A three-day course on Large Eddy Simulation (LES), hybrid LES-RANS, Detached Eddy Simulation (DES)
Course, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 31, 2018 LES is suitable for bluff-body flows or flows at low
Reynolds numbers. To extend LES to cover industrial flows at
high Reynolds numbers, new approaches (hybrid LES-RANS, DES,
URANS, SAS, PITM, PANS) must be used. They are all based on
a mix of LES and RANS. The course will give an introduction
to LES and these new methods.
OpenFOAM Conference North America 2018
Conference, Detroit, United States, October 30, 2018 This event offers the opportunity to learn about the latest
developments and
interact with users and developers across the OpenFOAM
Microfluidics Conferences
Conference, Athens, Greece, Athens, Greece, Greece, October 26, 2018
We Are Pleased To Invite Chairperson, Director/ Dean,
Associate Professors, Professors, Phd Students And Post
Graduates Of , Mechanical
Engineering,Physics,Computational Fluid Dynamics,Fluid
Mechanics,Aerospace Engineering, Young Researchers Across
The World To Attend International Conference On
Microfluidics And Fluid Mechanics which Is To Be held On
Microfluidics Conferences
Conference, Athens, Greece, Athens, Greece, Greece, October 26, 2018 We Are Pleased To Invite Chairperson, Director/ Dean,
Associate Professors, Professors, Phd Students And Post
Graduates Of , Mechanical
Engineering,Physics,Computational Fluid Dynamics,Fluid
Mechanics,Aerospace Engineering And Related Fields.,
Teachers, Business Delegates And Young Researchers Across
The World To Attend International Conference On
Microfluidics And Fluid Mechanics which Is To Be held On
What’s New in Simcenter Flomaster Software V9.1
Online Event, October 25, 2018 With the latest Simcenter FloMASTER release, we focus on
increasing user productivity and extending simulation
Free Webinar - QuickerSim CFD Toolbox for MATLAB - Comprehensive User Guide
Online Event, October 24, 2018 Learn how to use both basic and advanced QuickerSim CFD
Toolbox for MATLAB functions, how to properly set up a
case, how to generate a mesh using gmsh, and get to know
the answers to the most frequently asked user questions.
6th ESI OpenFOAM User Conference 2018
Conference, Radisson Blu Airport Hotel, Hamburg, Germany, October 23, 2018 This event, organized by ESI OpenCFD, offers a unique
opportunity to learn about the latest developments and
interact with users and developers
across the OpenFOAM community.
This is the OpenFOAM primary event in all areas of CFD
applications and Process integration; useful for CFD
engineers, Managers, IT specialists, Developers,
Consultants, Researchers, Students,those seeking Continuing
Professional Development hour-creditation.
Mechatronics 2018
Conference, Tokyo, Japan, October 22, 2018 The international conference on “Mechatronics And Systems
Engineering” scheduled in Tokyo, Japan during Oct 22-23,
2018. This conference is mainly accelerating on “Current
Trends and Future Directions in the Field of Mechatronics
and Systems Engineering”. This conference acquires a
global platform for Scientists, Mechanical Engineers,
Researchers, Electrical engineers, Computer science
engineers, Gaming professionals, Smart innovators, Young
Researchers, business Delegates
12th Asian CFD Conference
Conference, 36, Minquan Rd., Sec. 2, Yilan City, Taiwan, October 15, 2018 This year's conference is hosted in the beautiful ocean city of
YILAN and will include a combination of nine inspiring plenary
talks and parallel sessions of the latest fundamental and
researches on Mechanics. It will bring together researchers and
practitioners from academia, research institutions and
industry to
exchange experiences, disseminate up-to-date information, and
explore new opportunities in the field.
BPG Seminar CFD for Dispersed MP Flows,with Problem Shooting Session ,15th - 16th Oct 2018
Course, Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management , Warsaw, Poland, October 15, 2018 This course is rather unique as it is one of few in the
community that is specifically designed to deliver, a) a
best practice guidance and b) the latest trends in CFD for
dispersed multi-phase flows and c) many application examples.
