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September, 2013
  • OpenFOAM Seminar and Lessons in OpenFOAM
    Seminar, Troy, United States, September 12, 2013

    ESI-OpenCFD announces an OpenFOAM Seminar coupled with an OpenFOAM Lessons Day from September 12 -13, 2013 at the MSU Management Center in Troy, MI.

  • Coupling modeFRONTIER with JMAG
    Online Event, September 12, 2013

    The webinar titled "Multi-Objective Optimization for an Electric Motor Design Using modeFRONTIER and JMAG", hosted jointly by ESTECO North America and Powersys Solutions, will be held on Thursday 12th September 2013.

  • Plastic Flow 101 - Introduction to Analyzing Plastic Flow
    Online Event, September 10, 2013

    View this presentation on how to model and analyze non- Newtonian plastic flow using FloEFD. This presentation begins with the basics and concludes with a demonstration of an example model in FloEFD.

  • High Performance Computing Autumn Academy
    Course, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, United Kingdom, September 9, 2013

    The Autumn Academy is a two-week summer school on all aspects of HPC. It is highly suitable for researchers from academia or industry and in particular for new comers in high performance computing. The Academy will take attendees through Basic HPC tools, Programming, Performance Programming, Parallel Architectures, Shared Variables Parallelism, Message Passing Parallelism and Practical Parallel Programming.

  • Advanced Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Course, Modelling & Simulation, University of Manchester/STFC Daresbury, Manchester/Warrington, United Kingdom, September 9, 2013

    A CPD course on advanced CFD methods delivered jointly by The University of Manchester (UoM) and Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) UK. The the first part of the course will be on turbulent flows (RANS, LES & DNS), fluid-structure interaction, artificial boundary conditions, compressible flows and Aeroacoustics. The second (practical) part of the course will be held at the STFC on IBM Blue Gene/Q machine. This training is devoted EDFs open-source CFD solver Code_Saturne.

August, 2013
  • Applied LES, DES and URANS for Industry
    Course, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 28, 2013

    A three-day course in "Applied LES, DES and URANS for Industry" will be given at Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden, between 28-30 August 2013.

  • FREE webinar on 'Ask the expert: FINE/Open with OpenLabs v.3.1-1'
    Online Event, August 28, 2013

    NUMECA is hosting a FREE webinar on August 28

  • Know More About OpenFOAM® in INDIA
    Online Event, August 22, 2013

    Mr. Anshul Gupta, Head CFD Operations Asia will provide insights on OpenFOAM operation in India with some interesting industry examples and demo of a brand new intelligent GUI

  • Introduction to CFX
    Course, Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, United Kingdom, August 21, 2013

    This course is designed for those interested in the analysis of fluid motion. Basic knowledge of the ANSYS interface is beneficial but not required. Prior knowledge of fluid mechanics and general FE modelling is particularly useful. Each course topic is followed by hands on workshops and exercises

  • CFD Training in Australia and NZ
    Course, Engineers Australia, Queensland, Australia, August 20, 2013

    Don Computing offers CFD/FEA/Process Modeling/EOR Simulation training, customized solution, collaboration and consulting. Don computing offers CFD training at various Universities/Research Institutes/ International Hotels/Clients place.

  • OpenFOAM for CFD
    Online Event, August 20, 2013

    Perhaps you've considered OpenFOAM but were concerned about analysis accuracy, a steep learning curve, or scaling across the team. Join us to learn about deploying OpenFOAM with a complete CFD framework that provides a collaborative GUI as well as virtually unlimited access and processing capability.

  • International Workshop on Numerical Methods and Modelling for Compressible Multimaterial Flows and Mixing 2013
    Workshop, Huayuan road 6#, Beijing, China, August 12, 2013

    The series of international workshops on multimaterial flows and mixing were initiated by the Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (IAPCM) with the first workshop held in IAPCM, Beijing, China in 2009.

