PyTecplot 30-Minute Quick Start
Online Event, June 20, 2019 The goal of this Webinar is to get you up and running with
PyTecplot, Tecplot
360’s Python API, in 30 minutes or less. We will use the
case of the Onera M6
Wing and export images of slices at multiple locations. This
simple case is
used for illustration, but we will also discuss more
complicated scenarios.
LES and DES: How to use an in-House Fortran source code
Workshop, Waterfront Hotel , Gothenburg, Sweden, June 17, 2019 The course includes lectures (12 hours) and workshops (12
hours) learning and using CALC-LES
Industry Oriented CFD Analysis course , from 17-June-2019 , 9 AM, regular , full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, June 17, 2019 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 17 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
Industry Oriented CFD Analysis course , from 17-June-2019 , 9 AM, regular , full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, June 17, 2019 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 17 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
OpenSource CFD: Basic
Course, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai, India, June 12, 2019 The aim of this course is to cover the basic knowledge that
is needed to efficiently
use OpenSource software for Computational Fluid Dynamic
Basics of heat and fluid flow modeling – workshop for non-CFD professionals
Course, Rektorska 4, Warszawa, Poland, June 10, 2019 The course introduces the basics of the numerical heat
and fluid flow modelling to
engineers who are new to this field or CFD simulations
are not their main
occupation. The workshop consists of the theoretical
(physics+numerical models), review
and practical part with hands-on computer exercises.
In contrast to the standard CFD-software vendor
workshops, we focus on the general idea
of flow modelling rather than the operation of the
specific software.
3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy
Seminar, Barcelona,Spain, London, United Kingdom, June 10, 2019 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy is to be
held at Barcelona, Spain during June 10-11, 2019
organized by Conference series LLC ltd. It will bring
together world-class professors, scientists, academic
scholars, Students and doctors to discuss about the
current developments, on in the field of Wind& Renewable
Energy from all around the world.
Optimizing the Cooling of an EV/HEV Traction Motor
Online Event, June 6, 2019 Find out how Simcenter traction motor low-frequency
electromagnetic-thermal CFD solutions are ensuring robust
designs at peak conditions.
International bridge programme on CFD analysis - Highly advanced level programme for MS abroad aspirants
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, June 3, 2019 1.Three months full time programme(9 AM-6 PM).
2.Work with real time,highly complicated Aerospace and
Defence domain projects with analytical&experimental
hand calculations.
3. First time in India,space heat transfer application
case studies involving representative space models through
CFD techniques.
4. Advanced work stations with unlimited parallel processing
licenses to each students.
5. Realistic projects on Gas Turbine combustion.
6. Mentor:Mr.Rudresh Ganganna ,Former Scientist- ISRO.
Topology Optimization and Additive Manufacturing: FEM and Applications
Workshop, IIT (BHU), Varanasi, India, June 3, 2019 Product topology optimization using Finite
Element Method (FEM) optimizes material layout within a
given design space, for a given set of loads, boundary
conditions and manufacturing constraints with the goal of
maximizing the performance of the system. This workshop
aims at providing hands-on skills to product development and
FEM analyse the components of product at concept stage for
light weight and efficient components.
Free OpenFOAM Training at Oregon State University
Course, COEAS, Oregon State University, Corvallis, United States, June 3, 2019 Prof. Hrvoje Jasak will deliver a 2-day free OpenFOAM
training seminar at CEOAS Oregon State University 3-4 June
Industry Oriented CFD Analysis course , from 03-June-2019 , 9 AM, regular , full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, June 3, 2019 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 17 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
Leakage Simulations Webinar
Online Event, May 28, 2019 Leakage Simulations Webinar: CFD & FSI of Tight
Clearances, Tiny Channels in Large Domains, Deformable
In this Capvidia webinar, we will be focusing on
simulations including these leakage flows: State of
art simulation methodologies using CFD (FlowVision)
and FEA tools to attack the problem of solving leakage
flows will be covered.
Summer School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with OpenFOAM
Course, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NAGPUR, India, May 24, 2019 Four-week event on CFD with OpenFOAM at VNIT, Nagpur
Microfluidic Conference
Conference, LAS VEGAS, LAS VEGAS, United States, May 23, 2019 2nd International Microfluidics Congress cordially
welcomes the Global audience to participate in the
conference which is to be held May 22-23, 2019, Las
Vegas, USA. The main theme of the conference is “Recent
Advancements and application of Microfluidics”.