The course appeals to researchers and engineers involved in
projects requiring CFD for (wall-bounded) turbulent
dispersed multi-phase flows with bubbles, drops or particles.
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 15-October-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, October 15, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
ISimt-18 Symposium on Innovative Simulations in Turbomachinery
Conference, Schloss Hohenkamme, Schlossstraße 18-25, 85411 Hohenkammer, Germany, October 15, 2018 ISimQ invites you to ISimT-18, its
third annual
Symposium on
Innovative Simulations in
Turbomachinery. ISimT-18 takes
place on the 15 and 16 of October
2018 in the
castle, near Munich.
Annual Conference and Expo on Analytical and Separation Techniques
Conference, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Amsterdam,Netherlands, Netherlands, October 11, 2018 Invitation To attend / speak at “Annual Conference and
Expo on Analytical and Separation Techniques 2018”
OpenFOAM® Advanced Course
Course, San Diego, United States, October 11, 2018 This course covers advanced topics on the open source CFD
toolbox, OpenFOAM. It is designed to enable the
participants to use OpenFOAM effectively on real
engineering problems and develop the toolbox to suit
their needs. It covers general use and programming of
OpenFOAM, building on topics presented earlier in the
Foundation Course.
OpenFOAM® Foundation Course
Course, San Diego, United States, October 9, 2018 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox,
OpenFOAM. It provides a foundation for all aspects of
OpenFOAM, from running cases to programming, so is useful
to both new users and existing users wishing to broaden
their basic knowledge of OpenFOAM.
Tire Simulations - Noise, Aquaplaning and Rubber Processing - Coupled CFD, FEA & Acoustic Solutions
Online Event, October 9, 2018 Tire Simulations has always been an important application
area for multiphysics simulation approaches. In the upcoming
weeks; Capvidia NV, together with its global
partners, is organizing a series of webinars to present the
state of art simulation approaches in this field to meet the
needs of tire R&D world.
See detailed event description for the schedule of webinar
series for different time zones.
For registration: www.fv-tech.com/en/tire-webinars
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 01-October-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, October 1, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
Best Practice in Transformer Design for Reliability
Online Event, September 27, 2018 Learn how to leverage virtual prototyping as the best
practice for designing reliable transformers.
Simulation partikelbeladener Strömungen (CFD, DEM, LBM)
Course, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 26, 2018 Die Simulation partikelbeladener Strömungen hat aufgrund der
heutigen Leistungsfähigkeit von Computeranlagen eine
weitreichende Bedeutung für die Auslegung von Verfahren,
Maschinen und Anlagen in der Chemie, Verfahrenstechnik,
Biotechnologie und vielen Zulieferindustrien erlangt. Sie
erfahren in einem Softwarepraktikum am Computer die
Vorgehensweisen für eine erfolgreiche Simulation einer
mehrphasigen Strömung anhand einfacher Beispiele und mittels
derzeitig verfügbarer Software.
Fluids Innovations in ANSYS 19.2 Webinar
Online Event, September 26, 2018 ANSYS 19.2 includes new features and functionality that
enable engineers to solve CFD problems with more accuracy
than ever before, especially for phenomena that were too
difficult or time-consuming to simulate using previous
methods. Register today and find out what’s new!
Live Webinar - Modern well control equipment: metal hard hat, fireproof coveralls, Athey wagon…..CFD!
Online Event, September 25, 2018 This webinar hosted by the Society of Petroleum Engineers,
will demonstrate how CFD and other simulation
tools are utilized by Wild Well Control to quantify and
reduce risk, plan operations and improve response
effectiveness. Subjects that will be covered will include
gas dispersion, subsea plume modelling, fire
simulation, cryogenic freezing, and erosion along with a
multitude of multiphase flow situations.
