Online School on OpenFOAM
Algeria, March 24, 2021 The school lets the platform to learn the open-source CFD
toolkit OpenFOAM from basic to advanced to programming. The
more significant part of the school is to execute the
project based on the participant's interest.
Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling
Online Event, March 19, 2021 In this session we will discuss the theory behind FSI, the
numerics of the dynamics solver, and the coupling of the
dynamics solver to the flow solver.
User-Defined Functions
Online Event, March 18, 2021 We will discuss the different types of UDFs that CONVERGE
supports, the process to set up a UDF, and the UDF structure.
Steady-State Modeling
Online Event, March 17, 2021 In this workshop we will discuss the theoretical background
of this solver and how to set up a variety of steady-state
Aspherix® Online Course
Course, Online Course, Austria, March 15, 2021 Learn how to use Aspherix® and CFDEM®coupling online
on a ready to use virtual workspace!
Fast & Easy Electronics Thermal Management (Simulation Virtual Workshop Series)
Online Event, March 4, 2021 SimScale GmbH, the provider of the world’s first
production-ready SaaS application for engineering
simulation, today announced a series of free workshops
held jointly with leading global engineering design
firms. The series consists of several two-part workshops, each
with a live webinar followed
by a hands-on simulation workshop. Expert guest speakers
from multiple industries will share their thought-
leadership and best practice application of engineering
SimScale Launches Industrial Simulation Virtual Workshop Series
Workshop, United Kingdom, March 3, 2021 A free series of webinars and workshops demonstrating how
the top engineering and design companies leverage the
power of cloud-based engineering simulation
User-Defined Functions
Online Event, February 26, 2021 In this workshop we will explore the extensive world of
user-defined functions (UDFs), which can be used to adjust
existing models, implement new models, direct CONVERGE to
calculate additional quantities, initialize or reinitialize
physical variables, and more.
CONVERGE for Engine Aftertreatment Systems
Online Event, February 25, 2021 This course offers a hands-on introduction to CONVERGE for
Urea/SCR engine aftertreatment modeling.
Webinar: Visualizing Higher Order Elements
Online Event, February 24, 2021 Please join us for our February webinar on Visualizing
Higher-Order Elements. All registrants will receive a
link to the recording (whether you attend or not).
Chemistry Tools
Online Event, February 24, 2021 This workshop will discuss how to set up these tools in
CONVERGE Studio and present strategies for effectively using
them with CFD simulations.
Emissions Modeling
Online Event, February 23, 2021 In this course we will discuss CONVERGE’s emissions modeling
options for soot, NOx, unburned hydrocarbons, and CO.
Electromobility Modeling
Online Event, February 22, 2021 In this workshop, we will discuss several combustion models
that can be used to simulate premixed combustion: direct
chemistry approach (SAGE), G-Equation, Extended Coherent
Flame Model (ECFM), and Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM).
Free Online Webinar - Design of Mixed-Flow Transonic Compressor for Active High-Lift System Using
Online Event, January 28, 2021 This webinar presents the redesign of an electrically
driven mixed flow transonic compressor by using a 3D
inverse design methodology. The compressor will be used
for an active high-lift system application that aims to
delay the onset of stall and thus contributing to the
reduction of both the aircraft noise footprint and the
impact of aviation emission on local air quality.
Using Tecplot 360 with Excel Data
Online Event, January 27, 2021 Please join us for our January webinar on how to load
Excel data into Tecplot 360. All registrants will receive
a link to the recording (whether you attend or not).
Rapid Reverse Engineering and Digital Twin Development with AxSTREAM
Online Event, January 21, 2021 During the webinar, attendees step-by-step will be taken
through the reverse
engineering, digital twin creation, and analyses of
example cases. This session will include1-month AxSTREAM
trial license which needs to be downloaded before the
Rapid Reverse Engineering and Digital Twin Development with AxSTREAM
Online Event, January 21, 2021 During the webinar, attendees step-by-step will be taken
through the reverse
engineering, digital twin creation, and analyses of
example cases. This session will include1-month AxSTREAM
trial license which needs to be downloaded before the
Wheels, Wakes and Automotive Aerodynamics
Online Event, December 11, 2020 Dr Adrian Gaylard joins the ISCFD lecture series for another
lively lecture concerning automotive aerodynamics.
