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Passed Event 3301 - 3400 of 3535, Sorted by Start Date:

July, 2003
  • CD adapco Aeroacoustics Seminar
    Seminar, Westwood Business Park, Coventry, United Kingdom, July 9, 2003

    CD adapco Group and LMS International invite you to an aeroacoustics workshop, where we will present methods and tools that show you how to predict flow noise and simulate its propagation. CD adapco Group's CFD software, STAR-CD is used to simulate the flow fields and compile equivalent acoustic sources. The coupling of STAR-CD with LMS International's SYSNOISE software allows noise propagation to be calculated for the near and far field.

  • Aerodynamics and Ventilation of Vehicle Tunnels
    Conference, KKL Congress Centre, Luzern, Switzerland, July 7, 2003

    11th International Symposium on Aerodynamics and Ventilation of Vehicle Tunnels

  • 2003 ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting
    Conference, Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Honolulu, United States, July 6, 2003

    Join us in Honolulu, Hawaii for the 2003 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting.

June, 2003
  • Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Course, United States, June 30, 2003

    This course is designed for engineers, scientists, and technical managers who are interested in learning the fundamentals and principles of CFD. The objectives of this course are to provide simple, but in-depth explanations of solution schemes.

  • Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Course, United States, June 30, 2003

    This course is designed for engineers, scientist, and technical managers who are interested in development and/or implementation of available CFD codes. The aim of this course is to extend the concepts of numerical schemes to a system of equations typically expressed in a vector form.

  • Computational Fluid Turbulence
    Course, United States, June 30, 2003

    This course is designed for engineers, scientists, and technical managers who are interested in learning the physics of turbulence, modeling of turbulence, and numerical schemes used for turbulent flows.

  • CRE-IX: Chemical Reactor Engineering
    Conference, The Radisson Hotel, Quebec City, Canada, June 29, 2003

    Meeting The Challenges For New Technology. The ninth conference in a series on Chemical Reactor Engineering (CRE IX)

  • CFX-5 Live!
    Online Event, June 26, 2003

    A live demonstration of CFX-5.

  • TSFP-3: 3rd International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena - 2003
    Conference, Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan, June 25, 2003

    TSFP aspires to become the premier series of conferences for exposing new discoveries and developments in turbulence and shear flow phenomena, with emphasis on fundamental issues and mechanisms.

  • Fluent's 2003 European Automotive CFD Conference
    User Conference, Astron Rheinhotel, Bingen, Germany, June 25, 2003

    The first ever Fluent European Automotive CFD Conference. A wonderful opportunity for all of Fluent's rapidly expanding European automotive CFD community to meet and present some of the best automotive fluid flow applications in the world.

  • Fluid Structure Interaction 2003
    Conference, Cadiz, Spain, June 24, 2003

    Second International Conference on Fluid Structure Interaction

  • Coastal Engineering 2003
    Conference, Cadiz, Spain, June 23, 2003

    Sixth International Conference on Computer Modelling and Experimental Measurements of Seas and Coastal Regions.

  • 34th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference
    Conference, Orlando, United States, June 23, 2003

    Covering all aspects of plasmadynamics, lasers, electromagnetics, diagnostics, and related topics in nonequilibrium reacting flows

  • 16th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
    Conference, Orlando, United States, June 23, 2003

    Covering all aspects of computational fluid dynamics particularly relevant to aerospace applications. Topics may range from basic research and development to applied and advanced technology

  • 36th AIAA Thermophysics Conference
    Conference, Orlando, United States, June 23, 2003

    Topics in thermophysics relating to aerospace applications

  • 33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference
    Conference, Orlando, United States, June 23, 2003

    Covering all aspects of fluid dynamics relevant to aerospace applications

  • 21st Applied Aerodynamics Conference
    Conference, Orlando, United States, June 23, 2003

    Covering most areas of applied aerodynamics, with an emphasize on aerospace applications

  • 2nd International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology
    Conference, Pearl Continental Hotel Bhurban, Murree, Pakistan, June 19, 2003

    The objective of the conference is to provide an opportunity to the local and foreign researchers to exchange their ideas and to provide a platform to the local researchers to discuss their queries and problems in this specific field with the experts.

  • Simulating Metal Casting with FLOW-3D(R)
    Seminar, Congress Center Dusseldorf Stadthalle, Room 12, Dusseldorf, Germany, June 18, 2003

    Free introductory seminar on the use of FLOW-3D(R) for casting design work during the GIFA 2003 tradeshow in Dusseldorf, Germany.

  • 2nd MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics
    Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, United States, June 17, 2003

    To bring together researchers and practitioners from around the world to assess the latest frontiers of high performance computational fluid and solid mechanics.

