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Passed Event 1901 - 2000 of 3535, Sorted by Start Date:

September, 2012
  • 2012 FLOW-3D World Users Conference
    User Conference, Hyatt at Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, United States, September 13, 2012

    The 2012 FLOW-3D World Users Conference will be held September 13-14, 2012 at the Hyatt at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, CA, preceded by a day of free training. Join Flow Science staff and FLOW-3D users from around the world for insightful presentations, engaging conversations and a chance to pose your questions directly to Flow Science's developers and support staff.

  • Webinar - Engineering Simulation Solutions for the Oil & Gas Industry
    Online Event, September 13, 2012

    Engineering simulation software from ANSYS is playing an increasingly critical role, enabling oil and gas engineers to create virtual prototypes and capture new knowledge about the detailed workings of their equipment and processes.

  • Optimising Solving Speed using HPC
    Seminar, Radisson Blu Astrid Hotel, Koningin Astridplein 7, Antwerp, Belgium, September 12, 2012

    This seminar is intended to answer the following questions: What factors are important when running FEA and CFD calculations using HPC? How can I achieve maximum scalability when running these calculations? What different types of hardware affect the performance of solving? What are the best practices for Job Scheduling and Remote solving? How can I use all this information to find the right balance between licensing and hardware costs?

  • International summer school on design and optimization using Computer Aided Engineering tools for external aerodynamics problem
    Course, Via R. Sanzio, 4, Segrate (Milan), Italy, September 11, 2012

    The main aim of the school is to develop an appropriate methodology for the design and the optimization in external aerodynamics problems in green-power engineering.

  • NAFEMS North America Conference
    Conference, Hyatt Dulles, Washington, D.C., United Kingdom, September 11, 2012

    Engineering Simulation: A 2020 Vision of the Future

  • Reservoir Simulation Post-processor Webinar
    Online Event, September 11, 2012

    Join us for a 1 hour free webinar and live demo to see how you can benefit from Kraken. Register here >

  • 10th UK Conference on Wind Engineering (WES 2012)
    Conference, the Arts Annex, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom, September 10, 2012

    The 10th UK Conference on Wind Engineering WES-2012 will be held at the University of Southampton, UK from 10th to 12th September 2012.

  • High Performance Computing Autumn Academy
    Course, New Museums Site, Cambridge, United Kingdom, September 10, 2012

    The Autumn Academy is targeted at people just starting a PhD, though it is highly suitable for more mature researchers from academia or industry. The Academy will take attendees through Basic HPC tools, Programming, Performance Programming, Parallel Architectures, Shared Variables Parallelism, Message Passing Parallelism and Practical Parallel Programming.

  • 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference
    Conference, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy, September 9, 2012

    The 9th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference will be held at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" from 9 to 13 September 2012. The conference aims at covering the whole field of Fluid Dynamics, comprising from most fundamental aspects to recent applications. It provides a world-wide forum for scientists to meet each other and exchange information of all areas of fluid mechanics.

  • modeFRONTIER Workshop
    Workshop, International Digital Lab, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, September 5, 2012

    Introductory Workshop to the Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation and Process Integration Software modeFRONTIER.

  • Webinar - Curious About Making User Defined Functions
    Online Event, September 4, 2012

    Writing UDF:s can get very complicated and be as versatile as the applications themselves. This webinar aims at showing the basic process of writing and using an UDF.

August, 2012
  • NUMAP-FOAM Summer School 2012
    Workshop, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, August 29, 2012

    Intensive practical course in numerical methods, physical modelling and programming with OpenFOAM, with individual tuition in duration of 11 working days, orgamised by the University of Zagreb and Wikki.

  • CFD for Vehicle Aerodynamics (New trends in CFD for external vehicle aerodynamics)
    Course, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 29, 2012

    The course will give an introduction in how time-dependent techniques such as Large-Eddy Simulations (LES), Detached-Eddy Simulations (DES), Partially-Averaged Navies-Stokes (PANS) and unsteady RANS (URANS) can be used in vehicle aerodynamics. Second part of the course will introduce recent development in aerodynamic shape optimization. The third part of the course will discuss flow control and how time-dependent CFD approaches can be used to improve aerodynamic performance of vehicles.

    Seminar, University Malaya (UM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 27, 2012

    Now,no more headache to create your mesh and spending so much time in front of your PC to fix your mesh! No more waste time to create your mesh! Just spend your time to analyze the computed results! No more waiting for to obtain your convergence! Say adios to classical CFD!!! We provide high quality mesh with high quality results with just minutes and shorten the CFD cycle from months to weeks, from weeks to days and from days to hours!!!!