Exclusive Webinar on 10/12 - Design Optimization of Francis turbine
Online Event, December 10, 2020 Register for ADT's Exclusive Webinar on: Efficiency
Improvement and
Cavitation Control of Francis Turbine Stages by
TURBOdesign Suite. Join
us on Thursday, December 10th, at 8 am and 4 pm GMT.
Conference, Leninsky prospekt, 32a, Moscow, Russia, December 10, 2020 Dear colleagues,
the registration to ISP RAS OPEN’ 2020 is opened!
We invite you to participate in the 2-day section of ISP RAS
OPEN conference, dedicated to the application of open-source
software to continua mechanics problems.
The conference has been held since 2009. There are more than
100 participants visit the conference each year. Selected
talks are published in IEEE Xplore journal (Scopus/WoS
indexed) after the peer-review.
WEBINAR || Flame Spray Pyrolysis for Generating Battery Materials at Scale
Online Event, December 3, 2020 This webinar presents a study in which CONVERGE is used to
perform CFD simulations of the FSP burner at Argonne
National Laboratory to investigate the physics controlling
the nanoparticle synthesis.
Actuator Waveform Design using Nonlinear Adjoint Looping on the Acoustic Flow in an Inkjet Printhead
Online Event, November 27, 2020 Head of the UK Fluids Network, Prof. Matthew Juniper, from
the University of Cambridge shares with us his latest
research endeavours concerning the acoustics in an inkjet
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technologies (ICETEST-20)
Conference, online conference, chennai, India, November 26, 2020 The International Conference on Emerging Trends in
Engineering, Science and Technologies (ICETEST-20), which
is scheduled to 26th and 27th of November, 2020 has been
designed with the specific intention of serving as a
collaborative forum for interactive presentation and
dialogue on rising trends in areas such as technology,
engineering, and science.
Call abstracts --- Online Symposium: Frontiers in Flow Simulation, NDC (Nov. 23 -25, 2020))
Conference, United States, November 23, 2020 This is symposium # 4 in online conference "Nonlinear
Dynamics and Complexity". Although the abstract deadline
is over, you are welcome to join us, discussing
interesting topics on flow phenomena and their
Online Event, November 19, 2020 Symposium on Innovative Simulations in Turbomachinery
WEBINAR: No Loader? No Problem? Part 2 - Loading 2D Data
Online Event, November 18, 2020 Please join us for Part 2 of our PyTecplot series - Loading
2D data.
SPHERIC Global SPH Seminars
Seminar, United Kingdom, November 12, 2020 Online monthly seminars on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH).
18th Multiphase Flow Conference & Short Course
Course, Bautzner Landstr. 400, Dresden, Germany, November 9, 2020 Multiphase Flows - Simulation, Experiment and Application
A three-day online course on Large Eddy Simulation, DES and unsteady RANS"
Course, Zoom, Sweden, November 2, 2020 A three-day ONLINE course on 'Large Eddy Simulation (LES),
hybrid LES-RANS, Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) and
unsteady RANS' is given using Zoom, https://www.zoom.us, on
2, 4 and 6 November, 2020, Sweden.
Webinar: Tecplot 360 2020 R2 – Sneak Peek
Online Event, October 21, 2020 Webinar showing the new benefits included in the upcoming
release of Tecplot 360 2020 R2
International Colloquium on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Conference, Paris, France, Paris, France, October 15, 2020 Mech Aero 2020 is prestigious and the premier event that
brings 100+ interested international people who works on
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from the academia
and industry to discuss on the theme of “Modern
Technologies and Innovations on Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering” to be held during October 15-16, 2020 in
Paris, France organized by Ascend Meetings.
8th ESI OpenFOAM Conference 2020
User Conference, Virtual, Germany, October 13, 2020 Organized by ESI OpenCFD, this event offers a unique
opportunity to interact with users and developers across
the OpenFOAM® community and participate in the current
and future governance of OpenFOAM. This is the primary
OpenFOAM event in all areas of CFD applications and process
integration. Who should attend? CFD Engineers, Managers,
IT Specialists, Developers, Consultants, Researchers &
Students. The third day provides accredited trainings with
Continuing Professional Development hours.
4th CFDEM®conference
Conference, Park Inn by Radisson Linz Hotel, Linz, Austria, October 1, 2020 DCS Computing is very excited to announce and cordially invite everyone to attend the 4th CFDEM®conference which will be held in Linz, Austria on October 1st-2nd, 2020. This will be a great networking and exchange opportunity for the brand-new DEM software Aspherix® and CFDEM®coupling user community.
