics that enable
Autonomous vehicles.
[Free Live Webinar] Compressible solver and Adaptive Mesh Refinement
Online Event, May 16, 2018 Check out how to use Compressible Solver and Adaptive Mesh
Refinement in MATLAB.
[Live Webinar] - Vertical / Custom Application for Faster and Reliable HRSG CFD Simulations
Online Event, May 16, 2018 Tridiagonal Solutions Inc, provides process performance
enhancement and product development solutions to its
clients, will be hosting a free webinar on
“Vertical/Custom Application for Faster and Reliable HRSG
CFD Simulations” on May 16, 2018 at 11:00 am CST, 5:00 pm
BST and 6:00 pm CEST.
The webinar will demonstrate the use of vertical/custom
application for Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)
[Live Webinar] - Vertical / Custom Application for Faster and Reliable HRSG CFD Simulations
Online Event, May 16, 2018 Tridiagonal Solutions Inc, provides process performance
enhancement and product development solutions to its
clients, will be hosting a free webinar on
“Vertical/Custom Application for Faster and Reliable HRSG
CFD Simulations” on May 16, 2018 at 11:00 am CST, 5:00 pm
BST and 6:00 pm CEST.
The webinar will demonstrate the use of vertical/custom
application for Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 16-May-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, May 16, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
OpenFOAM Advanced course
Course, Neu Isenburg, Germany, May 16, 2018 This course covers advanced topics on the open source CFD toolbox, OpenFOAM.
It is designed to enable the participants to use OpenFOAM effectively on real
engineering problems and develop the toolbox to suit their needs. It covers general
use and programming of OpenFOAM, building on topics presented earlier in the
Foundation Course.
[Webinar] Using CFD to Improve Energy Efficiency in Data Center Design
Online Event, May 16, 2018 This webinar will explain how computational fluid dynamics
simulations carried out with the SimScale cloud-based platform
can help you reduce the cooling cost of an existing data center
by optimizing the supply air temperature and the supply air
flow rate, based on the CFD results and cost functions.
[Live Webinar] - Vertical / Custom Application for Faster and Reliable HRSG CFD Simulations
Online Event, May 16, 2018 Tridiagonal Solutions Inc, provides process performance
enhancement and product development solutions to its
clients, will be hosting a free webinar on
“Vertical/Custom Application for Faster and Reliable HRSG
CFD Simulations” on May 16, 2018 at 11:00 am CST, 5:00 pm
BST and 6:00 pm CEST.
The webinar will demonstrate the use of vertical/custom
CFD application for Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)
2018 Energy & Process Simulation Symposium
Conference, Wyndham Houston West Energy Corridor , Houston, United States, May 15, 2018 Join us for a complimentary seminar! Siemens PLM is
pleased to announce the 5th Energy and Process Simulation
Symposium taking place in Houston, Texas on May 15th and
[Live Webinar] - Accelerate your Scale-Up and Tech Transfer using MixIT
Online Event, May 15, 2018 Tridiagonal Solutions Inc, provides process performance
enhancement and product development solutions to its
clients, will be hosting a free webinar on “Accelerate
your Scale-Up and Tech Transfer using MixIT” on May 15,
2018 at 9:00 am BST and 10:00 am CEST.
Large Eddy Simulation - von Karman Institute Lecture Series
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-genesius-Rode, Belgium, May 14, 2018 The purpose of this Lecture Series is to offer a full
overview of the present development and the potential of
the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of turbulent flows. Its
content is addressed both to researchers interested in the
fundamental simulation of turbulence and engineers wanting
to apply the LES technique or LES solvers to the accurate
simulations of turbulent flows.
The 30th International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics
Conference, Omni Severin Hotel, 40 W Jackson Pl, Indianapolis, United States, May 14, 2018 Parallel CFD (ParCFD) is an annual international
conference devoted to the discussion of recent
developments in parallel computing and its applications
to the field of CFD and related disciplines. Since the
establishment of the ParCFD conference series, parallel
computing technology has evolved from GFLOPS machines to
PFLOPS supercomputers. ParCFD 2018 will include
contributed and invited papers, and also panel
OpenFOAM Foundation course
Course, ESI GmbH, Siemensstrae 12, Neu-Isenburg, Germany, May 14, 2018 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox, OpenFOAM. It provides a
foundation for all aspects of OpenFOAM, from running cases to programming, so is
useful to both new users and existing users wishing to broaden their basic
knowledge of OpenFOAM.