  • Introduction to Reacting Flow Modeling Part 2: Combustion Modeling
    Online Event, August 6, 2013

    This webinar will provide a glimpse of direct application of combustion modelling to analyses a chemical process. We will see how CFD is applied to model reactions and particularly combustion. The session would give a short overview towards industrial application of combustion modelling & will also showcase a case study based on combustion modelling using commercial CFD code.

  • Know More About OpenFOAM in INDIA
    Online Event, August 1, 2013

    ESI CFD team in Pune & Bangalore gears up for an interesting webinar on OpenFOAM® operations in India, Asia.

July, 2013
  • Introducing ESTECO Enterprise Suite
    Online Event, July 26, 2013

    ESTECO Enterprise Suite will be presented on 26th July through a free webinar held by ESTECO's experts.

  • FEA & CFD Simulation Open Day
    Seminar, Airport House, Croydon, United Kingdom, July 25, 2013

    A simulation open day featuring ANSYS software, with an opportunity to attend a CFD breakout session.

  • modeFRONTIER 4.5, What's New
    Online Event, July 25, 2013

    FREE WEBINAR! On July 25th ESTECO's staff will introduce in details the key improvements coming with the new release of modeFRONTIER®, the multidisciplinary and multi-objective optimization platform.

  • Simulation Open Day
    Seminar, Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, United Kingdom, July 11, 2013

    A simulation open day featuring ANSYS software, with an opportunity to attend a CFD breakout session.

  • modeFRONTIER Design Optimisation Workshop
    Workshop, The University of Warwick Science Park, The Venture Centre, Coventry, United Kingdom, July 11, 2013

    Introductory Workshop to the Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation and Process Integration Software modeFRONTIER.

  • FREE webinar on 'Integrated CFD - Acoustic simulation of Propellers and Contra Rotating Open Rotors in flight conditions'
    Online Event, July 9, 2013

    NUMECA International is hosting a FREE webinar on July 9th

  • Compact course on Discontinuous Galerkin method for time-dependent convection-dominant PDEs
    Course, Bangalore, India, July 4, 2013

    The lectures describe discontinuous Galerkin methods for solving time-dependent convection-dominant PDE, including hyperbolic, convection diffusion, and dispersive wave equations. Algorithm formulation, stability analysis and error estimates, and efficient implementation will be discussed. Recent developments including superconvergence, positivity-preserving, and discontinuous Galerkin methods for problems involving delta-function in their solutions will be mentioned when time permits.

  • Kraken Webinar "Save Time and Money While Pushing Reservoir Data Handling to New Frontiers"
    Online Event, July 3, 2013

    Do you use reservoir simulators such as ECLIPSE/IMEX? Join us for a 1 hour free webinar and live demonstration to see how you can benefit from Kraken. Register here >

  • International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering 2013
    Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2, 2013

    The Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia is organizing this International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering to bring together researchers and engineering professionals from all over the globe to meet and deliberate in the beautiful green city of Kuala Lumpur, during the period July 2-4, 2013.

  • One-week Self-financed Short-term Training Programme on CFD
    Program, Department of Applied Mechanics, MNNIT Allahabad., Allahabad, India, July 2, 2013

    To improve quality of technical education through manpower development for effective teaching including the provision of pedagogical training, a short-term training programme on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is planned, which offers basic to advanced theories of computational fluid dynamics with intensive laboratory sessions of CFD modeling.

