Translating CFD Into Reduced Formula Racing Lap Times
Online Event, September 25, 2014 Formula racing teams work in a fast-moving design
and using Direct CFD tools can translate into reduced lap
on the race track.
NOFUN 2014 - 2nd Northern germany OpenFoam User meetiNg
User Conference, Haus der Wissenschaften, , Braunschweig, Germany, September 24, 2014 move-csc & the Institute of Scientific Computing,
Technische Universität Braunschweig organize the
NOFUN 2014 in Braunschweig.
The intent of the meeting is to provide an opportunity to
meet and discuss/exchange ideas with OpenFOAM users from the
north-german region. The participants define the extent of
the north-german region.
CONVERGE User Group Meeting 2014
User Conference, 1 John Nolen Dr., Madison, United States, September 23, 2014 Join us this coming September for our first annual CONVERGE
User Group
Meeting in lovely
Madison, Wisconsin at Frank Lloyd Wright's Monona Terrace.
Virtual Wave Basin: CFD in the Marine & Offshore Design Process
Workshop, Houston Marriott West Loop by The Galleria, Houston, United States, September 23, 2014 If you are involved in the design or operation of offshore
vessels or platforms, we are holding an educational seminar
you shouldn't miss. This seminar will feature presentations
from leading companies in the marine and offshore industry,
as well as experts from CD-adapco.
The 9th International Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer - Numerical Fluids Symposium 2014
Conference, Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece, September 22, 2014 This is the 9th International Symposium on Numerical
Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer - Numerical Fluids
Symposium 2014. The
focus of the symposium is numerical methods for fluid flows
and heat transfer, and related topics.
Workshop on OpenFOAM
Workshop, Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece, September 22, 2014 This workshop is associated with the 9th International
Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat
Transfer - Numerical Fluids Symposium 2014
12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Conference, Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece, September 22, 2014 The aim of the International Conference of Numerical
analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2014) is to bring
together leading scientists of the international Numerical &
Applied Mathematics community and to attract original
research papers of very high quality. The topics to be
covered include (but are not limited to): All the research
areas of Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
and all the research areas of Applied Mathematics.
First International Symposium on Free Surface Flows 2014
Conference, Rhodes, Greece, September 22, 2014 The aim of this symposium is to bring together researchers
interested in free surface flows from all around the world.
We intensively invite interested researchers to participate
in this session by submitting their papers about following
Free Surface Flows (ONLY):
Mathematical modeling
Scientific Computing and Algorithms
Applications to the Sciences (Offshore, Marine, Sea Waves,
Experimental Observations and Applications
Theoretical and Applied aspects
OpenFOAM training courses (intro/adv./thermo/programming) accompanying the NOFUN2014
Course, Gauss Computing Centre, Braunschweig, Germany, September 22, 2014 move-csc & the Institute of Scientific Computing,
Technische Universität Braunschweig organize OpenFOAM &
ParaView training courses:
Microfluidics : Nanofluidics : Multiscale CFD
Workshop, Shiv Nadar University, Dadri, Near Delhi, India, September 19, 2014 Please join us for a national workshop on
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics near Delhi, India during 19-
21 Sept '14. We are happy to have some highly
academician in multiscale CFD domain. Prof. Suman
Chakraborty, A Bhatnagar Awardee will be principal
instructor and speaker in the event.
Details of confirmed eminent speakers can be found on
following link.
An Introduction to Comprehensive Multiphase Modeling Capabilities
Online Event, September 18, 2014 Presenters on the September 18 event will show the wide
variety of applications that can be solved using a
multiphase toolset. Examples include, the build-up of ice on
an aircraft wing, the demisting of a headlamp, the transport
of rocks/aggregates, dropping a lifeboat into the sea or the
spray painting of a car.
FloTHERM v10.1 New Features Presentation
Online Event, September 18, 2014 The new features available in FloTHERM v10.1 will be
presented and demonstrated.