10th International Conference on Computational & Experimental Methods in Multiphase & Complex Flow
Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, May 21, 2019 The overall focus of this conference series is on using
synergies between experimental and computational techniques
to gain a better understanding of all classes of multiphase
and complex flow. The meeting aims to facilitate the
exchange of ideas and experiences directly and
interactively, thereby promoting the development of
knowledge in this increasingly important field.
2019 Energy and Process Simulation Symposium
Conference, Wyndham Houston West Energy Corridor , Houston, United States, May 21, 2019 Siemens PLM is pleased to announce the 6th Energy &
Process Simulation Symposium taking place in Houston, TX
on 21-22 May 2019
2019 Energy and Process Simulation Symposium
Conference, Wyndham Houston West Energy Corridor, 14703 Park Row , Houston, United States, May 21, 2019 Siemens Digital Industries invites you to the 6th Energy and
Process Simulation Symposium in Houston, TX. Join us to
learn about the power of
advanced engineering simulation technologies (CFD, FEA, DEM)
and its role in your digital strategy. The event will bring
together industry-leading
presenters from companies including Aker Solutions, Shell,
BP, TechnipFMC. Attendance of the symposium is
complimentary, but space is limited so
please register now if you can join us.
XXXVIII School of Hydraulics
Conference, HOTEL DĘBOWA GÓRA Active & Spa, Łąck, Poland, May 21, 2019 XXXVIII School of Hydraulics, similarly to previous
events, is intended to provide a forum for scientists and
engineers working in the field of broadly understood
By bringing together experts (academics and
practitioners) as well as young scientists, we hope to
create a very good atmosphere for scientific debate and
learning, and also to make this occasion an enjoyable
experience for the participants.
Turbulent Combustion
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, May 20, 2019 The objective of this biannual Lecture Series on Turbulent
Combustion is to present the state-of-the-art review of
on-going activities in turbulent combustion and to outline
current research directions. Introductory lectures on the
fundamentals of combustion, and in particular of turbulent
combustion, are followed by up-to-date reviews on numerical
modeling and experimental diagnostics for gaseous- and
liquid-fuel combustion.
Industry Oriented CFD Analysis course , from 15-May-2019 , 9 AM, regular , full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, May 15, 2019 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 17 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
31st International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics
Conference, The Rixos Downtown Hotel , Antalya, Turkey, May 14, 2019 Parallel CFD is an annual conference series dedicated to the
discussion of recent developments and applications of
parallel computing in the field of Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) and related disciplines.
CFD for Atmospheric Flows and Wind Engineering
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, May 6, 2019 The present course offers a wide overview of the
state-of-the-art, with applications ranging from
microclimate, wind engineering, to mesoscale, meteorology,
and their coupling. Reynolds Averaging (RANS) and Large-Eddy
(LES) approaches are discussed and their respective
capabilities at meso- and microscales are evaluated, with
focus on realistic inflow, wall modelling, Uncertainty
Quantification and validation.
CFD und Verfahrenstechnik: Zwischen Euphorie und Skepsis
Course, Lehrstuhl für Fluidverfahrenstechnik Fakultät Maschinenbau, Paderborn, Germany, May 6, 2019 CFD-Methoden bieten eine schnelle,
kostengünstige Möglichkeit das Prozessverständnis zu
verbessern, Parameterstudien durchzuführen und
Optimierungsansätze zu prüfen. Durch die wachsende
Rechnerleistung und stetige Verbesserung der Software-Tools
erweitern sich Einsatzgebiete und Zahl der Anwender
steigt ständig. Der Kurs soll helfen
CFD als zuverlässiges Werkzeug in der Verfahrenstechnik zu
Artificial Intelligence in ICE CFD modeling: Webinar
Online Event, May 6, 2019 Webinar organized by the University of Massachusetts
targetted for industry partners (OEM/ISV) to share
knowledge about an upcoming project that aims to use
Artificial Intelligence in ICE CFD modeling to improve
model fidelity. Please join in using the link
(https://lnkd.in/ePVbFgH) and an invite to the event will
be sent shortly
Industry Oriented CFD Analysis course , from 01-May-2019 , 9 AM, regular , full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, May 1, 2019 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 17 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
International bridge programme on CFD analysis - Highly advanced level programme for MS abroad aspirants
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, May 1, 2019 1.Three months full time programme(9 AM-6 PM).
