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Passed Event 1801 - 1900 of 3535, Sorted by Start Date:

February, 2013
January, 2013
December, 2012
  • One Month Crash course titled "Industry Oriented course on CFD and Aerospace Engineering"
    Course, MES English School,Near Havanoor circle,Basaveshwar Nagar, Bangalore, India, December 29, 2012

    Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering ( offers one Month crash course on CFD at Bangalore during December 2012 and January 2013. Course duration: 75 Hours. Classes on all 7 days of the week( evening 6 to 9 PM). Registration open. Visit our website for detailed syllabus.

  • 2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Computational Mechanics(ICMCM 2012)
    Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, December 20, 2012

    2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Computational Mechanics (TTP Official Conference ID:622),which is being organized and will be held on 20- 21st December, 2012 in Dubai, UAE. All accepted papers will be published in "Applied Mechanics and Materials" [ISSN:1660-9336],which is indexed by SCOPUS, Ei Compendex (CPX), CSA, CA , Google and Google Scholar, ISTP, IEE.

  • LearnCAx' Industry Focused CFD Training
    Course, 1 Akshay Residency, Aundh, India, December 15, 2012

    A course with perfect blend of theory & software knowledge in order to understand fundamentals of computational uid dynamics and develop skills using ICEM CFD and ANSYS Fluent softwares. Ideal For: + Engineering Graduates and Post-Graduates (B.E / B.Tech / M.E. / M. Tech in Aerospace, Automobile, Mechanical, Industrial Production, Chemical, Petro-chemical, Bio-chemical and Bio-medical).

  • Engineering Workshop: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for the CPI and Pharmaceutical Industry
    Workshop, Boston Marriott Quincy, 1000 Marriott Drive, Quincy, United States, December 14, 2012

    This event will give process R & D engineers, process development engineers, and plant engineers a better understanding of how companies are successfully using engineering simulation to save expensive experiments, reduce time-to-market of new products, and evaluate the safety and performance of new conceptual designs.

  • Introduction to CFX
    Course, Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, United Kingdom, December 12, 2012

    This course is designed for those interested in the analysis of fluid motion. Basic knowledge of the ANSYS interface is beneficial but not required. Prior knowledge of fluid mechanics and general FE modelling is particularly useful. Each course topic is followed by hands on workshops and exercises

  • FREE webinar on 'Introduction to the nonlinear harmonic method NLH of FINE/Turbo'
    Online Event, December 12, 2012

    NUMECA is hosting a FREE webinar on December 12

  • Web Seminar: Vehicle Thermal Management System Performance Modeling with System Level Fluid Simulation
    Online Event, December 12, 2012

    Presentation on using 1D fluid dynamics for modeling vehicle thermal management systems using Flowmaster simulation software – includes flow and heat transfer prediction in IC and hybrid electric vehicle cooling circuits (featuring heat exchangers, piping, thermostat valves ) and details both pressure drop calculations and Transient thermal analysis for drive cycle performance analysis. Also looks at how 1D fluid simulation can be enhanced with 3D Computational fluid dynamics studies.

  • Engineering Workshop: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for the CPI and Pharmaceutical Industry
    Workshop, Essex Technology Group, 201 W. Passaic ST, Rochelle Park, United States, December 12, 2012

    This event will give process R & D engineers, process development engineers, and plant engineers a better understanding of how companies are successfully using engineering simulation to save expensive experiments, reduce time-to-market of new products, and evaluate the safety and performance of new conceptual designs.

  • Engineering Workshop: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for the CPI and Pharmaceutical Industry
    Workshop, Courtyard Newark-Univ. of Delaware, 400 David Hollowell DR, Newark, United States, December 11, 2012

    This event will give process R & D engineers, process development engineers, and plant engineers a better understanding of how companies are successfully using engineering simulation to save expensive experiments, reduce time-to-market of new products, and evaluate the safety and performance of new conceptual designs.

  • Engineering Workshop: Future Trends in Battery Systems Modeling
    Workshop, Newport Beach Marriott Hotel & Spa, 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, United States, December 11, 2012

    This workshop will cover the many ways engineers are now engaged in the design and simulation of lithium-ion batteries.