Flow-Noise analysis of a Car's Mirror based on steady RANS simulation
Online Event, September 17, 2014 NUMECA will host a free webinar on September 17 in 2 sessions
Simulating Water Pumps and Hydro Turbines for Energy and Power
Online Event, September 16, 2014 In this webinar, you will see and hear about real
application stories from Dr. Edward (Ed) Bennett pertaining
to the design and analysis of water pumps and hydro turbines
such as Francis, Kaplan, and Pelton turbines.
modeFRONTIER Design Optimisation Workshop
Workshop, The Venture Centre, University of Warwick Science Park, Coventry, United Kingdom, September 15, 2014 Introductory Workshop to modeFRONTIER, the integrated
platform for multi-objective and multi-disciplinary design
Hochschulkurs Berechnung turbulenter Strömungen
Course, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany, September 10, 2014 The 3-day course is delivered by reknown experts in the
field of turbulence modelling and simulation.
It is held in German !
IMA Mathematical Modelling of Fluid Systems
Conference, West of England Univ, United Kingdom, September 10, 2014 Fluid systems are used in machine tool applications,
vehicle control systems, where high power to weight ratio,
accuracy and quick response are required.
2014 FLOW-3D Americas Users Conference
User Conference, Courtyard Marriott Downtown Toronto, Toronto, Canada, September 9, 2014 The 2014 FLOW-3D Americas Users Conference will be held
September 9-10, 2014 in Toronto, ON at the Courtyard
Marriott Downtown Toronto. Advanced training for the water &
environmental industry will be held Monday, September 8 at
the conference hotel. All FLOW-3D, FLOW-3D/MP, and FLOW-3D
Cast users, and anyone interested in the FLOW-3D product
suite, are invited to attend the conference.
Introduction to CFD Principles
Workshop, Wilde Analysis Ltd, Brindley Lodge, Adcroft Street, Stockport, United Kingdom, September 8, 2014 By attending this one-day course, delegates will gain a
solid foundation for the practical elements of
computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
Large Eddy Simulation: Fundamentals, Applications and Best Practice Guidelines
Course, George Begg Building, School of MACE, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, September 8, 2014 The course addresses analysis of modern approaches to
turbulence modelling in light of HPC and their applications
to the solution of industrial problems. The course consists
of two parts: theoretical course on advanced CFD approaches
and hands-on training on Code_Saturne using STFC Daresbury
Laboratory super computers. The course will cover
fundamentals of Direct and Large Eddy simulations,
industrial applications, inlet and artificial boundary
conditions and best practice guidelines for CFD.
Response Surface Models in Flowmaster
Online Event, September 4, 2014 Demonstration of how to generate robust, portable and
accurate response surface models with Flowmaster.
Basic OpenFOAM Training for Application Engineers
Course, ESI Group, 502, Pentagon 2, Magarpatta City, Pune, India, September 4, 2014 If you work on Automotive applications like External
Aerodynamics, Underhood, Climate Control (HVAC) simulations
Automotive applications like Wind turbines, Tank sloshing(
VOF), Industrial ventilation etc then this training will
help you
to explore OpenFOAM. Even if you are not into these
can still work on a personalized training on your topics.
Free Webinar on Turbomachinery CFD using Ansys Workbench
Online Event, August 31, 2014 Turbomachinery CFD using Ansys Workbench : Design
modeler/Blade editor, Turbogrid, CFX, CFD post
FINE/Turbo v9.1-1: new features webcast!
Online Event, August 27, 2014 Join NUMECA for a free webinar on August 27
NUMAP-FOAM Summer School 2014
Course, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Croatia, August 25, 2014 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zagreb,
Croatia announces the eighth edition of the Summer School on
Modelling of Coupled Problems in Applied Physics with
OpenFOAM (NUMAP-FOAM) for graduate students and young
researchers in Zagreb in August and September 2014. The
Programme Chairs are Professor Hrvoje Jasak and Doc. Dr.
Zeljko Tukovic.
CFD Optimization with Altair HyperWorks
Online Event, August 20, 2014 Altair's HyperMesh offers morphing technology, a case setup
interface for Altair's CFD Solver AcuSolve and a tight
integration with Altair's HyperStudy, a multi-disciplinary
design study and optimization tool. This allows users to
setup a CFD Optimization or DOE study within HyperMesh and
requires only a minimum knowledge of HyperStudy.