June, 2013
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics Challenge for Rupture-Prediction in Intracranial Aneurysms
    Germany, June 29, 2013

    Computational challenge in order to predict rupture in two intracranial aneurysms

  • Four Decades of CFD: Looking Back and Moving Forward
    Conference, The Westin San Diego, 400 West Broadway, San Diego, United States, June 22, 2013

    A Symposium Celebrating the Careers of Antony Jameson, Phil Roe and Bram van Leer Sponsored by AFOSR and University of Kansas

  • FREE webinar on 'CFD simulations for sailing boats'
    Online Event, June 19, 2013

    NUMECA is hosting a FREE webinar on June 19th

  • FREE webinar on 'CFD simulations for sailing boats', June 19th
    Online Event, June 19, 2013

    NUMECA is hosting a FREE webinar on FINE/Marine

  • Free Engineering Workshop: Multiphysics Simulation for Marine Applications
    Workshop, 1000 Marriott Drive, Quincy, United States, June 14, 2013

    CFD experts will cover a wide variety of naval issues and demonstrate a comprehensive simulation including geometry import, model preparation, configuration of the physics to post-processing, and reading results. The hands-on session in the afternoon will provide attendees the opportunity to try some of the techniques demonstrated throughout the day.

  • Global Energy Career Expo Aberdeen
    User Conference, Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC), Aberdeen, United Kingdom, June 12, 2013

    The Global Energy Career Expo Aberdeen has been created to fill the recognised skills gap in the oil and gas industry by providing a crucial platform for jobseekers and recruiting companies to meet and discuss the latest offshore and onshore employment opportunities.

  • 13th FLOW-3D European Users Conference
    User Conference, Hotel Petit Palace Savoy Alfonso XII, Madrid, Spain, June 12, 2013

    The 13th annual FLOW-3D European Users Conference will be held June 13-14, 2013 in Madrid, Spain at the Hotel Petit Palace Savoy Alfonso XII. Free training on the embedded and customized version of EnSight in FLOW-3D will be held the afternoon of June 12 at the conference hotel. All FLOW-3D users, and anyone interested in becoming a FLOW-3D user, are invited to attend the conference.

  • Free Engineering Workshop: Multiphysics Simulation for Marine Applications
    Workshop, 540 Washington Blvd, Jersey City, United States, June 12, 2013

    CFD experts will cover a wide variety of naval issues and demonstrate a comprehensive simulation including geometry import, model preparation, configuration of the physics to post-processing, and reading results. The hands-on session in the afternoon will provide attendees the opportunity to try some of the techniques demonstrated throughout the day.

  • 8th International OpenFOAM Workshop
    Workshop, ICC jeju, Jeju, South Korea, June 11, 2013

    The International OpenFOAM Workshop is a community forum and open discussion platform for OpenFOAM users and developers.

  • 8th International OpenFOAM Workshop
    Conference, Intenrational Convention Center, Jeju, South Korea, June 11, 2013

    International workshop on OpenFOAM technology providing an open forum for communication among developers and users from academia, industry, and government. The detailed announcement on dates and programs will be provided later. Stay tuned!

  • Free Engineering Workshop: Multiphysics Simulation for Marine Applications
    Workshop, 210 Holiday Court, Annapolis, United States, June 11, 2013

    CFD experts will cover a wide variety of naval issues and demonstrate a comprehensive simulation including geometry import, model preparation, configuration of the physics to post-processing, and reading results. The hands-on session in the afternoon will provide attendees the opportunity to try some of the techniques demonstrated throughout the day.

  • CFD Training in Australia and NZ
    Course, Australian Technology Park, Sydney, Australia, June 10, 2013

    Don Computing offers CFD/FEA/Process Modeling/EOR Simulation training, customized solution, collaboration and consulting. Don computing offers CFD training at various Universities/Research Institutes/ International Hotels/Clients place.

  • Engineering Webinar: Geometry Preparation for Electronics Thermal Simulations
    Online Event, June 6, 2013

    This seminar details techniques for modeling even the most complex geometries in STAR-CCM+. CD-adapco has decades of experience modeling highly detailed, complex assemblies, and various tools and techniques in STAR-CCM+ allow the thermal analyst to include all the detail needed for an accurate simulation.

  • Microfluidics Devices Design & Optimization Webinar
    Online Event, June 6, 2013

    This webinar will provide an insight on how ESI's CFD/Multiphysics software, ACE+ Suite, can be used to optimize a microfluidic device followed by LIVE DEMO.

