Solving Dynamic Mesh Problems with FLUENT V6
Course, Fluent Inc., Ann Arbor, United States, November 30, 2006 This training course, offered in Fluent's Ann Arbor
office, is designed for existing users of FLUENT.
Fluent International Oil & Gas CFD Conference (IOCC)
Conference, HQS Wellington, London, United Kingdom, November 30, 2006 The IOCC is unique. It brings together the Oil & Gas
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Community across Europe,
the Middle East and North American and Asian practitioners
also, to one central location. The focal points of the
conference are leading edge applied CFD presentations and
best practice sessions. In addition, a complementary
Pavilion as well as other networking and social events
provide a valuable and exciting CFD experience.
Analysis of Subsonic Fluid-Structure Interaction and Supersonic Store Separation Using FLUENT and Tecplot
Online Event, November 30, 2006 Tecplot Inc. and Fluent Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of
ANSYS, Inc., offer this webinar, Thursday, Nov. 30, to
demonstrate the combined power of their respective
software solutions in tackling fluid-structure interaction
(FSI) problems and transient flow problems.
Fluent's Fluid Mechanics and CFD Review Course
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, November 29, 2006 This two and a half-day course is intended for those users
who are new to CFD and who need an introduction (or re-
introduction) to fluid mechanics, heat transfer and
computational fluid dynamics.
Fluent Webinar "Kraftwerkstechnik"
Online Event, November 20, 2006 Online-Seminar will be in German language
Introduction to Airpak Training by Fluent
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, November 15, 2006 The training course is a combination of lectures with
discussion and hands-on exercises to introduce the student
to the basics of using Airpak, to familiarize the student
with the user-interface, and also to begin a mutually
beneficial partnership.
34th CFD - Higher Order Discretization Methods - ICCFD4
Course, Chaussee de Waterloo 72, B-1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, November 14, 2006 This course is part of the EUA4X project. Special funding is available for young
researchers. Schemes with order of accuracy higher than two are becoming a hot topic
in CFD, also in fields where they have not been used in the past, such as the simulation
of compressible aerodynamical flows.
Aerospace Design Expo 2006
Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, United States, November 14, 2006 Aerospace Design Expo 2006 North America is an exciting
NEW international trade show for aerospace design
engineering, materials innovation and specialist
development partners for the civil, military and space
Introduction to FLUENT Training
Course, Fluent Inc., Ann Arbor, United States, November 13, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software
should register for the five-day training course
Introduction to FLUENT Training
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, November 13, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software
should register for the five-day training course
Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
Course, Fluent Inc., Austin, United States, November 13, 2006 New users of Icepak software should register for the three-
day introductory training course.
Hands-On Introduction to CFD Seminar
Seminar, Morris County School of Technology, Denville, United States, November 13, 2006 This course is a one-day seminar that will describe the
fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) theory
and its applications, using hands-on workshop examples to
illustrate the concepts of CFD.
Conference, von Karman Institute, Chaussee de Waterloo 72, 1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, November 13, 2006 This lecture series is focused towards acoustic
measurements in wind tunnels.
Advanced Thermal Modeling Course by Fluent
Course, Santa Clara, United States, November 9, 2006 This is a one-day advanced course that deals with advanced
thermal systems and concepts. It includes modeling of
PCBs, IC packages, interface resistances, altitude
effects, radiation, heat pipes, joule heating,
thermoelectric coolers, transformers, cold plates,
baffles, wall effects, and external heaters/coolers.
European PHOENICS User Meeting
User Conference, Cannizaro House, West Side, Wimbledon Common, SW19 4UE, London, United Kingdom, November 9, 2006 Presentation of applications by European PHOENICS users.
Presentation and demonstration by CHAM of latest PHOENICS
Exchange of ideas, discussion forum, workshop programme.
Forum Fluent 2006 : l'evenement CFD
User Conference, CAP 15 - 3, Quai de Grenelle, Paris 75015, France, November 9, 2006 Venez decouvrir la strategie et l'offre du nouveau groupe
ANSYS/Fluent, premier editeur mondial de Solutions de
Simulation CAE, en assistant au Forum FLUENT 2006.