Virtual OpenFOAM Foundation course
Online Event, May 14, 2018 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox,
OpenFOAM. Online training
via internet. It provides a
foundation for all aspects of OpenFOAM, from running cases
to programming, so is
useful to both new users and existing users wishing to
broaden their basic
knowledge of OpenFOAM.
[ Live Two Day Training Event ] Mixing in the Process Industries - San Francisco, CA - May 10 &11, 2018
Workshop, 655 Montgomery St, Suite 400, San Francisco, United States, May 10, 2018 The event will deliver the followings:
- How mixing science acts as an organizing principle for
various aspects of industrial mixing practice?
- It will further show how mixing science can be used to
reliably and seamlessly design/select the right kind of
mixing equipment for a given application.
- The utility of computational tools (CFD for fluids, DEM
for bulk solids) will also be shown via a number of
industrial examples.Process engineers and researchers
alike will find this event useful.
[Live Webinar] - Mixing In The Food Industry
Online Event, May 10, 2018 Tridiagonal Solutions Inc, provides process performance
enhancement and product development solutions to its
clients, will be hosting a free webinar on “Mixing In The
Food Industry” on May 10, 2018 at 1:00 pm CST, 7:00 pm BST
and 8:00 pm CEST.
[Live Webinar] - Mixing In The Food Industry
Online Event, May 10, 2018 Tridiagonal Solutions Inc, provides process performance
enhancement and product development solutions to its
clients, will be hosting a free webinar on “Mixing In The
Food Industry” on May 10, 2018 at 1:00 pm CST, 7:00 pm BST
and 8:00 pm CEST.
Shallow Flows - von Karman Institute Lecture Series
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-genesius-Rode, Belgium, May 7, 2018 The purpose of this Lecture Series is to offer an overview
of various aspects of shallow flows: fundamental as well as
applied aspects, and numerical modelling as well as
laboratory studies and field observations.
Online Training Program on CFD with OpenFOAM
Course, India, May 7, 2018 The goal of the present training is to objectively
appreciate the open source CFD code OpenFOAM for use on
various types of problems. This training gives the platform
to the participant to understand OpenFOAM for primary to
advanced to programming level.
Weekend batch-Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - 06-May-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, May 6, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
Join us for a Free 30 minute Webinar: ANSYS on Azure
Online Event, May 3, 2018 Learn how you can benefit from taking your ANSYS simulations
to a cloud, such as Microsoft Azure.
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 02-May-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, May 2, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
PCB Thermal Modelling with Empirical Thermal Conductivity Methods
Online Event, April 26, 2018 Attend this web seminar to learn more about PCB effective
thermal conductivity modelling and to learn more about the
accuracies of the empirical method vs analytical method.
Moving Mesh & Shape Optimization - Free Webinar
Online Event, April 25, 2018 See how easy it is to deform meshes and perform shape
optimization in MATLAB and join our webinar.
Fluid-driven Soft Robots
Workshop, Grand Hotel Palazzo, Livorno, Italy, April 24, 2018 Scalability and new domains of application of novel fluidic
compliant actuators
How does CFD complement Business Information Modelling (BIM)?
Online Event, April 19, 2018 In this webinar, we will discuss how computational fluid
dynamics (CFD)
plays a key role in the context of sustainable building
Webinar: Thermal-Fluid Simulation for Steam and Gas Turbine Systems
Online Event, April 18, 2018 In this webinar, we will discuss the approach to AxSTREAM
NET™ modeling of different systems found in steam and gas
turbines, namely end seal modeling for a 40 MW steam
turbine, lubrication system modeling for a 500 MW steam
turbine, rotor cooling modeling for a 115 MW gas turbine
and modeling of compressed air cooling in an intermediate
heat exchanger for a 0.5 MW compressor.
OpenFOAM Advanced course
Workshop, Madrid, Spain, April 18, 2018 This course covers advanced topics on the open source CFD toolbox, OpenFOAM.
It is designed to enable the participants to use OpenFOAM effectively on real
engineering problems and develop the toolbox to suit their needs. It covers general
use and programming of OpenFOAM, building on topics presented earlier in the
Foundation Course.
