8th Joint FZD & ANSYS Workshop and Short Course on Multiphase Flows: "Simulation, Experiment and Application"
Conference, Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf, Inst. of Safety Research, Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany, June 22, 2010 This Short Course and Workshop is being organized
jointly by the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD)
and ANSYS Germany. It is supported by the
German Alliance for Competence in Nuclear Technology. The
aim of the workshop is to bring together experimental and
numerical practitioners in the field of multiphase flow
applications and to foster discussion and exchange amongst
them. Particular fields of interest for workshop
presentations are listed in the Call for Papers.
1st Fraunhofer Conference on Multiphyics Simulation
Conference, Ameron Hotel Koenigshof, Bonn, Germany, June 22, 2010 Multiphysics simulation is one of the fastest growing
research field in industrial engineering. This conference
will concentrate on some aspects of this emerging research
Summer School in Computational Fluid Dynamics (NAFEMS accredited)
Course, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, June 22, 2010 The objective of the course is to empower users with tools
and techniques in CFD, which can be applied to a wide range
of industrial applications.
This course will provide understanding of the mathematical
foundation and focus on a detailed overview of the physical
models necessary for applications in Chemical, Civil,
Environmental and Mechanical Engineering and many other
fields of engineering.
2010 Simulation for Energy Engineering STAR Global Forum
Conference, Hotel Derek, 2525 West Loop South, Houston, United States, June 22, 2010 The 2010 Simulation for Energy Engineering STAR Global Forum
will showcase the results and business benefits simulation
is delivering to the Oil and Gas, Nuclear and Renewable
energy Industry. Participants will learn how 3-D flow,
thermal, and stress simulation is facilitating innovation to
improve design and development for risk avoidance and
performance improvement in the energy sector.
Free Webinar: AxSTREAM in Turbomachinery Education
Online Event, June 22, 2010 The 1-hour webinar covers new effective approaches to
teaching design and optimization of turbomachinery,
providing the educational community with an in-depth
understanding of the procedure of turbine/compressor
development, from engine cycle overview to 3D flow path design.
5th OpenFOAM Workshop
Workshop, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 21, 2010 This event brings together developers and users of OpenFOAM,
to promote collaborative activities, exchange information
and share experiences. The intention is to organize this 5th
workshop similar to the orgainization of the 4th workshop,
where day 1 offered basic and advanced training, days 2-3
offered presentations, and day 4 offered group activities.
This is a
non-profit community driven activity, not
affiliated with OpenCFD Ltd. OpenFOAM is a registered
trademark by OpenCFD Ltd.
How to Boost Your Computational Fluid Dynamics Productivity
Online Event, June 17, 2010 This webinar will contain a presentation followed by a real-
life demonstration of the above capabilities, as well as an
opportunity for Q&A.
How to Boost Your Computational Fluid Dynamics Productivity
Online Event, June 15, 2010 This webinar will contain a presentation followed by a real-
life demonstration of the above capabilities, as well as an
opportunity for Q&A.
Fifth European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics. ECCOMAS CFD 2010. June 14th - 17th, 2010. Lisbon, Portugal
Conference, Argentina, June 14, 2010 The goal of the ECCOMAS CFD conferences is to periodically
bring together
researchers, industrialists and students working in the
fields of the science of
Computational Fluid Dyamics (CFD).
5th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics
Conference, LNEC, Lisbon, Portugal, June 14, 2010 The European Community on Computational Methods in Applied
Sciences (ECCOMAS) announces the organization of the Fifth
European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECCOMAS
CFD 2010) to be held in Lisbon on JUNE 14th - 17th June
Training Workshop on Turbomachinery Flow Path Design and Optimization with AxSTREAM
Course, United Kingdom, June 11, 2010 This training workshop is aimed at developing axial/radial
turbomachinery design and optimization skills in engineers
using AxSTREAM software suite.
Training Workshop on Turbomachinery Flow Path Design and Optimization with AxSTREAM
Course, United Kingdom, June 11, 2010 This training workshop is aimed at developing axial/radial
turbomachinery design and optimization skills in engineers
using AxSTREAM software suite.
4th Computational Workshop in Toulouse
Workshop, Toulouse, France, June 11, 2010 This day is the opportunity to listen to two senior French
researchers and two junior ones who made significant
improvement in the context of applied mathematics.
