Accelerating Biomedical Product Development Using ANSYS Simulation Tools
Online Event, March 31, 2009 During this webinar you will learn how the advanced and
comprehensive multiphysics offerings from ANSYS can help
you meet your company’s product development goals.
Virtual Tow Tank - Computational Simulation Training for Naval Architects & Marine Engineers
Course, San Diego, United States, March 31, 2009 The aim of this course is to teach the techniques needed to
conduct accurate and efficient marine simulations using
computational fluid dynamics. The course is structured as a
combination of lectures, demonstrations and workshops
(tutorials). Best practices for meshing and analysis of
stationary and multi-degree-of-freedom (DOF) free-surface
applications are emphasized and demonstrated.
Virtual Geoscience Workbench (VGW) Modelling Workshop
Workshop, Royal School of Mines, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, London, United Kingdom, March 30, 2009 We simulate particulate systems working closely
with fluids applications. The workshop
aims to show potential users the range of discontinuous
systems that can now be modelled with VGW and how
scientists and engineers with modest or more extensive
computer modelling experience may find VGW of interest for
their future research. VGW is an Open Source project that
will be attractive to both users and developers. It has
been launched on a server, managed through Sourceforge.net.
Webinar: Particle Transport in Unsteady, Separated Flow
Online Event, March 26, 2009 Dr. Gustaaf Jacobs will discuss the physics of particles in
a separated flow in the Lagrangian frame and the
computation of these flows with high-fidelity computational
methods. Dr. Jacobs is an assistant professor at San Diego
State University. His research focuses on the fluid
mechanics of separated particle-laden flows and the
development of high-fidelity computational algorithms.
This event is sponsored by Tecplot, Inc., a provider of CFD
visualization software.
Engine Compartment Thermal Modeling
Course, 9401 General Dr. , Suite 131, Plymouth, United States, March 19, 2009 Your instructor will guide you through the fundamental
approach and best-practices in applying CFD for thermal
simulations in engine compartment and underhood
environments. This will help increase your knowledge in the
simulation approach for full 3D vehicle thermal simulations.
Simulation for Meeting Deep Offshore Technology Challenges
Online Event, March 19, 2009 This free online webinar will demonstrate how accurate
flow, thermal, and
stress simulation can be used for Virtual testing and
validation via 3-D
physics. Presenters will discuss how this key business
enabler is overcoming
these challenges, by telling engineers what will work and
Demonstrations will also show how techniques can be used to
existing designs and concepts to work at deeper levels.
Pointwise Meshing Seminar
Seminar, Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel, Göteborg, Sweden, March 19, 2009 CFD meshing seminar hosted by two engineers from Pointwise,
Inc. held in Goteborg, Sweden on March 19, 2009. The seminar
will include both Pointwise and Gridgen demonstrations as
well as current and future product status. Lunch and coffee
will be included.
Two-Day Short Course on CFD
Course, MAXrad SOFTware India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India, March 13, 2009 This training program is aimed at enhancing the knowledge
of practicing automotive and aerospace engineers as well as
to provide an advanced understanding of phenomena commonly
encountered in Industrial flows and numerical techniques to
handle them.
Diploma in Advanced CFD Analysis (DACFD) at CCTech, Pune
Course, Flat No.6, Bharati Apartment, 26/1, Wakedewadi, Shivajinagar,, Pune, India, March 9, 2009 Centre for Computational Technologies(CCTech) offers
professional training in highly specialized area of CFD
Analysis (DACFD).
NAFEMS Quality & Reliability in Aerospace CFD Seminar
Seminar, East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, United Kingdom, March 4, 2009 For commercial aircraft, concerns over carbon emissions and
the high cost of fuel help drive the quest for improved
efficiency. Noise impact on densely populated areas
provides another environmental concern. Minimizing drag is
clearly important for efficient high speed cruise, but high
lift is essential for safe low-speed takeoff and landing.
CFD plays a major role in aircraft aerodynamics, where the
requirements continue to push the capabilities of CFD
Simulation for Marine Engineering
Seminar, CILEA , Via R. Sanzio 4, Segrate - Milano, Italy, March 3, 2009 Presentations about ANSYS tools: Workbench , Mechanical ,
Presentations by ANSYS staff and by customers and users.
A Modefrontier presentation will be given also.