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 16-April-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, April 16, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
OpenFOAM Foundation course
Workshop, ESI Group, Planta 3a , Madrid, Spain, April 16, 2018 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox,
OpenFOAM. It provides a
foundation for all aspects of OpenFOAM, from running cases
to programming, so is
useful to both new users and existing users wishing to
broaden their basic
knowledge of OpenFOAM.
Virtual OpenFOAM Foundation course
Online Event, April 16, 2018 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox,
OpenFOAM. Online training
via internet. It provides a
foundation for all aspects of OpenFOAM, from running cases
to programming, so is
useful to both new users and existing users wishing to
broaden their basic
knowledge of OpenFOAM.
2-day course on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
Workshop, University of Manchester, George Begg Building, Manchester, United Kingdom, April 10, 2018 With world-leading authorities from research and industry,
this 2-day course on the SPH method will cover
basic theory, develop methodologies for modelling both
fluids (weakly compressible and incompressible), modelling
solids, high-performance computing and GPUs, hands-on
session with the open-source DualSPHysics code for real
applications, industrial perspectives, finishing with latest
state-of-the-art developments for SPH with exciting new
paradigms of variable
resolution and Eulerian SPH.
Post-Processing CONVERGE Results with Tecplot 360
Online Event, April 3, 2018 This is a webinar on CONVERGE CFD software presented by
technical partner
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 01-April-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, April 2, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
Webinar: Ventilation Design Validation for Thermal Comfort with Cloud-Based CFD
Online Event, March 29, 2018 In this free webinar, you will learn how cloud-based CFD
simulations can help you analyze and optimize air conditioning
designs for offices and buildings without leaving the web
Solid Liquid Interfaces: Challenging Molecular Aspects for Industrial Applications [SLIMAIA]
Conference, IFP Energies nouvelles - 4 avenue de Bois Préau, Rueil-Malmaison, France, March 27, 2018 This international event aims highlighting the most
recent advances, presenting a variety of innovative
experimental and theoretical methods that improve our
molecular-scale understanding of SLI and offer
significant promise for specific applications.
It will bring together experts in industrial
applications, cutting-edge characterization techniques
(in situ and operando spectroscopy, calorimetry, etc.)
and computational chemistry from the molecular to the
mesoscale level.
4th Workshop of Belgian OpenFOAM®
Workshop, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, March 22, 2018 The workshop is aiming to get together the Belgian OpenFoam®
users, share experiences, show achievements and identify
common interests. The workshop is open to anyone, but
registration is required for better organization. The scope
of the workshop includes the application of OpenFoam®
solvers to predict fluid flows, construction of simulation
platforms for special needs and development new physical models.
Annual Physicians Meeting 2018
Conference, JW Marriott Hotel, Abu Baker Al Siddique Road, near Hamarain Sh, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, March 21, 2018 The Conference on “Annual Physicians Meeting 2018” is going
to be held on March 21-23, 2018 at Dubai, UAE. We are most
awaiting to innovate new things in the presence of
specialized physicians by fetching things through their
valuable words.
OpenFOAM® General Programming Course
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, March 21, 2018 The programing course shows the how-to for the most common
programming issues in OpenFoam® covering the implementation
of new solver, adding own boundary conditions, modifying
turbulence models and defining user-specific utilities.
Introductory course to OpenFOAM®
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, March 19, 2018 The course gives a practical introduction to the structure
and usability of OpenFoam and OpenFOAM related applications
(snappyHexMesh, paraview). Besides the general introduction
the participants will perform a complete numerical
simulation starting from choosing the solver till
post-processing. The second day will be partially dedicated
to the open source mesh generator snappyHexMesh and a
multiphase simulation will be performed with the obtained mesh.
ESI OpenFOAM® Advanced Course
Workshop, San Diego, United States, March 15, 2018 This course covers advanced topics on the open source CFD
OpenFOAM. It is designed to enable the participants to use
effectively on real engineering problems and develop the
toolbox to suit
their needs. It covers general use and programming of
OpenFOAM, building
on topics presented earlier in the Foundation Course.
FloMASTER V9 – What’s New
Online Event, March 15, 2018 Introducing what’s new in FloMASTER V9.