  • Ninth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals and Process Industries
    Conference, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia, December 10, 2012

    CSIRO is organizing CFD2012, which is being held in Melbourne on 10-12 December 2012. The conference invites papers on the application of CFD in the minerals processing, metal production, power generation, chemicals and other process industries. This year's conference also has minisymposia running concurrently with general sessions on the following topics: Computational Fluid Dynamics in Bio-engineering; Renewable Energy Processes: Modelling and Simulation; Modelling of Gas-Particle Flows.

  • ESI DACH Anwenderforum
    User Conference, Fulda, Germany, December 10, 2012

    Virtual Performance, Virtual Manufacturing, Virtual Reality

  • nek5000 second User and Development Meeting in Zurich, Switzerland
    User Conference, Zurich , Switzerland, December 7, 2012

    We are pleased to invite you to attend the second nek5000 User and Development Meeting, to be hosted by the Aeorthermochemistry and Combustion Systems Laboratory (LAV) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ) in Zurich, Switzerland, on December 7-8, 2012.

  • Battery & Electrification Webinar: Innovations in Engineering Simulation for Today's Electric & Hybrid Vehicles
    Online Event, December 6, 2012

    This event will provide attendees the latest information on engineering simulation technology impacting the development of electric & hybrid vehicles. Presenters will also cover applications in electric aircraft, satellite technology and other alternative forms of transport.

  • Free Workshop: Application-Oriented CFD for Aerospace & Defense Using STAR-CCM+
    Workshop, University of Alabama, Huntsville, United States, December 5, 2012

    Please join us for this informative seminar on December 5th and witness firsthand how flow and thermal simulation can reduce development times and costs, and ultimately facilitate innovation. Gain a greater understanding of how CFD can be applied to your programs and learn more about major new development advances, including the release of overset grids.

  • CFD modeling using ANSYS ICEM-CFD & ANSYS FLUENT
    Course, flat 1, Anand Park, Aundh, India, December 5, 2012

    A course with perfect blend of theory & software knowledge in order to understand fundamentals of computational uid dynamics and develop skills using ICEM CFD and ANSYS Fluent softwares.

  • NAFEMS Training Course - Introduction to CFD Analysis: Theory & Applications
    Course, The Legacy Falcon Hotel, Stratford upon Avon, United Kingdom, December 4, 2012

    The course offers excellent guidance on how to judge which numerical approximations are acceptable and appropriate for solving a wide range of practical problems. Of equal importance is the manner in which results are interpreted. Advice is provided which allows the correct decisions to be taken, based on results which are known to be reliable.

November, 2012
  • Engineering Workshop: Understanding How Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Simulation Can Work For You
    Workshop, Computational Dynamics, Ltd. , London, United Kingdom, November 30, 2012

    Our seminar will detail how customers can benefit from seamless, easy-to-use and robust fluid-structure interaction solutions with STAR-CCM+ as well as how they link leading FEA tools such as SIMULIA’s Abaqus.

  • Reminder: LES4ICE'12 call for papers open
    Conference, Rueil-Malmaison (near Paris), France, November 29, 2012

    LES4ICE'12, the international conference on LES for Internal Combustion Engine Flows, will be held at IFP Energies nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison (near Paris, France) on 29 and 30 November 2012, within the framework of its Rencontres Scientifiques. We remind you that paper & poster abstracts can be submitted until 30 March 2012. All information can be found on the conference web-site.

  • Engineering Workshop: Understanding How Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Simulation Can Work For You
    Workshop, High Tech Campus, The Strip, Eindhoven, Netherlands, November 28, 2012

    Our seminar will detail how customers can benefit from seamless, easy-to-use and robust fluid-structure interaction solutions with STAR-CCM+ as well as how they link leading FEA tools such as SIMULIA’s Abaqus.

  • Engineering Workshop: Aerodynamics Developed in Formula One - Delivered to Formula Students
    Workshop, Hochschule Esslingen - Campus Flandernstrasse, Esslingen am Neckar, Germany, November 28, 2012

    Please join us for an update on new ways STAR-CCM+ is improving vehicle aerodynamics. CFD specialists and guest speakers will discuss how CD-adapco continues to push the accuracy and process time boundaries of traditional aerodynamics calculations. Workshop attendees will get a firsthand look at how they can use the software to see the best practices in preparation, meshing, and results on a formula student car without any sacrifice in accuracy.