Hands-On Introduction to CFD Seminar
Seminar, 1579 Straits Turnpike, Suite 2B, Middlebury, United States, November 9, 2006 This course is a one-day seminar that will describe the
fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) theory
and its applications, using hands-on workshop examples to
illustrate the concepts of CFD.
Gridgen Standard Training Course
Seminar, 213 South Jennings Avenue, Fort Worth, United States, November 7, 2006 The Gridgen Standard Training Course includes three days
covering both basic and advanced Gridgen usage. The most
commonly used GUI commands and efficient tools for making
grids quickly are thoroughly explained. The training course
progresses to more advanced tools and how to work with
difficult topologies and geometry models. Tutorials will
demonstrate the topics discussed and allow attendees their
own practice time with the newly learned tools.
Hands-On Introduction to CFD Seminar
Seminar, Stony Brook University Center for Emerging Technologies, Great River, United States, November 7, 2006 This course is a one-day seminar that will describe the
fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) theory
and its applications, using hands-on workshop examples to
illustrate the concepts of CFD.
Advanced Training in FLUENT
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, November 6, 2006 This course is intended for experienced users of FLUENT v6
who are interested in more in-depth instruction on
specific topics. Users may sign up for one or more days of
instruction. Courses will consist of both lecture and
hands-on examples.
Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
Course, Santa Clara, United States, November 6, 2006 New users of Icepak software should register for the three-
day introductory training course.
Effective Use of CFD for In-flight Icing Certification
Course, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain, November 6, 2006 The course illustrates the state-of-the-art in CFD icing
simulations and links theory to applications through
demonstrations and training. This course should be of value
to all involved in in-flight icing and is structured to be
of equal interest to icing codes users, ice detection and
protection manufacturers, regulators, ACOs, DERs, aircraft
manufacturers, and accident investigators.
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of Transitional and Turbulent Flows
Course, Cranfield University, Bedford, United Kingdom, November 6, 2006 The 3-day intensive Short Course is intended to cover in
detail a number of LES issues including: numerical
methods; subgrid scale models; validation; analysis of
results; relation of numerical dissipation and subgrid
scale models; implicit and hybrid LES methods; effects of
initial and boundary conditions; and implementation in
structured and unstructured grids.
Conference, von Karman Institute, Chaussee de Waterloo 72, 1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, November 6, 2006 The purpose of the course is to provide state-of-the-
art information on physical modelling, experimental and
numerical simulation of thermohydraulic instability
Advanced Thermal Modeling Course by Fluent
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, November 2, 2006 This is a one-day advanced course that deals with advanced
thermal systems and concepts. It includes modeling of
PCBs, IC packages, interface resistances, altitude
effects, radiation, heat pipes, joule heating,
thermoelectric coolers, transformers, cold plates,
baffles, wall effects, and external heaters/coolers.
Introduction to FLUENT Training
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, October 30, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software
should register for the five-day training course
Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, October 30, 2006 New users of Icepak software should register for the three-
day introductory training course.
6th MIRA International Vehicle Aerodynamics Conference
Conference, Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon, United Kingdom, October 25, 2006 Optimising vehicle aerodynamic design for real-world
driving conditions remains the prime objective of vehicle
aerodynamicists. This applies whether the vehicle is an F1
racing car or a lightweight ultra fuel-efficient new
concept. Striving towards this objective continues to
drive the level of sophistication in wind tunnel design
and simulation techniques to new heights.
Workshop "Optimiertes Produktdesign"
Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, October 24, 2006 Unser Workshop stellt Methoden der systematischen und
automatischen Optimierung im Zusammenhang mit der
Stroemungssimulation vor. Neben den Moeglichkeiten der
Optimierung mit CFD-Produkten aus dem Hause ANSYS/Fluent
erhalten Sie Informationen ueber die Optimierungs-Loesungen
der Firmen Altair Engineering, dynardo und ESTECO. Der
Workshop ist kostenfrei.
Introduction to FLUENT Training
Course, Fluent Inc., Ann Arbor, United States, October 23, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software
should register for the five-day training course
COMSOL Users Conferences 2006
Conference, United States, October 22, 2006 Two conferences in the US--along with 14 others throughout
the world--combine hands-on training along with
presentations from users and COMSOL technical staff.
Attendees will learn about the latest COMSOL products,
discover the expanding range of applications possible with
COMSOL Multiphysics, while making contacts and getting
hands-on training.
