Webinar: ANSYS CFD R16 - Learn About New Features and Updates in the Latest Release
Online Event, March 12, 2015 A 30-minute webinar highlighting 10 of the great new new
features and updates in Release 16 of ANSYS CFD. These
features have been hand-picked by our engineering team to
address the most common needs of the CFD community for
both new and experienced users.
ERCOFTAC - Oil, Gas and Petroleum: BPG & Technology Trends
Seminar, Stieltsjesweg 1, NL 2628, CK Delft, Delft, Netherlands, March 9, 2015 The aim is to harness the FTAC processes and
present a 2 day seminar with a main focus on BPG and
Technology Trends CFD and CFD-FEA. The seminar will capture
the industrial, and the academic view. The talks express the
challenges, current and prospective solutions, as faced by
the oil companies, the solution providers, the commercial
CFD houses, and academia, in the production and
transportation of hydrocarbon fuels in an efficient and
reliable manner, under a health and safety framework.
Microfluidics and Simulation Webinar: Meeting Critical Requirements
Online Event, March 5, 2015 This online event will show why numerical simulations
have become critical for pinpointing key requirements for
successful implementation through both prototyping and
Introduction to XFlow Build 94 - What's new?
Online Event, March 4, 2015 Join us for a webinar on Mar 04, 2015 at 9:00 AM CET (First
session)or at 5:00 PM CET (Second session).
The XFlow team invites you to an Introductory
Webinar about the newly released XFlow version. This version
has been especifically built for efficient multiphysics
simulation, including new features and improvements such as
a two-way coupling with MSC.Nastran, simulations with moving
geometries up to 3x faster, or a Phase field multiphase
solver robust even for high density ratios (liquid/gas).
Discover Better Designs, Faster
Workshop, Residence Inn Dallas DFW Airport North/Irving, Irving, Norway, February 26, 2015 This event will show attendees firsthand, the benefits of
taking CAD directly into CAE simulation without
laborious, manual CAD repair. This assures a faster
automated route from CAD to simulation solution.
Simulating Flow-Induced Noise and Vibration
Workshop, Courtyard Fremont Silicon Valley, Fremont, United States, February 26, 2015 This informative workshop will enable attendees to
discover the benefits of using simulation software to
control noise and vibration.
Webinar: Overset Tools and Other New Features in Pointwise V17.3
Online Event, February 26, 2015 Join us as for a webinar on 26 February at 10 a.m. CST
We will demonstrate and discuss the new features available in
Pointwise Version 17.3. You will learn about the new overset
grid assembly tools and other new features like the Examine in
Solve command. This webinar will demonstrate how you can make
your meshing experience much more efficient using all the new
tools in this latest release of the software.
CFD simulations for sailing boats
Online Event, February 25, 2015 Join NUMECA on February 25 for a free webinar on FINE/Marine
Simulating Flow-Induced Noise and Vibration
Workshop, Courtyard Seattle Bellevue/Redmond, Bellevue, United States, February 24, 2015 This informative, free workshop will enable attendees to
discover the benefits of using simulation software to
control noise and vibration.
Turbomachinery Aerodynamic and Multidisciplinary Optimization: Current state of the art and future trends
Workshop, TU Berlin, Institut fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt, Berlin, Germany, February 23, 2015 A training workshop to reflect the state of the art in
aerodynamic and multi-disciplinary design for
turbo-machinery is organised by the About Flow EC
Project in Berlin.
Details on speakers and programme can be found at
FloVENT V10.1 - What's New
Online Event, February 19, 2015 FloVENT v10.1 is a major release, containing over 40 new
features to increase your productivity. Learn more by
reviewing this presentation.
Introductory Course in OpenFOAM
Course, Via Montallegro 1, Genova, Italy, February 16, 2015 The training course is aimed to those with little or no
experience in the use of OpenFOAM, or for those who want to
improve their skills using OpenFOAM as a general-purpose
CFD and Multiphysics solver as well as other meshing and
post-processing Open Source tools.