  • Engineering Workshop: Understanding How Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Simulation Can Work For You
    Workshop, Hotel Scandic Europa, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 27, 2012

    Our seminar will detail how customers can benefit from seamless, easy-to-use and robust fluid-structure interaction solutions with STAR-CCM+ as well as how they link leading FEA tools such as SIMULIA’s Abaqus.

  • 2nd Australian OpenFOAM User Group Meeting - Melbourne
    User Conference, The University of Melbourne, Australia, November 26, 2012

    Applied CCM is pleased to announce The 2nd Australian OpenFOAM Users Group meeting will be held at The University of Melbourne on Monday 26 November, 2012.

  • 4th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2012)
    Conference, Crowne Plaza, Gold Coast, Australia, November 25, 2012

    The 4th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2012) will be held in Gold Coast, Australia from 25 to 27 November 2012. Gold Coast is a beautiful coastal city of Australia located in South East Queensland, close to the state capital Brisbane. Gold Coast is well known as a major international tourist destination with its sunny subtropical climate, beautiful beaches, canal and waterway systems, its high-rise skyline, nightlife, and rainforest hinterland.

  • Materialise Innovation Course Aachen - from CAD to CFD
    Course, Pauwelsstrasse 20, Aachen, Germany, November 22, 2012

    Materialise is proud to announce that, in collaboration with the renowned RWTH Aachen, we will be organizing a two day Innovation Course, focused on cardiovascular applications! Next to hands-on training sessions, you have the opportunity to find out what innovations are going on nowadays in cardiovascular research.

  • Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2012
    Conference, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, November 20, 2012

    The conference will focus on obtaining an overview of projects under investigation, and experimental methods used in the field of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. Its aim is to organize a network of young research workers who are interested in experimental, and also theoretical, work in the field of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics.

  • Engineering Workshop: Multiphysics Simulation for Marine Applications
    Workshop, Royal National Lifeboat Institution, West Quay Road, Poole, United Kingdom, November 20, 2012

    During this complimentary event, CFD experts will cover a wide variety of naval issues and demonstrate a comprehensive simulation including geometry import, model preparation, configuration of the physics to post-processing, and reading results.

  • Cold and Ultracold Molecules
    Conference, Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, Gaisbergweg 5, 6456, Obergugl, Austria, November 18, 2012

    It is the aim of this conference to bring together scientists from these diverse fields, which are now contributing to an increasing extent to developing new ideas and approaches for the realization of cold and ultracold molecular gases and to identifying new research directions and applications of these novel systems.

  • Complimentary Webinar: CFD Methods in the Pharmaceutical Industry - Continuous Manufacturing for the API Process
    Online Event, November 15, 2012

    This event will teach attendees about the benefits of CFD methods for continuous processes, and how it can shorten product-process development cycles, optimize existing processes, reduce energy requirements, and lead to the efficient design of new products.
 CFD specialists will speak on the developments in continuous manufacturing for the API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) process and how the integration of CFD modeling and simulation is emerging as a game changer.

  • FREE webinar on ' FINE/Marine: Propulsion modeling'
    Online Event, November 14, 2012

    NUMECA International is hosting a FREE webinar on November 14 (two sessions)

  • OpenFOAM Training course in Munich, Nov. 13-15, 2012
    Course, Lipowskystr. 12, Munich, Germany, November 13, 2012

    In this 2 days training you will learn about the basic functionality of the software OpenFOAM. On the basis of use-oriented samples you will realize the theory into practical experience.

  • Individual Training OpenFOAM,Munich, Nov. 13 till 15, 2012
    Course, Munich, Germany, November 13, 2012

    OpenFOAM individual training organized by CFD+engineering in Munich. The 2-day training (Nov.13 and 14, 2012) is designed on the basis of use-oriented samples, from theory into practical experience. Optional after the training an additional day (Nov. 15, 2012) can be booked for an individual training on your application or geometry.