2010 ANSYS Regional Conference - Minneapolis
Seminar, 1 Grand Cypress Blvd, Orlando, United States, June 11, 2010 Join us for the 2010 ANSYS Regional Conferences to learn
how leading companies are using smart simulation tools to
drive innovation and avoid potential product issues early
in the design process.
ETMM8 - Engineering Turbulence Modelling & Measurements
Conference, Palais du Pharo, MARSEILLE, France, June 9, 2010 The ETMM series of symposia aims to provide a bridge
between researchers and practitioners in Flow, Turbulence
and Combustion by exposing progress in the predominantly
applied, industrially-oriented areas of turbulence
Conference, Oxford Belfry Hotel, Oxford, United Kingdom, June 8, 2010 ENGINEERING SIMULATION: CONTRIBUTING TO BUSINESS SUCCESS
Following on from the outstanding success of the previous
conference held in 2008, the NAFEMS UK Conference 2010 will
be the country's premier conference on Simulation
Technology for the Engineering Analysis Community.
Sponsored by Simulia, it will bring together leading
industrial practitioners, consultancies, academic
researchers and software developers with a common interest
in engineering analysis.
2010 ANSYS Regional Conference - Chicago
Seminar, 2815 Jorie Boulevard, Oak Brook, United States, June 7, 2010 Join us for the 2010 ANSYS Regional Conferences to learn
how leading companies are using smart simulation tools to
drive innovation and avoid potential product issues early
in the design process.
FREE Webinar: Design and Optimization of an Axial Turbine - A Case Study
Online Event, June 3, 2010 Thursday, June 3, 2010, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM EST
Demonstration Case: An Axial Turbine for an Aircraft
Propulsion Application
Challenge: Reduce the turbine stage count, while still
maintaining the power and efficiency level.
Solution: Accelerated redesign of the turbine using
Concepts NREC's Agile Engineering Design System® to reduce
weight and machining costs and still meet the performance
Introduction to Optimization & Multidisciplinary Design in AR and TU - VKI Lecture Series
Conference, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, May 31, 2010 The complete title of this lecture series is Introduction to
optimization & multidisciplinary design in aeronautics and
This course intends to provide the basic concepts and tools
for single-and multi-objective optimization for applications
where different disciplines interact such as fluid dynamics,
structural mechanics, acoustics, and conjugate heat transfer.
International Conference on Multiphase Flow
Conference, Tampa, United States, May 30, 2010 This triennial international conference covers many aspects
of multiphase
flow, including experiments, modeling, and simulations.
Specific conference
topics are listed below.
Designing Better Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Advanced Numerical Simulation
Online Event, May 27, 2010 It is a whole new world in automobile development, and
todays consumers and government alike are expecting nothing
short of a revolution. Fuel economy and emissions
expectations are so acute that they have pushed the Hybrid
Electric Vehicle to the forefront.
Webinar on AxSTREAM 3.0: Design of Multispool Axial Compressor. From Specification to 3D Blade Design
Online Event, May 27, 2010 In the course of the 1-hour online presentation, the
SoftInWay team will showcase the new features of AxSTREAM
3.0 for multispool compressors
Hybrid RANS-LES Methods for Industrial CFD
Course, GE Global Research Centre, Munich, Germany, May 27, 2010 The course aims to provide:
- An overview of turbulence modelling.
- A firm foundation in the theory and ideas underlying,
RANS, LES and Hybrid RANS-LES techniques.
- Recommendation and guidance for the appropriate and
effective application of Hybrid RANS-LES.
- Examples from real-world engineering simulations, using
the DES class of models.
WindPower 2010: High Fidelity CFD for Wind Power Applications
Seminar, Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, United States, May 24, 2010 May 24-26: Join ACUSIM at WindPower 2010, the world's
largest and most anticipated annual event for wind energy.
Attend daily presentations on Wind Turbine CFD Simulation,
Visualization and High Performance Computing by industry
domain experts on site of ACUSIM booth #12448. Reserve
today! http://www.acusim.com/news/00052.html
Fifth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering (CWE2010)
Conference, Friday Center, Chapel Hill, United States, May 23, 2010 This symposium will facilitate the exchange of the latest
information on CFD software and its applications to wind
engineering. There
will be a Plenary Session entitled Trends in High
Performance Computing for Wind Engineering. A special open
session will follow to provide developers of public domain
(both commercial licensed and open-source) CFD software an
opportunity to answer a few general questions and to
present their views of the trends in computing and their
FLOW-3D German Users Conference
User Conference, Tubingen, Germany, May 21, 2010 FLOW-3D German Users Conference
FREE Web Seminar - Building Reliability into Design
Online Event, May 19, 2010 In this web seminar we will discuss how using Concurrent
CFD fluid flow analysis throughout the design process can
enable designers to have a direct influence on the
usability and reliability of a finished product.