Better Electronics System Design with Detailed Fan and Blower Simulations
Online Event, February 12, 2015 This one-hour webinar will explore, in detail, the
typical method for testing fans and blowers, the inherent
assumptions in the test procedures and several methods of
simulating fans. Particular insights into the air flow
produced by fans and blowers will be demonstrated along
with potential extensions of the data such as
aeroacoustic noise.
Accurate and Efficient Simulation of Heat Transfer
Workshop, Residence Inn National Harbor Washington DC, National Harbor, United States, February 12, 2015 Specialists will present and demonstrate modern, CFD-
based thermofluids simulations and answer questions to
help you effectively design and analyze complex systems.
As an attendee, you will receive firsthand knowledge of
how companies apply design-time settings for the
simulation of heat transfer in convection, conduction and
radiation scenarios.
Tonal and Broadband Noise Simulation of Turbochargers or Aero Engines
Online Event, February 12, 2015 NUMECA will host a FREE webinar on February 12 in two
Addressing Scale Up Challenges in the Pharma, Biotech and Chemical Process Industries
Workshop, Courtyard Hanover Whippany, Whippany, Norway, February 11, 2015 Please join us for our workshop we explore the benefits
of applying CFD in the chemical process, pharmaceutical
and biotech industries.
Webinar: Introduction to Low Frequency Computational Electromagnetics Using ANSYS Maxwell
Online Event, February 11, 2015 ANSYS Maxwell is the industrys premier low frequency
computational electromagnetics (CEM) software, available
within the ANSYS Workbench framework. Join our webinar to
gain an insight into using ANSYS Maxwell.
Application-Oriented CFD for the Turbomachinery Industry
Workshop, Indianapolis Marriott East, Indianapolis, United States, February 10, 2015 This event provides an excellent opportunity for
attendees to see firsthand how flow and thermal
simulation can facilitate innovation and reduce
development time and costs.
Using Simulation for Cost Effective Mixing within the Chemical Industries
Online Event, February 5, 2015 By attending this online webinar, you will learn about
the basics of performing a mixing simulation analysis. A
demonstration by a technical expert will exemplify the
ease of setting up such a simulation. Best practices for
simulation of single and multiphase systems will also be
discussed. Examples will be given to establish how CFD
simulation can bridge the gap in the understanding of the
mixing process, thereby providing a more robust design.
Better Designs for Flow, Heat and Combustion in Coal-fired Power Plants
Online Event, February 3, 2015 This webcast will focus on specific ways by which CFD
simulations can help increase the efficiency, reliability
and longevity of coal-fired power plant systems while
decreasing emissions.
Workshop for Multi-Disciplinary and Multi-Objective Design Optimisation
Workshop, The Venture Centre, Sir William Lyons Rd, COVENTRY, United Kingdom, February 2, 2015 Understand how worthwhile it is to implement design
optimisation to overcome the increasing market
challenges. modeFRONTIER is used in various engineering
disciplines and for numerous applications, supporting
designers and engineers, operating in all industrial
sectors, to identify the best design solutions.
Dirty CAD to Optimized Design... Faster
Workshop, Minneapolis Airport Marriott, 2020 American Blvd. East, Bloomington, United States, January 29, 2015 This event will show attendees firsthand, the benefits of
taking CAD directly into CAE simulation without
laborious, manual CAD repair. This assures a faster
automated route from CAD to simulation solution.
Application-Oriented CFD for the Turbomachinery Industry
Workshop, Courtyard Palm Beach Jupiter, Jupiter, United States, January 29, 2015 This event provides an excellent opportunity for
attendees to see firsthand how flow and thermal
simulation can facilitate innovation and reduce
development time and costs.