  • Understanding How Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation Can Work for You
    Workshop, Marriott Houston Westchase, Houston, United States, November 13, 2012

    Our seminar on November 13th will detail how customers can benefit from seamless, easy-to-use and robust fluid-structure interaction solutions with STAR-CCM+ as well as how they link leading FEA tools such as SIMULIA’s Abaqus.

  • modeFRONTIER Workshop
    Workshop, International Digital Lab, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, November 8, 2012

    Introductory Workshop to the Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation and Process Integration Software modeFRONTIER.

  • Engineering Workshop: Getting the Full Potential Out of Simulation For Product Development Design Exploration and Optimization
    Conference, Sheraton Detroit Novi, 21111 Haggerty Rd., Novi, United States, November 6, 2012

    Attendees will learn how to maximize the value of their compute clusters through a new approach to CAE software licensing. The afternoon hands-on session will allow attendees to use Optimate, a newly released product from CD-adapco. Trainers will have attendees walk through the complete design process.

  • Webinar de Engenharia: Automatização do processo de simulação de CAE/CFD
    Online Event, November 6, 2012

    Este evento proporcionará aos participantes uma avaliação das novas opções de pré-processamento e uma percepção de como gastar menos tempo na preparação tediosa e manual de uma simulação numérica, e mais tempo analisando os resultados finais do projeto.

  • I Conference of the Venezuelan Society of Fluid Mechanics 2012 (FLUIDOS2012)
    Conference, Hotel HESPERIA Isla Margarita, Margarita, Venezuela, November 5, 2012

    This workshop will bring together national and international researchers focusing on fluid flow and its applications. The objetive of the workshop is to provide a forum for presentation of state-of-the-art research in both theoretical and experimental fluid mechanics as well as opportunities for interactions among the participants.

  • OpenFOAM Intermediate Training, Melbourne, Australia - October 2012
    Course, Suite 30/150 Albert Road, South Melbourne, Australia, November 1, 2012

    Participants in the course will learn the layout of the OpenFOAM library, understanding of pressure-velocity coupling (steady-state SIMPLE algorithm), how to copy and compile a solver, add an equation to existing solver, add source terms involving surface interpolation. In addition, discretization best practice will be covered with a hands-on example, introduction to C++ programming language, creation of the new turbulence model as a part of the existing OpenFOAM library with curvature correction.

  • Academic Track Event of STAR-Indian Conference
    Conference, ITC- Gardenia , Bangalore, India, November 1, 2012

    As a part of STAR-Indian Conference CD-adapco India is organizing a dedicated one day academic event targeted at students and faculty members working on CFD for diverse applications in India.

October, 2012
  • 2012 FLOW-3D Users Conference in Taiwan
    User Conference, The Regent Taipei , Taipei, Taiwan, October 31, 2012

    The 2012 FLOW-3D Users Conference will be held October 31, 2012 at The Regent Taipei in Taipei, Taiwan. For more information, please contact hyperInfo.

  • An Investigation into UAV Avionics Cooling Using FloEFD
    Online Event, October 31, 2012

    See how FloEFD can be used to analyze avionics cooling for UAVs. We will also talk briefly about the use of Flowmaster for avionics cooling.

    Course, GE , MUNICH, Germany, October 30, 2012

    This course is intended for researchers in industry and in academia including Ph.D. students with a good knowledge in fluid mechanics, who would like to build up or widen their knowledge in the field of aeroacoustics (modeling, computational tools and industrial applications). It will first provide a comprehensive overview of recent insights of aeroacoustics theories (practical applications of Lighthills analogy and vortex sound, Goldsteins analogy, and coupling with instability waves).

  • ESI Energie Seminar
    Seminar, Hamburg, Germany, October 30, 2012

    CAE gestuetzte Entwicklung von Windkraftanlagen

  • Energy Seminar (German)
    Seminar, MARITIM Hotel Reichshof Hamburg, Kirchenallee 34-36, 20099 Hamburg, Germany, October 30, 2012

    CAE gestuetzte Entwicklung von Windkraftanlagen

  • 2012 Automotive Simulation World Congress
    Conference, Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, Detroit, United States, October 30, 2012

    2012 Automotive Simulation World Congress is being held Oct. 30-31 in Detroit. The two-day international event is dedicated solely to the automotive industry: vehicles for road, rail, racetrack and off-highway.