ESI Global Forum 2010
User Conference, Marriott Airport Hotel Munich, Munich, Germany, May 19, 2010 First ESI Users Conference & Exhibition on Virtual Prototyping
10th European FLOW-3D Users Conference
User Conference, Hotel de la Paix, Reims, France, May 19, 2010 The 10th annual European FLOW-3D Users Conference will be
held on May 19, 2010 at the Hotel de la Paix in Reims,
France, in the heart of Champagne-Ardenne region. All
FLOW-3D users -- and anyone interested in becoming a FLOW-3D
user -- are invited to attend.
First International Symposium on Fishing Vessel Energy Efficiency
Conference, IFEVI, Vigo, Spain, May 18, 2010 E-fishing 2010 is the first of a series of biannual
conferences devoted to the study of energy efficiency on the
fishing world. The symposium topics include ship
hydrodynamics, maneuvering, fishing gear design, engines,
electrical systems....
Fluid Dynamics of Biological Flows - VKI Lecture Series
Conference, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, May 17, 2010 Fluid Dynamics is a discipline that has increasing
importance in biology. The aim of this course is to
introduce newcomers to Bio-fluid Mechanics and also to
present a state of the art as well as the latest development
in the field.
International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM) 2010
Conference, Argentina, May 15, 2010 After the first two conferences successfully held in 2004 in
Singapore and 2007 in Hiroshima, Japan, we are now happy to
announce that the 3rd International Conference on
Computational Methods will be held at Zhangjiajie, a top
tourist resort in Hunan Province, China, in November 2010.
ICCM 2010 will be hosted by Hunan University and sponsored
by the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and
Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, China.
Conference website at : http://dmvb.hnu.cn/ICCM2010/index.htm
STAR Global Forum 2010: Aerospace & Defense
Conference, Historic Hilton Fort Worth, Fort Worth, United States, May 12, 2010 The 2010 Forum will showcase the results and business
benefits simulation is delivering to the Aerospace and
Defense Industries. Participants will learn how flow,
thermal, and stress simulation is facilitating innovation
through improved design and development for performance
improvements and risk mitigation.
Attendees will leave the event with a complete understanding
of the business benefits of simulation and realistic
implementation strategies for their organization.
NAFEMS Practical CFD Analysis
Course, Legacy Falcon Hotel, Stratford-Upon-Avon, United Kingdom, May 11, 2010 NAFEMS, the only independent not-for-profit organisation
with the aim of promoting the effective and reliable use of
CFD, addresses this requirement by providing this two day
example driven, practical course.
Webinar: Airbus on Advanced Modeling and Simulation
Online Event, May 6, 2010 Guest speaker Martin Schmid from Airbus will discuss
how shorter development cycles is the key for competitive
advantage in the aircraft industry. He will investigate how
achieving this competitive advantage requires the analysis
of system performance and reliability at an early stage to
reduce the risk of late equipment changes with impact on the
schedule. Specifically Martin will cover how quality
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is required with
validated models to meet the criteria.
Webinar: Airbus on Advanced Modeling and Simulation
Online Event, May 6, 2010 Guest speaker Martin Schmid from Airbus will discuss
how shorter development cycles is the key for competitive
advantage in the aircraft industry. He will investigate how
achieving this competitive advantage requires the analysis
of system performance and reliability at an early stage to
reduce the risk of late equipment changes with impact on the
schedule. Specifically Martin will cover how quality
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is required with
validated models to meet the criteria.
OpenFOAM Course Sweden, May 2010
Course, Scandic Crown Hotel, Polhemsplatsen 3, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 5, 2010 Next May, Gridcore AB in collaboration with Wikki Ltd.
and IBM will hold a two-day OpenFOAM Introductory course in
Gothenburg. The course will be delivered
by Henrik Rusche, main collaborator of Prof. Hrovje Jasak
and partner at Wikki Ltd., and will cover basic concepts as
as useful
examples. For further information please visit
SIMDI 2010 - Simulation and Data Intensive Fair
Conference, Scandic Crown Hotel, Polhemsplatsen 3, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 5, 2010 SIMDI is organized and held by Gridcore AB and aims to
gather Industry members driving innovation using technical
computing for a two-day event in Gothenburg. May 2010
FLOW-3D General Training
Course, Flow Science: 683 Harkle Rd. Suite A, Santa Fe, United States, May 4, 2010 Flow Science offers comprehensive training classes every
month at its offices in Santa Fe.