Training on FLUENT, CFX and ICEMCFD Softwares
Course, SSM English School,Banashankari 2nd stage.Bangalore, Bangalore, India, August 16, 2014 Industry oriented CFD training.CFD Theory and training on
Week end batch (Classes on Saturday and Sundays)
Visualizing Desktop Aeronautics GoCart Sweeps Data using Tecplot Chorus
Online Event, August 14, 2014 In this Webinar, GoCart was used to run Mach and alpha
sweeps, and the
results were used to calculate drag polars for an Airbus
A320. Eighty
analysis cases were run with Mach numbers ranging from 0.5
to 0.85 and alpha
ranging from 3.5 to 6.0. To visualize such a large database
of results,
Tecplot Chorus was chosen as the optimal tool for quickly
viewing the data
OpenFOAM Master Class, Melbourne, Australia - 13th August 2014
Course, 72 Boyd Street, Dandenong North, Melbourne, Australia, August 13, 2014 Delivery of this one-day class is designed to enable
participants to read the OpenFOAM
library without fear. The class will consists of a series of
interactive lectures with
code walk-through that provide a detailed understanding of
the OpenFOAM library.
Smarter Way of Working with OpenFOAM
Online Event, August 12, 2014 Join us for this interesting webinar to learn more about how
to increase the ROI with OpenFOAM and a new intelligent
interface for OpenFOAM.
Training on ANSYS ICEM CFD (HEXA) Meshing Software
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering , Bangalore, India, August 9, 2014 Training on ANSYS ICEM CFD (Hexa) meshing Software.
OpenFOAM Advanced Training, Perth, Australia - - 7th & 8th Aug 2014
Course, Australian Minerals Research Centre, Conlon St, Waterford, Perth, Australia, August 7, 2014 This is a two-day hands-on course in Perth ( Western
Australia) where
participants will learn to customise top level
solvers in OpenFOAM.
In addition, introduction to C++ programming language,
creation of the new turbulence model
as a part of the existing OpenFOAM library with curvature
correction. Lastly, the ability to read
the OpenFOAM library without fear, removing the FUD ( fear,
uncertainty and doubt) that grips
most users.
modeFRONTIER Design Optimisation Workshop
Workshop, The Venture Centre, University of Warwick Science Park, Coventry, United Kingdom, August 7, 2014 Introductory Workshop to modeFRONTIER, the integrated
platform for multi-objective and multi-disciplinary design
Online course on CFD and Aerospace Engineering
Course, Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering , Bangalore, India, August 7, 2014 Theory of CFD ,Gas dynamics, Aerodynamics.
Training on ANSYS FLUENT and ANSYS ICEM CFD (Hexa) Meshing
Unstructured Meshing using Altair CFD Solver AcuSolve
Online Event, August 6, 2014 AcuConsole's meshing process relies on a batch meshing
approach that operates directly on the underlying CAD model.
This meshing process is fast, robust, and produces meshes
that precisely reproduce the CAD model's representation of
the geometry. This technology provides users with a powerful
collection of meshing controls that can be combined to
produce meshes as part of an automated or interactive
simulation process.
Onlie course on CFD (ICEMCFD HEXA and FLUENT )
Online Event, August 5, 2014 Online course on Computational Fluid Dynamics
by Niharika Institute(NICECFD)
OpenFOAM Introductory Training, Perth , Western Australia - 4th & 5th August 2014
Course, Australian Minerals Research Centre, Conlon St, Waterford, Perth, Australia, August 4, 2014 This two-day hands-on course in Perth is designed to
enable CFD practitioners to start using OpenFOAM for
practical computations. The methodology employed consists of
a series of lectures that provide a general understanding of
OpenFOAM topics.
Annual International Conference on Mechanical Manufacturing, Modeling and Materials (AC4M 2014)
Conference, Xi’an, China, Xi’an, China, China, July 26, 2014 AC4M 2014
CAD to CAE: Best Practice for Data Transfer
Online Event, July 23, 2014 Understand some of the issues related to 3D data transfer
and how these can be mitigated with next generation analysis
Webinar: Vorteile HPC-beschleunigter Simulationen fuer innovative Ingenieurbueros und Mittelstaendler
Online Event, July 23, 2014 Ziel ist es, den Teilnehmern einen realistischen Ueberblick
zu geben, welche Beschleunigungs- und Optimierungspotenziale
sie im Simulationsbereich durch die Nutzung von High
Performance Computing kurzfristig erschliessen koennen.