Modeling Vehicle Aerodynamics and Vehicle Thermal Management (VTM)
Online Event, February 26, 2009 This free online webinar will highlight the ways in which
numerical simulation
can be used to improve vehicle aerodynamics and thermal
Guest Speaker Robert Lietz, CFD Technical Expert at Ford
Aerodynamics will
discuss how the availability of simulation data early in
the design process can
guide descision-making and minimize engineering risk, by
inspiring greater
confidence in the product.
Free Webinar - Improving Axial Turbine Flow Path Efficiency between Overhauls: Strategy for 2010
Online Event, February 17, 2009 This webinar is dedicated to power station and airline
engineers who want to improve efficiency of turbomachinery
during overhauls.
10th MpCCI User Forum
User Conference, Schloss Birlinghoven, Sankt Augustin, Germany, February 17, 2009 The MpCCI User Forum 2009 again will show latest
developments and applications all around multi-
disciplinary simulation coupling.
CFD-ACE+ Introductory Training
Kruppstr. 82-100 ETEC V5-105 , Essen, Germany, February 10, 2009 Learn about all of the basic features and operation of the
entire CFD-ACE+ suite of tools.
Use of CFD Models in Fire Safety Engineering
Seminar, Engineers Ireland, 22 Clyde Road, Dublin, Ireland, February 5, 2009 This one day seminar organized by the Fire & Safety
Division of Engineers Ireland (the Institution of Engineers
of Ireland) will focus on the practical aspects and
challenges of applying Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
models in fire safety engineering.
Short Term Training Program on Advanced Computational Techniques (ACT-2009)
Workshop, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India, January 27, 2009 Overarching aspects of the different computational
techniques and questions related to accuracy, efficiency,
and cost effectiveness, which are most relevant for the
engineering applications, the main spirit of this Short
Term Training Program on Advanced Computational Techniques
(ACT-2009) is to impart knowledge in a comprehensive way
in the following areas.
(i) Mathematical Modeling (ii) Discretization (iii)
Solution algorithms
Workshop, Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway, January 11, 2009 The fourth annual FEniCS workshop
Conference, CESAT, Islamabad, Pakistan, January 5, 2009 Largest Scientific Event of Pakistan
Experimental Fluid Mechanics 20011
Conference, Valdstein Chateau, Valdstejnovo namesti 1 , Jicin, Czech Republic, January 1, 2009 The conference will focus on obtaining an overview of
projects under investigation, and experimental methods used
in the field of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics.
Workshop on Advanced Measurement Techniques and Computational Methods for Premixed and Partially Premixed Combustion
Conference, Argentina, January 1, 2009 NUMECA Int. and the Technical University of Darmstadt
jointly organize an International Workshop on Advanced
Measurement Techniques and Computational Methods for
Premixed and Partially Premixed Combustion. The workshop is
organized in the framework of the Marie Curie COMBINA
project and is financially supported by the
European Commission (FP7). The Workshop is organized in
conjunction with the Seventh Mediterranean Combustion
Symposium (MCS-7).
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), 2-day course, February 2012, University of Manchester, UK
Course, University of Manchester, George Begg Bldg, Manchester, United Kingdom, January 1, 2009 This 2-day course on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH),
2-3 February 2012, is intended for engineering fluid
mechanics including coastal and shallow water hydrodynamics,
ballistics, nuclear flows, injection moulding, and other
flows such as marine, structures, fluid/structure
interaction, sloshing, flooding, debris, slurry, etc. SPH
is a meshless computational method for potentially highly
violent fluid flows where there is very large deformation
with arbitrarily complex moving boundaries.
Open Source CFD International Conference 2008
Conference, Hotel Concorde Berlin, Augsburger Strasse 41, Berlin, Germany, December 4, 2008 You are cordially invited by ICON to the Open Source CFD
International Conference 2008 which will be held in Berlin
on 4th and 5th December. This year's Conference is
addressing the increasing adoption of the CFD community
towards the usage of open source-based technology. More
specifically, as in last year's International Conference in
London, it is focusing solely on OPENFOAM the leading Open
Source CFD software.
LES4ICE - LES for Internal Combustion Engine Flows
Workshop, IFP, Rueil-Malmaison (8km west of Paris), France, December 1, 2008 2nd announcement and final programme available!
The LES4ICE workshop aims at providing a forum for
exchanges concerning recent advances in research on and the
use of Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) applied to internal
combustion engine flows, injection and combustion.