  • Kraken Webinar "Save Time and Money While Pushing Reservoir Data Handling to New Frontiers"
    Online Event, June 5, 2013

    Do you use reservoir simulators such as ECLIPSE/IMEX? Join us for a 1 hour free webinar and live demonstration to see how you can benefit from Kraken. Register here >

  • Open FOAM(R) Training in Munich, June 5-6, 2013
    Course, CFD+engineering, Munich, Germany, June 5, 2013

    In this 2 days training you will learn about the basic functionality of the software OpenFOAM(R).

  • CFD Training in Australia and NZ
    Course, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, June 4, 2013

    Don Computing offers CFD/FEA/Process Modeling/EOR Simulation training, customized solution, collaboration and consulting. Don computing offers CFD training at various Universities/Research Institutes/ International Hotels/Clients place.

  • modeFRONTIER Design Optimisation Workshop
    Workshop, The University of Warwick Science Park, The Venture Centre, Coventry, United Kingdom, June 3, 2013

    Introductory Workshop to the Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation and Process Integration Software modeFRONTIER.

May, 2013
April, 2013
  • CIMdata's 2013 Simulation & Analysis Workshop
    Workshop, GE Aviation Brian H. Rowe Learning Center , Cincinnati, United States, April 30, 2013

    CIMdata, Inc., announces that on April 30th, 2013, CIMdata's Simulation & Analysis Knowledge Council and a select group of leading-edge users will share how they have been able to create a competitive advantage by deploying simulation and analysis to facilitate product and manufacturing system development.

  • NUMECA is hosting a FREE webinar on 'Ask the expert: FINE/Open with OpenLabs v2.13-3'
    Online Event, April 29, 2013

    Join NUMECA for a FREE webinar on April 29th

  • Simulation Open Day
    Seminar, Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, United Kingdom, April 25, 2013

    A simulation open day featuring ANSYS software, with an opportunity to attend a CFD breakout session.

  • Engineering Webinar: Efficient Modeling of Complex Heat Sinks
    Online Event, April 25, 2013

    This seminar will detail methods to leverage the powerful geometric, mesh generation, and computational capabilities of STAR-CCM+ to efficiently simulate even the most complex heat sinks. Heat sink characterization and the implementation of that characterization in the context of an entire electronics assembly will be discussed. This will permit the thermal analyst to efficiently compute flow and thermal results even with highly-detailed assemblies.

  • FREE webinar on 'Acoustic performance characterization of automotive exhaust systems'
    Online Event, April 24, 2013

    Need a fast and accurate solution for exhaust noise emissions and vehicle sound quality? Join us for this FREE webinar on FINE/Acoustics, NUMECA's integrated environment for acoustic analysis!

  • OpenFOAM User Conference 2013
    Conference, Steigenberger Airport Hotel Unterschweinstiege 16 60549, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, April 24, 2013

    First official OpenFOAM User Conference organized by ESI- OpenCFD. Meet the OpenFOAM developers, support and training team from ESI-OpenCFD to find out how to get the most out of OpenFOAM

  • Webinar: Managing Thermal Issues in Electronics Design with CFD
    Online Event, April 24, 2013

    Do your designs involve the packaging of electronics within a confined space, potentially leading to thermal management problems? Join our free webinar outlining modern methods used to predict and optimise the thermal performance of electronic systems, including how this can support reliability qualification.

  • Webinar: Managing Thermal Issues in Electronics Design with CFD
    Online Event, April 24, 2013

    Do your designs involve the packaging of electronics within a confined space, potentially leading to thermal management problems? Join our free webinar outlining modern methods used to predict and optimise the thermal performance of electronic systems, including how this can support reliability qualification.