  • Reservoir Simulation Post-processor Webinar
    Online Event, August 8, 2012

    Join us for a 1 hour free webinar and live demo to see how you can benefit from Kraken. Register here >

July, 2012
  • A First Course on Level Set Methods
    Course, University of Cambridge Dept of Physics, Cavendish Lab., JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, United Kingdom, July 26, 2012

    Dr Tariq Aslam (Los Alamos National Laboratory). The course will provide a solid foundation in the mathematics and applications of level-set methods, which are used in computational fluid dynamics to capture interfaces between distinct materials.

  • OpenFOAM Training, Melbourne, Australia - July 2012
    Workshop, Suite 30/150 Albert Road, South Melbourne, Australia, July 26, 2012

    Two day introductory training in OpenFOAM is designed to enable CFD practitioners to start using OpenFOAM for practical computations. The methodology employed consists of a series of lectures that provide a general understanding of OpenFOAM topics followed by hands-on work. No knowledge of the OpenFOAM library is assumed. Rudimentary Linux commands and their relationships to hands-on examples are explained. This training focuses on the OpenFOAM Foundation version 2.1.1 of OpenFOAM.

  • A First Course on Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Course, University of Cambridge Dept of Physics, Cavendish Lab., JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, United Kingdom, July 23, 2012

    Professor P Roe (Aerospace, Michigan). The course will provide a solid foundation on traditional and advanced numerical discretisation techniques for the solution of the various partial differential equations which govern fluid flow, showing how successful numerical methods are rooted both in mathematical properties of those equations and in notions of computational efficiency.

  • FEA & CFD Simulation Open Day
    Workshop, Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, United Kingdom, July 19, 2012

    Come and visit IDAC to find out about Computer Aided Engineering and Simulation Techniques using world leading software. The will consist of presentations, workshops and breakout sessions to discuss your own use of software

  • modeFRONTIER Workshop
    Workshop, International Digital Lab, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, July 18, 2012

    Introductory Workshop to the Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation and Process Integration Software modeFRONTIER.

  • ERCOFTAC Best Practice Guidance - CFD for Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows
    Course, Inst. for Thermal Turbomachinery and Machine Dynamics, GRAZ, Austria, July 18, 2012

    This course is rather unique as it is one of few in the community that is specifically designed to deliver, a) a best practice guidance and b) the latest trends, in CFD for dispersed multi-phase flows. The course appeals to researchers and engineers involved in projects requiring CFD for (wall-bounded) turbulent dispersed multiphase flows with bubbles, drops or particles.

  • Applied Aerodynamics Conference
    Conference, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom, July 17, 2012

    Modelling and Simulation in the Aerodynamic Design Process

  • CFD Setup and Analysis in HyperWorks (AcuSolve)
    Online Event, July 17, 2012

    CFD Setup and Analysis in HyperWorks. Following tools will be used: HyperMesh, AcuConsole, AcuSolve, HyperView, AcuFieldView

    Conference, Royal Orchid, 1, Golf Avenue, Old Airport Road, Bangalore, India, July 11, 2012

    NUMECA INDIA pleased to announce its first User Group Conference on 11th July 2012. You are kindly invited to join us for the event of users presentations, products seminars and technical discussions.

  • 2012 CFD OIL
    Conference, Windsor Florida Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 10, 2012

    5th Latin American CFD Workshop Applied to the Oil and Gas Industry

  • Engineering Simulation Solutions for the Oil & Gas Industry > Separation and Sloshing
    Online Event, July 6, 2012

    Offshore oil and gas platforms not only have to provide the facility for extracting natural oil and gas from below the seabed but also to separate the products from impurities and sea-water prior to transport back to onshore refineries. Gravity separators are widely used offshore and it has always been important to achieve maximum separation efficiency using the smallest separator possible.

  • Instructional Workshop on FEM
    Workshop, TIFR-CAM, Bangalore, India, July 2, 2012

    The workshop will provide theoretical and practical introduction to finite element methods for partial differential equations. The emphasis will be on providing sufficient theoretical background for the use of finite element methods. The theoretical lectures will be complemented with lectures on implementation of FEM in a computer program.

June, 2012
  • 10th Intl Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser and Noncontact Techniques
    Conference, Faculty of Engineering, Ancona, Italy, June 27, 2012

    The Conference aims at creating a lively and active forum for all those who are involved in vibration measurements by laser and noncontact techniques.