36th International Conference on Environmental Chemistry & Water Resource Management
Conference, Chicago, USA, Chicago, United States, September 24, 2018 Environmental Chemistry Summit 2018 aims to bring
together leading academic scientists and researchers to
exchange and share their experiences and research results
on various aspects of Environmental Chemistry, Aquatic
Chemistry and Hydropower systems. It also provides the
premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers,
practitioners and educators to present and discuss the
most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical
challenges encountered and the solutions adopted
Course, Industriezeile 35, Linz, Austria, September 17, 2018 If you want to learn how to fully harness the power of open
source DEM and CFD-DEM simulations, visit our short courses
and get crucial knowledge directly from our developers.
LIGGGHTS® DEM Engine / CFDEM®couplingCFD-DEM Engine /
CFDEM®Workbench for LIGGGHTS®
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 17-September-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, September 17, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
The 13th International Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flows, Heat and Mass Transfer - Numerical Fluids 2018
Conference, Sheraton Hotel, Rhodes, Greece, September 13, 2018 This symposium covers various subjects: from new numerical
methods and fundamental research until engineering
applications. This annual meeting is a part of the
International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied
Mathematics (ICNAAM) and thus it is organized together with
many other symposia on numerical analysis: this also offers
a wider audience since ICNAAM is perhaps one of the biggest
events in the field of the numerical analysis involving
hundreds of scientist from the whole world.
OpenFOAM® Advanced Course
Course, Houston, United States, September 13, 2018 This course covers advanced topics on the open source CFD
toolbox, OpenFOAM. It is designed to enable the
participants to use OpenFOAM effectively on real
engineering problems and develop the toolbox to suit
their needs. It covers general use and programming of
OpenFOAM, building on topics presented earlier in the
Foundation Course.
Visualizing Ocean Models in Tecplot 360
Online Event, September 13, 2018 Register today for Tecplot's upcoming webinar,
Visualization and Analysis for FVCOM Results in Tecplot
360, and learn how to evaluate coastal and ocean model
results quickly and interactively. Reserve your seat
Hochschulkurs zur Berechnung turbulenter Strömungen
Course, Dresden, Germany, September 12, 2018 Der Kurs behandelt die Modellierung und
Simulation turbulenter Strömungen. Das Thema wird in 16
sorgfältig abgestimmten Vorlesungen umfassend
behandelt - von den methodische Grundlagen bis hin zu
neueste Modellierungen und Anwendungen.
Es handelt sich um einen der ältesten und renommiertesten
Kurse im Ingenieurbereich. Er wurde vor exakt 40 Jahren von
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rodi initiiert und seitdem von führenden
Vertretern es Themas ständig verändert, angepasst und
OpenFOAM® Foundation Training
Course, Houston, United States, September 11, 2018 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox,
OpenFOAM. It
provides a foundation for all aspects of OpenFOAM, from
running cases
to programming, so is useful to both new users and
existing users
wishing to broaden their basic knowledge of OpenFOAM.
12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference
Conference, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, September 9, 2018 The next European Fluid Mechanics Conference EFMC12 will
take place in Vienna at TU Wien from September 9 to
September 13, 2018.
16th ERCOFTAC Osborne Reynolds Day Manchester University Monday September 3, 2018
Conference, School of MACE, The University of Manchester, UK, Sackville Str, Manchester, United Kingdom, September 3, 2018 The University of Manchester will once again be playing
host to the prestigious ERCOFTAC Osborne Reynolds Day in
2018. This one day event will take place in the School of
MACE, a successor of the
department in which Osborne Reynolds, established himself
the nation’s leading engineering fluid mechanicist. The
Osborne Reynolds Day programme will feature presentations
some of the brightest
of the UK’s newly-graduated and soon-to-graduate PhDs in
fluid mechanics.
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 03-September-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, September 3, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
International Summer School - Introduction to CFD for Energy Applications
Course, Palazzo Todeschini, Via Porto Vecchio 36 , Desenzano del Garda, Italy, September 3, 2018 The summer school provides all the basics of computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) for energy applications analysis.
The lectures will describe and discuss various aspects
related to CFD: the generation of the computational mesh
(generation methods, quality criteria and main open-source
software), physical modeling (turbulence models, multiphase
models) and numerical methods (finite volume method,
segregated/coupled methods, steady and unsteady problems).