Introductory EnSight Training
Course, La Quinta Inn, Morrisville, United States, October 19, 2006 This course will give an overview of EnSight capabilities
and cover most of its
basic features. It is assumed that attendees have little
prior experience with
EnSight. This is a hands-on course. Concepts will be
taught through the
course notes, demonstrations by the instructor, and by
using EnSight to
complete a number of exercises.
Workshop, PDVSA - INTEVEP, Los Teques, Venezuela, October 19, 2006 PDVSA INTEVEP and ESSS invites you to the 1st Venezuelan
Workshop on Computational Simulation applied to the Oil &
Gas industry (SIMPETRO).
Introduction to Airpak Training by Fluent
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, October 18, 2006 The training course is a combination of lectures with
discussion and hands-on exercises to introduce the student
to the basics of using Airpak, to familiarize the student
with the user-interface, and also to begin a mutually
beneficial partnership.
Paraview Workshop
Chalmers Konferens Center, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 17, 2006 High Performance visualization with Paraview.
Advanced EnSight Training
Course, La Quinta Inn, Morrisville, United States, October 17, 2006 The advanced training course is a hands-on class that
focuses on
sophisticated features and options in EnSight, especially
those related to
animation. Either prior attendance in an introductory
class or significant
practical experience with EnSight is a prerequisite.
Simulation and Data Intensive Fair 2006
Conference, Chalmers Conference Center, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 17, 2006 Nordic Fair/Conference for Scientific and Technical
UK Simulation Conference
Conference, Stanton House Hotel, Stanton Fitzwarren, United Kingdom, October 17, 2006 The conference will be a great opportunity to learn about
the latest visualisation features in EnSight, get a preview
of future developments, and network with other visualisation
Speakers from a wide range of simulation companies
will deliver papers on their research and how they use
You will also have the chance to talk with the
developers of Harpoon and discuss the latest features and
future development plans.
Introduction to FLUENT Training
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, October 16, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software
should register for the five-day training course
Introduction to POLYFLOW Training by Fluent
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, October 16, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience using POLYFLOW. New users of the software
should register for the four-day training course.
FLUISTCOM Workshop: URANS Methods to Predict Fluctuating Heat Transfer
Workshop, DLR Institut of Combustion Technology, 38-40 Pfaffenwaldring, D - 70569 Stuttgart - Vaihingen (University Campus), Germany, October 16, 2006 URANS (Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes) methods to
predict fluctuating wall heat transfer in combustion
chambers for clean combustion systems and oscillating heat
transfer on turbine blades. A workshop in the frame of
FLUISTCOM - Fluid-Structure Interaction for Combustion
Systems, European Marie Curie Research Training Network:
towards improved understanding of transient combustion and
its coupling with combustion wall vibration and thermal
wall load.
12th ERCOFTAC Workshop on Refined Turbulence Modelling
Workshop, Institute for Fluid Mechanics, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, October 12, 2006 The Workshops on Refined Turbulence Modelling aim to bring
together scientists, researchers, users and developers from
industry and from the academic field. Similar to the
previous workshops in Lyon (1992,1993), Lisabon (1994),
Karlsruhe (1995), Chatou/Paris(1996), Delft (1997),
Manchester (1998), Helsinki (1999), Darmstadt (2001),
Poitiers (2002) and Gothenburg (2005), some fundamental
phenomena, but also some industrially relevant problems
been chosen as test cases for this workshop.
Fluent-Workshop "Rapid Flow Modeling fuer den Design-Experten"
Workshop, Hannover, Germany, October 12, 2006 Fluent laedt ein: Erleben Sie die einfache Handhabung und
die Funktionsfuelle unserer neuen Software FloWizard live.
Advanced Training in FLUENT
Course, Houston, United States, October 11, 2006 This course is intended for experienced users of FLUENT v6
who are interested in more in-depth instruction on
specific topics. Users may sign up for one or more days of
instruction. Courses will consist of both lecture and
hands-on examples.
Fluent-Workshop "Rapid Flow Modeling fuer den Design-Experten"
Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, October 11, 2006 Fluent laedt ein: Erleben Sie die einfache Handhabung und
die Funktionsfuelle unserer neuen Software FloWizard live.
