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March, 2008
  • Webinar: Simulation in Solar Energy
    Online Event, March 25, 2008

    The first in a Renewable Energy webinar series that will explain how your company can leverage simulation to stay ahead in this exciting, growing and laudable industry.

  • Webinar: Simulation Driven Product Development for Nuclear Power Plant Components
    Online Event, March 12, 2008

    Join ANSYS, Inc. on March 12, 11:00 EST for a 1-hour webinar covering the use of engineering simulation for nuclear power plants to see how your organization can leverage this technology for success in this rapidly growing industry.

  • CFD COURSE: Kurzlehrgang NUMET 2008, Numerische Methoden zur Berechnung von Str"omungs- & W"arme"ubertragungsproblemen
    Course, Institute of Fluid Mechanics, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, March 10, 2008

    Nach dem großen Erfolg in den vergangenen Jahren wird der Kurzlehrgang NUMET (Numerische Methoden zur Berechnung von Strömungs- und Wärme"ubertragungsproblemen) auch 2008 wieder in Erlangen stattfinden. Der Kurzlehrgang wendet sich an all diejenigen, die selbst Rechenprogramme f"ur Strömungssimulationen entwickeln oder aber kommerzielle Softwarepakete anwenden. Weitere Infos, die vollständige Broschüre und die Online-Anmeldung finden Sie auf der angegebenen Web-Site.

  • Process Modeling and Analysis
    Conference, New Orleans, United States, March 9, 2008

    A modelling symposium for metallurgical related work. To be held at the 2008 TMS annual meeting.

  • 2nd Young ERCOFTAC Workshop
    Workshop, Montestigliano (Siena), Italy, March 9, 2008

    In this Second Young ERCOFTAC workshop we will introduce young scientists to the underlying principles of model reduction. Guest scientists will give introductory tutorials and supervise model reduction projects tied to each participant's research interests.

  • Quality & Reliability of CFD Simulations IV: Multi-phase and Free-surface Flows
    Seminar, East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, United Kingdom, March 5, 2008

    The focus of this joint NAFEMS-ERCOFTAC seminar is the modelling of multi-phase and free-surface flows. Its aim is to bring together current and potential users of CFD to present and discuss methodologies to obtain reliable and consistent results for multi-phase and free-surface flows. The seminar will also illustrate best practice in CFD, as well highlighting findings which have wider relevance and impact.

February, 2008
  • ANSYS Michigan Seminar Series: Rapid Meshing of Complicated Geometry
    Seminar, The Inn at St. Johns, Plymouth, United States, February 22, 2008

    TGrid 5.0 can help address meshing bottleneck issues. At this free seminar, find out how TGRid wrapper can help you achieve faster turnaround time, more accuracy, more fine- tuned designs, and increased productivity.

  • ANSYS Free Offshore Oil and Gas Seminar
    Seminar, La Quinta Inn & Suites , Houston, United States, February 21, 2008

    1/2-day free seminar to help you achieve a better understanding of your designs, and reach improved efficiencies in equipment design and installations while gaining engineering insights that will help reduce development costs and maximize performance.

  • Stroemungsinduzierter Schall - Aeroakustik 2008
    Course, Lehrstuhl fuer Stroemungsmechanik, Cauerstr. 4, Erlangen, Germany, February 19, 2008

    Der Kurzlehrgang gibt hierzu eine Einfuehrung in das Gebiet des stroemungsinduzierten Schalls. Er zeigt den momentanen Entwicklungsstand experimenteller und numerischer Verfahren zur Bestimmung der aeroakustischen Laermquellen und deren Ausbreitung. Es werden die Moeglichkeiten des Einsatzes fuer industrielle Entwicklungsarbeiten aufgezeigt. Dies beinhaltet die Fahrzeugaeroakustik, den Bereich der Stroemungsmaschinen, aber auch Fragen des Verbrennungslaerms.

  • Introductuctory OpenFOAM Training
    Course, Beaumont House, Old Windsor, United Kingdom, February 14, 2008

    Following the hugely popular and well supported OpenFOAM International CFD Conference (, ICON have had numerous requests to repeat the training courses that were offered before and after the conference. An introductory OpenFOAM training course in now scheduled for Thursday 14th and Friday 15th February 2008, at Beaumont House, Windsor, UK. Please contact to register or visit for further information.