Free Webinar: Realizing the Benefits of Overset Mesh in Aerospace & Defense
Online Event, January 29, 2015 Whether you work with air, ground or water-based
vehicles, this webinar is for you. If you have ever used
Overset Mesh before, you will be amazed at how the
technology has advanced and how it can readily be used to
increase modeling accuracy, reduce simulation time and
improve designs.
SCALING UP: Addressing Fermentation & Bioreactor Challenges in the Biotech, Chemical Process & Alternative Energy Industry
Workshop, Courtyard San Diego Sorrento Mesa/La Jolla, San Diego, United States, January 27, 2015 Please join us for a workshop coming to your area as we
explore the benefits of applying CFD in the chemical
process, pharmaceutical, and alternative energy industry.
CFD Simulation for Flow Assurance & Subsea Engineering
Online Event, January 22, 2015 If your work relates to the fields of subsea engineering
or processing, flow assurance or marine operations, this
webinar will provide you with an introduction to how
simulation is now routinely helping in the oil and gas
Combustion modeling in FINE/Open with OpenLabs
Online Event, January 21, 2015 Join NUMECA for a FREE webinar on January 21
Simulating Flow Induced Noise and Vibration for Accurate Modeling
Online Event, January 19, 2015 This online event will investigate why it is no longer
sufficient to design a product that meets flow and
thermal targets without also considering the impact on
noise and vibration performance.
Evaporation & Condensation Simulation in Electronics Systems
Online Event, January 15, 2015 This seminar will explain the physics that are required
to properly model evaporation and condensation and how to
implement these physics in a CFD simulation. The fogging
and de-fogging simulation of an automotive headlamp will
be used as an example to demonstrate the process and
representative results.
12th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
Conference, National Center for Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, January 13, 2015 It is the largest scientific event in Pakistan which is held
regularly. It covers a wide range of topics in applied
sciences and technology. Among various distinctive features
of this conference is holding of following eight activities
in parallel. These activities include Fluid Dynamics,
Advanced Materials, Biomedical Sciences, Control and Signal
Processing, Cyber Security, Medical Sciences, Underwater
Technologies, Wireless Communication and Radar.
Conference on Modeling Fluid Flow (CMFF'15)
Conference, Danubius Hotel Gellert, Budapest, Hungary, January 1, 2015 The aim of the Conference is to respond
to challenges in the rapidly developing fields of fluid
mechanics: numerical simulation of
flows and physical modelling of flow processes using
advanced measurement methods.
13th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
Conference, National Center for Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, January 1, 2015 Starting from the year 2002, the IBCAST is being held
consecutively for over a decade in the vicinity of
Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan. So far more than
8000 scientists and engineers have participated from
Pakistani and foreign universities as well as scientific
organizations with around 2000 research papers having
been presented. The proceedings of the conference are
published and catalogued in renowned international
journals on yearly basis.
A Guide to Hybrid RANS-LES Methods: Industrial Examples and Theory
Seminar, Heythrop Park The Drive Enstone, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, January 1, 2015 This seminar will focus on these hybrid RANS-LES methods
and in particular what improvements they offer over pure
RANS and LES approaches. Through several presentations
from experts representing some of the key engineering
sectors (automotive, aerospace & turbo-machinery),
practical examples of these methods will be presented
offering attendees a chance to understand and question if
these methods could be applied to their simulations.
11th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics
Conference, Hotel Excelsior La Fonte, Ancona, Italy, January 1, 2015 The conference covers a wide range of topics, including
basic formulations and their computer modelling as well
the relationship between experimental and analytical
results. The emphasis is on new applications and research
currently in progress.
Training on CFD along with six months project assistanceship - for MS (Aero/Mech) aspirants in abroad universities
Course, S.S.M. Public School No.1, Chenamma Tank Bed Rd,,Vidyapeetha , Bangalore, India, December 20, 2014 Industry /research oriented course on CFD and relevant
aerospace subjects.
New initiative by Niharika Institute of Computational
Engineering (NICECFD).