The aim is to bring together engine designers and players
in LES research worldwide and have them compare views on
the state of the art in LES applied to ICEs and on the
bottlenecks future research will have to overcome.
Front-loading CFD in the Design Process
Seminar, The Ramada Hotel & Suites, Coventry, United Kingdom, November 26, 2008 Terms like UpFront CFD, Engineering Fluid Dynamics and
Simulation Driven Product Development have become
associated with the areas of rapid growth in Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) implementation in recent years. All
these phrases have behind them the concept that if you can
use CFD tools early on in the engineering design process
you stand to gain the most benefit because this is where
the biggest changes in the design are practical.
Flow Simulation Using Particles - Bridging Computer Graphics and CFD
Course, ETH, Clausiusstrasse 59, Zurich, Switzerland, November 14, 2008 We present advances in flow simulations using particles with
a focus on developing a bridge between the Computer Graphics
(CG) and the Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) communities.
The course describes particle methods in a comparative, case
study driven framework, addressing for example visual
realism of liquid simulations as related to the accuracy of
enforcing incompressibility.
Advances in Mixing and Combustion: Architectures, Measurement Techniques and Numerical Modelling
Seminar, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, London, South Kensington, United Kingdom, November 11, 2008 The impact of climate change on the environment and the
debate on available fossil fuel resources have created
constraints for the combustion engineering community, and
motivated the development of new methodologies and
technologies. The seminar introduces new developments and
ideas that can be deployed in an industrial R&D cycle,
across a myriad of applications in the combustion
engineering sector.
Engineering Simulation Energy Conference (ESEC)
Conference, Omni Houston Westside, 13210 Katy Freeway, Houston, United States, November 11, 2008 ANSYS, Inc. is pleased to host the 2008 Engineering
Simulation Energy Conference (ESEC), an event focused on
engineering challenges and innovation in the energy industry.
OpenFOAM Two Days Course
Course, IBM Palisades Executive Business Conference Center, New York, United States, November 10, 2008 Two full days OpenFOAM general introduction course.
Pointwise User Group Meeting
User Conference, 600 Commerce Street, Fort Worth, United States, November 5, 2008 Join us in Fort Worth, Texas on November 5-6, 2008 for two
days of grid
generation excitement. You will see special Pointwise and
Gridgen training
seminars, presentations by Pointwise staff on new product
exhibits by our partners, and user presentations. Not only
will you learn
about the latest Pointwise and Gridgen features, glimpse
developments, and network with other CFD experts, you will
experience our
own blend of Texas and Pointwise hospitality.
Pointwise User Group Meeting 2008
User Conference, Embassy Suites Fort Worth - Downtown, Fort Worth, United States, November 5, 2008 Join us in Fort Worth, Texas on November 5-6, 2008 for two
days of grid generation excitement. You will see special
Pointwise and Gridgen training seminars, presentations by
Pointwise staff on new product developments, exhibits by our
partners, and user presentations. Not only will you learn
about the latest Pointwise and Gridgen features, glimpse
future developments, and network with other CFD experts, you
will experience our own blend of Texas and Pointwise
FLOW-3D User Conferences to be held in Japan and Taiwan
User Conference, Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan, October 31, 2008 FLOW-3D Users Conferences will be held at the end of
October 2008 in both Taiwan and Japan.
FLOW-3D User Conferences to be held in Japan and Taiwan
User Conference, Cathay Financial Holdings Taipei, Taiwan, October 28, 2008 FLOW-3D Users Conferences will be held at the end of
October 2008 in both Taiwan and Japan.
Royal Society Discussion Meeting: Applied Large Eddy Simulation
Conference, The Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London, United Kingdom, October 27, 2008 A 2-day, international-level scientific conference organised
by Professor Paul Tucker and Dr Sylvain Lardeau, discussing
the computational modelling of flows, vital for
understanding & controlling processes relevant to
aeronautical, environmental and numerous engineering
7th MIRA International Vehicle Aerdynamics Conference
Conference, RICOH Arena, Coventry, United Kingdom, October 22, 2008 Currently the three most important factors in aerodynamics
development are: correlation, correlation &
correlation. Bringing together all the stakeholders in the
development community will ensure all sides of the
discussion are robustly interrogated. Whether your focus
is the fastest lap time or new
levels of cabin refinement, the 7th MIRA International
Vehicle Aerodynamics Conference is firmly established as
the forum to discover the latest trends in all areas of
ANSYS Conference & 26. CADFEM Users' Meeting
User Conference, Darmstadtium, Darmstadt, Germany, October 22, 2008 The German ANSYS Conference & the 26th CADFEM Users' Meeting
from October 22nd - 24th , 2008 in the "City of Science"
Darmstadt, reflects the broad variety, powerful performance,
and flexibility of ANSYS in order to realize
state-of-the-art Simulation Driven Product Development -
covering different application areas such as Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Structural Mechanics, Electronics, or
Hybrid RANS-LES Simulations for Industrial Users
Course, BAE Systems, Park Centre, Farnborough, United Kingdom, October 21, 2008 A review of turbulence modelling techniques, covering RANS
and LES.A firm foundation in the theory and ideas
underlying Hybrid RANS-LES techniques, particularly DES.
