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Passed Event 2801 - 2900 of 3535, Sorted by Start Date:

August, 2006
  • Diploma in Advanced CFD Analysis - DACFD
    Course, 3, Anjali Apartment, 768/12, Bhandarkar Road, Deccan, Pune, India, August 1, 2006

    CCTech has launched six months training course in CFD Analysis starting from August 2006. Course is structured to cater to industrial requirements.

July, 2006
  • Introduction to FLUENT Training
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, July 24, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software should register for the five-day training course

  • Advanced Training in FLUENT
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, July 17, 2006

    This course is intended for experienced users of FLUENT v6 who are interested in more in-depth instruction on specific topics. Users may sign up for one or more days of instruction. Courses will consist of both lecture and hands-on examples.

  • Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
    Course, Fluent Inc., Austin, United States, July 17, 2006

    New users of Icepak software should register for the three- day introductory training course.

  • Gridgen Standard Training Course
    Seminar, Baltimore, United States, July 17, 2006

    The Gridgen Standard Training Course includes three days covering both basic and advanced Gridgen usage. The most commonly used GUI commands and efficient tools for making grids quickly are thoroughly explained. The training course progresses to more advanced tools and how to work with difficult topologies and geometry models. Tutorials will demonstrate the topics discussed and allow attendees their own practice time with the newly learned tools.

  • 4th Intl. Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering (CWE2006)
    Conference, PACIFIO YOKOHAMA, Yokohama, Japan, July 16, 2006

    This symposium seeks to facilitate the exchange of the latest scientific and technical information in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics, particularly in its application to Wind Engineering.

  • CFD 2006 Queen's University at Kingston, Canada - July 16-18, 2006
    Conference, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, July 16, 2006

    14th Annual CFDSC Conference will feature 4 keynote lecturers, a CFD Challenge exercise and a short-course, which will be held immediately following the conference.

  • Introduction to Airpak Training by Fluent
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, July 12, 2006

    The training course is a combination of lectures with discussion and hands-on exercises to introduce the student to the basics of using Airpak, to familiarize the student with the user-interface, and also to begin a mutually beneficial partnership.

  • Fourth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Conference, University of Ghent, Het Pand, Ghent, Belgium, July 10, 2006

    ICCFD is devoted to all innovative aspects of CFD, basic and applied.

  • Introduction to FLUENT Training
    Course, Fluent Inc., Ann Arbor, United States, July 10, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software should register for the five-day training course

  • Introduction to FLUENT Training
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, July 10, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software should register for the five-day training course

  • Introduction to POLYFLOW Training by Fluent
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, July 10, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience using POLYFLOW. New users of the software should register for the four-day training course.

  • Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
    Course, Santa Clara, United States, July 10, 2006

    New users of Icepak software should register for the three- day introductory training course.

  • Turkey FLUENT User Group Meeting
    Conference, Bilkent Hotel, Ankara, Turkey, July 5, 2006

    This three day event is for gathering FLUENT users in Turkey. First day will be dedicated to trainings and the following two days there will be FLUENT user articles as well as Flowmaster and Concepts-NREC demonstrations at parallel sessions.

  • Advanced School on Computational Model for Turbulent Multiphase Reacting Flows
    Course, CISM - Palazzo del Torso - Piazza Garibaldi 18, Udine (UD), Italy, July 3, 2006

    The course is addressed to master and PhD students in engineering and science, postdocs and industrial researchers working on simulation and modeling of multiphase polydisperse systems, such as: bubble columns, fluidized beds, aerosol, spray combustion chambers, crystallization and precipitation etc.

    User Conference, Banglore, India, July 3, 2006

    CSM Software , bangalore - hosting 2nd STAR CD users meet at bangalore

June, 2006
  • Automated Design and Optimisation Techniques
    Seminar, IMechE, 1 Birdcage Walk, London, United Kingdom, June 28, 2006

    Improved computer processor speeds have enabled automated design and optimisation techniques to become more practical, making this topic essential in today's design environment. This seminar will examine some techniques being used with a wide range of practical examples. Industrial and academic speakers will make this a fascinating and educational event for anyone involved in CFD, design and computing science.