2020 CONVERGE User Conference-North America
Conference, United States, September 28, 2020 virtual user conference
Aspherix® & CFDEM®coupling short courses
Course, Industriezeile 35, 4020 Linz, Austria, September 28, 2020 Learn Aspherix® and/or CFDEM®coupling directly from the developers and get crucial knowledge (DEM, CFD and CFD-DEM software trainings)
One Week Online Short Term Course (TEQIP-III SPONSORED) OnMathematical Modeling of Complex Fluids
Course, Chemical Engineering Department, NITJalandhar, Jalandhar, India, September 24, 2020 one week online short term course (TEQIP-III sponsored)
on Mathematical Modeling of Complex Fluids-2020
(MMComFlu-2002). The short term course is to be held at
the Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Jalandhar
during September 24-28, 2020. This short term course aims
to promote the knowledge of mathematical modeling of
complex fluids (suspensions or solutions of
macromolecules such as polymers, granular, foams,
emulsions, etc., ) within a larger number of research
The 15th International Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flows, Heat and Mass Transfer - Numerical Fluids 2020
Conference, Sheraton Hotel, Rhodes, Greece, September 18, 2020 Numerical Fluids is an annual series of symposia on computational and applied mathematics for fluid flows, heat and mass transfer problems and associated themes. Papers with focus on the progress made in fluid flows and related topics usually considered for presentation during the event. Numerical Fluids has become an international forum for the presentation of the latest research results and the exchange of thoughts by many participants across the globe.
TCAE release webinar
Seminar, Sokolovská 270/201, Prague, Czech Republic, September 17, 2020 New TCAE comes out on September 17, 2020, in the release
Machine Learning Super-Resolution for Global Climate Models [Online talk]
Online Event, September 10, 2020 Dr. Noah Brenowitz will discuss his research in building
super-resolution models for climate applications, especially
related to accurately modeling physical processes relevant for
Global Circulation Models (GCM). Please join us on September
10th at 1930 US ET (New York) here:
High Performance Computing Autumn Academy 2020
Course, United Kingdom, September 7, 2020 The Centre for Scientific Computing at the University of
Cambridge will be holding the annual HPC Autumn Academy
Online, from 7th-18th September 2020.
Lectures will given on C++, Fortran, Performance
Programming, OpenMP, MPI, and various other topics
suitable for Master's/Ph.D. students, early-career
researchers, and early-career industrial software
developers who need High-Performance Computing skills as
part of their course or work.
2nd International Conference on Power and Energy
Conference, Park Inn by Radisson Frankfurt Airport Hotel, Frankfurt, Germany, August 17, 2020 It is our pleasure to extend a cheerful welcome to all
the participants to the Power and energy 2020 which is
scheduled to be hosted on August 17-18, 2020 at
Frankfurt, Germany with the theme of “Research at the
Interface of Energy and Power Sustainability ". This
conference wants to harmonize all the participants to
share and enhance their knowledge.
Machine Learning and the Earth: Applying AI to address some of the world’s greatest challenges
Online Event, August 13, 2020 An online talk featuring NVIDIA's David Hall, discussing how
Machine Learning and AI is currently being used for state of
the art research in climate modeling
FLOW-3D | Water & Environmental Online Workshop
Online Event, August 11, 2020 In this online workshop, you will explore the hydraulics
of typical dam and weir cases, municipal conveyance and
wastewater problems, and river and environmental
Online Training Course on Fire Modelling
Course, Roorkee IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India, August 6, 2020 Aims:
(1) To give a broad introduction to fire safety science.
(2) To develop an understanding of the role of mathematical
modeling in fire safety science.
(3) To provide an introduction to the principles of heat
transfer and fluid dynamics.
(4) To introduce the concepts of Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD).
(5) To familiarize attendees with computational software
used in fire modeling.
Advanced Topics in Internal Combustion Engine Modeling | Part 2 | CONVERGE Webinar
Online Event, July 31, 2020 In this workshop we will discuss timely and popular topics
in internal combustion (IC) engine modeling and some of the
unique features of CONVERGE that yield efficient and
accurate simulations.
Advanced Topics in Internal Combustion Engine Modeling | Part 1 | CONVERGE Webinar
Online Event, July 30, 2020 In this workshop we will discuss timely and popular topics
in internal combustion (IC) engine modeling and some of the
unique features of CONVERGE that yield efficient and
accurate simulations.