Course, plot no. 5, anandh apartments, hyderabad, India, July 19, 2014 This is to create an awareness to students and others
researchers regarding the super tool Compuattional fluid
Dynamics. This workshop / individial training helps people
to get hands on expereince on various CFD commercial
softwares ( ICEM CFD, CFX, FlowTherm, FLUENT, SU) along with
CFD technical knowledge.
Webinar: modeFRONTIER 2014 Sneak Preview
Online Event, July 16, 2014 On 16th July, attendees will have the opportunity to take a
closer look at the
new features
included in the latest version of the optimization platform
to be released in
The 8th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics
Conference, the Dorsett Grand Chengdu Hotel, Chengdu, China, July 14, 2014 ICCFD, the merger of ICNMFD since 1969 and ISCFD since
1985, is the largest international conference on CFD. The
aim is to discuss the latest improvements in the field of
CFD research and applications. The 1st ICCFD was held in
2000 in Kyoto. Since then, it has been held biannually in
different cities - Sydney in '02, Toronto in '04, Ghent
in '06, Seoul in '08, St. Petersburg in '10 and Hawaii
in '12. The ICCFD8 will be held in Chengdu, China on July
24-29, 2014.
Short Term Training Programme on Advanced Computational Mechanics (STTP on ACM)
Program, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT), PUNE, India, July 14, 2014 The objective of STTP on ACM is to provide training to
Scientists, Engineers, Faculty and young researchers on the
latest development in the computational methods and to carry
out research in their respective field using holistic
approach. The basic purpose of this STTP is to provide the
researchers a solid scientific and technical basis of
theoretical and applied mechanics and modern numerical methods.
The 11th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES 2014)
Conference, Holiday Inn Midtown 57th Street, New York City, United States, July 14, 2014 The focus of the ICMMES Conference series is on
mesoscopic/kinetic methods for computational mechanics in
its broadest sense and the computational mathematics and
algorithms required for these new methods. The new methods
and algorithms will enable us to carry out challenging
large-scale scientific computations for systems of great
significance in science and engineering. Travel support is
available for some US participants.
Efficient structured and unstructured CFD solution for turbochargers analysis
Online Event, July 11, 2014 NUMECA will host a free webinar on July 11 in two sessions
CFD Simulation for Improving After Treatment Devices
Workshop, Movenpick Hotel Nurnberg-Airport, Nuernberg, Germany, July 10, 2014 This event will feature a wide range of advanced topics
related to aftertreatment devices presented by our technical
leads and one of our product managers. Experts from
different fields will be present to showcase demonstrations
on various applications and answer your questions.
Aerodynamic analysis of the 2nd AIAA High Lift Prediction Workshop by a Lattice - Boltzmann Method solver
Online Event, July 8, 2014 Missed the latest XFlow presentation in the 32nd AIAA
Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 18 June, Atlanta, GA? Tired
of spending months meshing complex aircraft in high-lift
Integrated 'CFD-Acoustic' Simulation of Aircraft Fan Noise
Online Event, July 8, 2014 NUMECA will host a FREE webinar on July 8 in two sessions
modeFRONTIER Design Optimisation Workshop
Workshop, The Venture Centre, University of Warwick Science Park, Coventry, United Kingdom, July 3, 2014 Introductory Workshop to modeFRONTIER, the integrated
platform for multi-objective and multi-disciplinary design
modeFRONTIER Design Optimisation Workshop
Workshop, The Venture Centre, University of Warwick Science Park, Coventry, United Kingdom, July 1, 2014 Introductory Workshop to modeFRONTIER, the integrated
platform for multi-objective and multi-disciplinary design
International Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiphase Flows II
Conference, Darmstadtium, Darmstadt, Germany, June 30, 2014 ICNMMF is a bi-annual international high-level meeting,
focused on numerical
aspects with respect to the latest developments and needs in
Fluid Dynamics for multiphase flows. The intent is to bring
together the
international community in a focused technical exchange
National Workshop on "Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (ACFD-2014)"
Workshop, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Allahabad, India, June 28, 2014 Highlights of the Workshop:
1. Thoughtful course contents designed for those practicing
2. CFD in Multiphase Flows: VOF and MOF methods, PLIC
calculation, CICSAM meshing scheme.