  • Preprocessing Enhancements Workshop for the Automotive Industry
    Workshop, St. John's Conference Center, Plymouth, United States, June 28, 2006

    In addition to improvements in existing tools like prism grows and surface intersection, TGrid 4.0 offers a new surface wrapper tool. Find out more about it at this free workshop.

  • Fluent Webinar "Auslegung und Optimierung von Bioreaktoren mit modernen Engineering-Werkzeugen"
    Online Event, June 27, 2006

    Online-Seminar will be in German language

  • 4th Joint CFX & FZR Short Course & Workshop on Multiphase Flows
    Workshop, FZ Rossendorf, Institute of Safety Research, Rossendorf (Dresden), Germany, June 26, 2006

    Workshop on Multiphase Flows: "Simulation, Experiment and Application"; Keynotes: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Stephan, Prof. Dr. Y.A. Hassan, Prof. Dr. H.A. Jacobsen

  • Introduction to FLUENT Training
    Course, Columbia, United States, June 26, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software should register for the five-day training course

  • A First Course on CFD, by Prof. P.L. Roe
    Course, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, United Kingdom, June 26, 2006

    The course will provide a solid foundation on traditional and advanced numerical discretisation techniques for the solution of the various partial differential equations which govern fluid flow, showing how successful numerical methods are rooted both in mathematical properties of those equations and in notions of computational efficiency.

  • 2nde Journee Numerique de la Marine
    Conference, DGA / Bassin d essais des carenes, Val de Reuil (27100), France, June 23, 2006

    FLUENT France et le Bassin d essais des carenes vous invitent le Vendredi 23 Juin 2006 a la seconde edition de la journee numerique de la marine. Hydrodynamique, Cavitation, Ventilation, Voiles sont autant de sujets d etude pour les industriels, architectes et chercheurs engages dans l industrie navale. Bien utilisee, la simulation numerique s affirme aujourd hui comme un outil d analyse et de comprehension de ces phenomenes.

  • Fluent Webinar "Rapid Flow Modeling: CFD-Power fuer den Design-Experten"
    Online Event, June 22, 2006

    !New Product! Online-Seminar will be in German language

  • Particle-laden flow: from geophysical to Kolmogorov scales
    Workshop, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, June 21, 2006

    This Colloquium focuses on particle-laden flows with interest ranging from the detailed flow-physics involving many embedded particles, to large-scale turbulent dispersion in environmental and geophysical problems. The purpose of the Colloquium is to address the gap between simulation, modeling and experiments on the one hand and requirements posed by realistic geo-physical or environmental problems on the other hand.

  • 7th Intl Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques
    Conference, Faculty of Engineering, Ancona, Italy, June 20, 2006

    The event aims at creating an active forum for experts in vibration and acoustics, manufacturers in the field of optical and non-invasive instrumentation and industrial users. EXHIBITION Leading manufacturers of laser vibrometer systems, holographic systems and modal and noise analysis systems will exhibit their latest products. SHORT COURSE A one-day tutorial course will be held the day before the event to provide fundamentals of these techniques.

  • Fluent Webinar "Kostenguenstige, virtuelle Auslegung von Extrusionswerkzeugen durch CFD"
    Online Event, June 20, 2006

    Online-Seminar will be in German language

  • Short Course on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques
    Course, Faculty of Engineering, Ancona, Italy, June 19, 2006

    The one-day tutorial course aims at providing the fundamentals of Laser Techniques for Vibration Measurements and to offer hands-on experience on the most advanced instrumentation. The program of the event will include theoretical lectures held by experts in the field in the morning and laboratory sessions in the afternoon.

  • Introduction to FLUENT Training
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, June 19, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software should register for the five-day training course

  • Summer School in Industrial CFD
    Course, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, June 19, 2006

    This will be the second running of this popular event initially sponsored by EPSRC. The course aims to bridge the knowledge gap faced by new CFD users and to enable them to use CFD technology with more confidence. The course is open to masters and PhD students as well as industrialists. It focuses on the use of commercial codes and calls on the experience of academics, industrialists and code vendors who will form the lecturing body.

  • Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, June 19, 2006

    New users of Icepak software should register for the three- day introductory training course.

  • Fluent Webinar "Kraftwerkstechnik"
    Online Event, June 19, 2006

    Online-Seminar will be in German language

  • FREE WEBINAR: How Customers are Succeeding with a Customized Version of FloWizard
    Online Event, June 13, 2006

    Fluent will be holding a web seminar on customization of FloWizard and FLUENT. In this session we will present several customer examples of process automation via the customization of the FloWizard interface and GAMBIT meshing. We will describe the benefits of how the customization of the interface, meshing, solution processes and postprocessing can impact an overall development process. We will also conduct a general overview of the methods utilized in the example customizations.

  • Introduction to FLUENT Training
    Course, Fluent Inc., Ann Arbor, United States, June 12, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software should register for the five-day training course

  • Introduction to FLUENT Training
    Course, Santa Clara, United States, June 12, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software should register for the five-day training course

  • Fluent Webinar "Einsatzmoeglichkeiten und Nutzen von CFD in der Wasserwirtschaft"
    Online Event, June 12, 2006

    Online-Seminar will be in German language

  • Fluent Webinar "Einsatzmoeglichkeiten und Nutzen von CFD in der Umwelttechnik - Luft"
    Online Event, June 12, 2006

    Online-Seminar will be in German language

  • CFD for Automotive Applications
    Conference, ARAI, P.B. No. 832,, Pune 411004, India, June 12, 2006

    For the first time, we have invited ANSYS, CSM & FLUENT together to give best presentations of their CFD packages viz. CFX, StarCD and FLUENT. They will present overview, methodologies, capabilities and case studies. After listening to the CFD packages, the delegates will listen to special speakers from Industry & Academia. These speakers will present case studies for automotive applications viz. powertrain, aerodynamics, HVAC, thermal management, acoustics & paint technology.

  • Advanced CAD development - Course Announcement
    Course, 768/12, PYC, Bhadarkar Road, Near Deccan,, Pune, India, June 10, 2006

    Diploma in Advanced CAD Development - DACAD. CCTech has launched course on CAD Development six months training courses starting from August 2006. Course is structured to cater to industrial requirements. The course syllabus is formulated by considering industrial requirements and inputs from various working professionals and IIT faculty.

  • Advanced Modeling of Particulate and Pollutant Formation in Turbulent Combustion
    Course, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy, June 10, 2006

    This course aims at introducing the most popular advanced computational tools for particulate and pollutant formation that can be effectively used to design low emission turbulent combustion processes. This course is addressed to master and PhD students in engineering and science, post-docs and industrial researchers working on simulation and modeling of single and multiphase combustion processes.

  • Fluent Advanced Training: TGrid 4.0
    Course, Fluent Inc., 3005 Boardwalk, Suite 100, Ann Arbor, United States, June 9, 2006

    This course is for general TGrid users who are interested in meshing complicated geometry. The program will have an automotive focus, however, it is open to all TGrid clients. Attendees must have completed TGrid introductory training and it is recommended that they have at least one year of experience using the software.

  • Introduction to Airpak Training by Fluent
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, June 7, 2006

    The training course is a combination of lectures with discussion and hands-on exercises to introduce the student to the basics of using Airpak, to familiarize the student with the user-interface, and also to begin a mutually beneficial partnership.

  • CGNS Tutorial Session
    Hyatt Regency Hotel at Embarcadero, San Francisco, United States, June 7, 2006

    A short 2.5 hour tutorial session on the CFD General Notation System (CGNS) will be held during the summer American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) meeting in San Francisco.

  • Turbulence Workshop
    Workshop, Vestagatan 2B, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 7, 2006

    Turbulence modelling is a key element in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Despite this, a single mathematical model that covers all kind of turbulent flows has not yet been derived. Instead, an engineer must choose from a wide range of different turbulence models, each having its advantages and disadvantages. This is, however, not really surprising since the objective of turbulence modelling is to approximate an extremely complicated phenomenon.