  • 12th International Conference on Simulation and Experiments in Heat Transfer and their Applications
    Conference, Split, Croatia, June 27, 2012

    Heat Transfer 2012 is the twelfth conference in the well established series on Simulation and Experiments in Heat Transfer and its Applications. The objective of the series is to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of advanced topics, new approaches and application of innovative advanced computational methods and experimental measurements to heat and mass transfer problems.

  • Short Course on Vibration Measurements by Laser and Noncontact Techniques
    Course, Faculty of Engineering, Ancona, Italy, June 26, 2012

    A one-day tutorial course will be held the day before the AIVELA 2012 Conference in order to provide fundamentals of Laser Techniques for Vibration Measurements and to offer hands-on experience on the most advanced instrumentation.

  • 9th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics
    Conference, Split, Croatia, June 26, 2012

    AFM 2012 is the ninth International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics. The object of the meeting is to provide a forum for discussing new work in fluid mechanics and in particular for promoting the interchange of new ideas and the presentation of the latest applications in the field.

  • 3rd European Seminar on Computing (ESCO 2012)
    Conference, Conference Facilities of Pilsner Urquell Brewery, Pilsen, Czech Republic, June 25, 2012

    ESCO 2012 is the 3rd event in a successful series of interdisciplineary meetings dedicated to modern methods and practices of scientific computing.

  • 7th OpenFOAM Workshop
    Workshop, Darmstadtium, Darmstadt, Germany, June 25, 2012

    International workshop on OpenFOAM technology providing an open forum for communication among developers and users from academia, industry, and government. The technical organization is informal, and offers the option of podium and poster presentations. The workshop also involves hands-on training sessions and community meetings for Special Interest Groups and Local User Groups.

  • 12th FLOW-3D European Users Conference
    User Conference, NH Muenchen Deutscher Kaiser, Munich, Germany, June 25, 2012

    The 12th annual FLOW-3D European Users Conference will be held on June 25-26, 2012 in Munich, Germany at the NH Muenchen Deutscher Kaiser. Free advanced training will be held Wednesday, June 27 at Technische Universitat Muenchen. All FLOW-3D users and anyone interested in becoming a FLOW-3D user are invited to attend the conference. The call for presentations is now open!

  • Engineering Simulation Solutions for the Oil and Gas Industry - Gas Dispersion and Smoke Analysis
    Online Event, June 22, 2012

    In order to quantify the risks of explosion and fire, gas dispersion and ventilation tests have to be carried out. Full scale tests are both expensive and impractical and scale physical model tests have their limitations. With the increasing affordability of powerful computing and advances in software, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has now become the most realistic choice.

  • Exploring System Performance with Simulation Analytics using Tecplot Chorus
    Online Event, June 21, 2012

    Recent enhancements to Tecplot Chorus now allow users to evaluate systems of simulation results. In this webinar, Dr. Durrell Rittenberg will illustrate these new features by evaluating blade optimization and performance prediction studies of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

  • ANSYS Workshop: Confidence by Design - Houston
    Workshop, Omni Houston Hotel at Westside 13210 Katy Freeway, Houston, United States, June 20, 2012

    The Confidence by Design workshops can be a critical step in helping you realize your product promise. These complimentary sessions teach you how to leverage our tools to ensure that your designs will work the first time, before any prototypes are built and tested.

  • ANSYS presents its next Thematic Session at The University of Twente on: Integration of Structures, Fluids and Chemical Reactio
    Seminar, Twente University , Entschede, Netherlands, June 19, 2012

    The objective of this Thematic Session at the University of Twente is to share the experiences and findings of ANSYS and the Thermal Engineering, Engineering Fluid Dynamics and Structural Dynamics and Acoustics ANSYS team experts together with the Thermal Engineering Group of the University of Technology Twente with a broader audience.

  • LearnCAx FREE Webinar: Role of CFD in Engineering Design (19th June 2012)
    Online Event, June 19, 2012

    CFD which is defined as Computational Fluid Dynamics has become an important method to numerically analyse and visualize fluid flow and heat transfer using computer based simulations. It started as a highly specific academic research field and has now grown into a common simulation tool to perform industrial and academic design studies. CFD tools are used hand in hand with experimental methods and reduce product design and development duration to a great extent...

  • Hybrid RANS-LES Methods for Industrial CFD
    Course, Crowne-Plaza at Hampton Marina, Hampton, United States, June 18, 2012

    National Institute of Aerospace presents the ERCOFTAC organized course to the US Computatonal Fluid Dynamics (CFD) community. This course has been organized by Dr. Charles Mocket and the ERCOFTAC Coordinator, Dr. Richard Seoud.