Course on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICEMCFD HEXA,FLUENT and CFX)-Two months,Weekend batch
Course, S.S.M. Public School No.1, Chenamma Tank Bed Rd,,Vidyapeetha , Bangalore, India, December 20, 2014 Industry oriented course on CFD. 12th successful batch from
Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering (NICECFD).
Finite Element Meet 2014
Conference, TIFR-CAM, Bangalore, India, December 18, 2014 We are holding a conference on finite element methods at
TIFR-CAM during
18-20 December 2014. We invite contributed papers on finite
methods, theory and applications, from students, postdocs
and faculty
members. For more information, please see
For organizing committee
International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and Health Sciences (ICCMEH-2014)
Conference, Manipal University, Manipal, India, December 17, 2014 . The theme of this conference will be broad covering
several analytical and numerical techniques, and novel
applications of computational techniques to solve problems
in engineering, health sciences, and other computational
Free Webinar: Optimization for Powertrain Applications
Online Event, December 16, 2014 In this webinar, we will explore the tools that help find
better engine designs, faster. Presenters will look at
optimization tools applied to engine design, including
adjoint solver to improve design through surface
sensitivity calculations.
ACCPE 2014 - Asian Conference on Polymer and Chemical Engineering
Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 16, 2014 This conference covers different topics related to Chemical
Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Polymer Synthesis and
Specifications, and Polymer Processing.
Francis turbine CFD validation workshop
Workshop, Trondheim, Norway, December 15, 2014 Workshop for validation of CFD in Francis water turbines. It
will be repeated with increased complexity.
Program, Off N/H - 8, Near Vasad Bus Depot, Vasad, Anand, India, December 15, 2014 The STTP spread over five days aims to cover a wide range of
emerging topics in the rapidly growing field of
Computational Fluid Dynamics. Some of them include:
- Fundamentals of CFD & Applications
- Basic Governing Equations
- Discretization Techniques
- CFD Techniques
- Turbulence Modeling
Webinar: Introducing Design and Robust Optimisation with ANSYS DesignXplorer
Online Event, December 11, 2014 Join our webinar to see how ANSYS DesignXplorer can help
you to efficiently answer what-if questions and
understand the relationship between design variables and
the performance of your products.
Free Webinar: Modeling Solids Conveying Using the Discrete Element Method
Online Event, December 11, 2014 This webinar will introduce the DEM available within
STAR-CCM+® and its application to particle transport. A
live demonstration will show how a system simulation and
various property parameters of material can both be set
up. Examples will be presented showing the application of
this method to particle transport.
IUTAM symposium on multiphase flows with phase change: Challenges and opportunities
Conference, IIT Hyderabad, Kandi, Hyderabad, India, December 8, 2014 While multiphase flows have been well-studied, those
accompanied by phase change have received far less
There are a few other studies that have done some fairly
sophisticated modeling and simulation of multiphase flows
boiling for nuclear reactors. The time is therefore right to
assemble a team of world experts in the field of multiphase
flows to define the scope of the work that must be carried
in this area over the next few years.
Geometry Simplification in Electronics Thermal Simulations: How Much is Too Much?
Online Event, December 4, 2014 This web seminar will examine this question by comparing
simulation results from an unsimplified model with
results from simulations on progressively simpler models.
The comparisons will help us determine how much detail is
needed based on the requirements and goals of a
particular simulation project so we can obtain the
desired results as quickly as possible.
Conference, 1 & 4 avenuie de Bois-Preau, Rueil-Malmaison, France, December 4, 2014 LES4ICE aims at providing a forum of international exchanges
concerning recent advances in Large-Eddy Simulation research
applied to Internal Combustion Engine Flows and related
experimental techniques.
Basic OpenFOAM Training for Application Engineers
Course, ESI Group, 502, Pentagon 2, Magarpatta City, Pune, India, December 4, 2014 If you work on Automotive applications like External
Aerodynamics, Underhood, Climate Control (HVAC) simulations
Automotive applications like Wind turbines, Tank sloshing(
VOF), Industrial ventilation etc then this training will
help you
to explore OpenFOAM. Even if you are not into these
can still work on a personalized training on your topics.