  • CFD - an Executive Overview Short Course
    Course, 83, School of Engineering, Cranfield University, Cranfield, United Kingdom, February 1, 2008

    This one day course provides an appreciation of the application of CFD to general engineering, environmental and biological flows, emphasising both the capabilities and limitations.

January, 2008
  • High Performance Computing for CFD - Short Course
    Course, 83, School of Engineering, Cranfield University, Cranfield, United Kingdom, January 31, 2008

    This one-day short course provides specialised technical knowledge for those new to, or working within, the rapidly expanding global High Performance Computing (HPC) sector.

  • Validation and Verification for Credible CFD Short Course
    Course, 83, School of Engineering, Cranfield University, Cranfield, United Kingdom, January 30, 2008

    This one day course explores the requirements for credible CFD simulations.

  • Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) & Turbulence Modelling Short Course
    Course, 83, School of Engineering, Cranfield University, Cranfield, United Kingdom, January 28, 2008

    This two day course is designed to provide an introduction to the use and application of CFD for practical engineering flows. The course is especially appropriate for those with no previous experience of CFD who wish to gain a basic understanding of the concepts involved.

  • Computational Electromagnetics: Basics & Applications
    Workshop, Dept of Physics SV college, Tirupati, India, January 23, 2008

    This workshop is aimed at training of students and practicing engineers in Computational Electromagnetics. The workshop will be conducted by NARL and Zeus Numerix jointly. Lectures will be given by IIT Professors and hands on will be taken by Zeus engineers.

  • 6th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
    Conference, CESAT, Islamabad, Pakistan, January 7, 2008

    To break the isolation in Science. The activities include are 1) Control & Simulation 2) Wireless Communication & Radar 3) Computational Fluid Dynamics 4) Medical Science 5) Advanced Materials 6) Underwater Acoustics

  • International Conference on Thermal Energy and Environment
    Conference, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KALASALINGAM UNIVERSITY , Srivilliputhur, India, January 1, 2008

    International Conference on Thermal Energy and Environment (INCOTEE 2011) aims to provide a common platform for gathering of scientists, leading engineers, industry experts, research scholars and advanced student learners to exchange and share their experiences and research outcome. INCOTEE 2011 focus on new advances and research results in the fields of theoretical and experimental applied Thermal Engineering, Energy and Environment.

  • International Conference on Thermal Energy and Environment
    Conference, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KALASALINGAM UNIVERSITY , Srivilliputhur, India, January 1, 2008

    International Conference on Thermal Energy and Environment (INCOTEE 2011) aims to provide a common platform for gathering of scientists, leading engineers, industry experts, research scholars and advanced student learners to exchange and share their experiences and research outcome. INCOTEE 2011 focus on new advances and research results in the fields of theoretical and experimental applied Thermal Engineering, Energy and Environment.

December, 2007
  • GLS-8, the 8th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering
    Conference, Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi, New Delhi 110 016, India, December 16, 2007

    GLS-8 will focus on science & technologies of two-phase and three-phase flows in process vessels, new techniques of experimentation, modeling & simulation, and other innovations that are likely to address the needs of the chemical process, refining and fertilizer industries in the coming decades.

  • 2007 ANSYS Power Generation Conference
    Conference, Hilton New Orleans Riverside, New Orleans, United States, December 10, 2007

    One-day conference showcasing the latest in engineering simulation solutions for the power industry.

  • Free ANSYS Offshore Seminar
    Seminar, La Quinta Inn & Suites, Houston, United States, December 6, 2007

    Find out how CAE can help you and your company gain an advantage at the ANSYS Free Seminar on Solving Real-World Engineering Problems in the Offshore Industry.

November, 2007
  • ANSYS FLUENT Educational Seminar - Sharpen Your CFD Perception
    Seminar, Hewlett Packard, Rocky Hill, United States, November 29, 2007

    Join two recognized authorities in the field of CFD, ANSYS Fluent CTO, Dr. Dipankar Choudhury & CAE Associates CFD Manager, Dr. Hsin-Hua Tsuei, for live presentations highlighting the state-of-the-art in CFD technologies. Get the experts' view of what the future holds, including the powerful integration of FLUENT & ANSYS software. In addition, hear from representatives at Hewlett-Packard about how best to optimize your in-house computer hardware to maximize the performance of CFD analysis.