Steady-State Modeling | CONVERGE Webinar
Online Event, July 29, 2020 CONVERGE v2.4+ contains a steady-state solver that is much
more stable (and, for most cases, faster) than the previous
steady-state solvers.
Inlaid Meshing | CONVERGE Webinar
Online Event, July 28, 2020 CONVERGE’s autonomous meshing capabilities ensure that you
can be entirely hands-off when it comes to meshing—CONVERGE
will automatically create the mesh at runtime, dynamically
adapt it throughout the simulation, and invoke Adaptive Mesh
Refinement to maximize both accuracy and computational
User-Defined Functions in Converge
Online Event, July 27, 2020 In this workshop we will explore the vast array of user-
defined functions (UDFs).
Online Training: Getting Started with Tecplot 360
Online Event, July 22, 2020 This online training session covers the basics of getting
started with
Tecplot 360. We will use a CONVERGE dataset in the
Powerful, Cost Efficient CFD Solutions by Altair
Online Event, July 22, 2020 Whether you’re an analyst performing advanced CFD modelling
or a design engineer who quickly needs to understand fluid
or thermal effects on a design proposal; this online event
is for you. From detailed component analysis to full system
performance, this free to attend day offers insight into
the CFD methods and processes of leading manufacturers to
inspire your next innovation.
Webinar: Tecplot 360 2020 R1 – What's New
Online Event, July 16, 2020 Webinar showing the new benefits included in the upcoming
release of Tecplot 360 2020 R1
Conference, Tej Soltan Golden Tulip Resort, Hammamet, Tunisia, July 6, 2020 The focus of the ICMMES is on
mesoscopic/kinetic methods for computational mechanics in
its broadest sense and the computational mathematics and
algorithms required for these new methods. Specific
application areas of mesoscopic/kinetic methods include:
Computational Fluid Dynamics;Rheology for complex fluids;
Micro/nano-scale phenomena; Computational mechanics of
solids and structures;
Flow-structure interactions; Computational mathematics and
algorithms for High
Performance Computing;
Online short term course on 'Introduction to CFD'
Online Event, July 1, 2020 Two days 'ONLINE' Short Term Course on 'Introduction to
Computational Fluid Dynamics' for
beginners from July to December 2020.
The course is conducted (repeated) every two
weeks until December 2020.
Summer School in Engineering Computing, July 2019, Russia
Course, Moscow, Russia, June 29, 2020 Moscow Engineering Physics Institute and Western Norway
University of Applied Sciences invite for the 5th
International Summer School in Engineering Computing.
Internal Combustion Engine Modeling in CONVERGE
Course, Convergent Science Offices, Detroit, United States, June 23, 2020 This two-day course offers an introduction to CONVERGE for internal
combustion (IC) engine modeling.
Surface Preparation with CONVERGE Studio for IC Engines
Course, Convergent Science - Detroit, Detroit, United States, June 22, 2020 This course offers an introduction to surface preparation in CONVERGE
Short Term Training Programme on “Modeling and Simulation – An Engineering Perspective”
Online Event, June 22, 2020 The Department of Mechanical Engineering of SCMS School
of Engineering and Technology, Karukutty, Kerala, is
organising a 6 day Short Term Training Programme
on “Modeling and Simulation – An Engineering
Perspective” from 22 June 2020 to 27 June 2020. This STTP
is open to students, faculty members and industry
A three-day ONLINE course on ''LES and DES: How to use an in-House Fortran source code"
Online Event, June 22, 2020 a ONLINE course on
''Large-Eddy Simulation and Detached-Eddy Simulations: How
to use an in-House Fortran source code''
is given using Zoom, https://www.zoom.us, on 22, 24 and 26
June, 2020, Sweden.
Vehicle Wading - Live Case Setup using MPS Method
Online Event, June 17, 2020 When vehicles run on the flooded road, water enters to
the engine compartment and sometimes reaches the position
of the air intake duct and electrical parts and causes
the reliability problems. Join the session to understand
how easy it is to setup the case of Vehicle Wading using
ParticleWorks to predict the water level in the engine
Course on Industry Oriented CFD analysis , From 15-June-2020 , 10 AM, Regular , Full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, June 15, 2020 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 18 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
7th International Conference of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT’20)
Conference, O 8444 Lundys Lane Niagara Falls, Niagara Falls, Canada, June 14, 2020 Broad approach. A little bit of everything.