  • ERCOFTAC Best Practise Guidance: Hybrid RANS-LES USA
    Course, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Hampton, United States, June 18, 2012

    Hybrid RANS-LES Methods in Industrial CFD: Overview, Guidance and Examples - An overview of turbulence modelling - A firm foundation in the theory and ideas underlying RANS, LES and Hybrid RANS-LES techniques. - Recommendations and guidance for the appropriate and effective application of RANS and Hybrid RANS-LES - Examples from real-world engineering simulations

  • ANSYS Workshop: Confidence by Design - Chicago
    Workshop, Chicago Oak Brook Hills Marriott Resort 3500 Midwest Road, Oak Brook, United States, June 14, 2012

    The Confidence by Design workshops can be a critical step in helping you realize your product promise. These complimentary sessions teach you how to leverage our tools to ensure that your designs will work the first time, before any prototypes are built and tested.

  • Metals and Alloys Webinar on Modelling: State of the Art in Casting and Forging Simulation
    Online Event, June 14, 2012

    Starts at 12:30 BST Once only accessible at the high-end of manufacturing, modelling and simulation is now widely embraced by the industry as a result of increased processor speeds, the accessibility and usability of software and the reliability and robustness of the models and codes which underpin it.

  • modeFRONTIER Workshop
    Workshop, International Digital Lab, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, June 13, 2012

    Introductory Workshop to the Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation and Process Integration Software modeFRONTIER.

  • International Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiphase Flows
    Conference, Penn State University, State College, United States, June 12, 2012

    Considering the vast importance of multiphase flows in energy systems, biomedicine, defense systems, manufacturing, and the environment, and the growing importance of CFD in multiphase flows, the executive co-organizers are hosting a dedicated conference on the topic of numerical methods in multiphase flows, to bring together the international community in a focused technical exchange environment.

  • Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability (ICPER2012)
    Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 12, 2012

    Conference focus in the fields of Manufacturing and Energy.

  • 10th Joint HZDR & ANSYS Germany Multiphase Flow Conference & Short Course - Simulation, Experiment and Application -
    Conference, Bautzner Landstr. 400, Dresden, Germany, June 12, 2012

    The Conference and Short Course on Multiphase Flow is being organized jointly by the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf (HZDR) and ANSYS Germany. In 2012 this workshop will take place for the 10th time and has regularly attracted scientists and application engineers in the field of CFD and measurement techniques for multiphase flows. It is supported by the German Alliance for Competence in Nuclear Technology.

  • ANSYS presents its next Info Day on: Design and Optimization
    Seminar, NH Rijnhotel Onderlangs, 10 6812 CG, Arnhem, Belgium, June 12, 2012

    Seminar Overview The need to create more complex products even more rapidly drives the engineers to achieve more simulations in less time without compromising any accuracy or reliability for the simulations.

  • TI2012: 3rd International Conference on Turbulence and Interactions
    Conference,, La Saline-les-Bains, France, June 11, 2012

    # Fundamental Turbulence, Instability and transition, Multiscale Interactions, wall turbulence # # * Advanced modeling and simulation methods for turbulent flows # # * High-speed aerodynamics, aeroacoustics and flow control # # * Environmental, geophysical and compressible turbulence # # * Multiphase and reacting Flows, heat transfer, Plasma and MHD turbulence # # * Complex flows (aeronautics, automotive, biological and medical flows)

  • ANSYS Workshop: Confidence by Design - Detroit
    Workshop, The Westin Southfield Detroit 1500 Town Center, Southfield, United States, June 5, 2012

    The Confidence by Design workshops can be a critical step in helping you realize your product promise. These complimentary sessions teach you how to leverage our tools to ensure that your designs will work the first time, before any prototypes are built and tested.

  • von Karman Institute Lecture Series: Combustion in Aero Engines
    Conference, Waterloosesteenweg 72, 1640 Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, June 4, 2012

    This course intends to provide the basic concepts and tools behind this technology, both in single discipline and multidisciplinary context. Subjects which will be treated in detail include: gradient based and steepest descent methods, adjoint methods, one shot or goal oriented methods, evolutionary/differential evolution algorithms on parallel environments, game strategies, parameterization, surrogate and reduced-order modeling, multifidelity modeling approaches, robust design.