  • ANSYS FLUENT Educational Seminar - Sharpen Your CFD Perception
    Seminar, Hiton Garden Inn, Rockaway, United States, November 28, 2007

    Join two recognized authorities in the field of CFD, ANSYS Fluent CTO, Dr. Dipankar Choudhury & CAE Associates CFD Manager, Dr. Hsin-Hua Tsuei, for live presentations highlighting the state-of-the-art in CFD technologies. Get the experts' view of what the future holds, including the powerful integration of FLUENT & ANSYS software. In addition, hear from representatives at Hewlett-Packard about how best to optimize your in-house computer hardware to maximize the performance of CFD analysis.

    Conference, Wright patterson Air Force base at the Wright State University, Dayton, United States, November 27, 2007

    The present multidisciplinary Lecture Series addresses the current state of the art in the design and analysis of axial Turbomachinery components.

  • OpenFOAM International Conference 2007
    Conference, Beaumont House, Burfield Road, Old Windsor, United Kingdom, November 26, 2007

    The first OpenFOAM International Conference is designed to bring together users and managers to a UK location well served by international transport links.

  • Seventh Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics (ACFD7) Conference
    Conference, National Science Seminar Complex, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, November 26, 2007

    The Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics (ACFD) Conference is held once every two years. The major objective of ACFD is to provide a common forum for exchange of new ideas and experiences amongst the scientists and engineers from Asia as well as other parts of the globe, working on algorithms and applications of CFD.

  • ANSYS Conference & 25th CADFEM Users' Meeting
    User Conference, International Congress Center, Dresden, Germany, November 21, 2007

    Simulation technologies in computational fluid dynamics, structural mechanics or multiphysics are moving ever closer toward one another. They will "converge" at the very first users' conference held jointly by Fluent Deutschland, ANSYS Germany and CADFEM. The event will provide participants with highly applicable information about current trends, innovative applications, new developments and the possibilities of integrating CAE software into their development process.

  • American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics 60th Annual Meeting
    Conference, Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, United States, November 18, 2007

    The Division of Fluid Dynamics promotes the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in all areas of fluid dynamics. The organizers invite contributions describing theoretical, computational, and experimental research in the entire range of fundamental fluid phenomena and fluid dynamics applications.

  • NUMECA Advanced Workshop
    Workshop, Brussels, Belgium, November 8, 2007

    NUMECA International is offering User-Meeting attendees a hands-on experience on the latest versions of FINE/Turbo, AutoGrid, HEXPRESS, FINE/Hexa, FINE/Marine, AutoBlade and FINE/Design3D.

  • NUMECA User Meeting 2007
    User Conference, Sheraton Brussels Hotel, Brussels, Belgium, November 6, 2007

    Join us for two days of user presentations from all over the world, product seminars, technical discussions and keynote sessions. The topics of the meeting will include the most exciting new developments in the NUMECA product- line.

  • STAR Konferenz Deutschland 2007, 6-7. November 2007
    Conference, Hilton Hotel Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, November 6, 2007

    The programme will include presentations on CD-adapco key technologies and future developments, helping you stay up to date with our strategy. Add in the popular technical workshops, an exhibition of our most closely integrated partners, an audience of CAE experts and our STAR Konferenz will be bigger and better than ever, with a packed agenda of User presentations.

October, 2007
  • ERCOFTAC Autumn Festival 2007
    Program, Belgian Royal Academy, Brussels, Belgium, October 29, 2007

    The ERCOFTAC Autumn Festival will be held in the august surroundings of the Belgian Royal Academy from 29th to 31st October. The first day - Modeling & Simulation: Significant Achievements & Hard Lessons - is devoted to key issues in applied fluid dynamics affecting industry. The second day is devoted to the da Vinci Student Competition and prestigious prize award as well as the Science Forum. The ERCOFTAC Committee meetings will be held on the third day

  • ESSS South American ANSYS Users Conference
    Conference, Hotel Caesar Business Faria Lima, São Paulo, Brazil, October 25, 2007

    A must-attend event for professionals who want to know the innovations in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Structural Analysis. The ESSS South American ANSYS Users Conference join users of ANSYS, ICEM CFD, CFX and Fluent of all South America. It is a great opportunity to see the benefits of computational aided engineering solutions. Come to the conference and learn how ANSYS, Inc. solutions will help you gain a competitive edge.

  • Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations
    Workshop, Leuven, Belgium, October 24, 2007

    The focus of QLES will be on issues related to assessing, assuring, and predicting the quality of LES. The tendency to apply LES-methodologies to turbulent flow problems of significant complexity, such as arise in various applications in technology and in many natural flows puts this workshop in its timely context.

  • Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations
    Conference, Leuven, Belgium, October 24, 2007

    The focus of QLES will be on issues related to assessing, assuring, and predicting the quality of LES. The tendency to apply LES-methodologies to turbulent flow problems of significant complexity, such as arise in various applications in technology and in many natural flows puts this workshop in its timely context.

  • Advanced Research Workshop "Fire Computer Modeling"
    Workshop, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain, October 19, 2007

    The goal of the Workshop is to bring together numerical and experimental practitioners in fire dynamics, and foster discussion and exchange of knowledge about the current state of fire modeling. Experts in the field are called upon to present their research, applications and case studies to a worldwide audience. The programme will cover both theoretical and practical aspect.

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics Training at Pune
    Course, 'Panchsheel', 42/16, Income Tax Office Lane, Erandwana., Pune, India, October 19, 2007

    Program to develop expertise in Fluid Dynamics, Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics.

  • Inclusive Analysis day October 17th 2007
    Seminar, Innovation Technology centre Brunel Way, Rotherham, United Kingdom, October 17, 2007

    The focus is Pre processing and volume generation, which will be of interest to anyone involved in FEA or CFD applications. With a number of speakers from industry, plus quick fire presentations of the latest technologies. The day will be informative with a good level of Knowledge transfer. A Networking lunch will ensure you also make some useful contacts. The day is free but places are limited.

  • 6th FKFS Conference: Progress in Vehicle Aerodynamics and Thermal Management
    Conference, Paffenwaldring 7, Stuttgart, Germany, October 9, 2007

    The conference is an ideal forum in which to present and discuss advances in engineering technology, i.e. wind tunnel techniques, external and unsteady aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, thermal management and engine cooling.

  • DANSIS Seminar - New Trends in CFD
    Seminar, DTU, Auditorium 31, Building 306, Kgs. Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 3, 2007

    The seminar will give an overview of new advances and development in both commercial, open source and university CFD-codes and allow the participant to interact with the software developers.

September, 2007
  • CFD as an Aid to In-flight Icing Certification
    Course, Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, Spain, September 28, 2007

    This short but to-the-point course illustrates the state-of-the-art in CFD icing simulation and its application to the certification process. It should be of direct and indirect value to all personnel involved in in-flight icing.

  • PLM Road Map 2007
    Conference, The Inn at St. John's, Plymouth, United States, September 19, 2007

    PLM Road Map 2007 is a strategic conference focused on the critical tradeoffs that shape product development.

  • The Sixth International Workshop on Unstructured Mesh Numerical Modelling of Coastal, Shelf & Ocean Flows
    Workshop, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, September 19, 2007

    The unstructured workshop presents an annual opportunity for the developers and users of unstructured mesh models of environmental flows to exchange results and views related to all aspects of this field.

  • Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
    Conference, Hotel Marbella (Agios Ioannis Peristeron), Corfu, Greece, September 16, 2007

    The aim of ICNAAM 2007 is to bring together leading scientists of the international Numerical and Applied Mathematics community and to attract original research papers of very high quality. Topics to be covered include all the research areas of Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics and all the research areas of Applied and Industrial Mathematics.

  • IUTAM Symposium on Advances in Micro- and Nano-fluidics
    Conference, Dresden, Germany, September 6, 2007

    The subject of the symposium is to review the state-of-art of numerical and theoretical modeling of flows at micro- and nanometer scales.

  • International Summer School: Direct Numerical Simulations (D.N.S) of Reacting and Two-Phase Flows
    Course, MB building, HFI, Technical University, Berlin, Germany, September 2, 2007

    This is a rare opportunity to hear from instructors who are leading figures and all experts in DNS, numerical methods and associated physical models, about the latest developments and application of DNS in reacting and two- phase flows, as well as to gain experience of a variety of applicable areas. It will be 5 days of full teaching and 2 days of get- together, with the aim to foster exchange and communication between the participants during and after the Summer School.