Flood modelling and forecasting challenges in industry
Workshop, Diamond Building, University of Sheffield , Sheffield , United Kingdom, June 11, 2020 The workshop will bring together practitioners and
scholars in the field, aiming to identify and discuss
timely issues in operational-scale flood modelling and
forecasting. It is an opportunity be to gain insights
into felt industrial and practical needs, that require
further addressing in academic research.
14th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics In the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries
Conference, Trondheim, Norway, June 9, 2020 SINTEF is pleased to announce the 14th international
conference in this series. The conference will focus on
the application of CFD in the oil and gas industries,
metal production, mineral processing, power generation,
chemicals, other process industries and biomedical
applications. The conference is organized in cooperation
with CSIRO.
Conference, Avala Resort - Mediteranska br.2, Budva, Montenegro, June 3, 2020 Sixth International Conference on Computational Methods for
Thermal Problems
Course on Industry Oriented CFD analysis , From 01-June-2020 , 10 AM, Regular , Full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, June 1, 2020 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 18 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
Advanced course on Automotive CFD Analysis , From 01- June- 2020 , 10 AM, Regular , Full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, June 1, 2020 Course developed with Automotive R&D Centers and over seas universities.
Projects covered in the course :
1. Subsystem level CFD analysis
A. CFD analysis of radiator
B. CFD analysis of condenser
C. CFD analysis of Charge Air cooler
2. Integrated level underhood Thermal analysis of full vehicle
3. CFD analysis of disk brake cooling
4. Aerodynamics analysis of sedan with perfect boundary layer modelling approach
18th International Icing Course, 4-day Course
Course, Hotel La Citadelle - 410 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Canada, May 26, 2020 The course will show how modern 3D icing codes are based on highly
validated physical models (Scientific VVV) as opposed to
simply calibration against icing tunnels. The course will also show how
Reduced Order Models can make fully-3D calculations
inexpensive and enable identification of aerodynamic and
thermodynamic critical points in an automated structured way and not
a heuristic one.
International Microfluidics Conference
Conference, holiday in rome Aurelia, Bould, Rome, Algeria, May 26, 2020 Gavin Conferences welcomes participants from all over the
world to attend the CPD accredited “International
Microfluidics Conference”. Microfluidics 2020 is a two-
day congress going to be held at Rome, Italy from May 26-
27th, 2020.
9th Edition of International Conference and Exhibition on Separation Techniques
Conference, Dublin, Ireland, May 25, 2020 This event will provide an opportunity to build and
expand your network with various people and gives chance
to make collaboration with other universities and
research labs. It also helps you to meet the experts in
the relevant field of study. It gives the access to novel
instruments in the market. This conference plays a major
role in your business development and maximizes the
Online Course on Large Eddy Simulation and Related Techniques - von Karman Institute Lecture Series
Course, online, online, Belgium, May 25, 2020 The purpose of this online Lecture Series is to offer a
overview of the present development and the potential of
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of turbulent flows. The
will be delivered by internationally recognized experts.
content is addressed both to researchers interested in
fundamental simulation of turbulence and engineers
to apply the LES technique or LES solvers to the accurate
simulations of turbulent flows.
International conference on Cloud Computing and Virtualization
Conference, 47 Churchfield Road, London, W3 6AY, LONDON, United Kingdom, May 21, 2020 Conference Series LLC Ltd. will offer delegates
opportunity to be fully briefed on the current situation
within the engineering system and gain and update on the
latest developments in terms of technical policy and
Engineering concern but lack the emphasis on the more
conventional subjects. Guided by a line-up of expert
speakers, the agenda will address some of the major
issues related to Cloud Computing and Virtualization,
International conference on Cloud Computing and Virtualization
Conference, London,UK, LONDON, United Kingdom, May 21, 2020 I have information to share with you
Title: International conference on Cloud Computing and
Date: May 21-22, 2020
Venue: London, UK
Please let us know your interest to join us in this
International conference on Cloud Computing and Virtualization
Conference, London,UK, LONDON, United Kingdom, May 21, 2020 I have information to share with you
Title: International conference on Cloud Computing and
Date: May 21-22, 2020
Venue: London, UK
Please let us know your interest to join us in this
Advanced OpenFOAM® Training Course - 2 Day
Course, Ferntree Gully, Australia, May 18, 2020 This class is suitable for those with user level
experience using OpenFOAM®.