Fluent-Workshop "Metallurgie"
Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, October 10, 2006 Fluent laedt ein: Einsatzmoeglichkeiten und Nutzen von CFD in
der Metallurgie.
Modeling and Measurements of Two-Phase Flows and Heat Transfer in Nuclear Fuel Assemblies
Workshop, Roslagstullsbacken 21, Stockholm, Sweden, October 10, 2006 The purpose of the Workshop is to provide a platform for
presentation of the current state-of-the-art in the field
of two-phase flows and heat transfer in nuclear fuel
assemblies. Both experimental and numerical research and
development will be included
Fluent-Workshop "Rapid Flow Modeling fuer den Design-Experten"
Workshop, Berlin, Germany, October 10, 2006 Fluent laedt ein: Erleben Sie die einfache Handhabung und
die Funktionsfuelle unserer neuen Software FloWizard live.
Introduction to FLUENT Training
Course, Houston, United States, October 9, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software
should register for the five-day training course
Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
Course, Santa Clara, United States, October 9, 2006 New users of Icepak software should register for the three-
day introductory training course.
Fluent Webinar "Einsatzmoeglichkeiten und Nutzen von CFD in der Umwelttechnik"
Online Event, October 9, 2006 Online-Seminar will be in German language
8th Overset Composite Grid and Solution Technology Symposium
Conference, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, United States, October 3, 2006 This international symposium provides an open communication
forum for mathematicians, scientists, and engineers from
academia, industry, and government in the field of overset
grid CFD.
Introduction to FLUENT Training
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, October 2, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software
should register for the five-day training course
PLM Road Map 2006
Conference, The Dearborn Inn, Dearborn, United States, September 27, 2006 Annual PLM Road Map conference focusing on thought
leadership in design and engineering. Join leading-edge
users, top vendor architects, and leading industry analysts
as they discuss their experiences in addressing strategic
PLM topics.
Fluent-Workshop "Rapid Flow Modeling fuer den Design-Experten"
Workshop, Salzburg, Austria, September 27, 2006 Fluent laedt ein: Erleben Sie die einfache Handhabung und
die Funktionsfuelle unserer neuen Software FloWizard live.
Fluent-Workshop "Rapid Flow Modeling fuer den Design-Experten"
Workshop, Graz, Austria, September 26, 2006 Fluent laedt ein: Erleben Sie die einfache Handhabung und
die Funktionsfuelle unserer neuen Software FloWizard live.
5th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer
Conference, Hotel Palace, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 25, 2006 The 5th THMT symposium will provide an opportunity to
present recent advances and to discusss current problems,
future needs and prospects in the area of heat and mass
transfer associated with turbulence.
Introduction to FLUENT Training
Course, Santa Clara, United States, September 25, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software
should register for the five-day training course
Fluent-Workshop "Rapid Flow Modeling fuer den Design-Experten"
Workshop, Wien, Austria, September 25, 2006 Fluent laedt ein: Erleben Sie die einfache Handhabung und
die Funktionsfuelle unserer neuen Software FloWizard live.
SONIC 06 - National Level Symposium on CFD
association with FLUENT INDIA (www.fluent.co.in), the
worlds leading supplier of computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) software and services presents SONIC 06, Symposium
On Novel Ideas in CFD, a proposed National Level Symposium
on Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Advanced Thermal Modeling Course by Fluent
Course, Fluent Inc., Austin, United States, September 21, 2006 This is a one-day advanced course that deals with advanced
thermal systems and concepts. It includes modeling of
PCBs, IC packages, interface resistances, altitude
effects, radiation, heat pipes, joule heating,
thermoelectric coolers, transformers, cold plates,
baffles, wall effects, and external heaters/coolers.
Fluent Webinar "Rapid Flow Modeling: CFD-Power fuer den Design-Experten"
Online Event, September 21, 2006 !New Product! Online-Seminar will be in German language
Introduction to Airpak Training by Fluent
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, September 20, 2006 The training course is a combination of lectures with
discussion and hands-on exercises to introduce the student
to the basics of using Airpak, to familiarize the student
with the user-interface, and also to begin a mutually
beneficial partnership.
Fluent-Workshop "Umwelttechnik"
Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, September 20, 2006 Fluent laedt ein: Einsatzmoeglichkeiten und Nutzen von CFD in
der Umwelttechnik.