3. FVM for complex geometries, Level set
methods for multiphase flows and moving boundary problems.
Particle based simulation techniques-MD, DSMC, LBM.
4. Turbulence and its Modelling in CFD.
5. OpenFoam, High Performance Computing,
Parallel Programming.
Introduction to the new XFlow 2014
Online Event, June 25, 2014 The XFlow team is delighted to invite you to an Introductory
Webinar about XFlow 2014!
CFD methods for marine propulsion modeling
Online Event, June 25, 2014 Join NUMECA for a FREE webinar on June 25 in two sessions
7th Conference of the International Marangoni Association (IMA7)
Conference, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, June 23, 2014 The 7th Conference of the International Marangoni
Association (IMA7) brings together scientists and engineers
in the field of interfacial fluid dynamics and processes and
provides a forum for discussion of current problems and
recent advances in the field.
Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles and Trains June 23-25 2014, Bordeaux, France
Conference, The Institure of Mathematics of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, June 23, 2014 This conference is meant as a place where engineers and
researchers can exchange their ideas in ground vehicle
aerodynamics. It is meant as a forum for engineers and
scientists from industry (manufacturers and operators of
road vehicles and trains) and universities for presentations
and discussions of the relevant advances in vehicle
aerodynamics techniques. The conference will take
place from 23 to 25 June in the historical city of Bordeaux,
classified as the world heritage town of UNESCO.
Conference, Findorffstrasse 101, Bremen, Germany, June 23, 2014 MESSE BREMEN has just released the Call for Papers for
ACTUATOR 2014, the 14th International Conference on New
Actuators accompanied by the 8th International Exhibition
on Smart Actuators and Drive Systems. The event will be
held in Bremen, Germany, on 23 - 25 June 2014.
9th International OpenFOAM Workshop
Conference, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Croatia, June 23, 2014 A forum for presenting community development, industrial
applications and scientific contributions with OpenFOAM
Short-Term Training Programme on "Basics of Computational Fluid Dynamics (BCFD-2014)"
Course, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Allahabad, India, June 23, 2014 STTP on 'Basics of CFD' offers basic theories of CFD and
laboratory sessions on CFD modelling.
Highlights of the Programme:
1. Tailor-made, proven and popular course designed for
the beginners of CFD.
2. Methodical treatment connecting the Fluid Dynamics
and its Mathematics.
2. Hands-on Laboratory Session with a flavor of CFD
coding using MatLab/C.
4. Exposure to CFD software.
5. Discussing an Overview and Potentials of CFD,
identifying thrust areas in CFD.
Workshop for Multi-Disciplinary and Multi-Objective Design Optimisation
Workshop, The Venture Centre, Sir William Lyons Rd, COVENTRY, United Kingdom, June 22, 2014 Understand how worthwhile it is to implement design
optimisation to overcome the increasing market
challenges. modeFRONTIER is used in various engineering
disciplines and for numerous applications, supporting
designers and engineers, operating in all industrial
sectors, to identify the best design solutions.
10th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics In the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries
Conference, RICA Nidelven Hotel, Trondheim, Norway, June 17, 2014 SINTEF is pleased to announce the 10th international
conference in this series. The conference will focus on the
application of CFD in the oil and gas industries, metal
production, mineral processing, power generation, chemicals
and other process industries.
14th FLOW-3D European Users Conference
User Conference, NH Danube, Vienna, Austria, June 17, 2014 The 14th annual FLOW-3D European Users Conference will be
held June 17-18, 2014 in Vienna, Austria at the NH Danube.
Free advanced training for the water & environmental
industry will be held Monday, June 16 at the conference
hotel. In addition, a technical tour of the hydraulic
laboratory at TU Wien - Vienna will be offered.