August, 2007
  • Computational Electromagnetics: Basics & Applications
    Workshop, Dept. of Electrical & Electronics Engg. S.V.University College, Tirupati, India, August 29, 2007

    The workshop is aimed at students and faculty who are working in the field of electromagnetics or are planning to start their research in this field. Workshop will also be very helpful in training engineers/scientists from R&D organization working in the field of Radars, Radar Cross Sections, Antennas, Wave Guides, and other electromagnetic applications using computational tools.

  • Diploma in Advanced CFD Analysis (DACFD)
    Program, Flat No.6, Bharati Apartment, 26/1, Wakedewadi, Shivajinagar,, Pune, India, August 16, 2007

    Centre for Computational Technologies(CCTech) offers professional training in highly specialized area of CFD Analysis (DACFD).

  • European Postgraduate Fluid Dynamics Conference 2007
    Conference, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, August 8, 2007

    The EPFDC 2007 is a conference organised by, and aimed specifically at, postgraduate researchers in the field of fluid dynamics. The principal aim of the conference is to provide a forum in which postgraduate students in fluid dynamics can present and discuss their research with a group of their peers.

  • Realistic Simulation with SIMULIA Multiphysics Solutions
    Online Event, August 2, 2007

    SIMULIA provides a platform for coupling multiphysics applications as well as fully-integrated multiphysics solutions with Abaqus FEA that are targeted at specific applications in multiple industries. Join us for a free one-hour webinar to learn how you can get closer to simulating real-world behavior using the latest capabilities from SIMULIA.

July, 2007
  • Realistic Simulation with SIMULIA Multiphysics Solutions
    Online Event, July 31, 2007

    SIMULIA provides a platform for coupling multiphysics applications as well as fully-integrated multiphysics solutions with Abaqus FEA that are targeted at specific applications in multiple industries. Join us for a free one-hour webinar to learn how you can get closer to simulating real-world behavior using the latest capabilities from SIMULIA.

  • Webinar: Optimizing Chemical Reactor Performance with Computer Simulation
    Online Event, July 25, 2007

    This webinar introduces the economics of reactor design and the relevant elements of reaction engineering simulations, addressing concerns such as: detailed chemistry, competing and parallel reactions, reactions with varying time and length scales, accounting for the effect of fluid mechanics in general, and turbulence-chemistry interaction in particular.

  • CFD Seminar for Semiconductor Industry at Semicon West 2007
    Seminar, West Mezzanine, Moscone Center, Room 276, San Francisco, United States, July 18, 2007

    ESI Group is pleased to invite you for a FREE Seminar on "Software Modeling Solutions for Semiconductor Equipment and Processes".

  • Webinar Series, Part 1: Solutions for Battery Modeling and IGBT Inverter Modeling
    Online Event, July 14, 2007

    Integrating high fidelity electromagnetic and electromechanical physics based models into a system level simulation, can assist the engineers in optimizing drive performance as well as controlling harmonics and mitigating conducted and radiated EMI/EMC. This webinar series will review the methodology employed to achieve this integration.

  • Webinar: Low-Cost Optimization of Flue Gas Desulfurization Equipment
    Online Event, July 10, 2007

    With the high expense of compliance for SOx limits in the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR), operators are looking for low cost methods to get the most out of their existing pollution control equipment. This webinar will present some of the basics of scrubber and duct fluid mechanics, mass and heat transfer, as well as methods for assuring uniform flow distribution in ducts and flue gas clean-up equipment.

  • 2nd International Symposium on: Advanced Computational Methods and Applications for Heat Exchanger Design
    Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 8, 2007

    The symposium will cover all aspects of numerical simulation as applied to heat exchangers. Areas of interest include but are not limited to: free-stream turbulence and transition, computer limitations and algorithm optimization, conjugate heat transfer and enhanced surfaces, electronics cooling and micro-heat exchangers, fluid-structural interactions, fouling, meshing complex geometries, phase change and multi-phase flow, transient and periodic flows, user-friendly software.

  • ANSYS r12 InfoDays
    Workshop, Largo Augusto 7 , Milano, Italy, July 8, 2007

    Meet the capabilities of the new ANSYS 12 release.

  • EACC - European Automotive CFD Conference by Ansys
    Conference, Congress Center Messe Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany, July 5, 2007

    This unique, biennial event is the one-stop Automotive CFD conference for Road, Rail, Racetrack and Off-Highway Vehicle Engineering.