Participants in the course will learn the layout of the
OpenFOAM® library, how to
copy and compile a solver. Lastly, the ability to read
the OpenFOAM® library
without fear, removing the FUD (fear, uncertainty and
doubt) that grips most new
Course on Industry Oriented CFD analysis , From 15-May-2020 , 10 AM, Regular , Full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, May 15, 2020 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 18 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
Course on Industry Oriented CFD analysis , From 02-May-2020 , 10 AM, Regular , Full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, May 2, 2020 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 18 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
Advanced course on Automotive CFD Analysis , From 01- May- 2020 , 10 AM, Regular , Full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, May 1, 2020 Course developed with Automotive R&D Centers and over seas universities.
Projects covered in the course :
1. Subsystem level CFD analysis
A. CFD analysis of radiator
B. CFD analysis of condenser
C. CFD analysis of Charge Air cooler
2. Integrated level underhood Thermal analysis of full vehicle
3. CFD analysis of disk brake cooling
4. Aerodynamics analysis of sedan with perfect boundary layer modelling approach
Getting Started with Tecplot for Barracuda
Online Event, April 29, 2020 This Webinar will help you get started using Tecplot for
Barracuda while learning best practices for plotting and
analyzing Virtual Reactor™ data.
Simulating Data Center Energy Use; Linking CFD and Cooling Plant Modeling
Online Event, April 29, 2020 Attendees of this webinar will learn how to couple the output of a typical
data center CFD model output, to a simulation of the data center external
cooling plant. The result is an entire "systems" model of the entire data
center complex, providing a high fidelity representation of the facility,
with the ability to then analyze the economic impact of potential changes.
Advances in Sustainable Energy and Fuels
Conference, Hilton New York JFK Airport Hotel, 144-02 135th Avenue, Jamaica, New York, United States, April 23, 2020 LONGDOM proffers our immense pleasure and honor in
extending you a warm invitation to attend Sustainable
Energy 2020. It is focusing on ‘A Fuel For Sustainable
Future’ to enhance and explore knowledge among Energy
Departments and to establish corporations and exchanging
ideas. Providing the right stage to present stimulating
Keynote talks, Plenary sessions, Discussion Panels, B2B
Meetings, Poster symposia, Video Presentations, and
Symposium on OpenFOAM® Technology - April 2020 - Melbourne, Australia
User Conference, Level 8/500 Collins St, Melbourne, Australia, April 22, 2020 The Symposium on OpenFOAM® Technology (SOFT), organised
by Applied CCM will
bring together people who utilise software based on
OpenFOAM (variants and
Optimization Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics
Course, Waterloosesteenweg, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, April 20, 2020 This von Karman Lecture Series intends to provide the
basic concepts and tools behind this technology, both in
single discipline (single point or multi point design)
and multidisciplinary (fluid-structure interaction,
fluid-acoustics, conjugate heat transfer, …) context.
Pointwise for Aerospace CFD Workshop- April 2020 - Queensland, Australia
Workshop, Level 11/300 Adelaide St, Brisbane City , Australia, April 20, 2020 Increase Aerospace CFD Simulation Accuracy and Efficiency
with Pointwise Meshing Flexibility. Presented By Dr. Rick
Matus, Pointwise and Dr. Martin Leahy, Applied CCM.
5th International Conference on Experimental and Numerical Flow and Heat Transfer (ENFHT’20)
Conference, Hotel Real Palácio, Lisbon, Portugal, April 15, 2020 The 5th International Conference on Experimental and
Numerical Flow and Heat Transfer (ENFHT’20) aims to become
the leading annual conference in fields related to
experimental and numerical flow and heat transfer. The goal
of ENFHT'20 is to gather scholars from all over the world to
present advances in the relevant fields and to foster an
environment conducive to exchanging ideas and information.
5th International Conference on Combustion Science and Processes (CSP’20)
Conference, Hotel Real Palácio, Lisbon, Portugal, April 15, 2020 The 5th International Conference on Combustion Science
and Processes (CSP’20) aims to become the leading
annual conference in fields related to combustion science
and processes. The goal of CSP'20 is to gather
scholars from all over the world to present advances in
the relevant fields and to foster an environment
conducive to exchanging ideas and information.