Industry perspectives on Hybrid RANS-LES techniques.
Best practice guidance for the appropriate and effective
application of DES for real-world engineering simulations.
Future prospects for Hybrid RANS-LES techniques.
9th Symposium on Overset Composite Grid and Solution Technology
Conference, State College, United States, October 14, 2008 This international symposium provides an open forum on
Overset Composite
Grid and Solution Technology for mathematicians,
scientists, and engineers
academia, industry, and government. The technical
organization is informal,
only oral presentations are required.
2008 ESSS South American ANSYS Users Conference
User Conference, Guanabara Palace Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 14, 2008 Find out how the most innovative companies from South
America are able to increase productivity using ANSYS
OpenFOAM Two Days Course
Course, Hotel 11, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 8, 2008 Two full days OpenFOAM general introduction course.
13th ERCOFTAC Workshop on Refined Turbulence Modelling
Workshop, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, September 25, 2008 The workshop is dedicated to turbulence modelling.
Two sessions will focus on test cases of scientific and
engineering relevance : 1-Jet impinging onto a rotating,
heated disc. 2- Flow in a 3-D diffuser.
A third session is dedicated hybrid RANS/LES methods.
Invited presentations : F. Menter (SAS method), M.
Leschziner (Approximate, RANS-based wall boundary
conditions for LES), S. Girimaji & B. Basara (PANS method),
B. Chaouat (PITM method), C. Mockett (DES method)
International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2008, Symposium on "Computational Fluid Dynamics"
Conference, Hotel Belvedere Imperial, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, September 25, 2008 Numerical methods in fluid mechanics,
Simulation in fluid mechanics, Mathematical Modelling in
fluid mechanics, Convection, heat and mass transfer,
Multiphase flow, Boundary layer flow, Hydrotechnology,
OpenFOAM User & Programming Training Courses in Chicago, USA
Course, Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers, Chicago, United States, September 24, 2008 ICON, a leading independent CFD services company, is pleased
to announce a series of OpenFOAM Training Courses being held
in Chicago, USA.
PLM Road Map 2008
Conference, The Inn at Saint John's, Detroit, United States, September 23, 2008 Join CPDA, key industry players, and front-line
implementation experts as they discuss their experiences
in addressing strategic PLM topics.
CEIViz '08: ExtremeSim Conference
User Conference, Radisson Plaza Lord Baltimore, Baltimore, United States, September 23, 2008 The meeting will include special visualization training
seminars, presentations
on new software developments by CEI staff, exhibits by our
partners, and
user presentations. This will be a great opportunity to
learn about the latest
simulation features, get a preview of future developments,
and network with
other simulation experts.
Hochschulkurs "Berechnung turbulenter Stroemungen in Forschung und Praxis"
Course, Dresden, Germany, September 22, 2008 An introduction to turbulence modelling, covering
RANS, LES, Hybrid, mesh generation, Quality control,
multiphase flows, applications
(The course language is German!)
Further information is available on the web page provided
Workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Applications in the Agri-Food Industry
Workshop, Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece, September 20, 2008 The 4th International Conference on Information and
Communication Technologies in Bio and Earth Sciences-(HAICTA
2008) will take place in Athens at 18th-20th of
September 2008. The conference is organised by the
Agriculture University of Athens. In the framework of
conference will be hold a Workshop for the usefulness of the
CFD (Computational Fluids Dynamics) for applications at
Agricultural sector.
Techfest 2009 (IIT Bombay)
India, September 20, 2008 Techfest 2009 is the annual international science and
technology festival of IIT Bombay and Asia's largest
festival of its kind. This year there is a unique cfd
competition at Techfest called Simulate.