Enhance the reliability of your CFD simulations with the Uncertainty Quantification module!
Online Event, December 3, 2014 Join NUMECA for a FREE webinar in two sessions on December
Free Simulating Systems Workshop for Powertrain to Reduce Emissions and Fuel Consumption
Workshop, The Baronette Renaissance Detroit-Novi Hotel,, Novi, United States, December 3, 2014 Initiatives shown during this event will focus on the
virtual powertrain simulation to help provide quick and
early design testing, thus reducing cost and time of
development. This workshop concentrates on how simulation
impacts design and how to improve your simulations
through Multidisciplinary Design Exploration.
Free Workshop: Flow and Solids Simulation for Oil Sands
Workshop, Ramada Downtown Calgary, Calgary, United States, December 2, 2014 Industry-focused examples provided by the presenters will
demonstrate how computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
simulation is used to improve and optimize equipment
design and aid in the development of more effective and
reliable oil and gas transportation, production and
process systems.
HPC Systeme fuer ANSYS Mechanical und CFD optimal konfigurieren
Seminar, Stuttgart, Germany, November 27, 2014 Das Seminar richtet sich an Entwickler und Entscheider,
die Simulationsprogramme im Bereich Strukturmechanik und
Stroemungssimulation anwenden und die beschleunigte
Entwicklung und/oder Optimierung ihrer Produkte durch den
Einsatz von High Performance Computing Systemen effektiv
vorantreiben wollen.
ERCOFTAC EU - Best Practice for Eng CFD
Course, CMT-Motores Térmicos, Valencia, Spain, November 26, 2014 This course is targeted at relatively new and improving CFD
analysts in engineering industries and consultancies.
It provides the knowledge to effect a step-change in the
accuracy and reliability of CFD practices across a range of
engineering applications relevant to the power generation,
aerospace, automotive, built environment and turbomachinery
sectors - amongst others.
12th Multiphase Flow Conference & Short Corse
Conference, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany, November 25, 2014 Multiphase flows are of great interest to a large variety
of industries. The power generation, nuclear reactor
technology, food production, chemical process, aerospace
and automotive industries are all driving forces in this
complex field.
Cooling Electronics with CFD
Online Event, November 20, 2014 See why electronics cooling CFD is different, how it has
evolved and where is it going.
SPEIC14: Towards Sustainable Combustion
Conference, Conference Center, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, November 19, 2014 A scientific conference on theoretical, numerical and
experimental Combustion and
related fields, jointly organized by the Portuguese and
Spanish Sections of the
Combustion Institute.
Simulation for Marine Applications
Workshop, Aalesund University College, Aalesund, Norway, November 18, 2014 Please join us for a workshop on CFD simulation for
marine applications. This event will highlight the latest
innovations and benefits of computational fluid dynamics
in the marine industry, plus alternatives to physical
testing and empirical methods.
Indo-Russian Workshop and Poster Presentation on High Performance Computing for Computer Aided Engineering and Sciences
Workshop, C-DAC, Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune, India, November 18, 2014 High Performance Computing is a major industrial and
research tool. Nowadays a vast number of scientific and
technical problems are being studied with the help of
mathematical modeling and simulations on HPC platform.
Considering this into account, a workshop is being organized
to bring together researchers and industry professionals on
a common platform to discuss the importance of HPC
application in the areas of scientific research, product
design and associated cost and time savings.
Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2014
Conference, The Bellevue Hotel, Latran 77, Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic, November 18, 2014 The conference will focus on obtaining overviews of projects
under investigation and experimental and numerical methods
used in the
field of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics.