Quantification and Management of Uncertainties in Digital Engineering Webinar
Online Event, August 23, 2018 Dr. Ed Kraft, SmartUQ Technical Adviser and former senior
technical adviser for the United States Air Force, will
be presenting on "Uncertainty Quantification and
Management in Digital Engineering." This webinar will be
hosted on NASA Tech Briefs website until August 23, 2018.
Register now at
FloTHERM Delta Tj Award
Algeria, August 23, 2018 We are looking for FloTHERM Heroes!
[FREE WEBINAR] Tailoring CFD Software to Your Needs
Conference, United States, August 23, 2018 CFD for non CFD people? Join our free webinar and find out
how it is possible!
International Summit on Telecommunications, Cloud Computing and Wireless Technology
Conference, Holiday Inn Singapore Atrium,Outram Rd, Singapore, 169075, Singapore, Singapore, August 22, 2018 Conference Series LLC welcomes and Invites all the
participants from over the world to attend the
‘International Summit on Telecommunications, Cloud
computing and Wireless technology’’ during August 22-23,
2018 at Holiday Inn Singapore Atrium, Singapore which
includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster
presentations and Exhibitions.
Workshop, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, August 20, 2018 OpenFOAM Summer School at Uni Zagreg
FLOW-3D Workshop - Ft. Collins, CO
Workshop, 430 N. College Ave., Rm. 104, Fort Collins, United States, August 20, 2018 Alden Lab in Fort Collins, CO is hosting a one-day FLOW-
3D workshop, with a focus on water civil
infrastructure applications.
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 16-August-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, August 16, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
OpenFOAM® Advanced Course
Course, Toronto, Canada, August 9, 2018 This course covers advanced topics on the open source CFD
toolbox, OpenFOAM. It is designed to enable the
participants to use OpenFOAM effectively on real
engineering problems and develop the toolbox to suit
their needs. It covers general use and programming of
OpenFOAM, building on topics presented earlier in the
Foundation Course.
An Introduction to Free Surface Simulation for Design and CAD Engineers
Online Event, August 9, 2018 Learn how to use free surfaces (Volume of Fluid) to fully
understand the behavior of your designs.
OpenFOAM® Foundation Training
Course, Toronto, Canada, August 7, 2018 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox,
OpenFOAM. It
provides a foundation for all aspects of OpenFOAM, from
running cases
to programming, so is useful to both new users and
existing users
wishing to broaden their basic knowledge of OpenFOAM.
Short Term Course On Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineering Applications using Open Foam and FLUENT (CFDEA-2018)
Course, DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY NORTH, Shillong, India, August 6, 2018 We are glad to inform you that Department of Biomedical
Engineering, NEHU, Shillong is going to organize a short
term course on Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineering
Applications using Open Foam and FLUENT (CFDEA-2018) from
6th to 10th of August 2018. The short term course is aimed
to sensitize and generate interest in Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) which is extensively being used in academia
and industry for research, development and design
32nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics
Conference, HafenCity University, Überseeallee 16, 20457 Hamburg , Germany, August 5, 2018 This biennial, international symposium focuses on research
and development in naval hydrodynamics.
The Symposium Proceedings have traditionally provided
archival documentation of state-of-the-art research and
development in naval hydrodynamics.
The Symposium is co-sponsored by the U.S. Office of Naval
Research (ONR) and the Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ship
Theory of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).
Introduction to Custom Components in FloMASTER
Online Event, August 2, 2018 Join this presentation to see the full range of
customizations available to the user.
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 01-August-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, August 1, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
[ Live Two Day Training Event ] - Mixing In The Food Industry
Conference, MicroTek, Chicago, United States, July 19, 2018 Tridiagonal Solutions Inc, provides process performance
enhancement and product development solutions to its
clients, will be hosting a Live Training Event for
Chemical Process Industry Professionals on “Mixing In The
Food Industry ” on July 19-20, 2018 at MicroTek, 230 W
Monroe St, Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60606.
OpenFOAM Advanced course
Course, London, United Kingdom, July 18, 2018 This course covers advanced topics on the open source CFD toolbox, OpenFOAM.