  • ASME Turbo Expo 2003
    Conference, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, United States, June 16, 2003

    The largest turbomachinery conference in the world. Covers most aspects of gas turbine technology

  • PSFVIP 4 - Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing
    Conference, International Congress Center "Le Majestic", Chamonix, France, June 3, 2003

    A forum for communicatoin and information exchange in the field of Flow Visualization and Optical Flow Measurement.

May, 2003
  • CFD 2003 --- 11th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada
    Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 28, 2003

    CFD is commonly used in many application areas, each of which has made important advances on the state of the art. CFD 2003 seeks to attract participants across the full spectrum of CFD research and applications to encourage crossfertilization.

  • Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes X
    Conference, Sandestin Resort & Conference Center, Sandestin, United States, May 25, 2003

    The current state of the art in the important field of mathematical modeling of casting and welding processes.

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics in Chemical Reaction Engineering III
    Conference, Davos, Switzerland, May 25, 2003

    This conference is the third in a series dedicated to the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and its application to chemical reaction engineering with emphasis on reacting and/or multiphase flows.

  • CFX-5 Live!
    Online Event, May 22, 2003

    A live demonstration of CFX-5.

  • BETECH 2003 - 15th Int'l Conference on Boundary Element Technology
    Conference, Detroit, United States, May 19, 2003

    These successful meetings provide a unique forum for the review of the latest work on the interaction between computational methods and experimental measurements.

  • Parallel CFD 2003
    Conference, Moscow, Russia, May 13, 2003

    An annual conference series dedicated to the discussion of recent developments and applications of parallel computing in the field of CFD and related disciplines.

  • 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference
    Conference, Hilton Head, United States, May 12, 2003

    Covers all aspects of the generation, propagation, and control of vehicle noise, as well as the effect of noise on structures and individuals.

  • 5th International Conference on Boiling Heat Transfer
    Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica, May 4, 2003

    The conference will examine the state-of-the-art in the science and technology of pool and flow boiling and will include keynote lectures, selected research presentations, as well as panel and roundtable discussions.

April, 2003
March, 2003
  • Multiphase Fluid Flows and Multi-Dimensional Hyperbolic Problems
    Conference, Newton Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom, March 31, 2003

    A meeting organized in in association with the Newton Institute programme entitled Nonlinear Hyperbolic Waves in Phase Dynamics and Astrophysics (27 January - 11 July 2003)

  • Mathematical Theory of Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws
    Conference, Newton Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom, March 24, 2003

    A meeting organized in in association with the Newton Institute programme entitled Nonlinear Hyperbolic Waves in Phase Dynamics and Astrophysics (27 January - 11 July 2003)

  • 33rd CFD Course - Novel Methods for Solving Convection Dominated Systems
    Conference, Belgium, March 24, 2003

    The annual lecture series in computational fluid dynamics brings in-depth presentations on advances in algorithm development for numerical flow simulation. This year?s edition will focus on dispersion-dominated systems.

  • CFX-5 Live
    Online Event, March 20, 2003

    A live web-based demonstration of CFX-5 software

  • 4th MpCCI User Forum 2003
    User Conference, Schloss Birlinghoven, 53754 Sankt Augustin (near Bonn), Germany, March 12, 2003

    The 4th MpCCI User Forum addresses to engineers and scientists from industry and research, who have recognized multidisciplinary problems as a focal point of their simulation work.

  • 1st CFD Workshop on Oil Industry
    Workshop, Hotel Florida, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 10, 2003

    ESSS, the CFX South America representative, is proud to invite you for the: "1st CFD Workshop on Oil Industry", March, 10-11, 2003/Rio de Janeiro Brazil

  • SAE 2003 World Congress
    Conference, Cobo Center, Detroit, United States, March 3, 2003

    The largest automotive conference in the world

February, 2003
  • CFX for Fire and Safety
    Online Event, February 26, 2003

    A live web seminar covering a variety of applications of interest to Fire and Safety professionals

  • Il Metodo degli Elementi Finiti: Fondamenti e Applicazioni Avanzate in Ingegneria
    Course, MOX- Dipartimento di Matematica - Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, February 25, 2003

    Corso (in lingua italiana) organizzato nell'ambito della Formazione Permanente Politecnico di Milano introduttivo ai fondamenti matematici del metodo degli elementi finiti (aspetti di base e avanzati) e alle sue applicazioni a problemi ingegneristici.

  • CFX-5 Live
    Online Event, February 20, 2003

    A live web-based demonstration of CFX-5 software

  • CFX for HVAC&R
    Online Event, February 19, 2003

    A live web seminar covering a variety of applications of interest to HVAC&R professionals

  • CD adapco Turbomachinery Workshop
    Workshop, CD adapco France, Paris, France, February 14, 2003

    The CD adapco Group would like to invite all french speaking CFD users to our Turbomachinery workshop

  • SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
    Conference, Hyatt Regency Islandia Hotel & Marina, San Diego, United States, February 10, 2003

    To draw attention to the tremendous range of major comp. efforts on large problems in CS&E, to promote the interdisciplinary culture required to meet these large-scale challenges, and to encourage the training of the next generation of comp. scientists.