Simulation for Marine Applications
Workshop, Rica Maritim Hotel, Haugesund, Norway, November 17, 2014 Please join us for a workshop on CFD simulation for
marine applications. This event will highlight the latest
innovations and benefits of computational fluid dynamics
in the marine industry, plus alternatives to physical
testing and empirical methods.
modeFRONTIER Design Optimisation Workshop
Workshop, The Venture Centre, University of Warwick Science Park, Coventry, United Kingdom, November 17, 2014 Introductory Workshop to modeFRONTIER, the integrated
platform for multi-objective and multi-disciplinary design
Simulation of Accurate and Efficient Heat Transfer on Complex Geometries
Workshop, Hartford Marriott Farmington, Farmington , United States, November 14, 2014 This seminar will present the most up-to-date 3D analysis
and efficient heat transfer methods available for
mechanical and electronic system design, including
components and assemblies.
Workshop Uncertainty Quantification in CFD
Workshop, Delft, Netherlands, November 13, 2014 The main challenge of performing UQ analysis for
computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) is to minimize the computational costs. TNO has
carried out a study on suitable procedures for UQ in CFD
in cooperation with TUDelft and CWI. This workshop will
present you the highlights of the procedures and
demonstrates the advantages of UQ by 2 examples from
CFD Webinar: The Numerical Tow Tank: How CFD Can Help You Meet EEDI Requirements without Compromising Vessel Speeds
Online Event, November 13, 2014 This educational webinar will showcase how CFD
(Computational Fluid Dynamics) is being used to evaluate
and improve designs to reduce drag from the hull and
appendages and maximize thrust from the propulsion system
in order to reduce the vessel’s energy requirements.
OpenSource CFD for industry - high-level development (Implementations with the OpenFOAM technology and C++)
Course, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 13, 2014 The course covers the OpenFOAM directory and code
organization, and how to implement new applications and
libraries such as solvers, turbulence models and boundary
conditions. A crash-course in C++ gives a basic
understanding of the code syntax and object orientation. The
course is given as a hands-on workshop, in a computer lab.
Time is left for the participants to follow on their own
designated and pre-installed computer. The course language
is English.
Simulation of Accurate and Efficient Heat Transfer on Complex Geometries
Workshop, Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel, Toronto, Canada, November 12, 2014 This seminar will present the most up-to-date 3D analysis
and efficient heat transfer methods available for
mechanical and electronic system design, including
components and assemblies.
ANSYS Advanced Multiphase training
Course, Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Hammerichgade 1, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 12, 2014 Simulating multiphase flows with particle tracking methods.
Gothenburg Region OpenFOAM User Group Meeting
User Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 12, 2014 This mini-conference brings together people using OpenFOAM
in the Gothenburg region. It is up to the participants to
define the Gothenburg region - so far it includes all of
Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Great Britain. The language is
OpenSource CFD for industry - basic usage (Efficient use of Linux, OpenFOAM and Paraview)
Course, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 10, 2014 This basic course is mainly based on the Linux operating
system, the OpenFOAM OpenSource CFD toolbox, and the
Paraview visualization software. The course is given as a
hands-on workshop, in a computer lab. The basic procedures
are shown using a projector, and time is left for the
participants to follow on their own designated and
pre-installed computer. The course language is English.
Basic OpenFOAM Training for Application Engineers
Course, ESI Group, 502, Pentagon 2, Magarpatta City, Pune, India, November 6, 2014 If you work on Automotive applications like External
Aerodynamics, Underhood, Climate Control (HVAC) simulations
Automotive applications like Wind turbines, Tank sloshing(
VOF), Industrial ventilation etc then this training will
help you
to explore OpenFOAM. Even if you are not into these
can still work on a personalized training on your topics.
CFD Webinar: Accelerating Clinical Trials with Computational Modeling and Simulation
Online Event, November 6, 2014 This webinar will show the latest advancements in
Computational Modeling and Simulation (CM&S). Presenters
will highlight new tools that are available to help
improve things like bench top tests and in vitro and in
vivo tests. New methods to better handle scale up
challenges and accelerate the clinical trial will also be
Smarter Way of Working with OpenFOAM
Online Event, November 5, 2014 Learn more about how to increase the ROI with OpenFOAM and
a new intelligent interface for OpenFOAM.