2.Work with real time,highly complicated Aerospace and
Defence domain projects with analytical&experimental
hand calculations.
3. First time in India,space heat transfer application
case studies involving representative space models through
CFD techniques.
4. Advanced work stations with unlimited parallel processing
licenses to each students.
5. Realistic projects on Gas Turbine combustion.
6. Mentor:Mr.Rudresh Ganganna ,Former Scientist- ISRO.
21st annual AeSI CFD Symposium2019 being held in Bangalore
Conference, National Aerospace Laboratory, Bangalore, India, May 1, 2019 21st annual AeSI CFD Symposium2019 being held in Bangalore
on 8th & 9th of August. CFD areas that cut across
Industries, which would be covered in the Symposium include:
CFD Applications in Multidisciplinary Areas
For assistance with regards to submission of papers,
registration etc., you can either:
1. E-mail : Dr. V. Ramesh, Joint Head, CTFD Division, NAL
: vramesh@nal.res.in
2. Call : Shaila @ +91 93 9000 4190
Aircraft Electric Propulsion
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, April 23, 2019 The objective of the von Karman lecture Series on "Aircraft
Electric Propulsion" is to address from a multi-disciplinary
perspective the various attributes that are affected by the
hybrid or full electrification of small and large aircraft:
architectural and aerodynamic design, propulsion systems,
operational costs and safety, noise generation and power
Industry Oriented CFD Analysis course , from 15-April-2019 , 9 AM, regular , full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, April 15, 2019 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 17 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
Better Plant Cooling System Design Through Optimized System Simulation
Online Event, April 11, 2019 Optimizing thermal fluid system design using virtual
prototyping and costing simulations.
How to Analyze Your Time-Dependent Data 6 Times Faster
Seminar, United States, April 3, 2019 TECPLOT WEBINAR - Parts of the post-processing pipeline are
inherently single-threaded - data
loading and rendering come to mind. The challenge is how to
reduce these bottlenecks to speed up
the process.
Industry Oriented CFD Analysis course , from 01-April-2019 , 9 AM, regular , full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, April 1, 2019 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 17 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
Pyrolysis phenomena in porous media
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, April 1, 2019 The objective of the von Karman Lecture Series on "Pyrolysis
phenomena in porous media" is to allow several research
groups with different background to work together and share
good (and bad) ideas. The applications selected are: I.
Thermal conversion of biomass into biofuel, II. Fire
protections, and III. Thermal protection systems for
spacecraft atmospheric entries.
Workshop, FutureCAE Technologies Private Limited,# 485, Rajiv Gandhi,Road, Perungudi,Chennai96, India, March 30, 2019 OpenFOAM is the Open Source CFD Software that is widely
used for Analyzing Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, Mass
Transfer and Chemical reactions related physical
phenomena. Open source software not only has the
Advantage of being free to use but also allows users full
access to the source code which can be modified or
extended to better suit specific applications.
It is a balanced course for beginner in CFD. No prior
experience in CFD and OpenFoam is necessary.
OpenFOAM® general programming course
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, 1640, Belgium, March 27, 2019 The von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics is organizing an
OpenFOAM® general programming course. The programing course
shows the how-to for the most common programming issues in
OpenFoam® covering the implementation of new solver, adding
own boundary conditions, modifying turbulence models and
defining user-specific utilities.
Introductory course to OpenFOAM®
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, 1640, Belgium, March 25, 2019 The von Karman Institute is organizing an OpenFOAM®
introductory course. The introductory course gives a
practical introduction to the structure and usability of
OpenFoam and OpenFOAM related applications (snappyHexMesh,
ANSYS 2019 R1 Fluids Update
Online Event, March 19, 2019 ANSYS 2019 R1 introduces the new Fluent experience. Along
with a new look and task-based workflows, you will
appreciate the enhanced speed and simplicity of this
single-window way to run computational fluid dynamics
simulations in ANSYS Fluent. GEKO lets you control
turbulence, and you can now easily leverage cloud
computing to speed your simulations by submitting jobs
directly from the Fluent desktop.
Industry Oriented CFD Analysis course , from 15-March-2019 , 9 AM, regular , full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, March 15, 2019 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 17 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
Introducing Simcenter Flomaster v.9.2
Online Event, March 14, 2019 In this web seminar you’ll learn about the new features in
Simcenter Flomaster V9.2
Physics Conferences
Conference, Amsterdam , Netherlands, Amsterdam, Netherlands, March 14, 2019 Greetings from Physics 2019..!!