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 15-March-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, March 15, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
Using HVAC Simulations for Indoor Agriculture
Online Event, March 14, 2018 Join us for a webinar Envenio will exploring how CFD
simulations can be
used to characterize common issues within indoor agriculture
ESI OpenFOAM® Foundation Course
Conference, 32605 W. 12 Mile Road, Suite 350, San Diego, United States, March 13, 2018 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox,
OpenFOAM. It provides a
foundation for all aspects of OpenFOAM, from running cases
to programming, so is
useful to both new users and existing users wishing to
broaden their basic
knowledge of OpenFOAM.
Course, Industriezeile 35, Linz, Austria, March 12, 2018 If you want to learn how to fully harness the power of open
source DEM and CFD-DEM simulations, visit our short courses
and get crucial knowledge directly from our developers.
LIGGGHTS® DEM Engine / CFDEM®couplingCFD-DEM Engine /
CFDEM®Workbench for LIGGGHTS®
Course, Industriezeile 35, Linz, Austria, March 12, 2018 If you want to learn how to fully harness the power of open
source DEM and CFD-DEM simulations, visit our short courses
and get crucial knowledge directly from our developers.
LIGGGHTS® DEM Engine / CFDEM®couplingCFD-DEM Engine /
CFDEM®Workbench for LIGGGHTS®
5 Days GIAN Course by Prof. Yunus A. Çengel at IIT Indore, India
Workshop, The Centre for Fluid Dynamics, IIT Indore, Indore, India, March 12, 2018 5 Days GIAN Course on 'Energy, Education and Innovation' is
being offered by
Prof. Yunus A. Çengel at IIT Indore.
Weekend batch: Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 10-March-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, March 10, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
Achieving Simulation Goals with TotalCAE High-Performance Computing Solutions for CONVERGE
Online Event, March 8, 2018 This is a webinar on CONVERGE CFD software presented by
Fundamental and Practical Aspects of Waste Heat Recovery Workshop
Workshop, San Diego Convention Center Room #3, San Diego, United States, March 7, 2018 This workshop covers everything from assessment,
opportunities, development and challenges for waste to
energy processes to fluid properties and selection while
diving into thermodynamic cycles and design of waste heat
recovery system components using a combination of both
theoretical and real-life examples.
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 01-March-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, March 1, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
An Introduction to MotorSolve: Rapid Electric Motor Design
Online Event, February 22, 2018 Is it possible to accurately design an electric motor in
less than 20 minutes? Watch this web seminar to find out how!
Optimization of Ship Hulls with CAESES and NavCad
Online Event, February 20, 2018 In this webinar, HydroComp and FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS are
joining forces to show you how their tools NavCad and CAESES
can be combined for the design and optimization of ship hulls.
We will give you an idea of the unique characteristics of
the two tools, what your benefits are and demonstrate the
capabilities and the workflow on some
relevant real-life examples.
The 4th International Conference in Ocean Engineering (ICOE2018)
Conference, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, Chennai, India, February 18, 2018 ICOE2018 will be organized by the
Department of Ocean Engineering, IIT Madras. The
department is a centre of
excellence in disciplines spanning across the areas of
ship design, coastal and harbor structures, deep-water
technologies, marine geo-techniques, energy and areas in
oil and gas. With this background, the 4th
ICOE2018 offers a platform for academicians, engineers
industry, policy makers and administrators to deliberate
on various conference themes.
Industry Oriented Course on CFD analysis from 15-February-2018 (Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX&ICEMCFD Hexa)
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, February 15, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with experimental
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
What’s New in FloEFD V17.0 and V17.1
Online Event, February 15, 2018 Find out what’s new in FloEFD Version 17.0 and 17.1 that
gives you more physics, capabilities and performance.
Thermal Comfort Assessment for ASHRAE 55 with CFD
Online Event, February 14, 2018 In this short webinar, the design of an HVAC system for a large
theater room will be analyzed with CFD, and a second improved
configuration will be designed and suitably tested. The main
decisions explored in this particular analysis are the inlet
outlet ventilation locations.
Moving boundary problems in Mechanics
Conference, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, February 12, 2018 The conference Recent Advances in Moving Boundary Problems
in Mechanics will take place from Feb 5-8 2018 in
Christchurch, New Zealand. There will be a wide range of
practical topics under discussion, including fluid-
structure interaction, free surface flows, flows over soft
tissues and textiles, flows involving accretion/erosion,
flows through deformable porous media, material forming
and shape optimisation.