NUMECA Lunch & Learn Session at ASME Turbo Expo 2014
Workshop, Dusseldorf, Belgium, June 17, 2014 NUMECA will host a free Lunch & Learn Session at ASME Turbo
Expo 2014 - June 17, Dusseldorf (Germany)
4th European Seminar on Coupled Problems (ESCO 2014)
Conference, Historical premises of the Pilsner Urquell Brewery, Pilsen, Czech Republic, June 15, 2014 ESCO 2014 is the 4th event in a successful series of
interdisciplineary international conferences. It promotes
modern technologies and practices in scientific computing
and visualization, and strengthens the interaction
between researchers and practitioners in various areas of
computational engineering and sciences. The meeting takes
place in the beautiful historic city of Pilsen whose origins
date back to the 13th century.
Course on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Aerospace Engineering
Course, S.S.M. Public School campus.Banashankari 2nd stage,, Bangalore, India, June 15, 2014 The course is designed for the students and engineers
aspiring to learn CFD with relevant to Aerodynamics design
and optimization.The course is offered by Industry experts
at our Bangalore center.
Webinar: 4 keys to making fast and accurate CAE design decisions
Online Event, June 12, 2014 High fidelity simulation methods are being used throughout
the design process to analyze modern engineering problems.
The availability of HPC resources has led to an exponential
growth in data size.
The ability to effectively analyze your largest simulation
is a key to speeding up engineering decisions.
Courses on CAD / CFD
Course, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai, India, June 5, 2014 Adler Aerospace conducts high quality training programmes
in the field of CAD/CFD
for the benefit of working engineers and engineering
graduates. The following are the
routine courses conducted for the engineering graduates and
industrial personnel.
This training course covers the basics of using CFD for
performing a range of
analyses. It is intended for all new or occasional users
ANSYS Conference & 32 CADFEM Users' Meeting
Conference, Germany, June 4, 2014 ANSYS Conference &
32. CADFEM Users' Meeting 2014
4. - 6. Juni 2014
NCC Ost, Messe Nuernberg
Thermal Characterization of Electronic Components & Systems
Seminar, Mentor Graphics (Deutschland) GmbH, Zettachring 4, D-70567 , Stuttgart, Germany, June 4, 2014 Spend the day with us learning about our measurement system
for the fast and very accurate thermal characterization of
electronic components and systems (IC packages, MOSFETS,
IGBTs, etc.)
You will also experience hands-on practical exercises with
the T3Ster Measurement System.
This one day event is offered free of charge. Complimentary
refreshments and lunch are provided.
Introducing Unstructured Hexahedral Extrusion in Pointwise V17.2
Online Event, June 3, 2014 Register for a webinar on 3 June at 10:00 a.m. CDT
ThermaComp2014 - Third International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems
Conference, Lake Bled, Bled, Slovenia, June 2, 2014 The International Conference on Computational Methods for
Thermal Problems aims at bringing together researchers,
scientists, practitioners and students interested in this
area of research in order to discuss the most recent
developments and the challenges that the future holds in
this field.
DANSIS Visit to The university of Lund
Conference, Maskinhuset , Ole Romersvag, Lund, Sweden, May 28, 2014 Conference with the following program:
- Laser diagnostics in combustion applications
- Experimental study of heat transfer and fluid flow by
using LCT and PIV
- Mechanisms for mixing in intermittent spray injection,
Laszlo Fuchs, Div. of Fluid Mechanics
What's new in AutoGrid5
Online Event, May 28, 2014 Join NUMECA for a FREE webinar on May 28 in two sessions
ERCOFTAC USA - Hybrid RANS-LES Methods for Industrial CFD, 22-23 May 2014, Washington DC, USA
Course, The George Washington University, Washington DC, United States, May 22, 2014 ERCOFTAC has drawn upon its engineering global network
to provide a Hybrid RANS-LES training course aimed at an
industrial CFD audience and relevant to a wide range of
industry sectors.
-An overview of turbulence modelling.
-A firm foundation in the theory and ideas underlying, RANS,
LES and Hybrid RANS-LES techniques.
-Recommendation and guidance for the appropriate and
effective application of Hybrid RANS-LES. Examples from
real-world engineering simulations, using the DES class of
Unsteady Simulations for Industrial Flows: LES, DES, hybrid LES-RANS and URANS
Workshop, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 21, 2014 A three-day course on Large Eddy Simulation (LES), hybrid
LES-RANS, Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) and unsteady RANS.