We take great pleasure in inviting your esteemed self to
EuroSciCon Conference on Physics (Physics 2019) is
scheduled during Mar 14-15, 2019 in the city Amsterdam,
Netherland as a Speaker/Delegate/Exhibitor .
For more details: - https://physics.euroscicon.com/
With regards
Natalie Jackson | Program Manager
Email: - physics@eurosciconevents.org
3rd CFDEM®conference
Conference, Park Inn Hotel, Linz, Austria, March 14, 2019 The conference organized by the official developers of
LIGGGHTS® and CFDEM®coupling with focus on modelling and
simulation of particle flow processes.
Designing Better Circuit Breakers Using ANSYS Fluent — ANSYS Maxwell Multiphysics Simulation
Online Event, March 14, 2019 In this webinar, we’ll present a multiphysics simulation-
based approach for evaluating electric arc movement
inside the circuit breaker. This approach combines ANSYS
Fluent and ANSYS Maxwell and has been validated for
industrial megawatt circuit breakers. It helps designers
understand the causes of circuit breaker design failures.
With better insights, designers can narrow down their
design choices for physical testing and validation.
Seminar, Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik IBP, Fraunhoferstraße 10, 83626 Valley, Germany, March 13, 2019 The digital transformation of the building industry is
underway - keyword “Building Information Modelling –
BIM”. The added value of digital models extends far
beyond the traditional methods of building planning. The
SimXp seminar on 13 and 14 March 2019 in Holzkirchen,
Germany, will show how to combine simulation and
experimentation to benefit from digitalisation.
Multiphase Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
Course, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Allahabad, India, March 12, 2019 The course will begin with a brief introduction to
various multiphase flows and their applications followed
by mathematical models and governing equations for
disperse and separated multiphase flows. The key
components of the course will involve Eulerian and
Lagrangian approaches and their implementation to solve
practical problems using Ansys-Fluent. All the needed
mathematical models and the numerical methods, and the
detailed numerical set up will be presented.
von Karman Institute Symposium of VKI Doctoral Research 2019
Waterloosesteenweg 75, Sint-genesius-Rode, Belgium, March 11, 2019 During the 10th PhD symposium, the VKI graduate students
will review the doctoral research carried out in the three
departments of the Institute: Aeronautics and Aerospace,
Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics, and Turbomachinery
and Propulsion.
Cloud Computing Conferences
Conference, London, London, Canada, March 11, 2019 https://cloud-computing.insightconferences.com/
LIGGGHTS® and CFDEM®coupling training
Course, Industriezeile 35, Linz, Austria, March 11, 2019 If you want to learn how to fully harness the power of open
source DEM and CFD-DEM simulations, visit our short courses
and get crucial knowledge directly from our developers.
LIGGGHTS® DEM Engine / CFDEM®couplingCFD-DEM Engine /
CFDEM®Workbench for LIGGGHTS®
Cloud Computing Conference
Conference, London, London, United Kingdom, March 11, 2019 International Conference on Data Analysis and Cloud
Computing with the theme of “The Next Evolution of Cloud
Computing” which is going to be held during March 11-12,
2019 at London, UK
Advances in Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics (ACFD-2019)
Workshop, Department of Applied Mechanics, MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj (Allahabad), India, March 6, 2019 This workshop is ideal for practicing engineers, faculty
and research students who have basic background in either
fluid dynamics or numerical methods and wish to use CFD
to solve real life/research problems. The workshop is
designed to make the participants learn from basics of
CFD to the use of opensource CFD to a variety of real
life problems.
Industry Oriented CFD Analysis course , from 02-March-2019 , Week end batch
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, March 2, 2019 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 17 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
Industry Oriented CFD Analysis course , from 02-March-2019 , Week end batch
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, March 2, 2019 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 17 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
Industry Oriented CFD Analysis course , from 01-March-2019 , 9 AM, regular , full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, March 1, 2019 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 17 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
Aeronautical Society of India’s 21st CFD Symposium
Conference, National Aerospace Laboratory, Bangalore, India, March 1, 2019 The CFD symposium seeks to promote R&D in Commercial &
Academic areas of CFD. Leading CFD researchers and
Event Date: 8th and 9th August, 2019
practitioners from Academic, Government and Private
organizations from India and overseas are expected to
ANSYS 2019 R1 Fluids Update
Online Event, February 28, 2019 With the New Fluent Experience, you can accomplish more,
in less time and with less training. The single-window
workflow includes a new look, Japanese language
localization, task-based meshing, speed and simplicity
from end to end.