COBEE2018, Melbourne, Australia Feb 5-9th 2018.
Conference, Storey Hall, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, February 5, 2018 The 4th International Conference On Building Energy &
Environment will be held in Melbourne Australia Feb 5-9th
2018. The conference brings forth the increasing demands
for indoor air quality and comfort while maintaining
sustainable practices. A significant portion of
electricity and thermal energy, and the conversion of
primary energy to electricity and thermal energy accounts
for a large portion of greenhouse gas emissions used in
Industry Oriented Course on CFD analysis from 01-February-2018 (Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX&ICEMCFD Hexa)
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, February 1, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with experimental
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
Improving Building Performance with Simulations: HVAC, Fire, and Wind Applications
Online Event, January 31, 2018 In this webinar, our engineers will demonstrate how modern
CFD tools
play a role in building design & performance. Practical
explored in this webinar will include HVAC, Fire & Smoke,
and Wind
von Karman Short Course: Radial Compressor Design and Optimization
Conference, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, January 29, 2018 This short course is the regular course on radial
compressors thought at the von Karman Institute to the
turbomachinery students
specializing in compressors in the context of the “Research
Master in Fluid Dynamics”. It provides an overview of the
present knowledge and flow models and intends to provide a
good background for the people interested in the aerodynamic
design of radial compressors.
Detailed PCB Thermal Modeling with Thermal Territories
Online Event, January 25, 2018 Whether you are creating a thermal model of a PCB for the
first time or are experienced, this web seminar will provide
insight into the best approach to take given the information
you have at hand.
General Purpose GPU Programming
Course, Cranfield University, Cranfield, United Kingdom, January 22, 2018 This five-day continuing professional development (CPD)
programme provides an introduction to programming GPUs for
general computing tasks. On completion you will be able
to: judge when and where to apply GPU computing; use
existing development tools and frameworks to best
advantage; adapt existing algorithms; understand
performance issues.
von Karman Lecture Series: Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, January 22, 2018 The objective of these lecture series on "Introduction to
CFD" is to provide an elementary tutorial presentation on
computational fluid dynamics (CFD), emphasizing the
fundamentals and surveying a variety of solution techniques
whose applications range from low speed incompressible flow
to hypersonic flow.
Industry Oriented Course on CFD analysis from 16-January-2018 (Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX&ICEMCFD Hexa)
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, January 16, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with experimental
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
GT-SUITE India Conference
Conference, Novotel Pune, Pune, India, January 15, 2018 GT-SUITE is a 1D CFD code used for system level analysis.
Gamma Technologies is excited to host the 2018 India GT
Conference on
Monday, January 15th in Pune. We invite everyone to
register for this free
event. A variety of training classes and seminars will be
held on the days
following the conference.
Advanced CFD Tool for Turbo-Machinery Applications
Workshop, IV Sanctum Hotel, 33, 5th Main, Sheshadri Road, BANGALORE, India, January 11, 2018 Hands-on Workshop aims to cover from fundamental
theory to real-time application modelling involving
fluid mechanics,
thermodynamics to Turbo-machines and its Applications. We
will be using FlowVision –Advanced, Realistic CFD
Simulations –
International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST)
Conference, National Center for Physics, Islamabad, Pakistan, January 9, 2018 IBCAST is respected as one of the best International
Conference in Pakistan. With highly competitive and
challenging review process, the quality of papers is
excellent. There are 9 activities in parallel during this
conference. Selected international key authors are funded
for partial or full travel bursaries.
Sunday batch : Industry Oriented Course on CFD analysis from 07-January-2018 (Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX&ICEMCFD Hexa)
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, January 7, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
Weekend batch: Industry Oriented Course on CFD analysis from 07-January-2018 (Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX&ICEMCFD Hexa)
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, January 7, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
Industry Oriented Course on CFD analysis from 02-January-2018 (Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX&ICEMCFD Hexa)
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, January 2, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with experimental
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
International Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics Congress 2018
Conference, Helsinki, Vanta, Helsinki, Finland, January 1, 2018 ME Conferences is excited to announce the “International
Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics Congress 2018, Holistic
and Traditional” that will be held in October 15-16, 2018
at Helsinki Finland, Malaysia. The theme of our
conference is “Emphasizing Latest updates and
Technological advancements in Aerodynamics & Fluid
Mechanics. Aerodynamics Meet 2018 initiates a world of
Aerospace technologies and developments to learn about
the latest research in Aerodynamics.