  • 2nd European Conference on Aerospace Sciences
    Conference, ULB, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium, July 2, 2007

    The conference will highlight advances in key aerospace sciences in 5 parallel symposia under a European co- organisation. Papers are solicited on Research and Development, modelling, simulation and testing.

June, 2007
  • UK FIELDVIEW 12 Seminar
    Seminar, Reading, United Kingdom, June 26, 2007

    Applied Computing & Engineering will demonstrate the new FIELDVIEW 12 software, review the current FIELDVIEW product suite and introduce you to new tools that will change the way you think about presenting your CFD and FEA results.

  • UK FIELDVIEW 12 Seminar
    Seminar, Manchester, United Kingdom, June 21, 2007

    Applied Computing & Engineering will demonstrate the new FIELDVIEW 12 software, review the current FIELDVIEW product suite and introduce you to new tools that will change the way you think about presenting your CFD and FEA results.

  • Second Symposium on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods
    Conference, Chandris Dassia Hotel, Corfu, Greece, June 17, 2007

    The main topics of the Symposium include: * Unsteady RANS, LES versus DES * Improved DES * Hybrid URANS-LES * Embedded LES * DES-related numerical issues * Performance of the new SAS models * Industrial applications of DES * Commercial CFD software exhibition

  • Fourth M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics -- Focus FSI
    Conference, Hyatt Regency Cambridge Hotel, Cambridge, United States, June 13, 2007

    The Conference Series was created by Prof. K.J. Bathe, M.I.T. The First Conference was held in 2001. The aim of the Conferences is to bring together researchers and practitioners from around the world to assess the latest frontiers of high performance computing and to set important directions for further research and development. Emphasis is given on the interchange of experiences in the field between Academia and Industry and on exposing young researchers to the exciting state of the art.

    Conference, NIA, United States, June 11, 2007

    The present status of ground test facilities and instrumentation for simulation of hypersonic flight, propulsion, and atmospheric entry will be reviewed with respect to current and proposed international vehicle development programs.

  • Second OpenFOAM Workshop in Zagreb, Croatia 7-9/Jun/2007
    Workshop, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Croatia, June 7, 2007

    Wikki Ltd. and University of Zagreb, Croatia announce the Second OpenFOAM Workshopin Zagreb, 7-9/Jun/2007. Main topics include: Turbomachinery simulations with OpenFOAM, Fluid-structure interaction, OpenFOAM for internal combustion Engines and OpenFOAM on Windows and Mac OS X.

    Conference, von Karman Institute, Chaussee de Waterloo 72, 1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, June 4, 2007

    The objective of this Lecture Series is to present a state-of-the-art review of on-going activities in turbulent combustion and to outline current research directions.

May, 2007
  • Parallel CFD 2007
    Conference, Sheraton Voyager Hotel, Antalya, Turkey, May 21, 2007

    International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics

    Conference, von Karman Institute, Chaussee de Waterloo 72, 1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, May 21, 2007

    The purpose of the course is to provide state-of-the-art information on physical modeling and numerical simulation of multifluid flows.

  • Elmer basic and advanced courses
    Course, Keilarana 14, Espoo, Finland, May 18, 2007

    Two one day courses on the Elmer finite element software.

  • Fluid Structure Interaction 2007
    Conference, Wessex Institute of Technology, The New Forest, United Kingdom, May 14, 2007

    The conference will be of interest to mechanical and structural engineers, offshore engineers, earthquake engineers, naval engineers and any other experts involved in topics related to fluid structure interaction and those specialising in moving boundary problems.

  • Developing a Design/Simulation Framework
    Conference, Georgia Tech's Global Learning Center, Atlanta, United States, May 9, 2007

    Join industry analysts from CPDA and leading-edge users and practitioners for a one-day event that explores in depth the latest thinking on the critical issues facing simulation.

    Conference, von Karman Institute, Chaussee de Waterloo 72, 1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, May 7, 2007

    The purpose is now to revisit the subject in view of the latest advances made, specially taking into account the increased capabilities in numerical simulations and in non- intrusive optical measurement techniques.

April, 2007
  • 5th Joint FZD & ANSYS Workshop & Short Course on Multiphase Flows: "Simulation, Experiment and Application"
    Workshop, Park Plaza Hotel, Dresden, Germany, April 25, 2007

    The short course on multiphase flows is being organized jointly by the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD), ANSYS Germany (CFX) and Fluent Deutschland (ANSYS Fluent). It is supported by the German Alliance for Competence in Nuclear Technology.