Thermal Management Opportunities in PHEVs – and How to Harness Them
Online Event, February 21, 2019 Develop effective thermal management technologies by
simulating a full vehicle energy model with detailed cooling
system model.
Short Course on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics in Parma 19-21 February 2019
Course, Parco Area delle scienze 59, Parma, Italy, February 19, 2019 This is a short course on the Smoothed Particle
Hydrodynamics (SPH) numerical schemes.
The course will combine lectures on the basic theory and
numerical methods, with practical activities involving
computer-based experimentation using the DualSPHysics
open-source software provided with the course material.
Please find all of the information about registration and
the event here
Industry Oriented CFD Analysis course , from 15-February-2019 , 9 AM, regular , full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, February 15, 2019 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 17 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
Simulation for Process Integrity Seminar, Houston, TX, February 14, 2019
Seminar, Siemens Office - 8850 Fallbrook Drive, Houston, United States, February 14, 2019 Learn about the role of modern digital simulation technology
for ensuring system integrity and reliability in Oil & Gas and
Petrochemical operations
What's New in Simcenter Motorsolve v6.3
Online Event, February 14, 2019 Find out how Simcenter Motorsolve V6.3 is integrating the
workflow between motor design and system-level mechatronics
analysis in Simcenter Amesim.
Watch this web seminar to find out!
Non-Premixed Combustion Modeling (ONLINE)
Online Event, February 7, 2019 This workshop will focus on the underlying theory and the
advantages and disadvantages of each combustion model, as
well as
how these models are coupled with the CFD solver in CONVERGE.
Advanced Topics in Internal Combustion Engine Modeling | Part 2 (ONLINE)
Online Event, February 7, 2019 In this workshop we will discuss timely and popular topics
in internal
combustion (IC) engine modeling and some of the unique
features of
CONVERGE that yield efficient and accurate simulations.
Advanced Topics in Internal Combustion Engine Modeling | Part 1 (ONLINE)
Online Event, February 6, 2019 In this workshop we will discuss timely and popular topics
in internal
combustion (IC) engine modeling and some of the unique
features of
CONVERGE that yield efficient and accurate simulations.
Compressor and Pump Modeling (ONLINE)
Online Event, February 6, 2019 This course offers an introduction to CONVERGE for modeling
in compressors and pumps.
Premixed Combustion Modeling (ONLINE)
Online Event, February 6, 2019 This workshop will focus on the underlying theory and the
advantages and disadvantages of each combustion model, as
well as
how these models are coupled with the CFD solver in CONVERGE.
Informationsabend CAS Computational Fluid Dynamics
University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil, Oberseestrasse 10, 8640 Rapperswil, Switzerland, February 5, 2019 Infoveranstaltung zur Weiterbildung "CAS
Computational Fluid Dynamics". Dieser CAS vermittelt Ihnen
Fachwissen für die erfolgreiche Anwendung von
Strömungssimulation. Die berufsbegleitende Weiterbildung
ermöglicht Ihnen den Wissenstransfer in Ihr
berufliches Umfeld. Mit aktuellen Best-Practice-Ansätzen
lernen Sie CFD-Simulationen kennen. Sie entwickeln ein
vertieftes Verständnis der physikalischen Grundlagen der
Strömungstechnik und der mathematischen Konzepte hinter
Conjugate Heat Transfer Modeling (ONLINE)
Online Event, February 5, 2019 This workshop will discuss conjugate heat transfer modeling in
CONVERGE, including supercycling, which accounts for the
timescales in the solid and fluid domains by allowing the
solid side of
the simulation to progress with faster timescales than the
fluid side
of the simulation, and valve/seat contact resistance in
engines, which
is critical to accurate prediction of valve and head
Tools for SAGE Detailed Chemistry (ONLINE)
Online Event, February 5, 2019 This workshop will discuss the setup of these tools in CONVERGE
Studio and strategies for effectively using them with CFD
Engine Aftertreatment Modeling (ONLINE)
Online Event, February 4, 2019 This workshop will focus on Urea/SCR engine aftertreatment
Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling (ONLINE)
Online Event, February 4, 2019 In this workshop we will discuss the theory behind FSI, the
of the dynamics solver, and the coupling of the dynamics
solver to
the flow solver in CONVERGE.