Numerische Berechnung turbulenter Stroemungen in Forschung und Praxis
Course, Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe, Germany, September 20, 2006 Der Kurs stellt unterschiedliche Ansaetze und Methoden zur
Berechnung turbulenter Stroemungen vor. Ausgehend von
physikalischen Eigenschaften solcher Stroemungen werden
zahlreiche Varianten statistischer Modelle diskutiert (k-
epsilon, k-omega, SST, RSM, EASM, ... ), sowie
zeitlaufloesende Verfahren ( DNS, LES, DES,
URANS, ... ).
Implementierungsaspekte werden besprochen. Vor- und
Nachteile der Modelle an zahlreichen Beispielen
Fluent-Workshop "Rapid Flow Modeling fuer den Design-Experten"
Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, September 19, 2006 Fluent laedt ein: Erleben Sie die einfache Handhabung und
die Funktionsfuelle unserer neuen Software FloWizard live.
Live Demonstration of EFD Software - All Welcome
Online Event, September 19, 2006 This will be a 30-minute live online demonstration of the
latest CAD-integrated EFD software from Flomerics
Introduction to FLUENT Training
Course, Fluent Inc., Ann Arbor, United States, September 18, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software
should register for the five-day training course
Introduction to FLUENT Training
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, September 18, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software
should register for the five-day training course
Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
Course, Fluent Inc., Austin, United States, September 18, 2006 New users of Icepak software should register for the three-
day introductory training course.
Fluent Webinar "Kraftwerkstechnik"
Online Event, September 18, 2006 Online-Seminar will be in German language
Godunov Methods in Computational Engineering and Technology, by Prof. E.F. Toro OBE
Course, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, United Kingdom, September 18, 2006 The course is about a broad class of advanced numerical
methods for solving partial differential equations that
model a variety of physical/chemical processes of interest
to industry, academia and research organizations. The
emphasis is on basic concepts and the foundations required
for algorithm design, code development and practical
Workshop, 100 Ft. Ring Road, 3rd Phase, 6th Block,BSK III stage, Bangalore-560085, India, September 18, 2006 ESI INDIA is conducting a five-day training course on
physics Modeling using CFD codes; CFD-ACE+ and CFD-FASTRAN.
Numerical Analysis of Flow Phenomena
Conference, Hotel Belvedere Imperial, Hersonnisos, Crete, Greece, September 15, 2006 International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied
Mathematics 2006. During the conference the following
session will be organized: Numerical analysis of flow
Fluent-Workshop "Rapid Flow Modeling fuer den Design-Experten"
Workshop, Duesseldorf, Germany, September 14, 2006 Fluent laedt ein: Erleben Sie die einfache Handhabung und
die Funktionsfuelle unserer neuen Software FloWizard live.
TGrid 4.0 Advanced Training
Course, Fluent Inc., Ann Arbor, United States, September 13, 2006 Fluent is offering an advanced TGrid 4.0 course for
general TGrid users who are interested in meshing
complicated geometry. The program will have an automotive
focus, however, it is open to all TGrid clients. Attendees
must have completed TGrid introductory training and it is
recommended that they have at least one year of experience
using the software.
Introduction to FLUENT Training
Course, Fluent Inc., Chicago, United States, September 11, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software
should register for the five-day training course
Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
Course, Santa Clara, United States, September 11, 2006 New users of Icepak software should register for the three-
day introductory training course.
2006 Fluent US Automotive CFD Summit
User Conference, Hyatt Regency Dearborn, Dearborn, United States, September 11, 2006 Attendees tell us year after year that the CFD Summit is
the one event all year they rely upon to get the latest
information about new technology developments in
computational fluid dynamics and what lies ahead in the
years to come. This year's program will be no exception
Fluent Webinar "Einsatzmoeglichkeiten und Nutzen von CFD in der Gebaeudetechnik"
Online Event, September 11, 2006 Online-Seminar will be in German language
Fluent Webinar "EDV-gestuetzte Brandsimulation mit CFD"
Online Event, September 11, 2006 Online-Seminar will be in German language
Introduction to FLUENT Training
Course, Seattle, United States, September 9, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software
should register for the five-day training course
Conference, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands, September 5, 2006 The next in the bi-annual series of conferences on CFD, organized by ECCOMAS (The European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering)
3rd Symposium on Advanced Turbulence Modeling for Industrial CFD
Conference, Hotel Hilton Belem, Belem, Brazil, September 3, 2006 The purpose of this symposium is to bring together
researchers in the field of Turbulence Modeling to
recent progresses, anticipate future modeling requirements
and preview future research directions. Emphasis will be
given to applications and solution of Industrial Problems.