  • Turbulence LES Seminar
    Seminar, La Maison de la Recherche - 54, rue de Varenne - 7ème, Paris 75007, France, April 24, 2007

    The aim of this seminar is an overview of Turbulence Models and the applications for Industrials. Learn about Large Eddy Simulation with FLUENT and ANSYS CFX and their advantages in this half-day seminar.

    Conference, von Karman Institute, Chaussee de Waterloo 72, 1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, April 16, 2007

    The LS will provide a comprehensive and complete single source for understanding film cooling and a basis for future film technology advances.

  • European Combustion Meeting (ECM2007)
    Conference, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Chania, Greece, April 11, 2007

    The THIRD EUROPEAN COMBUSTION MEETING (ECM2007) will be held in Chania, Crete during 11-13 April 2007 and will be organized by the Greek Section of the Combustion Institute under the auspices of the Federation of the European Sections of the Combustion Institute. The meeting aims to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of current research activities in the field of combustion and to promote European co-operation in combustion research and development.

  • EFD for the CAD User
    Online Event, April 3, 2007

    This 20 minute technical webinar is designed to assist mechanical engineers concerned with fluid flow or heat transfer issues understand how EFD (an embedded CFD analysis tool) can help optimise designs.

March, 2007
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics Research and Industrial Application
    Workshop, Sardar Patel College of Engg,Bhavan’s Campus, Munshi Nagar, Andheri West Mumbai, India, March 24, 2007

    This course is valuable for students, faculty or industry personnel of Mechanical, Chemical, Civil and Aerospace Engineering who want to make career in growing areas like CFD or want to teach CFD as an undergraduate and postgraduate level course. Participants will benefit by learning the basics of Fluid Mechanics and CFD from distinguished IIT Bombay faculty. Interaction with Zeus Numerix engineers will give a feel of solution of industrial problems.

  • High-Performance Computing with ANSYS Solutions and Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003
    Online Event, March 21, 2007

    Microsoft and ANSYS, Inc. are making strides in high- performance computing (HPC). Microsoft Computer Cluster Server 2003 is fully integrated within the ANSYS Workbench, thereby allowing ANSYS users to submit directly to a Windows cluster from their desktop through the Microsoft Job Scheduler. This Webcast presents how the connection between ANSYS and Windows Compute Cluster Server can help users take advantage of high-performance computing.

    Conference, von Karman Institute, Chaussee de Waterloo 72, 1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, March 19, 2007

    The objective of this Lecture Series is to review the state-of-the-art in current wind turbine technologies and set the perspectives for new potentials in terms of R&D.

  • STAR European Conference 2007
    Conference, Novotel London West, London, United Kingdom, March 19, 2007

    Formerly the CD-adapco/STAR-CD User Group, the conference now includes popular technical workshops, demos, an exhibition of our most closely integrated software and hardware partners, an audience of CAE experts as well as User presentations and CD-adapco key technologies and future developments. If you register for the conference by January 26, 2007 you will be entered into our prize draw to win an I.TECH Virtual Keyboard - a real 22nd Century gadget!

  • Quality & Reliability of CFD Simulations III: Quantifying and Reducing Uncertainty
    Seminar, East Midlands Conference Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, March 14, 2007

    This seminar is jointly promoted by NAFEMS & ERCOFTAC and examines the quantification and reduction of uncertainty for industrial and environmental CFD applications

    Conference, von Karman Institute, Chaussee de Waterloo 72, 1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, March 12, 2007

    This VKI/RTO lecture series reviews the current state of the art and challenges in high speed propulsion for both airplanes and space launchers.

  • EFD for the CAD User
    Online Event, March 6, 2007

    This 20 minute technical webinar is designed to assist mechanical engineers concerned with fluid flow or heat transfer issues understand how EFD (an embedded CFD analysis tool) can help optimise designs.

February, 2007
    Conference, von Karman Institute, Chaussee de Waterloo 72, 1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, February 26, 2007

    This LS intends to focus on technical aspects concerning the production and transport of nano-powders.