May, 2012
  • Acoustic Theory and Numerical Simulation Seminars
    Seminar, Hartford, United States, May 31, 2012

    Please join us for an Acoustic Theory and Numerical Simulation Seminar with Dr. David R. Burd, Manager of Engineering at Free Field Technologies, an MSC Company. This one-day seminar will cover aero and vibro acoustic theory and an overview of the primary numerical methods for acoustic simulation including BEM, FEM, SEA and Ray Tracing. It will include the most important acoustic concepts and the physics underlying the most commonly used software tools in acoustic engineering.

  • NAFEMS UK Conference 2012 - Call for Presentations
    Conference, Nr Grantham, United Kingdom, May 30, 2012

    NAFEMS UK Conference 2012 Engineering Simulation: Realising the Potential

  • XXXII International School of Hydraulics
    Conference, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 1, Lochow, Poland, May 28, 2012

    The overall theme of the XXXII International School of Hydraulics is Experimental and computational solutions of hydraulic problems.

  • Workshop: Complex 3D CAD geometry for the successful CFD/FEA/CAE simulation
    Workshop, Hotel Scandic Europa, Kopmansgatan 38, Gotenborg, Sweden, May 25, 2012

    This workshop provides an excellent opportunity for attendees to see first hand how flow and thermal simulation can facilitate innovation, and reduce development time and costs. There is no charge to attend but registration is required.

  • Webinar: Speeding up my natural convection analyses (US/Europe) Part 3
    Online Event, May 24, 2012

    The core physics of radiation as it applies to electronics cooling will be discussed in this online seminar, including the visible and infrared radiation spectrum, relevant material properties, solar radiation, and internal radiation. The CFD specialists will explore radiation options available today in engineering simulation applications. Attendees will learn best practices for including radiative effects in their simulation work.

  • Acoustic Theory and Numerical Simulation Seminars
    Seminar, Chicago, United States, May 24, 2012

    Please join us for an Acoustic Theory and Numerical Simulation Seminar with Dr. Jean-Louis Migeot, CEO of Free Field Technologies, an MSC Software Company. This one-day seminar will cover aero and vibro acoustic theory and an overview of the primary numerical methods for acoustic simulation including BEM, FEM, SEA and Ray Tracing. It will include the most important acoustic concepts and the physics underlying the most commonly used software tools in acoustic engineering.

  • Engineering Workshop: Pushing the Limits of Your CFD Technology
    Workshop, Lotus F1 Team, Whiteways Technical Centre, Enstone, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, May 23, 2012

    This workshop provides an excellent opportunity for attendees to witness first-hand how engineering simulation software is facilitating innovation and reducing development time and costs. Participants will expand their knowledge of engineering simulations and learn specifically about CD-adapco's leading edge technology and how it is applied at Lotus F1 Team. There is no charge to attend but registration is required.

  • Acoustic Theory and Numerical Simulation Seminars
    Seminar, Detroit, United States, May 23, 2012

    Please join us for an Acoustic Theory and Numerical Simulation Seminar with Dr. Jean-Louis Migeot, CEO of Free Field Technologies, an MSC Software Company. This one-day seminar will cover aero and vibro acoustic theory and an overview of the primary numerical methods for acoustic simulation including BEM, FEM, SEA and Ray Tracing. It will include the most important acoustic concepts and the physics underlying the most commonly used software tools in acoustic engineering.

  • ERCOFTAC: Transition Modelling II
    Course, General Electric, Munich, Germany, May 22, 2012

    Specifically, the course aims to provide: - An overview of transition modelling approaches - A discussion of transition mechanisms - Detailed discussion of approaches, dependent on the application area - Recommendation for appropriate and effective application of transition models

  • Parallel CFD 2012
    Conference, W Atlanta Buckhead, 3377 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, United States, May 21, 2012

    ParCFD 2012 is the 24th of series of annual international meetings dedicated to the discussion of most recent developments and applications of parallel computing in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and related disciplines. ParCFD conferences are truly multi-cultural and international attracting many researchers across the globe with diverse technical expertise either as developer or user of CFD technologies.

  • Workshop: Complex 3D CAD geometry for the successful CFD/FEA/CAE simulation
    Workshop, The Trinity Centre, 24 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom, May 21, 2012

    This workshop provides an excellent opportunity for attendees to see first hand how flow and thermal simulation can facilitate innovation, and reduce development time and costs. There is no charge to attend but registration is required.

  • Acoustic Theory and Numerical Simulation Seminars
    Seminar, McLean, United States, May 21, 2012

    Please join us for an Acoustic Theory and Numerical Simulation Seminar with Dr. Jean-Louis Migeot, CEO of Free Field Technologies, an MSC Software Company. This one-day seminar will cover aero and vibro acoustic theory and an overview of the primary numerical methods for acoustic simulation including BEM, FEM, SEA and Ray Tracing. It will include the most important acoustic concepts and the physics underlying the most commonly used software tools in acoustic engineering.