Authors are invited to participate in this event to expand
international cooperation, understanding and dissemination
of recent advances in the general area of Turbulence
Introduction to FLUENT Training
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, August 21, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software
should register for the five-day training course
Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, August 21, 2006 New users of Icepak software should register for the three-
day introductory training course.
Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics
Conference, Greece, August 21, 2006 Aim of Special Session is the discussion of Numerical
Methods in Fluid
Dynamics. We plan to discuss spectral, finite-difference,
finite-volume and others methods in this area. Special
numerical methods for flows with complex geometry and
with hydrodynamic instabilities are especially welcome.
CFD OIL 2006
Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 15, 2006 2nd Latin American CFD Workshop for the Oil Industry
Introduction to FLUENT Training
Course, Fluent Inc., Ann Arbor, United States, August 14, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software
should register for the five-day training course
IHTC-13, 13th International Heat Transfer Conference
Conference, Sydney, Australia, August 13, 2006 Covers both fundamental and applied topics in heat transfer.
Advanced Thermal Modeling Course by Fluent
Course, Santa Clara, United States, August 10, 2006 This is a one-day advanced course that deals with advanced
thermal systems and concepts. It includes modeling of
PCBs, IC packages, interface resistances, altitude
effects, radiation, heat pipes, joule heating,
thermoelectric coolers, transformers, cold plates,
baffles, wall effects, and external heaters/coolers.
Introduction to Airpak Training by Fluent
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, August 9, 2006 The training course is a combination of lectures with
discussion and hands-on exercises to introduce the student
to the basics of using Airpak, to familiarize the student
with the user-interface, and also to begin a mutually
beneficial partnership.
Training Program in Computational electromagnetism and calculation of RADAR cross section
Workshop, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing Knowledge Park, Bangalore, India, August 8, 2006 Zeus Numerix, Mumbai and CDAC, Pune are jointly organising a
workshop on "Computational Electromagnetism and Calculation
of Radar Cross Section". The prime focus of the workshop
would be to train scientists and engineers in solving
problems through several case studies. Fundamental of CEM
will be covered by IIT Bombay Faculty, Application part will
be covered by Zeus Numerix Faculty and High Performance
Computing by CDAC Faculty.
Introduction to FLUENT Training
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, August 7, 2006 This course is intended for people who have had little or
no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software
should register for the five-day training course
Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
Course, Santa Clara, United States, August 7, 2006 New users of Icepak software should register for the three-
day introductory training course.
TGrid 4.0 Advanced Training
Course, Fluent Inc., Ann Arbor, United States, August 7, 2006 Fluent is offering an advanced TGrid 4.0 course for
general TGrid users who are interested in meshing
complicated geometry. The program will have an automotive
focus, however, it is open to all TGrid clients. Attendees
must have completed TGrid introductory training and it is
recommended that they have at least one year of experience
using the software.
Solving Dynamic Mesh Problems with FLUENT V6
Course, Fluent Inc., Ann Arbor, United States, August 3, 2006 This training course, offered in Fluent's Ann Arbor
office, is designed for existing users of FLUENT.
Fluent's Fluid Mechanics and CFD Review Course
Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, August 2, 2006 This two and a half-day course is intended for those users
who are new to CFD and who need an introduction (or re-
introduction) to fluid mechanics, heat transfer and
computational fluid dynamics.
Tcl/Tk/Glyph Class
Seminar, 213 South Jennings Avenue, Fort Worth, United States, August 2, 2006 The Tcl/Tk/Glyph Training Course is a new 3-day session that
covers Tcl, the underlying programming basis of Gridgen
Glyph, and Tk, Tcl's graphical toolkit for building GUI
panels, within the framework of Gridgen Glyph, Gridgen's
scripting language. Taught by a well-known Tcl/Tk
programming expert and author, this course combines lectures
with interactive examples and hands-on problems.