It is designed to enable the participants to use OpenFOAM effectively on real
engineering problems and develop the toolbox to suit their needs. It covers general
use and programming of OpenFOAM, building on topics presented earlier in the
Foundation Course.
NUMECA Meshing Workshop
Workshop, Heilbronner Straße 21, Stuttgart, Germany, July 18, 2018 Do you think meshing your models should be faster than
running the simulation? We do! The intuitive and powerful
NUMECA meshing suite enables you to step up your
productivity in no time.
Physics Conferences | International Physics Conferences | Optics and Lasers Conferences
Conference, Best Hotel in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, July 17, 2018 EURO PHYSICS 2018 cordially invites participants from all
over the world to attend 5th World Congress on Physics,
scheduled during July 17-18, 2018 at Prague, Czech
Republic mainly focused on the theme “Exploring ideas in
recent trends, Advancements and Innovations in Physics
and allied concepts”.
Physics Conferences | International Physics Conferences | Optics and Lasers Conferences
Conference, Best Hotel in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, July 17, 2018 EUROPHYSICS 2018 cordially invites participants from all
over the world to attend 5th World Congress on Physics,
scheduled during July 17-18,2018 at Prague,Czech
Republic mainly focused on theme “Exploring ideas in
recent trends, Advancements and Innovations in Physics
and allied concepts”.
To know more: https://physics.physicsmeeting.com
Abstract Submission:
Physics Conferences
Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, Prague, Algeria, July 17, 2018 EURO PHYSICS 2018 cordially invites participants from all
over world to attend 5th World Congress on Physics,
scheduled during July 17-18,2018 at Prague,Czech
Republic mainly focused on theme “Exploring ideas in
recent trends, Advancements and Innovations in Physics
and allied concepts”. To know more PS:
Abstract Submission:
Physics Conferences
Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, Prague, Algeria, July 17, 2018 EURO PHYSICS 2018 cordially invites participants from all
over the world to attend 5th World Congress on Physics,
scheduled during July 17-18,2018 at Prague,Czech
Republic mainly focused on theme “Exploring ideas in
recent trends, Advancements and Innovations in Physics
and allied concepts”.To know more PS:
Abstract Submission:
[FREE WEBINAR] - Accelerate your Scale-Up and Tech Transfer using MixIT
Online Event, July 17, 2018 Tridiagonal Solutions Inc, provides process performance
enhancement and product development solutions to its
clients, will be hosting a free webinar on “Accelerate
your Scale-Up and Tech Transfer using MixIT” on July 17,
2018 at 02:30 PM IST and 11.00 AM CEST.
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 16-July-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, July 16, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
OpenFOAM Foundation course
Course, London, United Kingdom, July 16, 2018 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox, OpenFOAM. It provides a
foundation for all aspects of OpenFOAM, from running cases to programming, so is
useful to both new users and existing users wishing to broaden their basic
knowledge of OpenFOAM.
Virtual OpenFOAM Foundation course
Online Event, July 16, 2018 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox, OpenFOAM. Online training
via internet. It provides a
foundation for all aspects of OpenFOAM, from running cases to programming, so is
useful to both new users and existing users wishing to broaden their basic
knowledge of OpenFOAM.
12th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics
Conference, Hotel Slon, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 10, 2018 The object of the meeting is to provide a forum
for discussing new work in fluid mechanics and,
in particular, for promoting the interchange of
new ideas and the presentation on the latest
applications in the field.
12th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics
Conference, Hotel Slon, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 10, 2018 The object of the meeting is to provide a forum
for discussing new work in fluid mechanics and,
in particular, for promoting the interchange of
new ideas and the presentation on the latest
applications in the field.
ICCFD10 - Barcelona - July 9-13, 2018
Conference, Palau Macaya, Barcelona, Spain, July 9, 2018 ICCFD is a leading international conference devoted to all
innovative aspects of
CFD, fundamental and applied. This year's conference is
hosted in the beautiful
city of Barcelona and will include a combination of five
inspiring plenary talks from
world leading experts and three parallel sessions of the
latest fundamental and
applied CFD research.