LSDYNA CFD Solver Training
Course, Hotel Le Meridian, Pune; Hotel Aloft, Bangalore, Pune & Bangalore, India, November 5, 2014 LSTC launched the powerful CFD solver with NO addition cost.
The training for the same is happening at India 5th Nov 2014
at Bangalore. 7th November 2014 at Pune
Oil, Gas and Chemical CFD Conference
Conference, Houston Marriott Energy Corridor, 16011 Katy Freeway, Houston, United States, November 4, 2014 After the success of our inaugural event last year, CD-
adapco is pleased to announce the 2nd Oil, Gas and
Chemical Conference in Houston, TX on November 4th & 5th.
Leading professionals will share their experiences in the
application of CFD in the oil & gas and chemical
CFD Webinar: Designing Better Centrifugal Water Pumps, Faster
Online Event, October 30, 2014 This online event will show you how you can obtain rapid
throughput with your CFD flow simulations of centrifugal
water pumps, set up and perform automated design space
exploration (ADSE), and leverage process automation to
tightly connect STAR-CCM+® for CFD with another code for
designing the pump impeller blades.
Large Eddy Simulation (LES), hybrid LES-RANS, Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) and unsteady RANS
Course, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 29, 2014 The course will give an introduction to LES and these new
methods. LES, or any of the new approaches, is the first
step when performing accurate CAA (Computational
Aero-Acoustics). Lectures will be given in the mornings; in
the afternoons there will be workshops using Matlab on PC
FINE/Marine v4.1: new features webcast!
Online Event, October 29, 2014 Join NUMECA for a FREE webinar in two sessions
European Autumn Gas Conference (EAGC) 2014
Conference, Grange St Paul’s Hotel, London, United Kingdom, October 28, 2014 The European Autumn Gas Conference (EAGC) 2014 will attract
business leaders operating within Europe’s gas supply chain
who are looking to adapt and overcome the commercial,
geopolitical and macro-environmental challenges of working
in the region. These include government officials,
regulators, upstream and midstream companies, utilities,
traders and originators, investors and large industrial
energy users.
3rd Annual Gas Asia Summit (GAS)
Conference, Marina Bay Sands Hotel, 10 Bayfront Avenue, Singapore 018956, Singapore, United Kingdom, October 28, 2014 Multilateral Cooperation to Connect Gas Markets
Free CFD Webinar: Interactive Exploration of High Fidelity ICE Simulations
Online Event, October 28, 2014 Learn how you can create and analyze ICE simulations with
hundreds of time steps and hundreds of thousands of
simulated particles. Interactively explore your high
fidelity data to improve understanding of your results.
Attend this webinar by Intelligent Light and Convergent
Science to see how you can escape current limitations and
achieve more from your CFD.
OpenFOAM Master Class Workshop, Anaheim, California - 27th October 2014
Workshop, Embassy Suites Anaheim-South 11767 Harbor Boulevard, Garden Grove, United States, October 27, 2014 This one day course is offered free of charge and will
be held in
conjunction with this years Pointwise User Group Meeting.
The course is
aimed at intermediate and advanced users needing more
understanding of the
basic structure and architecture of OpenFOAM. The workshop
will be presented by Applied CCMs
engineers who have a several decades of combined CFD
Course in "Applied LES, DES and URANS for Industry"
Course, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 27, 2014 A three-day course in "Applied LES, DES and URANS for
Industry" will be given at Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden,
between 27-29 October 2014.The course will cover three
important applications of CFD techniques in industry:
prediction using unsteady CFD simulations (LES, DES, PANS,
URANS), CFD for flow control and aerodynamic shape
CFD Webinar: Full Vehicle Thermal Management at Mercedes-Benz: An Example of Simulating Systems
Online Event, October 23, 2014 This online event provides an introduction to simulating
systems and related methods. Attendees will learn the
immense benefits that can be achieved through simulating
the whole system.