Internal Cooling in Turbomachinery - VKI Lecture Series
Conference, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genèse, Belgium, May 3, 2010 The continuous advances made in the field of internal blade
cooling as of development, design, experimental techniques
and computational methods, while opening new perspectives,
also create the need for reviewing the state of the art. The
Lecture Series will pivot on the modern strategies that
designer and researchers are presently following in order to
reduce the gap between simplified models and engine reality.
CFD Symposium
Connelly Center, Cinema Theater, 800 Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, United States, April 28, 2010 CFD Symposium in honor of Brian Spalding in the Department
of Mechanical Engineering at Villanova University.
Web Presentation: Concurrent CFD for Electronics Cooling Applications
Online Event, April 28, 2010 Attend this complimentary web presentation from Mentor
Graphics where you will see how quick and easy it is to
solve electronics cooling problems using concurrent CFD.
OpenFOAM Course Germany, April 2010
Course, IBM-Allee 1, Am Keltenwald 1, Ehningen, Germany, April 22, 2010 Next April, Gridcore AB in collaboration with Wikki Ltd.
and IBM will hold a two-day OpenFOAM Introductory course in
Ehningen (close to Stuttgart). The course will be delivered
by Prof. Hrvoje Jasak and will cover basic concepts as well
as useful
examples. For further information please visit
Course, CILEA, Via R. Sanzio 4 , Segrate, MI, Italy, April 20, 2010 State of the art, applications, multiphysics links,
introductory training and practical session.
Training Course on Steam and Gas Turbine Design
Course, Boston, United States, April 19, 2010 The program includes a comprehensive overview of turbine
thermodynamics, gas dynamics and structural analysis,
supported by practical design examples.
Radial Turbomachinery Design: Free Webinar by SoftInWay
Online Event, April 15, 2010 On April 15, 2010, at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. EST SoftInWay will
host free webinar "AxSTREAM Generation 3: New Features for
Radial Turbomachines" that will showcase the new features of
the AXSTREAM software suite for radial turbines and
centrifugal compressors. The presentation is followed by an
open forum where SoftInWay's experts will answer the
attendees' questions.
Further information is available at
Pointwise User Group Meeting
User Conference, 213 S. Jennings Ave., Fort Worth, United States, April 13, 2010 Join us in Fort Worth, Texas on April 13-14, 2010 for two
days of grid generation excitement. You will see special
Pointwise and Gridgen training seminars, presentations by
Pointwise staff on new product developments, exhibits by our
partners and user presentations. Not only will you learn
about the latest Pointwise and Gridgen features, glimpse
future developments and network with other CFD experts, you
will experience our own blend of Texas and Pointwise
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
Course, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, April 8, 2010 This 2 day course on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
is aimed at practising engineers and graduate researchers in
all fields of fluid flow simulation who wish to discover the
latest research and applications in the novel field of
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). This course is aimed
at the beginner and will cover, basic and theoretical
concepts, latest innovations, applications to cases in
industry and visualisation techniques.
Design/Simulation Council Workshop
Workshop, Cincinnati, United States, April 7, 2010 Join CPDA and members of the Design/Simulation Council on
April 7 in Cincinnati for a one-day workshop that will
explore in-depth the latest thinking on the critical issues
facing design and simulation. For more information visit:
FLOW-3D Hydraulics Training
Course, Flow Science: 683 Harkle Rd. Suite A, Santa Fe, United States, April 6, 2010 Flow Science offers comprehensive training classes every
month at its offices in Santa Fe.
Aerothermodynamic Design, Review on Ground Testing and CFD - RTO VKI Lecture Series
Conference, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genèse, Belgium, March 29, 2010 This special course RTO / VKI offers a review of the major
investigation tools used in hypersonic research. It aims to
provide to engineers and researchers a critical view on the
experimental facilities and CFD models used in aerospace
research for aerothermodynamic studies related to database
International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences
Conference, Las Vegas, United States, March 28, 2010 ICCES2010 will have very broad themes (see www.icces.org),
encompassing all areas of computational and experimental
engineering & sciences. All papers accepted for presentation
and presented at ICCES 2010 will be published in the free
on-line journal, ICCES www.techscience.com/icces. Selected
papers, which represent first publications, will be
considered, upon further rigorous peer-reviews, for
publication in the journals, CMES, or CMC, or MCB.