Conference, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, July 9, 2018 The International Conference on Computational Methods for
Thermal Problems aims at bringing together researchers,
scientists, practitioners and students interested in thermal
problems, and the possibility to solve these
problems efficiently with Computational Techniques.
2nd Summer School on Complex Fluid-Flows in Microfluidics
Course, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, July 9, 2018 This course intends to provide cutting-edge knowledge on
fluid-flow at microscale, from experimental and numerical
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 02-July-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, July 2, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
Course, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Indore, India, July 1, 2018 The course focuses on lectures and practical sessions on the
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (CFD). In
this workshop experts from reputed organizations will
deliver lectures in basics of CFD and advanced applications.
In addition, there will be practical training using
Open-FOAM CFD software. Participants will get the hand on
training on simulating real-life problems.
Thermal Territories 101: Detailed Descriptions and How to Model Them
Online Event, June 28, 2018 Learn how the interaction of Thermal Territories with PCBs
changed with the introduction of the New Empirical
Calculation method for effective Thermal Conductivities.
II Brazilian Congress on Computational Fluid Dynamics
Conference, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 27, 2018 The CBCFD is the largest event in South America related
the computational fluid dynamics. It brings together
researchers, scientist and engineers from various fields
of CFD application. It is a unique opportunity to keep
up to date with the latest advances in the field of
numerical modelling of fluid flow
13th SPHERIC International Workshop
Workshop, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland, June 26, 2018 The SPHERIC International Workshop is the annual global
forum for development and applications of Smoothed Particle
Hydrodynamics (SPH) and related meshless particle methods.
Join us on Ireland's Atlantic Coast to share the latest
advances in SPH. In addition, the optional training day on
25 June offers an intensive introduction to the theory and
application of SPH.
5th International conference on Turbulence and Interaction
Conference, Les trois Ilets, France, June 25, 2018 The TI2018 Conference participates to the same philosophy as
previous ones, with emphasis in providing strong evidence
that the triptych of science, namely theory, experiments and
computing, through their interplay come to achieving
progress in understanding and predicting the physics of
complex flows and engineering problems.
Multi-physics Modeling Techniques using CFD
Course, IIT (BHU), Varanasi, India, June 25, 2018 Almost every engineering problem comprises of interactions
between matter: water, air, oil, solid particles etc. For
this reason, the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analyst
should carefully specify the problem, taking these factors
into consideration. Extensive modeling techniques such
proper mesh generation, how to apply relevant boundary
conditions, who to decide on 2D or 3D models etc. will be
covered in the program.
Multi-physics Modeling Techniques using CFD
Workshop, IIT (BHU), Varanasi, India, June 25, 2018 Almost every engineering problem comprises of interactions
between matter: water, air, oil, solid particles etc. For
this reason, the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analyst
should carefully specify the problem, taking these factors
into consideration. Extensive modeling techniques such
proper mesh generation, how to apply relevant boundary
conditions, who to decide on 2D or 3D models etc. will be
covered in the program.
High Performance Computing (HPC) of Computational Fluid Dynamics Problems
Course, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India, June 25, 2018 This course aimed at introducing a methodology to solve
complex linear/nonlinear problems numerically using HPC.
This unique course gives training to write parallel
programming codes on a multi-CPU framework and provides
information about high accuracy schemes that requires
lesser computational resources. This course is a blend of
parallel computing along with the numerical methods that
requires at least 1000 times less computing resources than
any traditional methods.
13th OpenFOAM® Workshop
Workshop, Dongchuan Road 800, Shanghai, China, June 24, 2018 The annual OpenFOAM® Workshop is the most important and
influential forum for
researchers and users from universities, institutes as well
as industries
to promote
collaborative activities and share recent advances on
OpenFOAM® in
many areas. It is
an attractive community event opening to scientist, scholars,
engineers, students,
users and contributors, regardless of their background and
[LIVE WEBINAR] Tailoring CFD Software to Your Needs
Online Event, June 21, 2018 If you want to learn about tailoring CFD software to your
needs as well as user stories and how to speed-up R&D in
your company JOIN OUR WEBINAR !