ESI Global Forum
Conference, Espace CAP 15, Paris, France, May 21, 2014 ESI Global Forum 2014 will bring together simulation
engineers from around the world to share expertise, best
practices, challenges and successes in Virtual Prototyping.
In addition to learning from simulation experts from around
the world, attendees will get a sneak peak at ESI's latest
product features and benefits, as well as practical tips and
The 5th National Conference on CFD Applications in Chemical & Petroleum Industries
Conference, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, May 21, 2014 By the efforts of a number of academics, research and
industrial centers, the 5th CFD conference will be held with
the aims of CFD applications in industries including
process, oil, gas and petrochemical industries
FSAE Michigan 2014 - STAR-CCM+ Workshop
Workshop, Holiday Inn Jackson NW, 2696 Bob Mcclain Dr, Jackson, United States, May 18, 2014 Attend this free workshop and learn how STAR-CCM+
multidisciplinary simulation software can be used to enhance
the performance of your car in the areas of Aerodynamics,
Vehicle Thermal Management and Powertrain.
Aero-Vibro-Acoustic simulation of Exhaust Systems and Mufflers
Online Event, May 15, 2014 NUMECA will host a FREE webinar on May 15 in two sessions
Workshop for Multi-Disciplinary and Multi-Objective Design Optimisation
Workshop, The Venture Centre, Sir William Lyons Rd, COVENTRY, United Kingdom, May 15, 2014 Understand how worthwhile it is to implement design
optimisation to overcome the increasing market
challenges. modeFRONTIER is used in various engineering
disciplines and for numerous applications, supporting
designers and engineers, operating in all industrial
sectors, to identify the best design solutions.
International Short Course New Theory on Turbulence Generation and Sustenance in Boundary Layers
Course, 411 S. Nedderman Drive, 478 Pickard Hall, Arlington, United States, May 14, 2014 International Short Course
New Theory on Turbulence Generation and Sustenance in
Boundary Layers
Free Registration until April 1, 2014
University of Texas at Arlington
May 14-16, 2014
Principal Lecturer:
Chaoqun Liu, Professor & Director, Center of Numerical
Simulation and Modeling, Department of Mathematics,
University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, USA
Course "Introduction to OpenFOAM", Germany, Munich Area, May 12-14, 2014
Course, Boltzmannstr. 1, Garching near Munich, Germany, May 12, 2014 FluiDyna offers a three-day introductory course into
OpenFOAM at the Leibniz-Rechenzentrum in Garching near
Munich from Monday, May 12th to Wednesday, May 14th.
Beyond Process Simulation: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for the Chemical Process and Pharmaceutical Industries
Workshop, Courtyard Boston Cambridge, 777 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, United States, May 9, 2014 Please join us for a complimentary workshop regarding the
benefits of applying CFD in the chemical process and
pharmaceutical industries.
Simulation of Accurate and Efficient Heat Transfer
Workshop, Fremont Marriott Silicon Valley, 46100 Landing Pkwy, Fremont, United States, May 8, 2014 This seminar will present the most up-to-date 3D analysis
and efficient heat transfer methods available for mechanical
and electronic system design, including components and
Beyond Process Simulation: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for the Chemical Process and Pharmaceutical Industries
Workshop, Princeton Marriott at Forrestal, 100 College Rd. East, Princeton, United States, May 8, 2014 Please join us for a complimentary workshop regarding the
benefits of applying CFD in the chemical process and
pharmaceutical industries.
Simulation of Accurate and Efficient Heat Transfer
Workshop, Long Beach Marriott, 4700 Airport Plaza Dr, Long Beach, United States, May 6, 2014 This seminar will present the most up-to-date 3D analysis
and efficient heat transfer methods available for mechanical
and electronic system design, including components and
IDAC: FEA & CFD Simulation Open Day
Workshop, Airport House Business Centre, Croydon, United Kingdom, April 30, 2014 This event will exhibit the capabilities of using simulation
software in an engineering environment and aims to be
informative and interactive.
Vehicle Battery Pack Cooling Upfront Design Studies using CAD Embedded CFD
Online Event, April 30, 2014 Using CAD Embedded CFD, FloEFD for NX, this web seminar
details simulation cooling studies on an air cooled battery
pack during vehicle development.