(See www.techscience.com ).
Mentor Web Seminar: Responsible Design for a Greener Future
Online Event, March 24, 2010 Complimentary web seminar from Mentor Graphics. Learn how
CFD Analysis can result in a greener and more responsible
HVAC design, and reduce costs.
STAR European Conference 2010
User Conference, Novotel London West, London, United Kingdom, March 22, 2010 This exclusive two day event will bring together engineers
from around the world and explore the latest developments in
engineering simulation technology and to discuss the ways in
which it can be deployed to solve industrial problems,
reducing costs and empowering innovation.
Wind Effects on Trains
Seminar, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1 Great George Street, London SW1P 3AA, United Kingdom, March 17, 2010 The protection of trains from crosswinds and the prevention
of trains overturning is a topic of great interest and much
research effort in Europe. This seminar has three talks:
"Open Issues regarding trains in crosswinds" by T. Johnson
(RSSB); "Computer simulation of wind loads on trains" by D.
Wu (Mott MacDonald); and "Large-eddy simulation for the
flow around trains" by H. Hemida (Birmingham University).
The events is open to all and is free.
FREE CFD web seminar: Flow, Pressure, Cavitation! Use X-Ray Vision to Avert a Design Disaster
Online Event, March 17, 2010 In this web seminar we will discuss the typical challenges
an engineer faces when designing Process Plant flow control
devices such as valves and piping. We will see how an MCAD
embedded Concurrent CFD approach can dramatically improve
workflow during the design process, leading to better
products in far less time, maximizing both output and
NAFEMS Coupling 1D and 3D CFD: The Challenges and Rewards of Co-Simulation
Seminar, Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon, United Kingdom, March 17, 2010 This seminar aims to:
Explore the motivation for linking 1D system and 3D CFD
models in terms of engineering and practical aspirations;
Consider some of the key challenges in performing such
analyses and how to rise to them; and
Look at some of the commercially available options for
addressing the technical need.
Wind Power Commercial Strategies 2010
Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, March 10, 2010 Wind Power Commercial Strategies Conference 2010 -
addressing key science, technology, policy and commercial
issues facing the commercial development of the industry.
Information and insights will be drawn primarily from case
study presentations covering the latest practical
developments under the theme of ‘innovative ideas creating
practical solutions’.
Intensive Training Course on Axial Compressor Fundamentals and Turbomachinery Design with AxSTREAM
Workshop, Boston, United States, March 8, 2010 This course provides in-depth knowledge of the axial
compressor basics and a practical understanding of
turbomachinery design using AxSTREAM.
High Speed Propulsion: Engine Design - Integration and Thermal Management - RTO / VKI Lecture Series
Conference, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genèse, Belgium, March 8, 2010 Hypersonic systems will provide a revolution in commercial
transport, space access (lower power density), and military
missions (global reach in 2 hours). The objective of this
RTO lecture series is to provide clear guidelines regarding
the design of the propulsion unit and integration into the
ANSYS for HealtCare
Seminar, Sala G.B. Rossi - via Giano della Bella 34 , Rome, Italy, March 3, 2010 Simulation and virtual prototyping play an increasing role
in the complexity of the biomediacl investigations and
products. On this day the major Italian experts present
their latest researches, experiences and applications.
FLOW-3D Casting Training
Course, Flow Science: 683 Harkle Rd. Suite A, Santa Fe, United States, March 2, 2010 Flow Science offers comprehensive training classes every
month at its offices in Santa Fe.
Technical Seminar on Manufacturing Process Simulation
Seminar, Cranfield Management Research Institute, Cranfield University, United Kingdom, February 25, 2010 A FREE Seminar that will enable you to learn how state-of-
the-art simulation tools can help reduce development time
and drastically cut costs in manufacturing processes. The
event will also show case studies that show the use of TWS
AdvantEdge and modeFRONTIER in practise.
Wind Farm Modelling 2010
Seminar, IDAC Ltd, London, United Kingdom, February 22, 2010 A 1 day seminar where we investigate CFD and FEA techniques
applicable to the Wind industry, starting from blade design
through to turbine fatigue.