  • Tour de France RAPID FLOW MODELING
    Seminar, Paris, Toulouse, Lyon, France, June 7, 2006

    Le Rapid Flow Modeling est un nouveau concept qui s adresse aux designers, concepteurs ou ingenieurs metier. Il leur permet de passer facilement et rapidement de la CAO a la modelisation des ecoulements et des transferts thermiques.

  • Introduction to FLUENT Training
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, June 5, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software should register for the five-day training course

  • Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
    Course, Santa Clara, United States, June 5, 2006

    New users of Icepak software should register for the three- day introductory training course.

  • CFD & VIV Symposium, OMAE 2006 Conference
    Conference, Hamburg, Germany, June 4, 2006

    Addresses the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis in offshore applications, e.g. flow around bluff bodies at high Reynolds numbers, guidelines for turbulence modeling; benchmarking and validation of analysis tools; green water effects on FPSOs; roll damping; field data for validation and calibration of CFD with design tools, etc. The symposium also includes non- CFD issues related to VIV analysis and design methods and experimental data on VIV.

  • Predict, Analyse and Minimize Flow-Induced Noise from CFD
    Online Event, June 1, 2006

    Learn how the aero-acoustics simulation tools from LMS help you evaluate the noise from unsteady flow phenomena like vortex shedding and turbulent boundary layers, by coupling Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods with Computational Acoustics.

    Workshop, CDAC, Knowledge Park, Old Madras Road, Byappanahalli, Bangalore, India, June 1, 2006

    The workshop is aimed at training engineers and scientists in Aerospace Laboratories /Industries /Academic Institutes, who wish to include CEM as a routine analysis tool in their design and analysis cycles.The course will be of use to those who work in telecommunication and antenna designs.

May, 2006
  • Fluent's Fluid Mechanics and CFD Review Course
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, May 31, 2006

    This two and a half-day course is intended for those users who are new to CFD and who need an introduction (or re- introduction) to fluid mechanics, heat transfer and computational fluid dynamics.

  • Fluent Advanced Training: Spray & Particle Flow Modeling
    Course, Fluent Inc., 3005 Boardwalk, Suite 100, Ann Arbor, United States, May 31, 2006

    This course is for FLUENT users from the automotive industry who are interested in modeling various automotive spray and particle flow problems. Attendees must have completed FLUENT introductory training and it is recommended that they have at least one year of experience using the software.

  • Multiphysics Simulation for MEMS Class: 5/30-6/1, Moffett Field, CA
    Workshop, NASA AMES RESEARCH PARK BLDG 19 SUITE 2063, MOFFETT FIELD, United States, May 30, 2006

    Ozen Engineering, Inc. and A.M. Fitzgerald & Associates, LLC are offering an in-depth, three-day course on ANSYS Multiphysics Simulation for MEMS, on May 30, 31, and June 1, 9am-5pm. This unique course will give you hands-on experience with ANSYS/Multiphysics and practical knowledge of FE modeling techniques for real-world MEMS devices.

  • CFD in Motorsports
    Seminar, Monterey, United States, May 23, 2006

    "High Performance CFD for the Motorsports Industry" - Tuesday May 23rd at 1:30PM. This session will focus on how CFD is used to extract maximum performance in racing vehicles and powertrain systems.

  • 2006 Fluent CFD Summit
    User Conference, Hyatt Regency Monterey, 1 Old Golf Course Road, Monterey, United States, May 22, 2006

    Attendees tell us year after year that the CFD Summit is the one event all year they rely upon to get the latest information about new technology developments in computational fluid dynamics and what lies ahead in the years to come. This year's program will be no exception

  • 2006 Icepak Summit
    User Conference, Hyatt Regency Monterey, Monterey, United States, May 22, 2006

    This event is for engineers and managers looking to share ideas on how to enhance the use of thermal modeling within their electronics cooling design processes. Come and see the newest applications and approaches using Icepak, Icepro, Iceboard, Icechip, and Icewave. Learn about upcoming developments in these products, as well as new products that will be released in the coming months.

  • 2006 Fluent Aerospace Symposium
    Conference, Hyatt Regency, Monterey, United States, May 22, 2006

    Join other aerospace CFD enthusiasts for two full days of activities during this specialized track of the 2006 CFD Summit.