  • Six Degrees of Freedom Modelling and Simulation of Aerospace vehicles.
    Workshop, CDAC, Knowledge Park, Old Madras Road, Byappanahalli, Banglore, India, February 8, 2007

    As Modelling and Simulation (M&S) is penetrating the aerospace sciences at all levels, this two days course will introduce you to difficult subject of modelling aerospace vehicles in six degrees of freedom (6 DOF).

  • EFD for the CAD User
    Online Event, February 6, 2007

    This 20 minute technical webinar is designed to assist mechanical engineers concerned with fluid flow or heat transfer issues understand how EFD (an embedded CFD analysis tool) can help optimise designs.

    Conference, von Karman Institute, Chaussee de Waterloo 72, 1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, February 5, 2007

    During this Lecture Series, world experts will present the fundamentals of sensor technology and measurement chain, and examples of applications in fans, compressors and turbines.

January, 2007
    Conference, von Karman Institute, Chaussee de Waterloo 72, 1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, January 29, 2007

    This course is intended to provide the basic information required to initiate research or applications in most of the important domains of computational fluid dynamics.

  • Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations II - QLES2009
    Workshop, Piazza dei Cavalieri, Pisa, Italy, January 1, 2007

    The focus of QLES2009 will be on issues related to assessing, assuring, and predicting the quality of LES. The QLES2009 workshop invites original contributions which enhance the knowledge on error sources and their interaction in LES, and may lead to criteria for the prediction and optimization of simulation quality. The QLES2009 workshop is the second workshop in the QLES series. Its predecessor, QLES2007, was organized in 2007 in Leuven, Belgium.

  • Virtual Tow Tank - Computational Simulation Training for Naval Architects & Marine Engineers
    Course, San Diego, United States, January 1, 2007

    The aim of this course is to teach the techniques needed to conduct accurate and efficient marine simulations using computational fluid dynamics. The course is structured as a combination of lectures, demonstrations and workshops (tutorials). Best practices for meshing and analysis of stationary and multi-degree-of-freedom (DOF) free-surface applications are emphasized and demonstrated.

December, 2006
  • Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industires
    Conference, Melbourne, Australia, December 13, 2006

    The conference continues a successful series of meetings aimed at promoting and advancing the application of CFD in the minerals and process industries where technologies often involve challenging aspects such as multiphase flow, combustion, phase change, non-Newtonian flow, etc.

  • Webinar: Powerful Flow Simulation for Oil & Gas Separation Technology
    United Kingdom, December 13, 2006

    This webinar will focus on the competitive advantage that can be gained through the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to separator design and operation, and will provide a range of compelling examples that clearly illustrate demonstrate how flow simulation can reduce cost and increase the efficiency of separation processes, including retrofitting existing separators and preventing damage due to sloshing loads.

  • Engineering Simulation Solutions Seminar for the Oil & Gas Industry
    Seminar, Houston Marriott West Loop at the Galleria, Houston, United States, December 12, 2006

    Accelerate Innovation and Time to Market through Enhanced Engineering Simulation at the Engineering Simulation Solutions Seminar for the Oil & Gas Industry in Houston, TX on Tuesday, December 12, 2006.

  • Introduction to FLUENT Training
    Course, Fluent Inc., Ann Arbor, United States, December 11, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software should register for the five-day training course

  • Introduction to FLUENT Training
    Course, Santa Clara, United States, December 11, 2006

    This course is intended for people who have had little or no experience with FLUENT. New users of the software should register for the five-day training course

  • Introduction to Icepak Training by Fluent
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, December 11, 2006

    New users of Icepak software should register for the three- day introductory training course.

  • Workshop & Training Programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Workshop, NPSF Building, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Pune, India, December 11, 2006

    To foster the usage and generate expertise in Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) area, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(C-DAC),Pune is organizing a 5 days intensive training programme on CFD simulation during December 11-15,2006.

  • Introduction to Airpak Training by Fluent
    Course, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, United States, December 6, 2006

    The training course is a combination of lectures with discussion and hands-on exercises to introduce the student to the basics of using Airpak, to familiarize the student with the user-interface, and also to begin a mutually beneficial partnership.

  • CFD Seminar
    Seminar, ESI UK, MWB, The Oxford Science Park, Oxford, United Kingdom, December 5, 2006

    The day will include an overview of ESI Group's CFD Ace and CADalyzer, simulation of Fuel Cells, Multiphysics Simulation of MEMS Applications, PLasma and Chemical Vapour as well as CFD simulation of Semi-Conductor Process and Design.


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