  • CFD: An Executive Overview
    Course, School of Engineering, Cranfield, United Kingdom, May 18, 2012

    This is a single day course intended to give an overview into the use of CFD for industrial problems. It starts with a brief introduction to CFD methods and details best practice for completing a good CFD analysis. We focus then on practical necessities such as the range of software tools available for grid generation, CFD simulations and post-processing. Finally, the day finishes with a summary of future directions and trends within the field.

  • ANSYS Workshop: Confidence by Design - Boston
    Workshop, The Westin Waltham Boston 70 Third Avenue, Waltham, United States, May 17, 2012

    The Confidence by Design workshops can be a critical step in helping you realize your product promise. These complimentary sessions teach you how to leverage our tools to ensure that your designs will work the first time, before any prototypes are built and tested.

  • Workshop: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for Fired Equipment in Oil & Gas
    Workshop, Renaissance Tulsa Hotel & Convention Center, 6808 S 107th E Ave, Tulsa, United States, May 17, 2012

    CD-adapco is holding a one-day educational seminar for you. Computer Aided Engineering methods are routinely use to analyze fired equipment in the Oil and Gas industry. The seminar will provide background on the benefits of engineering simulation to gain deeper insight in to the performance of fired equipment such as flares, fired heaters, boilers, thermal oxidizers, and duct-fired heat recovery systems.

  • Workshop: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for Fired Equipment in Oil & Gas
    Workshop, Renaissance Tulsa Hotel & Convention Center, 6808 S 107th E Ave, Tulsa, United States, May 17, 2012

    CD-adapco is holding a one-day educational seminar for you. Computer Aided Engineering methods are routinely used to analyze fired equipment in the Oil and Gas industry. The seminar will provide background on the benefits of engineering simulation to gain deeper insight in to the performance of fired equipment such as flares, fired heaters, boilers, thermal oxidizers, and duct-fired heat recovery systems.

  • Engineering Seminar: CFD Simulation for Subsea Engineering
    Workshop, Houston Marriott Westchase, 2900 Briarpark Dr., Houston, United States, May 16, 2012

    CD-adapco is holding a one-day educational seminar for you. Computer Aided Engineering methods are routinely used to analyze subsea systems. The seminar will provide a background on the benefits of engineering simulation to gain deeper insight into the performance of subsea equipment and engineering challenges.

  • modeFRONTIER Workshop
    Workshop, International Digital Lab, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, May 15, 2012

    Introductory Workshop to the Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation and Process Integration Software modeFRONTIER.

  • ERCOFTAC:Uncertainty Management and Quantification in Industrial Analysis and Design
    Course, EDF R&D, Paris, France, May 15, 2012

    Uncertainty quantification is a new paradigm in industrial analysis and design as it aims at taking into account the presence of numerous uncertainties affecting the behavior of physical systems. Dominating uncertainties can be either be operational and/or geometrical resulting from unknown system properties. The aim is to review requirements of leading companies in the fields of aerospace, energy, transport and chemical process.

  • ANSYS Workshop: Confidence by Design - Seattle
    Workshop, Sheraton Bellevue Hotel 100 112th Avenue NE, Bellevue, United States, May 15, 2012

    The Confidence by Design workshops can be a critical step in helping you realize your product promise. These complimentary sessions teach you how to leverage our tools to ensure that your designs will work the first time, before any prototypes are built and tested.

  • 2012 Engineering Design Forum
    Conference, 4000 Loews Coronado Bay road, Coronado, United States, May 15, 2012

    Join your peers at this inaugural convergence, bringing together an international community of users, researchers, developers, and subject matter experts, across various industry sectors, to explore the most critical issues of today, within the field of simulation-based design.

  • OpenFOAM user & advanced training in Prague
    Course, Lisabonska 2394/4 , Prague, Czech Republic, May 14, 2012

    OpenFOAM user & advanced training organised by CFD support, s.r.o. will be held in Prague (Czech Republic) in February 2012.

  • ANSYS Workshop: Confidence by Design - San Jose
    Workshop, Santa Clara Marriott 2700 Mission College Boulevard, Santa Clara, United States, May 10, 2012

    The Confidence by Design workshops can be a critical step in helping you realize your product promise. These complimentary sessions teach you how to leverage our tools to ensure that your designs will work the first time, before any prototypes are built and tested.