  • 2006 Fluent Electronics Fluids Modeling Symposium
    Conference, Hyatt Regency, Monterey, United States, May 22, 2006

    Analysts, designers, and engineering managers... we invite you to join in the Symposium on Fluids Modeling for the Electronics Industry. We have assembled world-class speakers from major chip manufacturers and electronics companies to talk about their successes and lessons learned in the use of fluids modeling technology.

  • 2006 Fluent Symposium on Fluids Modeling in the Healthcare Industry
    Conference, Hyatt Regency, Monterey, United States, May 22, 2006

    We invite you to join in the 1st Symposium on Fluids Modeling in the Healthcare Industry. We have assembled world-class speakers from major pharmaceutical and medical device companies to talk about the use of fluids modeling technology in the healthcare field.

  • Conferences Automobile & Modelisation des Ecoulements
    Seminar, La Maison des Arts et Metiers, Paris, France, May 18, 2006

    Cette annee ces conferences techniques ciblent les avancees technologiques de la suite logicielle FLUENT pour l'industrie automobile. La progression du pre-traitement, l'integration de l'outil CFD dans le PLM et les nouvelles applications strategiques automobiles seront presentees.

  • Spray and Particle Flow Modeling for Automotive Applications
    Online Event, May 18, 2006

    Want to learn more about using CFD for your particle flow and spray simulations? Then join Fluent for a one hour online event and learn about the basic background of the CFD models involved in spray modeling, examine test validation results and come away with useful tips and tricks for creating your own simulations. Topics of interest: -liquid injection and atomization -particle erosion modeling -particle separation in cyclone devices

  • Conferences Modelisation des Ecoulements Multiphasiques
    Seminar, La Maison de la Recherche - 54, rue de Varenne, Paris 75007, France, May 17, 2006

    Fluidisation de particules, trajectoires de gouttelettes, coalescence de bulles sont autant de sujets d etude pour les industriels et chercheurs engages dans l amelioration de procedes. Bien utilisee, la simulation numerique s affirme aujourd hui comme un puissant outil d analyse et de comprehension de ces phenomenes.

  • Gridgen Standard Training Course
    Seminar, 213 South Jennings Avenue, Fort Worth, United States, May 16, 2006

    The Gridgen Standard Training Course includes three days covering both basic and advanced Gridgen usage. The most commonly used GUI commands and efficient tools for making grids quickly are thoroughly explained. The training course progresses to more advanced tools and how to work with difficult topologies and geometry models. Tutorials will demonstrate the topics discussed and allow attendees their own practice time with the newly learned tools.

  • Advances in Axial Compresson Aerodynamics
    Course, Chaussee de Waterloo 72, B-1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, May 15, 2006

    The course starts with an overview on the complex flow field encountered in compressors

  • Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
    Course, Fluent Inc., Austin, United States, May 15, 2006

    New users of Icepak software should register for the three- day introductory training course.

  • Flow Simulation in Industry
    Seminar, HOTEL-MONS, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 12, 2006

    Fluent Europe Ltd. & SimTec Ltd. organize an one-day FLUENT seminar at the HOTEL-MONS (, in Ljubljana - Slovenia on the 12th of May.

  • Advanced Thermal Modeling Course by Fluent
    Course, Santa Clara, United States, May 11, 2006

    This is a one-day advanced course that deals with advanced thermal systems and concepts. It includes modeling of PCBs, IC packages, interface resistances, altitude effects, radiation, heat pipes, joule heating, thermoelectric coolers, transformers, cold plates, baffles, wall effects, and external heaters/coolers.

  • Introduction to Airpak Training by Fluent
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, May 10, 2006

    The training course is a combination of lectures with discussion and hands-on exercises to introduce the student to the basics of using Airpak, to familiarize the student with the user-interface, and also to begin a mutually beneficial partnership.

  • Thermo-Hydralic Instabilities
    Course, Chaussee de Waterloo 72, B-1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, May 8, 2006

    The purpose of the course is to provide state-of-the-art information on physical modelling, experimental and numerical simulation of thermohydraulic instability phenomena.