  • OpenFOAM Introductory Training, Melbourne, Australia - October 2012
    Course, Suite 30/150 Albert Road, South Melbourne, Australia, October 30, 2012

    The two day introductory training in OpenFOAM is designed to enable CFD practitioners to start using OpenFOAM for practical computations. The methodology employed consists of a series of lectures that provide a general understanding of OpenFOAM topics followed by hands-on work.

  • Webinar: ' HEXPRESS/Hybrid: Meshing solution for complex and unclean CAD geometries'
    Online Event, October 30, 2012

    Join NUMECA International for a FREE webinar on October 30.

  • 2012 FLOW-3D Users Conference in Japan
    User Conference, Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan, October 26, 2012

    The 2012 FLOW-3D Users Conference in Japan will be held October 26, 2012 at the Tokyo International Forum in Tokyo, Japan. For more information, please contact Flow Science Japan.

  • Optimising HVAC for De-frost and De-mist
    Online Event, October 25, 2012

    With new interior designs, vehicles have more electronics and thus more thermal events inside than ever before. How can you guarantee your HVAC system will clear the glass from frost or condensation in an acceptable time?

  • International CAE Conference 2012
    Conference, Hotel Parchi del Garda, Verona province (Lake Garda), Italy, October 22, 2012

    The International CAE Conference will present the state-of- the-art of CAE in diverse industries. Significant user testimonials will prove how such technologies help increase the product efficiency and ROI. This annual appointment is a major, an efficient platform for designers, analysts, IT managers, engineers, professors, researchers, associations and students involved or interested in virtual simulation tools.

  • Industry oriented course on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
    Course, Basaveshwar Nagar ,West of Chord Road, Bangalore, India, October 20, 2012

    Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering,Bangalore offers an Industry oriented course on CFD.The classes will be held on Saturday and Sundays only. The course is designed as per the Industry requirements. The course covers theory of CFD and related subjects on Aerospace Engineering. The course is for fresh graduates and practicing Engineers. For more details visit our website

  • Foundation course on Aerospace Engineering
    Course, Basaveshwar Nagar ,West of Chord Road, Bangalore, India, October 20, 2012

    Niharika Institute,Bangalore offers an Industry oriented foundation course on Aerospace Engineering.The classes will be held on Saturday and Sundays only.The course covers the important fluid mechanics related subjects of Aerospace Engineering and Introduction to CFD.The course is designed keeping in view non-aerospace graduates like Fresh Mechanical Engineering students aspiring to begin a career in Aerospace Industry. For more details visit our website

  • ESI Global Forum 2012
    Conference, Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina, San Diego, United States, October 18, 2012

    ESI Global Forum will bring together users from around the world to share expertise, best practices, challenges and successes in Virtual Product Engineering. In addition to learning from simulation experts from around the world, attendees will get a sneak peak at ESI's latest product features and benefits, as well as practical tips and tricks.

  • Optimising Thermal Cabin Comfort
    Online Event, October 18, 2012

    Regulations on occupant comfort and temperature control are causing manufacturers to consider the thermal management of the cabin. How do you predict the thermal comfort of your occupants, placing temperature sensors through the cabin? Looking at airflows? This may be one way of doing it, but these methods do not account for the shape of a person, their clothing etc.

  • FREE webinar 'NUMECA CFD software for Hydropower Applications' on October 17
    Online Event, October 17, 2012

    NUMECA is hosting a FREE webinar on CFD software for Hydropower Applications.

  • modeFRONTIER Workshop
    Workshop, International Digital Lab, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, October 16, 2012

    Introductory Workshop to the Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation and Process Integration Software modeFRONTIER.

  • OpenFOAM Seminar
    Seminar, Hilton Garden Inn, Southfield, United States, October 16, 2012

    ESI invites you to a complimentary OpenFOAM seminar during which our experts, including some of the OpenFOAM founding members, will share with you their knowledge and experience of OpenFOAM.