  • CFD 2003: CFD Technology in Ship Hydrodynamics
    Conference, The Royal Institution of Naval Architects, London, United Kingdom, February 6, 2003

    The subject is CFD Technology in Ship Hydrodynamics. CFD 2003 will follow a similar format to CFD 97 and CFD 99, the first two conferences in the series, which were successfully held in Ulsteinvik, Norway.

  • Industrial Turbulent Flows: CFD Simulation and Validation
    Seminar, IMechE, 1 Birdcage Walk, London, United Kingdom, February 6, 2003

    NAFEMS CFD seminar on the industrial validation of CFD simulations.

  • CFD-Based Aircraft Drag Prediction and Reduction
    Conference, Belgium, February 3, 2003

    The status of aircraft drag prediction, analysis and reduction methods will be evaluated. The emphasis will be on computational fluid dynamics methods, but wind tunnel test techniques may also be included.

  • CFD-Based Aircraft Drag Prediction and Reduction
    Course, von Karman Institute, Belgium, February 3, 2003

    The objective of this Lecture Series is to present the state-of-the-art and current research directions in CFD-based drag prediction and reduction. The course is aimed at applied aerodynamicists and CFD researchers as well as aircraft designers.

January, 2003
  • Nonlinear Hyperbolic Waves in Phase Dynamics and Astrophysics
    Program, Newton Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom, January 27, 2003

    A program organized in association with the Newton Institute. A must for leading researchers in the field.

  • OpenFOAM Training and Workshop
    Workshop, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ivana Lucica 5, Zagreb, Croatia, January 26, 2003

    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia and Wikki Ltd. announce a 3-day OpenFOAM Training and Workshop in Zagreb, Croatia 26-28/January/2006.

  • CFX-5 Live!
    Online Event, January 23, 2003

    A live web-based demonstration of CFX-5 software

  • Computational Challenges in Partial Differential Equations
    Program, Newton Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom, January 20, 2003

    A program organized in association with the Newton Institute. A must for leading researchers in the field.

  • Mathematical Challenges in Scientific and Engineering Computation
    Conference, Newton Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom, January 20, 2003

    A meeting organized in association with the Newton Institute programme entitled Computational Challenges in Partial Differential Equations

  • Introduction to Computational Fluid dynamics
    Course, Belgium, January 20, 2003

    This course is intended to provide the basic information required to initiate, in most of the important domains, research or applications of computational fluid dynamics.

  • Gas Turbine Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis
    Conference, Belgium, January 13, 2003

    A range of techniques available for assessing the condition of gas turbine components and detecting faults will be covered.

  • Free Tecplot Training Sessions
    Course, Reno Hilton, Reno, United States, January 7, 2003

    One hour Tecplot training sessions that will take place in our Reno Hilton Suite throughout the AIAA Aerospace Sciences conference next month in Reno.

  • Advanced CFD for Aerospace Applications
    Seminar, Reno Hilton, Reno, United States, January 7, 2003

    Advanced CFD for Aerospace Applications Current Capabilities and Future Trends

  • 41st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit
    Conference, Reno Hilton, Reno, United States, January 6, 2003

    The Aerospace Sciences Meeting is the largest of the AIAA technical conferences and one of the preeminent technical gatherings within the entire spectrum of aerospace activities.

  • Third Annual Tecplot Sneak Peek Party
    Reno Hilton, Reno, United States, January 6, 2003

    Third Annual Tecplot Sneak Peek Party in Reno. Come see our latest technology and visit with the folks from Amtec.

  • Int'l Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and Control for Productivity Enhancement
    Conference, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India, January 3, 2003

    International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and Control for Productivity Enhancement will be held at Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India. A special session on CFD for Productivity Enhancement is planned.

  • Introduction to Microfluidics
    Course, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, January 1, 2003

    The purpose of this School is to provide an introduction to the flow of fluids in micro/nano channels with examples chosen from a variety of areas such as biotechnology, chemical and aerospace engineering. It is open to graduate students and beginning researchers interested in the field, with backgrounds in science and engineering.

  • Simulating Fluid-Structure Interaction with ABAQUS and FLUENT
    Online Event, January 1, 2003

    Please join us for this online event February 15, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. EST. A second time is also offered on February 17, 2005 at 9:00 a.m. EST. This web seminar will provide an overview of the FSI capability in ABAQUS, highlighting the following topics: 1. Evaluating your FSI applications 2. Setting up joint ABAQUS-FLUENT FSI problems 3. Co-simulation strategies 4. Examples of FSI with ABAQUS and FLUENT

December, 2002
November, 2002
October, 2002

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