  • Webinar: State-of-the-Art CFD For Military Ground Vehicles (US/Europe)
    Online Event, May 10, 2012

    This online event will present and demonstrate capabilities for solving modern design and analysis challenges relevant to military ground vehicles using engineering simulation.

  • Multidisciplinary Optimisation Training Course
    Course, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom, May 9, 2012

    Gain fundamental optimisation theory and techniques on this 2 day Multidisciplinary Optimisation Training Course, held in association with Cranfield University. Speakers include Optimisation specialists; Ashutosh Tiwari, Jorn Mehnen and Windo Hutabarat from Cranfield Univesity.

  • CFD Modeling & Fluid Structure Interaction Workshop
    Workshop, COMSOL BV, Zoetermeer, Netherlands, May 8, 2012

    Reduce the need for costly experiments and turn to simulation with the assistance of true multiphysics technology. Join the workshop to find out how to analyze and solve problems that involve fluid flows by using COMSOL Multiphysics.

  • OpenFOAM: A Two-Day Introductory course
    Course, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 8, 2012

    This two-day course is delivered by Henrik Rusche, partner at Wikki Ltd and collaborator of Prof. Hrvoje Jasak.

  • OpenFOAM: A Two-Day Advanced course
    Course, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 8, 2012

    This two-day course is delivered by Prof. Hrvoje Jasak, one of the main developers of the OpenFOAM library.

  • ANSYS Workshop: Confidence by Design - Minneapolis
    Workshop, Hyatt Regency Minneapolis 1300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, United States, May 8, 2012

    The Confidence by Design workshops can be a critical step in helping you realize your product promise. These complimentary sessions teach you how to leverage our tools to ensure that your designs will work the first time, before any prototypes are built and tested.

  • ANSYS Workshop: Confidence by Design - San Diego
    Workshop, San Diego Marriott La Jolla 4240 La Jolla Village Drive, La Jolla, United States, May 8, 2012

    The Confidence by Design workshops can be a critical step in helping you realize your product promise. These complimentary sessions teach you how to leverage our tools to ensure that your designs will work the first time, before any prototypes are built and tested.

  • von Karman Institute Lecture Series: ntroduction to Optimization and Multidisciplinary Design in AR & TU
    Conference, Waterloosesteenweg 72, 1640 Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, May 7, 2012

    This course intends to provide the basic concepts and tools behind this technology, both in single discipline and multidisciplinary context. Subjects which will be treated in detail include: gradient based and steepest descent methods, adjoint methods, one shot or goal oriented methods, evolutionary/differential evolution algorithms on parallel environments, game strategies, parameterization, surrogate and reduced-order modeling, multifidelity modeling approaches, robust design.

  • ANSYS Workshop: Confidence by Design - Baltimore
    Workshop, 1743 West Nursery Road, Linthicum, United States, May 7, 2012

    The Confidence by Design workshops can be a critical step in helping you realize your product promise. These complimentary sessions teach you how to leverage our tools to ensure that your designs will work the first time, before any prototypes are built and tested.

  • ANSYS Workshop: Confidence by Design - Salt Lake City
    Workshop, The Little America Hotel - Salt Lake City 500 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, United States, May 4, 2012

    The Confidence by Design workshops can be a critical step in helping you realize your product promise. These complimentary sessions teach you how to leverage our tools to ensure that your designs will work the first time, before any prototypes are built and tested.

  • FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS Users' Meeting and Conference 2012
    Conference, Steigenberger Hotel Sanssouci, Potsdam, Germany, May 3, 2012

    Conference for CFD-based shape optimizations in the maritime and turbomachinery industry

  • ANSYS Workshop: Confidence by Design - Denver
    Workshop, Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center 7800 East Tufts Avenue, Denver, United States, May 2, 2012

    The Confidence by Design workshops can be a critical step in helping you realize your product promise. These complimentary sessions teach you how to leverage our tools to ensure that your designs will work the first time, before any prototypes are built and tested.

  • ANSYS Workshop: Confidence by Design - Orlando
    Workshop, Holiday Inn Orlando - University of Central Florida 12125 High , Orlando, United States, May 2, 2012

    The Confidence by Design workshops can be a critical step in helping you realize your product promise. These complimentary sessions teach you how to leverage our tools to ensure that your designs will work the first time, before any prototypes are built and tested.

  • NUMECA- Free WEBINAR on OpenLabs - May 2nd, 2012
    Online Event, May 2, 2012

    Join us for an introductory level training on OpenLabs, which is included with the FINE™/Open suite of products, NUMECA's CFD suite dedicated to the simulation of complex internal and external applications. Gain an overview of the capabilities of OpenLabs. Implementation of Initial Solution, Boundary Condition definition and Transport Equation insertion will be demonstrated.