  • Hand-Tied to Profitability - Conducting CFD During Product Development in a Tough Economy
    Online Event, October 16, 2012

    Computational Fluid Dynamics is at a crossroads where it is more readily adopted yet is not a disruptive risk. Join us for this webinar as Chad Jackson talks about this new opportunity to change the equation for engineering.

  • 11th Symposium on Overset Composite Grids and Solution Technology
    Conference, Holiday Inn Dayton/Fairborn I-675, Fairborn, United States, October 15, 2012

    This symposium brings together scientists, engineers, mathematicians and students from industry, government and academia to discuss overset grid-related technologies as they are utilized to address computational modeling and simulation issues in a wide variety of industries. These overset- grid technologies include, but are not limited to geometry processing, mesh generation, grid connectivity, solution algorithms for partial differential equations, and post- processing.

  • ASME - EL513 - Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Online Event, October 15, 2012

    This online course provides an introduction to the scientific principles and practical engineering applications of CFD. Although it provides an overview of some of the fundamental mathematical equations governing the fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena, its emphasis is not to teach the theory behind the technology but to help the participants apply the knowledge gained into practical use of commercial CFD codes.

  • Webinar : A New Approach to Predicting Industrial Fan Noise in Heavy Vehicle
    Online Event, October 11, 2012

    Exa Corporation solutions for engineering simulation are based on an extended Lattice Boltzmann method. This inherently transient, numerically stable and patented technology enables Exa to predict fluid flow with a level of accuracy and insight into flow behaviour better than physical testing or traditional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods.

  • Technology Update On Battery Modeling Tools
    Online Event, October 11, 2012

    CD-adapco and Battery Design LLc first released their innovative flow, thermal and electrochemistry simulation tools 2 years ago, there has been significant product development driven by customer feedback and a desire to continue to lead this emerging field. This complimentary online event will exam the benefits of these updates.

  • Webinar : A New Approach to Predicting Industrial Fan Noise for Civil Engineering
    Online Event, October 11, 2012

    Industrial fans, from domestic to large-scale commercial models, all share a common issue, the noise generated by the equipment. The acoustic effects of the housing and adjacent duct work however cannot be ignored and can be addressed quickly and accurately by using Exa software due to its ability to handle complex geometry.

  • NUMECA International is hosting a FREE webinar on October 10: 'Introduction to VNoise - Aeroacoustic applications'
    Online Event, October 10, 2012

    This free webinar will show how the different VNoise computational modules (i.e. FEM, BEM, FW-H and FlowNoise) can be used to model typical turbomachinery applications as well as sound generated by external/confined flows. The attendees will gain a basic knowledge of the potentiality of VNoise and the benefits achievable by its application.

  • Aerospace & Defense Luncheon
    Dolce La Hulpe Hotel Chaussée de Bruxelles 135, La Hulpe, Belgium, October 9, 2012

    The ANSYS Global Industry Director for Aerospace & Defence, will be visiting Europe at the beginning of October and more specifically will be stopping in Belgium to meet and discuss with the Aerospace & Defense Community not only about the ANSYS current strategy and vision of the future for Aerospace & Defense regarding simulations but also your own points of view, issues, vision and to respond to your questions. To serve that purpose, we are organizing a lunch meeting on 09/10/2012.

  • OpenFOAM user & advanced training in Prague
    Course, Lisabonska 2394/4 , Prague, Czech Republic, October 8, 2012

    OpenFOAM user & advanced training organised by CFD support, s.r.o. will be held in Prague (Czech Republic) in February 2012.

  • CFD-driven Design and Analysis with SpaceClaim and SimericsMP
    Online Event, October 3, 2012

    SpaceClaim provides engineers flexibility in geometry prep for simulation; SimericsMP enables unsurpassed ease and accuracy of fluid and heat simulation for complex systems. SpaceClaim and SimericsMP offer an integrated simulation solution. See a live demo from CAD to simulation.

  • PLM Road Map 2012
    Conference, The Inn at St. John's, Plymouth, United States, October 2, 2012

    PLM Road Map is a strategic conference focused on the critical trade-offs that shape product development. At PLM Road Map 2012, find out first hand which issues are confronting end users.