Webinar: Supersonic Aircraft Shape Design Powered by SU2 and Pointwise
Online Event, April 29, 2014 Join us for a webinar on 29 April at 11:00 a.m. CST (GMT
This webinar details how Pointwise and SU2 can be used to
tackle supersonic aircraft design. Watertight, surface and
volume meshes for complex geometries can be quickly
generated in Pointwise and exported to the native SU2
format. We will also demonstrate how to formulate and solve
a shape design problem in SU2, using a continuous adjoint
formulation to obtain the sensitivities for gradient-based
ANSYS Conference & 9. CADFEM Austria Users' Meeting
Conference, Austria, April 24, 2014 ANSYS Conference & 9. CADFEM Austria Users' Meeting 24.
- 25. April 2014, Schloss Schoenbrunn Tagungszentrum, Wien
FREE webinar on 'NUMECA's new approach to Open CFD for research and education'
Online Event, April 24, 2014 Join NUMECA for a FREE webinar on April 24 in two sessions
The Engineering Simulation Show
Conference, Derby Roundhouse, Derby DE24 8JE, Derby , United Kingdom, April 23, 2014 The Engineering Simulation Show 2014 brings together many
of the greatest businesses in the engineering simulation
field with many of the world’s largest engineering
businesses in the UK. The show is to be held at the Derby
Roundhouse at the centre of the UK’s engineering heritage.
Applied LES, DES, PANS and URANS for Industry and Research
Course, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 23, 2014 A three-day course in "Applied LES, DES, PANS and URANS for
Industry" will be
given at Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden, between 23-25 April
2014.The course
will cover three important applications of CFD techniques in
industry: prediction
using unsteady CFD simulations (LES, DES, PANS, URANS), CFD
for flow control
and aerodynamic shape optimization. We believe that the
course is useful for
engineers and researcher in all industrial sectors where
unsteady flows are of
Workshop for Multi-Disciplinary and Multi-Objective Design Optimisation
Workshop, The Venture Centre, Sir William Lyons Rd, COVENTRY, United Kingdom, April 23, 2014 Understand how worthwhile it is to implement design
optimisation to overcome the increasing market
challenges. modeFRONTIER is used in various engineering
disciplines and for numerous applications, supporting
designers and engineers, operating in all industrial
sectors, to identify the best design solutions.
EnginSoft Sessions at The Engineering Simulation Show
Workshop, Pod 6, Roundhouse, Derby, United Kingdom, April 23, 2014 EnginSoft are part of the exciting line up of key sponsors
for the Engineering Simulation Show 2014 on Wednesday 23rd
April 2014. We are exhibiting on stand OR11 and will also
be holding workshop sessions covering various simulation
topics and demonstrations in the EnginSoft Pod 6 with
simulation you can taste (courtesy of our sister company
Workshop for Multi-Disciplinary and Multi-Objective Design Optimisation
Workshop, The Venture Centre, Sir William Lyons Rd, COVENTRY, United Kingdom, April 23, 2014 Understand how worthwhile it is to implement design
optimisation to overcome the increasing market
challenges. modeFRONTIER is used in various engineering
disciplines and for numerous applications, supporting
designers and engineers, operating in all industrial
sectors, to identify the best design solutions.
15th Annual Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Workshop
Workshop, The Inn at St. John's, 44045 Five Mile Road, Plymouth, United States, April 11, 2014 This event brings together users of CD-adapco STAR-CD
software and es-ice engine simulation products, provides a
forum to hear about the latest and forthcoming developments
and examines technical issues of interest with other users.
Webinar: Everything you need to know about the upcoming release of Tecplot 360 EX
Online Event, April 10, 2014 The next release of Tecplot 360 is right around the corner.
We have
made major improvements in both usability and performance,
the ability to load data too large for existing
memory, process workflows up to 100 times faster, work more
efficiently using right clickable context menus, and compare
numerical models with test data in the same window.
Integrated CFD - Acoustic simulation of Contra Rotating Open Rotors and propellers in operative flight conditions
Online Event, April 9, 2014 Join NUMECA for a FREE webinar on April 9th