Industry Oriented CFD Analysis course , from 01-February-2019 , 9 AM, regular , full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, February 1, 2019 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 17 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
Simcenter FLOEFD v.18 - What’s New
Online Event, January 24, 2019 See what’s new in Simcenter FLOEFD v.18.
Industry Oriented CFD Analysis course , from 15-January-2019 , regular , full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, January 15, 2019 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 17 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
Online course on Electronic Cooling CFD analysis
Online Event, January 14, 2019 1)Professional level course
2) Fully Industry oriented
3)Faculty with 15 years experience in Electronic cooling /
CFD Industry
4)Course fee: 400 US Dollars
5)Classes from Monday to Friday , 8 PM to 10:30 PM (IST)
Industry Oriented CFD Analysis course , from 02-January-2019 , regular , full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, January 2, 2019 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 17 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
11th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems
Conference, London, United Kingdom, January 1, 2019 Featuring participation by manufacturers of compressors, expanders and systems
and control systems, equipment suppliers, users and research organisations. This
conference provides a forum where developments in air, gas and refrigeration
compressors, vacuum pumps, expanders, related systems and components can be
presented for discussion.
High Performance Computing (HPC) of Computational Fluid Dynamics Problems
Workshop, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Warangal, India, December 24, 2018 This is a specialized course aimed at introducing a
methodology to solve complex linear/nonlinear problems
numerically using HPC. This is a unique course on HPC
which not only trains participants how to write parallel
programming codes on a multi-CPU framework but also
provides information about high accuracy schemes which
requires significantly lesser computational resources and
helps in achieving HPC.
Webinar: Cardiac Simulations - Device Design, Assessment & Disease Scenarios: Combining CFD, FEA and Medical Imaging
Online Event, December 18, 2018 This Capvidia webinar focuses on the state of art simulation
using CFD, FEA simulation tools and medical imaging to solve
the complex
emerging engineering problems in the cardiovascular field.
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 17-December-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, December 17, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 17-December-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, December 17, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
STTP on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with OpenFOAM
Course, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NAGPUR, India, December 14, 2018 The objective of the present training program is to
appreciate the open source
CFD code OpenFOAM and simplify OpenFOAM use.
• This training gives a platform to the participant to
understand OpenFOAM from
basics to advanced to programming level.
Conference, 1 avenue de Bois-Preau, Rueil-Malmaison, France, December 11, 2018 Since its 1st edition in 2008, LES4ICE aims at providing a
forum of international exchanges concerning recent advances
in Large-Eddy Simulation research applied to Internal
Combustion Engine Flows and related experimental
techniques. It brings together engine designers and
research scientists working in the field of ICE to debate
the state of the art in LES applied to ICEs and examine
advanced experimental techniques capable of supporting and
validating its development.
ERCOFTAC - BPG for CFD of turb comb, Incl machine learning tools,11-12 Dec 2018, London, UK
Course, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, December 11, 2018 You will learn the bps in CFD of combustion systems-discover
how to, select models, validate num. sims, &
accuracy-Interactions between fuel injection, turbulence,
heat release and thermal radiation are critical in
determining flame structure, & pollu emiss- big part of the
course is devoted to them-The lectures,experts
in the field-course is partially based on our BPG Comb
book-The link will be made with the CFD programs and cases
of interest for participants-receive a free Combustion
BPG Book.
OpenFOAM® Advanced Course
Course, San Francisco, United States, December 6, 2018 This course covers advanced topics on the open source CFD
toolbox, OpenFOAM. It is designed to enable the
participants to use OpenFOAM effectively on real
engineering problems and develop the toolbox to suit
their needs. It covers general use and programming of
OpenFOAM, building on topics presented earlier in the
Foundation Course.
Informationsabend CAS Computational Fluid Dynamics
University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil, Oberseestrasse 10, 8640 Rapperswil, Switzerland, December 6, 2018 Mit computerbasierten Strömungssimulationen können Sie
schnell und effizient Ihre Produkte optimieren: In der
berufsbegleitenden Weiterbildung CAS Computational Fluid
Dynamics eignen Sie sich theoretische und praktische
Werkzeuge an, um komplexe Strömungen zu simulieren und damit
Ihre Produkte zu optimieren. Die Kursleiterin stellt den
Lehrgang vor und beantwortet gerne Ihre Fragen.