  • 2012 CIMdata & NAFEMS Events for the Simulation and Analysis Community
    Workshop, Cincinnati, United States, May 1, 2012

    CIMdata's Simulation & Analysis Council and the NAFEMS Simulation Data Management Working Group will join together to produce a unique two-day program that will explore emerging best practices on addressing the critical issues facing members of the simulation and analysis community.

April, 2012
  • 13th CD-adapco Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Workshop America
    Workshop, The Dearborn Inn, 20301 Oakwood Boulevard, Dearborn, United States, April 27, 2012

    This event,which brings together users of CD-adapco's STAR-CD and es-ice engine simulation products, will provide a forum to hear about the latest and forthcoming developments in engine simulation and to discuss technical issues of interest with other users. In addition to user presentations, CD-adapco will describe capabilities that will be available in the upcoming v4.18 release and longer term roadmap developments.

  • Acoustic Theory and Numerical Simulation Seminars
    Seminar, Ameriteach, Denver, United States, April 27, 2012

    These one-day seminars will cover aero and vibro acoustic theory and an overview of the primary numerical methods for acoustic simulation including BEM, FEM, SEA and Ray Tracing. They will include the most important acoustic concepts and the physics underlying the most commonly used software tools in acoustic engineering.

  • Webinar: Speeding up my natural convection analyses (US/Europe) Part 2
    Online Event, April 26, 2012

    Best practices for simulating natural convective air flow in electronic systems. While many electronic devices have power densities that require forced air flow, a significant number of systems can still utilize solely natural (passive) convective cooling. The reliability and quietness of passively cooled systems is especially attractive for consumer devices, so investigating these cooling options is a valuable portion of the design process.

  • ANSYS Workshop: Confidence by Design - Phoenix
    Workshop, Hilton Mesa 1011 West Holmes Avenue, Mesa, United States, April 26, 2012

    The Confidence by Design workshops can be a critical step in helping you realize your product promise. These complimentary sessions teach you how to leverage our tools to ensure that your designs will work the first time, before any prototypes are built and tested.

  • ANSYS Simulation Open Day
    Workshop, Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, United Kingdom, April 26, 2012

    Come and visit IDAC to find out about Computer Aided Engineering and Simulation Techniques using world leading software. The will consist of presentations, workshops and breakout sessions to discuss your own use of software

  • A Billion Cells in Tecplot 360
    Online Event, April 26, 2012

    Dramatic gains in Tecplot 360 2012 performance will be demonstrated by comparing earlier versions of Tecplot 360 and an open source visualization package. Thurs., Apr. 26, 10 AM PDT

  • Acoustic Theory and Numerical Simulation Seminars
    Seminar, Courtyard Seattle Bellevue/Downtown, Seattle, United States, April 25, 2012

    These one-day seminars will cover aero and vibro acoustic theory and an overview of the primary numerical methods for acoustic simulation including BEM, FEM, SEA and Ray Tracing. They will include the most important acoustic concepts and the physics underlying the most commonly used software tools in acoustic engineering.

  • Acoustic Theory and Numerical Simulation Seminars
    Seminar, MSC Software Office, Santa Ana, United States, April 23, 2012

    These one-day seminars will cover aero and vibro acoustic theory and an overview of the primary numerical methods for acoustic simulation including BEM, FEM, SEA and Ray Tracing. They will include the most important acoustic concepts and the physics underlying the most commonly used software tools in acoustic engineering.

  • NUMECA - FREE Webinar on Introduction to FINE/Open - April 23, 2012
    Online Event, April 23, 2012

    Join NUMECA for an introductory level training on FINE/Open, NUMECA's CFD suite dedicated to the simulation of complex internal and external applications. Gain an overview of the three FINE/Open components: the meshing tool HEXPRESS, the FINE/Open GUI solver interface and the post-processing tool CFView. An automotive manifold geometry will be used to demonstrate the software and the steps of project setup.

  • ANSYS Workshop: Confidence by Design - Newark
    Workshop, The Westin Governor Morris 2 Whippany Road, Morristown, United States, April 19, 2012

    The Confidence by Design workshops can be a critical step in helping you realize your product promise. These complimentary sessions teach you how to leverage our tools to ensure that your designs will work the first time, before any prototypes are built and tested.

  • modeFRONTIER Workshop
    Workshop, International Digital Lab, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, April 19, 2012

    Introductory Workshop to the Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation and Process Integration Software modeFRONTIER.


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