2008 FLOW-3D World Users Conference
User Conference, Hilton Santa Fe, Santa Fe, United States, September 18, 2008 The 2008 FLOW-3D World Users Conference will be held
September 18-19, 2008 at the Hilton in Santa Fe, New
Mexico. FLOW-3D users from around the world will gather to
present their latest work in a variety of application
2008 Materialise Innovation Forum
Conference, Provinciehuis, Leuven, Belgium, September 17, 2008 The Materialise Innovation Forum is a two day conference
focusing on software solutions for RP&M and CAE
3rd Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
Conference, Hotel Kypriotis Village-Kypriotis Panorama, Kos, Greece, September 16, 2008 The symposium will take place during ICNAAM 2008
(International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied
Mathematics). The aim of ICNAAM 2008 is to bring together
leading scientists of the international Numerical and
Applied Mathematics community and to attract original
research papers of very high quality. ICNAAM is one of the
biggest annual events in the field of the numerical analysis
involving hundreds of scientist from the whole world.
Free Webinar: Join us to Review 2010 Turbomachinery CAE Software Updates
Online Event, September 15, 2008 Join us for a detailed review of the upgraded features in
the latest version of Agile Engineering Design System®
software suite. LIVE demonstrations will show the benefits
of the various enhancements made to CAE tools that cover
meanline design, detailed design, computational fluid
dynamics (CFD), finite element analysis (FEA), and
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulations 7
Workshop, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, September 8, 2008 The conference will establish the state-of-the-art
of DNS and LES techniques for the
computation and modeling of transitional/turbulent flows.
Summer School on Numerical Modelling and OpenFOAM 2008
Course, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, September 8, 2008 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FSB), University of
Zagreb, Croatia announce the Summer School for PhD students
and young researchers in Zagreb, taking place on 8-19
September 2008.
2008 ANSYS Automotive Conference
Conference, Dearborn, United States, September 4, 2008 At the 2008 ANSYS Automotive Conference, event designers,
engineers, analysts and managers from the automotive
community will discover how ANSYS solutions enable
customers to implement true Simulation Driven Product
Development and how innovative automotive companies are
using simulation to solve challenging engineering problems,
new ideas and experiential insight from ANSYS team members
and industry experts
2008 ANSYS Automotive Conference
Conference, Hyatt Regency Dearborn, Dearborn, United States, September 4, 2008 A one-and-a-half day gathering of the automotive industry's
brightest minds featuring numerous opportunities for
exchanging ideas and improving your engineering simulation
Attend FREE Webinar - Matching a Turbocharger to the specific Engine System with TurboMatch
Online Event, September 2, 2008 Matching a Turbocharger to the specific Engine System with
Join us for a FREE one-hour webinar
TurboMatch is the newest addition to the Concept NREC
Agile Engineering Design System® Software Suite, developed
specifically for designing turbochargers. This NEW
Turbocharger Design System package provides an integrated
approach to the design and analysis of the complex
interaction betweeen the compressor, turbine, and other
components of a turbocharger and the engine.
Summer School on Large-Eddy Simulation and its Application in Aeroacoustics (LES-AAA)
Course, Szechenyi u. 10., Balatonfured, Hungary, August 31, 2008 The Summer School has the following objectives: to give an
introduction to the Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) and to the
methods of Computational Aero-Acoustics (CAA) for PhD
students and young researchers working in the field of
engineering or physics.
2008 International ANSYS Conference
Conference, Pittsburgh, United States, August 26, 2008 ANSYS believes simulation leads to inspired engineering. We
see evidence of this every day as we engage with our
customers around the world. Join us at the 2008
International ANSYS Conference August 26 to 28 in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. and see for yourself how
ANSYS is enabling a whole new level of inspired engineering.
2008 CFD OIL - 3rd Latin American CFD Meeting Applied to the Oil Industry
Conference, Mirador Rio Hotel , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 18, 2008 The 3rd Latin American CFD Meeting Applied to the Oil
Industry will bring together engineers, scientists,
professors and academics dedicated to the development of
high performance CFD solutions to overcome challenges in
the oil and gas sector.