September, 2012
  • AutoGrid5 - Contra-Rotating Open-Rotors
    Online Event, September 27, 2012

    Providing multi-block structured meshes for turbomachinery designs is what AutoGrid5 is all about. Generating high- quality grid is now fast and easy: AutoGrid5 can do it automatically starting from your geometry. Join us for this webinar and get familiar with the environment. The main features of AutoGrid5 will be presented through a Contra-Rotating Open-Rotor application.

  • [Violent Flows 2012] 2nd international conference on Violent Flows (VF2012) - Sept. 25-27, 2012 - Nantes, France
    Conference, Ecole Centrale Nantes, Nantes, France, September 25, 2012

    This conference will gather research scientists expertise in the field of violent interface hydrodynamic flows, so as to share and assess progress made in the field since the 1st edition held in Fukuoka in 2007. The latest achievements in research on strongly nonlinear hydrodynamics in all its aspects will be discussed. The latter include experimental and physical modeling up to advanced numerical simulation with an emphasis on emerging immersive/interactive simulation techniques of these flows.

  • Reservoir Simulation Post-processor Webinar
    Online Event, September 25, 2012

    Join us for a 1 hour free webinar and live demo to see how you can benefit from Kraken. Register here >

  • Flow Measurement & Allocation Metering
    Workshop, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 24, 2012

    Best Practices In Design & Operation Of Metering Stations

  • International Conference on Applications of Fluid Engineering
    Conference, Dept. of Mech. Engg., G. L. Bajaj Inst. of Tech. & Mgmt, Greater Noida, India, September 20, 2012

    The field of fluid mechanics is vast and has numerous and diverse applications. The conference will cover a wider range of topics, including basic formulations and their computer modelling as well as the relationship between experimental and analytical results. The object of the meeting is to provide a forum for discussing new work in fluid mechanics and to promote the interchange of new ideas, presentation of the latest applications in the field.

  • CFD OpenHouse
    Kruppstr. 90, ETEC, 1. Etage Raum V5-1.02, Essen, Germany, September 19, 2012

    ESI invites you to an OpenHouse on September 19th, 2012, in their CFD competence center in Essen, Germany. For more information visit our website

  • 7th Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
    Conference, Kypriotis Hotels and Conference Center, Kos, Greece, September 19, 2012

    Understanding fluid dynamics and heat transfer has been one of the major advances of mathematics, physics and engineering. Our symposium covers various subjects: from new numerical methods and fundamental research until engineering applications.

  • Symposium on Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of the Liquid Sloshing Problem
    Conference, Kypriotis Hotels and Conference Center, Kos, Greece, September 19, 2012

    The aim of this symposium is to bring together researchers who work in the fields related to modeling, simulation or analysis of the sloshing type problems by using mathematical approaches (analytical or numerical) and discuss recent advances.

  • Info Day on Scripting in ANSYS Tools
    Seminar, Radisson Blu Astrid Hotel, Koningin Astridplein 7, Antwerp, Belgium, September 19, 2012

    Learn about: Scripting in Workbench /Project Schematic Scripting in Design Modeler & Meshing Scripting Solvers and CFD Post Coupling with External Programs Application Customisation Toolkit (ACT) Take the opportunity to meet and discuss your challenges with peers, the presenters and ANSYS.

  • Add or customize physical models in FINE/Open using OpenLabs
    Online Event, September 19, 2012

    Always wanted to go beyond the capabilities of existing CFD packages? Wish to customize an existing physical model or add your own? This free webinar will show how FINE/Open with OpenLabs can help.

  • OpenFOAM Introductory and Advanced Courses
    Course, Mainz, Germany, September 18, 2012

    This two courses are delivered by Dr. Henrik Rusche (Intro) and H. Jasak (Advanced), one of the main developers of OpenFOAM.

  • XX Fluid Mechanics Conference
    Conference, Gliwice, Poland, September 17, 2012

    It is our privilege to invite you to attend the XX Fluid Mechanics Conference KKMP2012 in Gliwice (Poland). The aim of the Conference is to unite scientists from different countries and unite different approaches ranging from new experimental techniques to computational methods.


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