  • 14th Annual US Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Workshop
    Workshop, 20301 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn, United States, April 19, 2013

    This event brings together users of CD-adapco's STAR-CD and es-ice engine simulation products, provides a forum to hear about the latest and forthcoming developments and examines technical issues of interest with other users.

  • 14th Annual Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Workshop
    Workshop, 20301 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn, United States, April 19, 2013

    This event brings together users of CD-adapco's STAR-CD and es-ice engine simulation products, provides a forum to hear about the latest and forthcoming developments and examines technical issues of interest with other users.

  • Introduction to CFX
    Course, Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, United Kingdom, April 16, 2013

    This course is designed for those interested in the analysis of fluid motion. Basic knowledge of the ANSYS interface is beneficial but not required. Prior knowledge of fluid mechanics and general FE modelling is particularly useful. Each course topic is followed by hands on workshops and exercises

  • modeFRONTIER Web Event & Live Demonstration
    Online Event, April 11, 2013

    One hour webinar showcasing the features and capabilities of modeFRONTIER in a live demonstration.

  • FREE webinar on 'Mesh Generation for Interior Cabin of a Passenger Car', April 10th
    Online Event, April 10, 2013

    Join us for this FREE webinar and learn how HEXPRESS/Hybrid automatically detects and closes holes on a complex geometry!

  • ERCOFTAC: Design Optimization II- Methods & Apps, Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, Germany
    Course, Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, Germany, April 10, 2013

    Aims- The course will provide: An overview of modern design optimization methods. Comprehensive discussions on the presented methods including their pros and cons, assisting industrial engineers to select the best-suited approach for solving their particular problems. Based on the latter topic, successfully treated examples in the areas of aeronautics, the automotive, and the turbo-machinery industry will be presented and thoroughly discussed.

  • Webinar: Optimizing an Electromechanical Device with Multidimensional Analysis Software
    Online Event, April 4, 2013

    Learn how multidimensional plotting software can be used to optimize geometry of an electromechanical device using multiple parametric solutions of a field analysis software program.

  • DLES 9 - ERCOFTAC WORKSHOP Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation 9
    Conference, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Dresden, Germany, April 3, 2013

    The goal of this workshop is to establish a state-of-the-art of DNS and LES techniques for the computation and modeling of transitional/turbulent flows covering a broad scope of topics such as aerodynamics, acoustics, combustion, multiphase flows, environment, geophysics and bio-medical applications and fundamental aspects of LES.

March, 2013
  • FREE webinar on 'Integrated Design & Optimization Environment for Turbomachinery', March 27th
    Online Event, March 27, 2013

    NUMECA is hosting a FREE webinar on 'Integrated Design & Optimization Environment for Turbomachinery' in two sessions on March 27th

  • Practical Introduction to CFD
    Course, Old Dominion University , Hampton, United States, March 27, 2013

    This course offers the fundamental knowledge for using CFD in real life applications. Through a simple approach mixed with real world problems, this course describes the steps in the CFD process and provides benefits and issues for using CFD analysis in understanding of complicated flow phenomena and its use in the design process. It also includes the governing principles and important concept of fluid dynamics to help understand the physical principles behind CFD.

  • First Symposium on OpenFOAM* in Wind Energy
    Conference, ForWind - Fraunhofer IWES Oldenburg - Ammerlaender Heerstr. 136, 26129 - Oldenburg , Germany, March 20, 2013

    International Symposium on the use of OpenFOAM in Wind Energy, which covers the following topics: Aerodynamics of wind turbines, Atmospheric boundary layer flows, site-assessment, Turbulence modeling, and finally Meshing tools.

  • modeFRONTIER Web Event & Live Demonstration
    Online Event, March 19, 2013

    One hour webinar showcasing the features and capabilities of modeFRONTIER in a live demonstration.