The Third Fuel and Combustion Conference of Iran
Conference, International Olympic Hotel, Tehran, Iran, February 22, 2010 Considering the importance of permanent developement of
country and the essential role of technological and
economical aspects of fuel and combustion in scientific,
researching and industrial developement of Iran, all the
experts and researchers in industries and universities are
invited to participate in this conference to represent
their latest achievements in fuel and combustion field.
Large Eddy Simulation and Related Techniques, Theory and Application
Conference, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genèse, Belgium, February 22, 2010 The purpose of this Lecture Series is to offer a full
overview of the present development and the potential of the
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of turbulent flows. The first
part of the course will introduce and discuss fundamental
principles, present state-of-the-art applications and
possible developments of LES and Detached Eddy Simulation
(DES) which represents the most promising technique to
extend the usefulness of LES for high Reynolds-number flows.
Intensive Training Course on Axial Turbine Fundamentals and Turbomachinery Design with AxSTREAM
Workshop, Dusseldorf, Germany, February 8, 2010 This course provides in-depth knowledge of the axial
turbine basics and a practical understanding of
turbomachinery design using AxSTREAM.
Turbomachinery Design and Axial Turbine Fundamentals: Interactive Course in Dusseldorf
Course, Dusseldorf, Germany, February 8, 2010 SoftInWay Inc. announces an intensive training program on
Axial Turbine Fundamentals and Turbomachinery Design and
Optimization with AxSTREAM that will take place on February
8-12, 2010, in Dusseldorf, Germany. The early bird
registration for this course is available until December 20,
Webinar on AxSTREAM - Generation 3: New Features for Axial Turbine Design
Online Event, February 4, 2010 The webinar is focused on the new features of AxSTREAM
Generation 3.0 for axial turbine design.
Combustion in Aero Engines
Conference, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genèse, Belgium, February 1, 2010 High pressure two-phase air-kerosene reacting flow, with
high levels of turbulence and heat transfer submitted to
acoustic waves: this is how the flow in an aero engine
combustor could be characterized.
FREE CFD Web Seminar on Simulating and Optimizing Reaction Forces
Online Event, January 27, 2010 The ability to recognize and predict reactive forces such
as pressure, torque and aerodynamic coefficients can be
critical for a products' stability, reliability, its
usability and in many cases its safety. Being able to
predict, verify and adjust a design in the early stages of
development can save a company time and money.
Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
Conference, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genèse, Belgium, January 11, 2010 The objective of this course is to provide an elementary
tutorial presentation on computational fluid dynamics (CFD),
emphasizing the fundamentals and surveying a variety of
solution techniques whose applications range from low speed
incompressible flow to hypersonic flow.
Conference, H-11/4, Islamabad, Pakistan, January 11, 2010 International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences &
The 8th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
Conference, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong, China, January 10, 2010 The Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (ACFD) is
held once every two years. The major objective of ACFD is to
provide a common forum for exchange of new ideas and
experiences amongst the scientists and engineers from Asia
as well as other parts of the globe, who work on algorithms
and applications of CFD. The conference will be open to
those interested in the wide range of fluid engineering and
any subject related to computational techniques in any field
of engineering.
Renewable Energies: the Role of CFD Simulation
Seminar, Auditorium Via Pisano 120, Pisa, Italy, December 16, 2009 Engineers and researchers from ENEL will describe their CFD
activities in the field of renewable energies and will give
a picture of the newest updates. Presentations and
demonstrations from ANSYS will complete the CAE landscape
Accurate Component Junction and Case Temperature Web Seminar
Online Event, December 16, 2009 This web seminar will discuss why it is useful to
characterize the thermal properties of a component and what
modeling methods are available. The pros and cons of the
different methods and in what situations they may be
appropriate will also be covered.
Free ACUSIM Wind Turbine CFD Webinar
Online Event, December 15, 2009 Advanced, high fidelity CFD modeling techniques will be
presented to predict and analyze wind turbine aerodynamics,
loads, wake propagation, aeroacoustics, aeroelasticity and
fluid/structure interaction (FSI).