5th International Conference on Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer (ICMFHT’20)
Conference, Hotel Real Palácio, Lisbon, Portugal, April 15, 2020 The 5th International Conference on Multiphase Flow and
Heat Transfer (ICMFHT'20) aims to become the leading
annual conference in fields related to Multiphase Flow
and Heat Transfer. The goal of ICMFHT'20 is to gather
scholars from all over the world to present advances in
the relevant fields and to foster an environment
conducive to exchanging ideas and information.
Course on Industry Oriented CFD analysis , From 15-April-2020 , 10 AM, Regular , Full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, April 15, 2020 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 18 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
Internal Combustion Engine Modeling in CONVERGE
Course, Convergent Science Offices, Detroit, United States, April 14, 2020 This two-day course offers an introduction to CONVERGE for internal
combustion (IC) engine modeling.
Surface Preparation with CONVERGE Studio for IC Engines
Course, Convergent Science - Detroit, Detroit, United States, April 13, 2020 This course offers an introduction to surface preparation in CONVERGE
Tecplot Training at CONVERGE User Conference
Course, Stuttgart, Germany, April 2, 2020 Tecplot Training Session: Learn how to load, manipulate
and export CONVERGE data in Tecplot 360. We will start
with a
quick tour of the Tecplot 360 user interface and will
work our
way up to more advanced topics. See detailed description
Advanced course on Automotive CFD Analysis , From 01 - April- 2020 , 10 AM, Regular , Full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, April 1, 2020 Course developed with Automotive R&D Centers and over seas universities.
Projects covered in the course :
1. Subsystem level CFD analysis
A. CFD analysis of radiator
B. CFD analysis of condenser
C. CFD analysis of Charge Air cooler
2. Integrated level underhood Thermal analysis of full vehicle
3. CFD analysis of disk brake cooling
4. Aerodynamics analysis of sedan with perfect boundary layer modelling approach
Course on Industry Oriented CFD analysis , From 01-April-2020 , 10 AM, Regular , Full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, April 1, 2020 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 18 years experience in Aerospace Industry.
CONVERGE User Conference–Europe | Online
Online Event, March 31, 2020 The 2020 CONVERGE User Conference–Europe will be held online
on March 31 and April 01. This free event will virtually bring together
members of industry, government, and academic institutions from
around the world to discuss the latest research and developments in
Comparing Simulation and Measured Data Through Extractions
Online Event, March 26, 2020 In this webinar you’ll learn four different
methods for extracting line and point data from
your 3D simulation data (using Tecplot 360).
These extraction methods are particularly
important if you are comparing results from
multiple simulations or simulation data with
measured data (such as wind tunnel results).
Fluid-Structure Interaction for Industrial Applications - von Karman Institute Lecture Series
Course, Waterloosesteenweg 72, Sint-Genesius-Rode (near Brussels), Belgium, March 23, 2020 In the framework of this lectures series, several well-known
experts from around the world will give lectures on the
important topics related to the computational FSI in order
to understand and study the FIV in different industrial
applications. This lecture series aims at providing a
detailed background to welcome novices in the field as well
as a comprehensive overview of recent developments of
computational FSI in various industrial applications.
Internal Combustion Engine Modeling in CONVERGE
Course, 825 Town & Country Ln, 12th Floor, Houston, United States, March 18, 2020 This two-day course offers an introduction to CONVERGE for internal
combustion (IC) engine modeling.
General Flow Modeling in CONVERGE
Course, 825 Town & Country Ln, 12th Floor, Houston, United States, March 18, 2020 CONVERGE is an innovative multi-purpose CFD software that can
provide insight into compressors, fans, blowers, pumps, oil and gas,
fuel injectors and sprays, aftertreatment, gas turbines, biomedical, and
many other applications.
Surface Preparation with CONVERGE Studio for IC Engines
Course, 825 Town & Country Ln, 12th Floor, Houston, United States, March 17, 2020 This course offers an introduction to surface preparation in CONVERGE
Course on Industry Oriented CFD analysis , From 16-March-2020 , 10 AM, Regular , Full time course
Course, No.84, 2nd Main, 4th cross, New Thippasandra, HAL 3rd stage , Bangalore, India, March 16, 2020 1. For the first time in CFD education field , we have
introduced complex projects like " CFD/ Thermal analysis of
advanced composite processing unit working at 2500 Degree
centigrade" and " CFD/Thermal analysis of Landing gear
Magnetic brake" , in addition to regular projects.
2) Courses taught by Mr.Rudresh Ganganna, Former Scientist-
ISRO, with 18 years experience in Aerospace Industry.