OpenFOAM Advanced course
Course, Paris, France, June 20, 2018 This course covers advanced topics on the open source CFD toolbox, OpenFOAM.
It is designed to enable the participants to use OpenFOAM effectively on real
engineering problems and develop the toolbox to suit their needs. It covers general
use and programming of OpenFOAM, building on topics presented earlier in the
Foundation Course.
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 20-June-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, June 20, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
[ Live One Day Training Event ] - Mixing in Stirred Tanks
Conference, Lylantse Plein 1, 2908 LH, Netherlands, June 19, 2018 Tridiagonal Solutions Inc, provides process performance
enhancement and product development solutions to worldwide
clients, will be hosting a Live One Day Training Event for
Chemical Process Industry Professionals on “Mixing in
Stirred Tanks” on June 19, 2018 at Lylantse Plein 1, 2908
LH Capelle aan den IJssel, Netherlands.
[ Live One Day Training Event ] - Smart Computational Tools For Industrial Mixing
Workshop, ExitCertified, 1150 1ST AVE SUITE 200, 19406, King Of Prussia, United States, June 19, 2018 Tridiagonal Solutions Inc, provides process performance
enhancement and product development solutions to its
clients, will be hosting a Live Training Event for
Chemical Process Industry Professionals on “Smart
Computational Tools For Industrial Mixing ” on June 19th,
2018 at ExitCertified, 1150 1ST AVE SUITE 200 King Of
Prussia, PA 19406.
A three-day course on ``Large-Eddy Simulation and Detached-Eddy Simulations: How to use an in-House Fortran source code''
Course, Waterfront Hotel, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 18, 2018 During the course, the participants will learn and work with
an in-house LES/DES code called CALC-LES, written by the
lecturer. It is a finite volume code written in Fortran 77.
OpenFOAM Foundation course
Course, Paris, France, June 18, 2018 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox, OpenFOAM. It provides a
foundation for all aspects of OpenFOAM, from running cases to programming, so is
useful to both new users and existing users wishing to broaden their basic
knowledge of OpenFOAM.
Virtual OpenFOAM Foundation course
Online Event, June 18, 2018 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox,
OpenFOAM. Online training
via internet. It provides a
foundation for all aspects of OpenFOAM, from running cases
to programming, so is
useful to both new users and existing users wishing to
broaden their basic
knowledge of OpenFOAM.
CAD2FM – Automated Conversion of 3D CAD Piping Geometry to a FloMASTER Sub-System
Online Event, June 14, 2018 CAD2FM is a highly automated workflow to convert 3D CAD
piping geometries into a FloMASTER Sub-System definition
with just a few mouse clicks.
6th Symposium on OpenFOAM in Wind Energy (SOWE)
Conference, Gotland, Sweden, June 13, 2018 The use of OpenFOAM in the wind energy community has been
spreading. The conference is to discuss all aspects of the
development and use of CFD methods in wind energy with
OpenFOAM. This includes, but is not limited to wind field
simulateions, site assessments, aerodynamics or wind water
Conference, Milano, Italy, June 13, 2018 Third International Conference in numerical and experimental
of road vehicles and trains
This conference is meant as a place where engineers and
researchers can
exchange their ideas in ground vehicle aerodynamics. It is
meant as a
forum for engineers and scientists from industry
(manufacturers and
operators of road vehicles and trains) and universities for
and discussions of the relevant advances in vehicle
OpenFOAM Overset course
Online Event, June 13, 2018 This course covers Theoretical and Applied concepts using overset (chimera)
meshing in OpenFOAM.The training provides examples of process and best
practice, which are useful to existing OpenFOAM users wishing to broaden their
application knowledge of OpenFOAM towards using overset meshing as an
alternative to mesh morphing or sliding interfaces.