Interactive Course on Axial Turbine Fundamentals and Turbomachinery Design with AxSTREAM in Singapore
Course, Singapore, December 15, 2009 Intensive 5-day course for mechanical and aerospace
engineers that covers the basics of axial turbines (gas and
steam) and design and optimization of turbomachinery flow
path with AxSTREAM
Free CFD Web Seminar - 'Simulating and Optimizing Flow Fields'
Online Event, December 9, 2009 Free CFD Web Seminar - 'Simulating and Optimizing Flow
Fields' - Visualizing Flow Fields In and Around Complex
Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals and Process Industries
Conference, Melbourne, Australia, December 9, 2009 The program will present papers which advance the minerals
and process industries, with applications including coal
combustion, hydrocyclones,
casting, fluidised beds, smelting, furnaces, slurries,
steel making, crystallisation, stirred tanks, granular
flow, biological and bio-engineering applications, and many
STARGlobal Transportation Forum 2009: Alternative Transportation and Electric Vehicle Technology Advancements
Conference, Dearborn Inn:20301 Oakwood Boulevard, Dearborn (Detroit), United States, December 8, 2009 The 2009 Forum will explore the critical technologies being
used by all the
major automotive manufacturers and suppliers in their
development of
alternative vehicles, including the advancements in Electric
Vehicles and their
power sources.
STARGlobal Transportation Forum 2009: Alternative Transportation and Electric Vehicle Technology Advancements
Conference, Dearborn Inn:20301 Oakwood Boulevard, Dearborn (Detroit), United States, December 8, 2009 The 2009 Forum will explore the critical technologies being
used by all the
major automotive manufacturers and suppliers in their
development of
alternative vehicles, including the advancements in Electric
Vehicles and their
power sources.
Webinar: Computational Fluid Dynamics Guidelines for the Non-Expert and Occasional User
Online Event, December 8, 2009 This webinar will be of great interest to the ‘up-front’
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) user, occasional and non-
users. Focusing on building services and the built
environment, the event will exemplify the ease of use of
ANSYS simulation tools, in addition to demonstrating the
efficiencies generated by the integration of CFD into the
design process.
Virtual Prototyping for Polymer Processing
Seminar, Minervum 7226a, Breda, 4817 ZJ, Netherlands, December 3, 2009 Managing higher risks and
uncertainties in the innovation process has become an even
greater challenge with tighter budgets and in an
increasingly shorter timeframe. The ANSYS philosophy of
Simulation Driven Product Development has been successfully
helping companies cope with such challenges.
Join this seminar and learn how companies in your market are
relying on ANSYS solutions to transform their leading-edge
design concepts into innovative products and processes that
Webinar: Battery Systems Modeling for Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Installations
Online Event, December 3, 2009 This online webinar will present the developments that
CD-adapco is
undertaking, together with our partner Bob Spotnitz of
Battery Design LLC, to
deliver a comprehensive fully coupled
solution to model battery systems from the cell to the pack
and full vehicle
installation levels.
Virtual Prototyping for Polymer Processing
Seminar, Minervum 7226a, Breda, 4817 ZJ, Netherlands, December 3, 2009 Managing higher risks and
uncertainties in the innovation process has become an even
greater challenge with tighter budgets and in an
increasingly shorter timeframe. The ANSYS philosophy of
Simulation Driven Product Development has been successfully
helping companies cope with such challenges.
Join this seminar and learn how companies in your market are
relying on ANSYS solutions to transform their leading-edge
design concepts into innovative products and processes that
ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler Overview
Online Event, December 1, 2009 ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler brings you a new way to
manipulate your 3D geometry models. The model becomes
completely dynamic, allowing you to move, stretch, add and
remove with mouse movements
The 3rd international workshop of energy conversion
Workshop, Energy Conversion Research center, Kyoto, Japan, November 25, 2009 The 3rd International Workshop of Energy Conversion (IWEC)
will be held in Energy Conversion Research Center in
Doshisha University, Kyoto on November 25-27, 2009.
Design Methods & Tools For Light Aircraft
Conference, No.4 Hamilton Place, London, United Kingdom, November 24, 2009 The Conference aims to review design data, design software
and affordable tools now available to designers and
entrepreneurs. The majority of design textbooks on the
subject predate the upsurge of personal computing and the
availability of sophisticated design software. What remains
relevant and what do new tools contribute to improving
designs and supporting further innovation?
American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics 62nd Annual Meeting
Conference, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, United States, November 22, 2009 The DFD annual meeting is one of the largest international
conferences in fluid dynamics. The
technical program features oral presentations, insightful
posters and videos of fluid flow, and mini-symposia on key
topics. Other special events include vendor exhibits,
student luncheons with senior members and awarding of the
Fluid Dynamics prize. Please visit http://dfd2009.umn.edu
for more details.