Diploma in Advanced CFD Analysis - DACFD
Program, Flat No.6, Bharati Apartment, 26/1, Wakedewadi, Shivajinagar,, Pune, India, August 18, 2008 India is identified as one of the world's fastest emerging
CFD market with growth rate more than 20%. Many MNC's have
well established CFD design centre in India, and many more
have started to establish there CFD design centre, but the
CFD industry is lacking quality man power. DACFD is a unique
professional course which bridges the gap between YOU and
CFD industry.
Utah Advanced Computing Summer Institute
Conference, SUU-CIET, 351 W. University Blvd., Cedar City, United States, August 12, 2008 The UACSI will provide faculty and industry representatives
from different backgrounds and levels of expertise in High
Performance Computing (HPC) with an exciting mixture of
tutorials and presentations, and an opportunity to network
with peers and experts in the field of HPC.
ERCOFTAC Summerschool
Course, Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1, Halle (Saale), Germany, July 21, 2008 Modelling of Atomisation and Sprays for Technical and
Industrial Applications
Seminar: Simulation Solutions: Solving Real-World Engineering Problems in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry
Seminar, Hewlett-Packard Houston, Compaq Center Drive, Houston, United States, July 10, 2008 A half-day seminar focused on helping companies in the
offshore industry understand and solve their toughest
engineering problems through simulation technology.
Third OpenFOAM workshop
Workshop, via La Masa 34, Milan, Italy, July 9, 2008 The event intends to bring together developers and users of
OpenFOAM, to promote collaborative activities, exchange
information and share experiences in similar areas of
The Workshop is split into thematic sessions, to help
participants stay up-to-date by providing indications of
emerging and developing ideas in each research area.
For the benefit of new users and people interested in
knowing the OpenFOAM code, a one-day Training Course will be
provided on the 9th of July 2008.
5th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics
Conference, Seoul National Univ.Seoul 151-744, South Korea, July 7, 2008 ICCFD (International Conference on Computational Fluid
Dynamics) is the outcome of the merger of two important
streams of conferences in CFD: International Conference on
Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, ICNMFD (since 1969)
and International Symposium on Computational Fluid
Dynamics, ISCFD (since 1985).
ANSYS Michigan Seminar Series: Workshop on Structural Nonlinear Analysis for Simulating Sealing Applications
Seminar, The Inn at St. Johns , Plymouth, United States, June 27, 2008 ANSYS is offering a workshop to help you gain insight into
preventing costly seal failures.
This free workshop provides an overview of the breadth and
depth of nonlinear analysis capabilities available from
ANSYS. These capabilities allow you to solve your most
challenging sealing applications problems
Multiphase Flow - FZD and ANSYS Short Course and Workshop
Workshop, Dresden, Germany, June 24, 2008 6th FZD & ANSYS Short Course and Workshop
"Multiphase Flow - Simulation, Experiment and Applications"
24 - 26 June 2008 in Dresden / Germany
Project & Process Management Made Easy Seminar
Seminar, Manhattan Beach, United States, June 22, 2008 A free seminar on Lean Project and Process Management
focusing on new methods for better planning, execution and
Debris Flow 2008
Conference, The New Forest, United Kingdom, June 18, 2008 Second International Conference on Debris Flow including
all Aspects of Debris Flow, Monitoring, Modelling, Hazard
Assessment, Mitigation Measures, Case Studies, and Extreme
Events, Erosion, Slope Instability and Sediment Transport.
The conference will provide a forum to interchange
knowledge and expertise in the fields of erosion and slope
sediment transport, debris flow and debris flood data
acquisition, debris flow phenomenology and laboratory
8th Intl Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques
Conference, Faculty of Engineering, Ancona, Italy, June 18, 2008 The conference aims at creating an active
forum where current research results and technical advances
can be shared and the development of new systems for
laboratory use, field testing and industrial application
can be promoted. Experts in vibration and acoustics,
manufacturers and authorities in the field of optical and
non- invasive instrumentation and industrial users of such
measurement devices will present their activities and
innovative approaches to vibration measurements.
Short Course on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques
Course, Faculty of Engineering, Ancona, Italy, June 17, 2008 The one-day tutorial course aims at providing the
fundamentals of Laser Techniques for Vibration
Measurements and to offer hands-on experience on the most
advanced instrumentation.
ANSYS Webinar - Gas Turbine Combustion
Online Event, June 17, 2008 Join us for a free webinar on gas turbine combustion. This
one-hour event is designed for new and current users of
software from ANSYS, providing an overview of the
combustion models available in FLUENT and ANSYS CFX
technology, and exploring the different modeling options
for a non-premixed, premixed or partially premixed
turbulent combustion system.