13th OpenFOAM® Workshop
Workshop, Dongchuan Road 800, Shanghai, China, January 1, 2018 The annual OpenFOAM® Workshop is the most important and
influential forum for
researchers and users from universities, institutes as well
as industries
to promote
collaborative activities and share recent advances on
OpenFOAM® in
many areas. It is
an attractive community event opening to scientist, scholars,
engineers, students,
users and contributors, regardless of their background and
Gompute user meeting
User Conference, Scandic Rubinen hotel, Gothenburg, Sweden, January 1, 2018 Simulation and Data intensive Fair
ERCOFTAC-HRLES Methods for Ind CFD, (VIII) Overview, Guidance and Examples 20-21 Nov 2018, NUMECA, BE
Course, NUMECA, BRUSSELS, Belgium, January 1, 2018 course aims:
-An overview of turbulence modelling.
-A firm foundation in the theory and ideas underlying, RANS,
LES and Hybrid RANS-LES techniques.
-Recommendation and guidance for the appropriate and
effective application of Hybrid RANS-LES. Examples from
real-world engineering simulations, using the DES class of
XXXVIII International School of Hydraulics
Conference, HOTEL DĘBOWA GÓRA Active & Spa Street: Nowe Rumunki 40/1, Łąck, Poland, January 1, 2018 XXXVIII School of Hydraulics, similarly to previous
events, is intended to provide a forum for scientists and
engineers working in the field of broadly understood
By bringing together experts (academics and
practitioners) as well as young scientists, we hope to
create a very good atmosphere for scientific debate and
learning, and also to make this occasion an enjoyable
experience for the participants.
Design and Topology Optimization using CFD and FEM
Course, Mechanical Engineering, IIT (BHU), Varanasi, India, December 21, 2017 Topology optimization
using Finite Element Method (FEM)/CFD optimizes material
layout within a given design space, for a given set of
loads, boundary conditions and manufacturing constraints
with the goal of maximizing the performance of the system.
Once the component design is freezed, any modifications
becomes a costly affair. This course aims at providing the
much needed FEM/CFD skills to analyze the components at
concept stage for light weight and efficient components.
10days course on Computational Methods and Parallel Processing in Science and Technology
Course, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India, December 20, 2017 This course emphasis on the state-of-art in contemporary
mathematical methods for problems related to fluid dynamics
with a wide spectrum of industrial applications. Topics
will include simulations of complex physical, biological,
and engineering systems, optimization and evaluation of
simulation models, scientific visualization and parallel
computing on GPU (Graphics Processing Unit).
4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and Health Sciences (ICCMEH-2017)
Conference, Manipal Institute of Techology, Manipal University, Udupi, India, December 19, 2017 The International Conference on Computational Methods in
Engineering and Health Sciences (ICCMEH-2017) serves the
purpose of bringing together the computational scientists
and engineers and medical fraternity from various
interdisciplinary domains.
One Month /15 days course on Advanced CFD analysis from 15-December-2017, Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX ,ICEMCFD Hexa
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, December 15, 2017 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live projects.
ICDECT 2017 Special Session on Optimization and Computational Techniques used for Heat and Fluid Flow
Conference, Symbiosis International University, Pune, India, December 15, 2017 We are glad to announce a special session on "Optimization
and Computational Techniques used for Heat and Fluid Flow"
in association with the 2nd International Conference on Data
Engineering and Communication Technology (ICDECT)-Springer
2017 to be held in Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune.
62nd Indian Society Of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM) Conference
Conference, College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, December 15, 2017 The Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics was
established in 1955, with its headquarters at Indian
Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. ISTAM was formed by the
think tanks of the post independent India for providing a
common platform to the Scientists, technologists and the
engineers to share and discuss the current research work
conducted by them individually or in groups to seek the
solutions to the emerging problems of the society for
better living conditions.