OpenFOAM® Foundation Course
Course, San Francisco, United States, December 4, 2018 This course introduces the open source CFD toolbox,
OpenFOAM. It
provides a foundation for all aspects of OpenFOAM, from
running cases
to programming, so is useful to both new users and
existing users
wishing to broaden their basic knowledge of OpenFOAM.
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 03-December-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, December 3, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 03-December-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, December 3, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
Web Seminar: System-of-Systems Simulation Through FMI
Online Event, November 29, 2018 In order to design safer and better performing products in
less time and at lower costs, it is necessary to account for
system interactions early in the design phase, using a
System-of-systems simulation approach; this can be done
using co-simulation based on the FMI standard.
Forced Convection in an Electronic Device
Online Event, November 28, 2018 Learn how to use cloud-based engineering simulation to
investigate forced convection heat transfer in electronic
HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (HPC)-Five day Faculty Development Program (FDP)
Workshop, New Guest house conference Room , North Campus,IIT Mandi, Mandi, India, November 26, 2018 The goal of this workshop is to provide the attendees, who
are mainly the young faculty and senior research scholars
from different institutions of Himachal Pradesh in
particular, and all over the country in general, with a
focus on parallel computing and in-depth platform for
presentations, discussion, and interaction in the field of
high - performance computing (HPC).
OpenSource CFD for industry – high-level development: Implementations with the OpenFOAM(R) technology and C++
Course, Teknikparkens konferenscenter, Sven Hultins gata 9, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 22, 2018 Course teaching high-level development in OpenFOAM.
Gothenburg Region OpenFOAM User Group Meeting
User Conference, Teknikparkens konferenscenter, Sven Hultins gata 9, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 21, 2018 The purpose is to bring together people working with
OpenFOAM to get to know each other and share experiences.
It is in particular a good occasion for OpenFOAM users at
the SNIC resources (from all of Sweden) to meet and learn
from each other, but it is open to anyone (in the world).
ERCOFTAC -Hybrid RANS-LES Methods for Industrial CFD, 20-21 Nov 2018, Brussels, Belgium
Course, NUMECA, Brussels, Belgium, November 20, 2018 course aims to provide:
-An overview of turbulence modelling.
-A firm foundation in the theory and ideas underlying, RANS,
LES and Hybrid RANS-LES techniques.
-Recommendation and guidance for the appropriate and
effective application of Hybrid RANS-LES. Examples from
real-world engineering simulations, using the DES class of
Advanced Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Analysis - From 15-November-2018
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, Indiranagar ,Bangalore, India, November 15, 2018 Perfect blend of Theory, Software and live
projects.Benchmark Investigation projects with
data for validation purpose.
Faculty: Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-ISRO
Pointwise User Group Meeting 2018
User Conference, Fort Worth, United States, November 14, 2018 A two-day event where attendees have access to training on
the very latest features in our CFD meshing software, best
practices discussions with meshing experts, presentations on
leading-edge applications of meshing and CFD, conversations
with CFD software providers whose products complement
Pointwise, and a glimpse at the future of CFD meshing.
16th Multiphase Flow Conference & Short Course
Conference, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf, Bautzner Landstr. 400, Dresden, Germany, November 13, 2018 Multiphase Flows - Simulation, Experiment and Application
7th International Conference on Aerodynamics, Fluid Dynamics and Aerospace Engineering
Conference, MERCURE ALBERT PARK Melbourne,Australia, Melbourne, Australia, November 12, 2018 Conference Series LLC Ltd welcomes you to attend the “
7th International Conference on Aerodynamics, Fluid
dynamics and Aerospace engineering” (Aerodynamics 2018)
scheduled to be held during November 12-13, 2018 at
Melbourne, Australia.
The 2nd Conference CFD & Tech 2018
Conference, CRND Draria, Algiers, Algeria, November 12, 2018 CFD & Tech 2018 is the second conference on applications of
CFD in Energy production, nuclear thermalhydraulics and
safety, turbomachinery, heat transfer and complex fluid flow
in conversion energy systems.
[Webinar] Analyze Visualize and Communicate Your Simulation Data with ANSYS EnSight
Online Event, November 6, 2018 Want to gain new design insights and effectively
communicate your results and recommendations?
ANSYS EnSight can help!
Join us on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 11:00 AM (EST)
and learn how to use this powerful, post-processing tool.
You’ll see the many recent enhancements that allow you to
process very large datasets on a computer cluster and
create new visualizations offline.