6th International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries (CFD 2008)
Conference, Trondheim, Norway, June 10, 2008 The conference focuses on CFD applications in process
industries such as metal production, mineral processing,
oil and gas, chemicals and other industries. The
conference continues a successful series of meetings aimed
at promoting and advancing the application of CFD in the
minerals and process industries where technologies often
involve challenging aspects such as multiphase flow,
combustion, phase change, non-Newtonian flow, etc
Parallel Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Course, 1000 E. University Avenue, Laramie, United States, June 9, 2008 The Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium organizes a summer
school on numerical methods for partial differential
equations with special emphasis on Discontinuous Galerkin
Methods and their application in fluid flow and
16th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada
Conference, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, June 8, 2008 The CFD Society of Canada is pleased to announce that the
16th Annual Conference will be held in Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan, Canada from June 8 - June 10, 2008.
International participants are welcome. For Canadian Visa
information, please contact Profs. Don Bergstrom and Ray
ANSYS Webinar: Simulation Driven Product Design and Process Improvement in the Plastic Packaging Industry
Online Event, June 3, 2008 Learn how technology from ANSYS can help you predict package
performance before your processes are implemented, and how
Simulation Driven Product Development leads to cost savings,
reduced time to market and an increased competitive
advantage against those that heavily rely on physical
Intel Software Tools Tutorial
User Conference, Chalmers Conference Center, Gothenbyurg, Sweden, June 3, 2008 Tutorial for Intel Software tools
Simulation and Data Intensive Fair 2008
Conference, Chalmers Conference Center, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 3, 2008 SIMDI is an event with focus on applications for technical
and Scientific simulation and High performance computing
Introduction to OpenFOAM
Workshop, Chalmers Conference Center, Gothenbyurg, Sweden, June 3, 2008 Tutorial and hands on for new users of OpenFOAM
Medical Innovations Conference
Conference, Hilton Hotel, Vienna, Austria, May 30, 2008 Innovations in medical image-based sciences and research.
CAE is a very important subject during this edition, with
several (keynote)lectures about image-based FEA or CFD and a
workshop together with CADFEM (Ansys distibutor)
Introductory OpenFOAM Training 29th May 2008 - 30th May 2008
Course, Beaumont House, Old Windsor, United Kingdom, May 29, 2008 An introductory OpenFOAM training course in now scheduled
for Thursday 29th and Friday 30th May 2008, at Beaumont
House, Windsor, UK. Please contact training@icon-cg.co.uk to
register or visit
www.icon-cg.co.uk/icon/site/content.php?sel=215 for further
EuroPAM 2008
User Conference, Congress Centre DIPLOMAT, Prague, Czech Republic, May 29, 2008 The 17th annual conference and exhibition on
Simulation-Based Design. Designed for our users, EuroPAM
2008 will bring together ESI Group experts presenting new
product features, experienced users sharing their expertise
and partners helping our users gain in productivity and
The event is tailored to meet needs of experts, senior
practitioners and decision-makers as well as a wider range
of professional public.
Elmer User Meeting 2008
User Conference, Keilaranta 14, Espoo, Finland, May 28, 2008 2nd Elmer User Meeting in conjunction with Elmer Basic
Course. Elmer is an open source finite element software for
multiphysical problems.
Effective Use of CFD for In-flight Icing Certification
Course, Sangyo-Shinko Kaikan, Kawasaki Station, Tokyo, Japan, May 26, 2008 The course illustrates the state-of-the-art of CFD
applications in icing simulations. It should be of value to
all concerned with in-flight icing, and is structured to be
of equal interest to simulation code users, detection and
protection systems manufacturers, regulators, ACOs and DERs.
ANSYS Michigan Seminar Series: Real-World Simulations Using Multiphysics Technology from ANSYS
Seminar, The Inn at St. Johns, 44045 Five Mile Road, Plymouth, United States, May 23, 2008 Free seminar to demonstrate how a broad range of
multiphysics problems are successfully being addressed today
with technology from ANSYS.