Transient Simulation Webinar Series: Setting up a DES Case
Online Event, December 14, 2017 In this webinar our engineers will explore how to properly
setup a DES
case, including appropriate mesh setup, optimal solver
settings, solution
monitoring, and review of the results.
XFlow 2017x Release Introduction Webinar (Dec. 12, 2017 at 5 pm CET)
Online Event, December 12, 2017 Join this free webinar to learn more about XFlow 2017x
improvements and new integrated capabilities with Dassault
Systèmes products.
ERCOFTAC-Best Practices in Combustion CFD, III DECEMBER 11-12, 2017 TU DELFT, NL
Course, TU DELFT, DELFT, Netherlands, December 11, 2017 In this course, the participants will learn the best
practices in CFD of gas turbine & ICE combustors. They will
1) how to select models
2) how to validate numerical simulations, and
3) which accuracy to expect.
4) Spray injection, flame ignition, flame
emissions, efficiency, including complex alternative fuels,
are critical
issues in the design and a key part of the course is devoted
to them.
Global Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Meeting
Conference, United Arab Emirates, December 6, 2017 Biochemical Meeting 2017 conference will impact an
attractive moment to meet people in the research field
and therefore it takes a delight in opening a gate to
meet the ability in the field, young researchers and
potential speakers.
OpenFOAM Advanced Training -
Course, 655 Montgomery Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, United States, December 6, 2017 This course covers advanced topics on the open source CFD
toolbox, OpenFOAM. It is designed to enable the
participants to use OpenFOAM effectively on real
engineering problems and develop the toolbox to suit
their needs. It covers general use and programming of
OpenFOAM, building on topics presented earlier in the
Foundation Course.
OpenFOAM Foundation Training
Workshop, 655 Montgomery Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, United States, December 4, 2017 Participants undertake exercises in simulating cases and
programming in OpenFOAM using ESI’s Cloud-based HPC
computing platform, accessed via a secure ssh connection
between desktop PCs (provided) or participants laptops,
applicable to all operating systems. All work from the
training will be stored on the cloud and participants may
download all the work and exercises on their USB flesh
drives at the end of the training.
Computational Solution of Hyperbolic PDEs for Scientists, Engineers, and Mathematicians
Course, IIT Delhi, Delhi, India, December 4, 2017 PDEs govern a large body of physical phenomena and arise in
fields of study that
are as
diverse as astrophysics, aerospace engineering, mechanical
and chemical
engineering, space
physics and applied mathematics. Cutting-edge,
high-accuracy, time-
dependent numerical algorithms have been most recently
developed for hyperbolic
PDE. This
aims to teach such algorithms for the numerical solution of
hyperbolic PDE
systems which can be used on massive computers.
One Month /15 days course on Advanced CFD analysis from 01-December-2017, Theory+Ansys Fluent,CFX ,ICEMCFD Hexa
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, December 1, 2017 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live projects.
Open Software in Continuum Mechanics 2017
Seminar, Leninsky prospect, 14, Moscow, Russia, December 1, 2017 The seminar is devoted to development and implementation
of numerical methods for continuum mechanics problems,
application of open-source codes for industrial cases,
parallel computing and big data analysis technologies.
[Live Webinar] - Smart Engineering Apps For Power Industry
Online Event, November 29, 2017 This is tailored specifically for users/enterprises
interested in significantly increasing their engineering
productivity through a consistent, repeatable automated
and easy-to-use customized workflow by taking engineering
calculations/CFD process to next level.
[Live Webinar] - Pipeline Erosion Mitigation
Online Event, November 29, 2017 Sand production from oil and gas wells is a major
challenge to field operations worldwide. A success of the
design depends upon the ability to predict erosion rates
in multiphase production of oil and gas over the life of
Cloud Computing
Course, Cranfield University, Cranfield, United Kingdom, November 27, 2017 This five-day continuing professional development (CPD)
programme will provide you with the knowledge and skills
needed to make the best use of modern cloud computing
platforms. You will be given the opportunity in lab
exercises to develop distributed cloud-enabled
applications using industry standard software, and to
deploy their applications on an openstack-based cloud
Guidelines for setting up a proper 'Transient Simulation'
Online Event, November 23, 2017 This informative webinar is for engineers considering a move
to the world
of transient simulation. During the presentation, one of
engineers will share some rules of thumb to avoid the most