  • FREE webinar on 'High speed motor boats simulations', March 13th
    Online Event, March 13, 2013

    NUMECA is hosting a FREE webinar on 'High speed motor boats simulations' in two sessions, March 13th

  • modeFRONTIER Design Optimisation Workshop
    Workshop, IIPSI Building, The University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, March 13, 2013

    Introductory Workshop to the Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation and Process Integration Software modeFRONTIER.

  • Altair Smart Multiphysics: Application of Computational Aero Acoustics using AcuSolve
    Online Event, March 6, 2013

    Fluid-created noise sources, their generation, propagation, and mitigation is a concern in a variety of industries including automotive, aerospace and energy. The use of the HyperWorks implicit computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver, AcuSolve, to predict the noise sources and the methods of propagation will be presented. Date/Time: Wednesday, March 6th 10:00 AM US EST

  • Kraken Webinar "Save Time and Money While Pushing Reservoir Data Handling to New Frontiers"
    Online Event, March 6, 2013

    Do you use reservoir simulators such as ECLIPSE/IMEX? Join us for a 1 hour free webinar and live demo to see how you can benefit from Kraken. Register here >

  • Engineering Webinar: CFD Methods in the Biomedical Device and Diagnostics Industry
    Online Event, March 5, 2013

    In this webinar, we will show how CFD is successfully applied to increase the reliability of these devices. Various example cases like blood pumps, inhalers, heart valves and stents will be discussed with focus on work flow integration and multiphysics (FSI coupling with Abaqus by SIMULIA).

  • Engineering Webinar: CFD Methods in the Biomedical Device and Diagnostics Industry
    Online Event, March 5, 2013

    Thank you for your interest in our March 5 webinar. This event will teach attendees about the benefits of CFD methods for the design of biomedical devices. Experts will also cover how regulatory requirements are evolving to increase the use of modeling and simulation.

  • Black Sea Oil and Gas Forum 2013
    Conference, Sheraton Sofia Balkan, 5 Sveta Nedelya Square, Sofia, Bulgaria, March 5, 2013

    The Black Sea Oil and Gas Forum will focus on opportunities arising from the increased activity for oil and gas exploration in the Black Sea region and overcoming upstream and midstream challenges of production and transportation to markets.

  • Altair Info-Tage CFD
    Workshop, Hannover, Germany, March 4, 2013

    Geringerer Modellierungsaufwand und schneller zum Ergebnis dank kürzerer Rechenzeiten. Mit AcuSolve schneller zum Erfolg Aufgabenstellungen und Anwendungen Kompakt an einem Tag

February, 2013
  • Free Engineering Workshop: Computational Fluid and Particle Dynamics for Process and Design Improvement
    Workshop, 505 Milwaukee Ave, Lincolnshire, United States, February 27, 2013

    This event will give process R & D engineers, process development engineers and plant engineers a better understanding of how companies are successfully using engineering simulation to save expensive experiments, cut down time-to-market of new products, and evaluate safety & performance of new conceptual designs.

  • modeFRONTIER Design Optimisation Workshop
    Workshop, IIPSI Building, The University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, February 26, 2013

    Introductory Workshop to the Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation and Process Integration Software modeFRONTIER.

  • OpenFOAM Intermediate Training, Melbourne, Australia - 25 - 27 Feb 2013
    Course, Suite 30/150 Albert Road, South Melbourne, Australia, February 25, 2013

    This is a three-day hands-on course in Melbourne where participants will learn the layout of the OpenFOAM library, understanding of pressure-velocity coupling (steady-state SIMPLE algorithm), how to copy and compile a solver, add an equation to existing solver, add source terms involving surface interpolation. In addition, introduction to C++ programming language, creation of the new turbulence model as a part of the existing OpenFOAM library with curvature correction.

  • FREE webinar on 'Create and customize the physical models in CFD simulations', February 25
    Online Event, February 25, 2013

    Always wanted to go beyond the capabilities of existing CFD packages? Wish to customize an existing physical model or add one of your own? Do not wish to spend a lot of time programming and debugging? This free webinar will show the answer in FINE/Open with OpenLabs.