  • Introduction to FLUENT Training
    Course, Fluent Inc., Ann Arbor, United States, May 8, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software should register for the five-day training course

  • Introduction to FLUENT Training
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, May 8, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software should register for the five-day training course

  • Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
    Course, Santa Clara, United States, May 8, 2006

    New users of Icepak software should register for the three- day introductory training course.

  • 2006 International ANSYS Conference
    Conference, David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, United States, May 2, 2006

    The event brings together engineers and analysts worldwide from all disciplines of computer-aided engineering. This event will feature papers from users of ANSYS CFX CFD software as well as ANSYS ICEM CFD and ANSYS.

  • 2006 International ANSYS Conference
    User Conference, David L Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, United States, May 2, 2006

    To better deploy simulation technology in your design process, you can't afford to miss the 2006 International ANSYS Conference. Scheduled May 2 through 4 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., the conference will focus on unlocking the potential of simulation to streamline design processes. The International ANSYS Conference showcases advances in computer-aided engineering and related technologies.

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics for Industrial Applications
    Workshop, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Powai, Mumbai, India, May 1, 2006

    The major deterrents to the widespread use of CFD now are lack of trained manpower and availability of accurate, robust and versatile CFD software. The present course is designed to introduce and train participants in the use CFD for industrial applications. The theoretical lectures on CFD will be delivered by IIT Faculty and hands-on session will be handled by Zeus Numerix and C-DAC.

  • Turbulence Modeling
    Course, Westin Convention Center, Pittsburgh, United States, May 1, 2006

    This course is taught by Dr. Florian Menter, an expert in the field. It addresses turbulence modeling for the CFD practitioner. And it provides an introduction to the physics of turbulent flows and the effects of turbulence on engineering problems. An important part of the course is the discussion of the wall treatment of turbulence models and the associated grid resolution requirements for successful CFD simulations. The course also addresses unsteady flow simulations.

April, 2006
  • CFD for Turbomachinery
    Course, Westin Convention Center, Pittsburgh, United States, April 30, 2006

    This two-day course dealing with the theoretical and practical aspects of turbomachinery design and analysis emphasizes the use of the ANSYS CFX computational fluid dynamics code and related ANSYS tools.

  • Automatic Volume Grid Generation
    Course, Westin Convention Center, Pittsburgh, United States, April 30, 2006

    This course demonstrates how automatic tools in ANSYS ICEM CFD and ANSYS AI*Environment are being developed to eliminate meshing problems, including external aero and automotive underhood.

  • Advanced Thermal Modeling Course by Fluent
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, April 27, 2006

    This is a one-day advanced course that deals with advanced thermal systems and concepts. It includes modeling of PCBs, IC packages, interface resistances, altitude effects, radiation, heat pipes, joule heating, thermoelectric coolers, transformers, cold plates, baffles, wall effects, and external heaters/coolers.

  • Fluent laedt ein: FloWizard-Workshop
    Workshop, Zuerich, Switzerland, April 26, 2006

    Rapid Flow Modeling: CFD-Power fuer den Konstruktions-Experten

  • Fluent laedt ein: FloWizard-Workshop
    Workshop, Muenchen, Germany, April 25, 2006

    Rapid Flow Modeling: CFD-Power fuer den Konstruktions-Experten

  • Computational Aeroacoustics
    Course, Chaussee de Waterloo 72, B-1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, April 24, 2006

    This EU sponsored course (EUA4X*) is intended to provide the state-of-the-art review of the on-going activities in noise prediction.

  • Gridgen User Group Meeting 2006
    User Conference, Sheraton Grand Hotel Dallas/Fort Worth Airport, Irving, United States, April 24, 2006

    The Gridgen User Group meeting will include special Gridgen training seminars and training activities, presentations by Pointwise staff on new Gridgen developments, user presentations, and exhibits by our partners. This is a good opportunity for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) users to learn about the latest Gridgen features, get a glimpse of Gridgen V16, and network with other CFD experts from around the world.