Virtual Prototyping Breakthroughs for Innovative Healthcare Applications
Seminar, Technologielaan 15 , 3001 Leuven, Belgium, November 20, 2009 The seminar is bringing together major players from the
Biomedical Industry in the whole Benelux Region. Experts
from ANSYS, Materialise and key companies in this sector
will be sharing with you years of expertise and experience.
Join this seminar and learn how companies in your market are
relying on Materialise and ANSYS solutions to transform
their leading-edge design concepts into innovative products
and processes that work!
Virtual Prototyping Breakthroughs for Innovative Healthcare Applications
Seminar, Technologielaan 15 , 3001 Leuven, Belgium, November 20, 2009 The seminar is bringing together major players from the
Biomedical Industry in the whole Benelux Region. Experts
from ANSYS, Materialise and key companies in this sector
will be sharing with you years of expertise and experience.
Join this seminar and learn how companies in your market are
relying on Materialise and ANSYS solutions to transform
their leading-edge design concepts into innovative products
and processes that work!
International Conference on Computational Methods for Energy Engineering and Environment ( ICCM3E)
Conference, Sousse , United States, November 20, 2009 International Conference on Computational Methods for
Engineering and Environment (ICCM3E) main objectives are:
1- To bring together researchers-teachers-industrials and
students engaged in the development of the computational
Methods and their applications in Energy Engineering and
2- To present and discuss the recent results and the new
trends in these fields.
Seminar, Hotel O, North Main Road, Koregaon Park, PUNE, Pune, India, November 19, 2009 A series of 2 seminars scheduled to be held in Bangalore
and Pune.
The focus of the seminars is PRODUCTIVITY IN PARALLEL
A theme that is extremely relevant in today's time of
getting better products to market faster.
With the availability of tested and tried tools, fully
parallel in architecture, significantly enhanced
productivity has arrived for all users of CFD codes.
This applies to CFD solvers, CFD Post-Processors and the
base Hardware Computing Platforms.
NUMECA Advanced Workshop
Workshop, BECI Building, Avenue Louise 500, Brussels, Belgium, November 19, 2009 DISCOVER OUR UNIQUE CFD FEATURES, SHORTENING YOUR TURN AROUND
Web Presentation: Heatsink 101 - Everything You Ever Wanted To Know
Online Event, November 18, 2009 Mentor Graphics are pleased to present this complimentary
on-line event. We will focus on how heat sinks work and
how to design a heat sink while considering all the
critical factors such as size, airflow, cost and attachment
methods. We will also investigate how, using simulation,
the heat sink design could be optimized and validated in
the application environment.
Engineers involved in board and chassis design would find
this session very educational.
NUMECA Worldewide User Meeting
User Conference, Sofitel Hotel, Brussels, Belgium, November 17, 2009 DISCOVER OUR UNIQUE CFD FEATURES, SHORTENING YOUR TURN AROUND
Virtual Prototyping for Polymer Processing
Seminar, 4 avenue Pasteur, 1300 Wavre, Belgium, November 16, 2009 Managing higher risks and
uncertainties in the innovation process has become an even
greater challenge with tighter budgets and in an
increasingly shorter timeframe. The ANSYS philosophy of
Simulation Driven Product Development has been successfully
helping companies cope with such challenges.
Join this seminar and learn how companies in your market are
relying on ANSYS solutions to transform their leading-edge
design concepts into innovative products and processes that
Virtual Prototyping for Polymer Processing
Seminar, 4 avenue Pasteur, 1300 Wavre, Belgium, November 16, 2009 Managing higher risks and
uncertainties in the innovation process has become an even
greater challenge with tighter budgets and in an
increasingly shorter timeframe. The ANSYS philosophy of
Simulation Driven Product Development has been successfully
helping companies cope with such challenges.
Join this seminar and learn how companies in your market are
relying on ANSYS solutions to transform their leading-edge
design concepts into innovative products and processes that
Hybrid RANS-LES Methods for Industrial CFD
Course, Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI, Gullfossgatan 6, Kista, S, Stockholm, Sweden, November 16, 2009 ERCOFTAC,is proud to announce a two day course on Hybrid
RANS-LES Methods for Industrial CFD.
Course aims to provide:
1 An overview of turbulence modelling.
2 A firm foundation in the theory and ideas underlying,
RANS, LES and Hybrid RANS-LES techniques.
3 Recommendation and guidance for the appropriate and
effective application of Hybrid RANS-LES.
4 Examples from real-world engineering simulations, using
the DES class of models.