  • Free Engineering Workshop: Automation & Optimization for Modeling Vehicle Thermal Management Applications
    Workshop, 21111 Haggerty Rd., Novi, United States, February 21, 2013

    This workshop will cover the latest technology advancements for solving modern design and analysis challenges related to vehicle thermal management. Presenters will investigate advances in the field of heat transfer, energy management, comfort and the efficient management of thermal systems within the vehicle.

  • OpenFOAM IntroductoryTraining, Melbourne, Australia - 21st - 22nd Feb 2013
    Course, Suite 30/150 Albert Road, South Melbourne, Australia, February 21, 2013

    This two-day hands-on course in Melbourne is designed to enable CFD practitioners to start using OpenFOAM for practical computations. The methodology employed consists of a series of lectures that provide a general understanding of OpenFOAM topics.

  • Engineering Webinar: Best Practices for Forced Convection Simulations, Part 2
    Online Event, February 21, 2013

    This web seminar is the second in a two-part series detailing the simulation of forced convection electronic systems using STAR-CCM+. Best practices for each step in the process will be discussed during the series.

  • Free Webinar: What's New in FLOW-3D v10.1
    Online Event, February 21, 2013

    FLOW-3D version 10.1 features a redesigned graphical user interface. The new design gives users a streamlined approach to setting up, running and analyzing simulations. This free webinar will discuss the changes to the interface and new models such as, the new hybrid shallow water/3D flow, cooling channels, and spray cooling models as well as significant enhancements to the fluid structure interaction/thermal stress evolution and general moving objects models.

  • Altair Smart Multiphysics: Solving for Structural Responses based on Fluid Temperature Loading
    Online Event, February 20, 2013

    This webinar will demonstrate this capability using Altair's flagship structural and CFD solvers (RADIOSS and AcuSolve). Thermal loading on structures typically involves the CAE engineer supplying the surface temperatures directly. In the case where the surface of the structure is subject to interaction with a fluid such as air or water, AcuSolve can be used to calculate these values which can subsequently be used for structural thermal loading.

  • Engineering Workshop: Simulation of Accurate and Efficient Heat Transfer
    Workshop, 8600 Esters Blvd., Irving, United States, February 20, 2013

    This seminar will present the most up-to-date 3D analysis and efficient heat transfer methods available for mechanical and electronic system design, including components and assemblies. During the event, simulation specialists will walk attendees through a 3D CAD geometry set-up to results reporting. Participants will also be introduced to 3D images and quantitative analyses.

  • modeFRONTIER Web Event & Live Demonstration
    Online Event, February 20, 2013

    One hour webinar showcasing the features and capabilities of modeFRONTIER in a live demonstration.

  • Altair Info-Tage CFD
    Workshop, Cologne, Germany, February 18, 2013

    Geringerer Modellierungsaufwand und schneller zum Ergebnis dank kürzerer Rechenzeiten. Mit AcuSolve schneller zum Erfolg Aufgabenstellungen und Anwendungen Kompakt an einem Tag

  • Engineering Webinar: CFD for the Chemical Industry - Multiphase Flows
    Online Event, February 13, 2013

    Advanced multiphase flow capabilities will be shown, including discussions on various modeling approaches such as: Lagrangian multiphase model (LMP), Discrete Element Model (DEM), Eulerian multiphase model (EMP), and Volume of Fluid (VOF).

  • Engineering Workshop: Simulation of Accurate and Efficient Heat Transfer
    Workshop, 13101 Worldgate Drive, Herndon, United States, February 7, 2013

    This seminar will present the most up-to-date 3D analysis and efficient heat transfer methods available for mechanical and electronic system design, including components and assemblies. CFD specialists will present examples of thermo-fluid dynamic (CFD) 3D calculations to effectively evaluate the temperature of components, including examples of heat exchangers, air conditioners, and cooling of electronics.


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