OpenFOAM Aeroacoustics course
Online Event, June 12, 2018 This course covers Theoretical and Applied concepts in Aeroacoustics (CAA) using
OpenFOAM, touching on progressive Multiphysics design challenges, e.g. Aero-
Vibro-acoustics (AVA).The training provides examples of process and best
CFD 2018
Conference, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, June 10, 2018 The CFD Society of Canada cordially invites the research
community to contribute to the CFD2018 conference. Rapid
advances in computing technology have made CFD an
increasingly important tool for predicting and analyzing
fluid flow and heat and mass transfer, with applications to
mechanical, aerospace, civil, and chemical engineering.
Contributions from all sectors are solicited, across the
full spectrum of CFD research and applications.
Optimizing Ventilation in Power Plants with CFD
Online Event, June 7, 2018 This webinar will demonstrate how CFD can be used to
optimize the
ventilation system layout of a power plant.
ERCOFTAC-Wind Loads on Structures, 7-8 June 2018, MOE , Copenhagen, Denmark
Seminar, MOE, COPENHAGEN, Denmark, June 7, 2018 A two day seminar encompassing recent advances in the
modelling and simulation of wind loads on structures, where
the structures expressed range from the built environment
and on to wind turbines. The aim is to utilise recent
advances in both experimental and computational techniques
to discover and support new best practices in this
domain.Topics cover advances in CFD (turbulence modelling),
FSI,Stochastics,Wind tunnels,calibration methods,onto
validation and verification.
ERCOFTAC - Computational Aeroacoustics, III 4-5 June 2018 2018 ONERA, Paris, France
Course, ONERA, PARIS, France, June 4, 2018 Designed for researchers in industry and academia.
1) full overview of aeroacoustics theories,2) discuss the
practical coupling between CFD’s results and CA , 3) review
applications in engineering 4) Present advanced CA methods,
5) review the direct computation of aerodynamic noise, and
6) specific topics reflecting participant interests
discussed in a round table session.
Online training session on Lattice-Boltzmann Method
Online Event, June 4, 2018 A short online training course on the Lattice-Boltzmann
Method will be organized by CERFACS in June. It aims at
introducing this topic to engineers, PhD students or
researchers willing to get a brief theoretical overview on this
topic. The focus will be on understanding the concepts - not
on mathematics.
Weekend batch-Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis from 02-June-2018 at 4 PM
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, June 2, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 01-June-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, June 1, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
Irrigation System Design Study with CFD feat. L&T
Online Event, May 31, 2018 This free webinar is based on the success story of Larsen &
(L&T), India’s largest construction organization and ranked
the world’s top 30 contractors.
Introducing FloTHERM v12.1
Online Event, May 31, 2018 Learn how FloTHERM v12.1 improves model accuracy and user
CFD Simulation for Green Building Design: Session 2 - Thermal Comfort for Occupants
Online Event, May 30, 2018 Learn how to use fluid flow simulation to ensure compliance
ASHRAE 55 and other standards for thermal comfort in
buildings. We
will look into a case study where thermal comfort was
optimized in
on office.
Webinar: An Introduction to FlowVision CFD Software – The Unique Modeling Technologies & Simulation Capabilities
Online Event, May 30, 2018 Sub-Grid Geometry Resolution (SGGR™); lossless CAD
Grid Adaptation; Dynamic local adaptations based on moving
bodies and solution gradients
Moving Bodies; Complete flexibility In
definition/calculation of motions
Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI); 2-way strong coupling,
realistic results, simple workflow
Gap Model™: Tackle dimensionality problems without
resolving with grid elements
Advanced VOF: Free surface reconstruction and exact mass
How MCW and Envenio Improved a Facility’s Energy Efficiency using HVAC Simulations
Online Event, May 29, 2018 In the webinar, MCW Maricor and Envenio will discuss how
they collaborated
on a recent project to use good mechanical HVAC design and
simulations to reduce capital costs and improve energy
efficiency in a
production facility.
Online training session on thermo-acoustic instabilities
Online Event, May 28, 2018 A short online training course on Thermo-acoustic Instabilities
will be organized by CERFACS in May/June. It aims at
introducing this topic to engineers, PhD students or
researchers willing to get a brief theoretical overview on this
topic. The focus will be on understanding the concepts - not
on mathematics. It starts on Monday, May 28.