  • Introduction to FLUENT Training
    Course, Fluent Inc., Ann Arbor, United States, April 24, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software should register for the five-day training course

  • Introduction to FLUENT Training
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, April 24, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software should register for the five-day training course

  • Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, April 24, 2006

    New users of Icepak software should register for the three- day introductory training course.

  • Fluent laedt ein: FloWizard-Workshop
    Workshop, Wien, Austria, April 23, 2006

    Rapid Flow Modeling: CFD-Power fuer den Konstruktions-Experten

  • Free Rapid Flow Modeling Workshop for the Auto Industry
    Workshop, St. John's Conference Center, Plymouth, United States, April 21, 2006

    Fluent is pleased to host a free Rapid Flow Modeling Workshop for the Automotive Industry: Moving CFD Into the Design Process - An Inside Look at FloWizard Get a live demonstration of FloWizard, plus see several case studies showing how top automotive companies are using this software to move CFD onto the desktops of design engineers to minimize product costs while increasing product quality. Participants qualify for a free software trial.

  • Fluent Advanced Training: Acoustics Modeling
    Course, Fluent Inc., 3005 Boardwalk, Suite 100, Ann Arbor, United States, April 20, 2006

    This course is for FLUENT users from the automotive industry who are interested in modeling various automotive acoustics problems. Attendees must have completed FLUENT introductory training and it is recommended that they have at least one year of experience using the software.

  • Webseminar - Aero-Acoustics: Flow Induced Noise Simulation
    Online Event, April 20, 2006

    In this web seminar you will learn how to: - Model flow-induced noise. - Find the root cause of flow-induced noise problems fast - Improve the noise characteristics of your product and minimize design risk

  • Fluent Advanced Training: Modeling Positive Displacement Pumps
    Course, Fluent Inc., 3005 Boardwalk, Suite 100, Ann Arbor, United States, April 18, 2006

    This course is for FLUENT users from the automotive industry who are interested in modeling various positive displacement pumps. Attendees must have completed FLUENT introductory training and it is recommended that they have at least one year of experience using the software.

  • Improving the Energy Efficiency of a Secondary Aluminum Plant Through a Plantwide Assessment
    Online Event, April 13, 2006

    This online seminar is intended to demonstrate how measurements and modeling can result in significant energy savings in a secondary aluminum plant.

  • Introduction to Airpak Training by Fluent
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, April 12, 2006

    The training course is a combination of lectures with discussion and hands-on exercises to introduce the student to the basics of using Airpak, to familiarize the student with the user-interface, and also to begin a mutually beneficial partnership.

  • Fluent Advanced Training: Climate Control System Modeling
    Course, Fluent Inc., 3005 Boardwalk, Suite 100, Ann Arbor, United States, April 12, 2006

    This course is for FLUENT users from the automotive industry who are interested in modeling various engineering problems related to ACCS. Attendees must have completed FLUENT introductory training and it is recommended that they have at least one year of experience using the software.

  • Fluent Advanced Training: Underhood & Underbody Thermal Modeling
    Course, Fluent Inc., 3005 Boardwalk, Suite 100, Ann Arbor, United States, April 11, 2006

    This course is for FLUENT users in the automotive industry who are interested in expanding their modeling knowledge in the areas of underhood and underbody thermal analysis. Attendees must have completed FLUENT introductory training and it is recommended that they have at least one year of experience using the software.

  • Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
    Course, Santa Clara, United States, April 10, 2006

    New users of Icepak software should register for the three- day introductory training course.

  • Introduction to FLUENT Training
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, April 10, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software should register for the five-day training course

  • Introduction to POLYFLOW Training by Fluent
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, April 10, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience using POLYFLOW. New users of the software should register for the four-day training course.

  • PLMO avec NOESIS Solutions
    Seminar, La Maison des Polytechniciens - 12 rue de Poitiers, Paris 75007, France, April 6, 2006

    Seminaire anime par Dassault Systemes, Noesis Solutions, LMS France et Fluent France

  • Fluent laedt ein: Process Simulation Day
    Workshop, Basel, Switzerland, April 4, 2006

    Fluid Flow Analysis within the Pharmazeutical Industry focussing on various areas ranging from the optimization of bioreactors and fludized beds to drug delivey into the lung.


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