National Conference on Advances in Fluid Flow and Thermal Sciences during 22-24th May 2008 (AFFTS2008)
Conference, S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, India, May 22, 2008 A National Conference on Advances in Fluid Flow and
Thermal Sciences is being held at S. V. National Institute
of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India during 22-24th May,
Advances in Fluid Mechanics 2008
Conference, The New Forest, United Kingdom, May 21, 2008 Seventh International Conference on Advances in Fluid
Mechanics. The objective of the meeting is to provide a
forum for discussing new work in fluid mechanics and in
particular for promoting the interchange of new idea and
the presentation of the latest applications in the field.
Workshop on Higher Order Methods in Computational Science and Engineering
Workshop, Civil and Computational Engineering Research Centre, Swansea University, United Kingdom, May 15, 2008 The Wales Institute of Mathematics and Computation has
kindly provided
funding to allow the organization of a one day workshop on
order methods in computational science and engineering. It
will consist of
invited talks from key experts in the field as well as a
small number of
contributed presentations. The workshop aims to promote
interaction and
discussion between U.K. industry and academia, although
participants from
outside the U.K are also welcome to attend.
Developing a Design Simulation Framework/ Frontiers in Design Simulation Research
Workshop, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, United States, May 13, 2008 Join CPDA, end users, and academic researchers for two
days of discussions that will explore in-depth the latest
thinking on the critical issues facing design and
simulation. At CPDA's Developing a Design/Simulation
Framework workshop discover what CPDA's Design/Simulation
Council and other leading-edge users have been doing to
further a standard framework employing common terminology
to integrate and optimize the divergent specialist
activities currently fragmenting design efforts.
Computer Aided Engineering for Marine Engineering
Workshop, Department of Ocean Engineering and Marine Architecture, Kharagpur, India, May 12, 2008 The course aims at providing the engineer, designer,
technology manager or R&D chiefs a basic idea in use of
simulation technologies related to marine engineering.
CHT-08: Advances in Computational Heat Transfer
Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, May 11, 2008 The goal of the symposium is to provide a forum for the
exposure and exchange of ideas, methods and results in
computational heat transfer.
CHT-08 is planned as a tribute to Professor D. Brian
Spalding FRS in honour of his 85th birthday and in
recognition of his innumerable contributions to heat and
mass transfer, combustion, turbulent flow, multiphase
phenomena and computational methods and results in heat and
mass transfer.
DEM Solutions User Meeting
User Conference, Carlton Hotel, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, April 24, 2008 The first ever DEM Solutions User Meeting will take place on
24th and 25th April 2008 in Scotland's beautiful capital
city of Edinburgh.
HiCOMB 2008 - 7th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology
Workshop, Hyatt Regency Resort, Miami, United States, April 14, 2008 The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for
discussion of latest research in developing high-
performance computing solutions to problems arising from
molecular biology.
Introductory OpenFOAM Training Course, 3rd & 4th April 2008
Course, Windsor, United Kingdom, April 3, 2008 Following the hugely popular and well supported OpenFOAM
International CFD Conference (www.openfoam-conference.com),
ICON have had numerous requests to repeat the training
courses that were offered before and after the conference.
An introductory OpenFOAM training course is now scheduled
for Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th April 2008 at Beaumont
House,Windsor, UK. Please contact training@icon-cg.co.uk to
register or visit
www.icon-cg.co.uk/icon/site/content.php?sel=215 for futher
Fuels and Combustion in Engines Conference
Conference, ITU, Istanbul, Turkey, March 31, 2008 It is our privilege to invite researchers, scientists,
engineers, policy makers and politicians to present new
technologies and developments, and discuss the future
direction, strategies and priorities in the field of Fuels
and Combustion in Engines in FCE`08 conference to be held
in Istanbul, Turkey, on March 31 and April 1, 2008.
Webinar: Simulation in Biomass and Biofuel
Online Event, March 27, 2008 The third in a Renewable Energy webinar series that will
explain how your company can leverage simulation to stay
ahead in this exciting industry.
Webinar: Simulation in Wind Energy
Online Event, March 26, 2008 The second in a Renewable Energy webinar series that will
explain how your company can leverage simulation to stay
ahead in this exciting industry.
Introduction to ANSYS CFX
Course, IDAC Ltd, Croydon, United Kingdom, March 25, 2008 This is an introductory course in CFD techniques and
analysis using ANSYS CFX, being held at IDAC Ltd in Croydon.
The course is designed for anyone who is new to CFX or
interested in evaluating the software for use at their
company or university. Attendees are usually designers,
engineers or academic staff/students who have some knowledge
of fluid mechanics and general engineering.