modeFRONTIER Design Optimisation Workshop
Workshop, The Venture Centre, University of Warwick Science Park, Coventry, United Kingdom, October 22, 2014 Introductory Workshop to modeFRONTIER, the integrated
platform for multi-objective and multi-disciplinary design
ERCOFTAC EU - Fluid Structure Interaction with impact on industrial applications, 16-17 October 2014, EDF, Chatou-Paris, France
Course, EDF-Chatou, Paris, France, October 16, 2014 The course engages the Fluid Dynamics and Structural
Mechanics world, to present state-of-the-art methods in
theoretical, experimental and numerical approaches. This
involves FSI phenomena associated with solid structure
rotation, instabilities, vibrations, and separation. A main
goal is to provide state-of-the-art methods for analysing
FSI phenomena, with best practice guidelines. The domains
of applications covers flow and movement induced vibrations
in hydrodynamics and in aerodynamics.
Cooling of a Wind Power Station IGBT
Online Event, October 16, 2014 This webinar will introduce the frequency converter for this
specific application, 3D FloEFD thermal calculations of the
IGBT transistor modules will then be presented and compared
with test results.
CFD Webinar: Simulating Motion with Ease Using Overset Mesh
Online Event, October 16, 2014 This online event provides an introduction to overset
mesh and related methods such as DFBI. It will provide
you with an insight into modeling complex motion in STAR-
CCM+. The background and applicability, the methods, as
well as some practical examples that illustrate what can
be achieved.
Simulation von rotierenden Maschinen
Seminar, Holiday Inn City Centre, Munich, Germany, October 16, 2014 Das Seminar vermittelt Wissen über:
- Bewertung der Betriebssicherheit von Strömungsmaschinen
- Optimierung von Leistungsaufnahme, Wirkungsgrad und
- Berechnung des Schwingungsverhaltens von
- Gesamtbetrachtung von Strömungsmaschinen durch Fluid-
Introduction to CFD Principles
Workshop, Wilde Analysis Ltd, Brindley Lodge, Adcroft Street, Stockport, United Kingdom, October 13, 2014 By attending this one-day course, delegates will gain a
solid foundation for the practical elements of
computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
23rd International Meshing Roundtable
Conference, Thistle Marble Arch Hotel (http://www.thistle.com/marblearch), London, United Kingdom, October 12, 2014 The 23rd International Meshing Roundtable solicits technical
papers that present original results on meshing, gridding and
related technology for solid mechanics, CFD, visualization,
or any other mesh related analysis purposes.
Werner Albring Memorial
Conference, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany, October 10, 2014 Stroemungstechnische Tagung 2014
anlaesslich des 100. Geburtstags von Werner Albring
ERCOFTAC EU - Computational Aeroacoustics, 9-10 October 2014, GE, Munich, Germany
Course, General Electric, Munich, Germany, October 9, 2014 The course provides a proper overview of recent insights of
aeroacoustics theories. A number of practical problems
involving the coupling between CFD’s results and CAA will be
also thoroughly discussed and realistic applications
performed by the instructors will be discussed. Advanced
CAA methods are presented as well as what we can learn from
the direct computation of aerodynamic noise. Finally,
specific topics reflecting participant interests will be
discussed in a final round table session.
Basic OpenFOAM Training for Application Engineers
Course, ESI Group, 502, Pentagon 2, Magarpatta City, Pune, India, October 9, 2014 If you work on Automotive applications like External
Aerodynamics, Underhood, Climate Control (HVAC) simulations
Automotive applications like Wind turbines, Tank sloshing(
VOF), Industrial ventilation etc then this training will
help you
to explore OpenFOAM. Even if you are not into these
can still work on a personalized training on your topics.
FREE Webinar : How to Select your CFD Academic Project ?
Online Event, October 8, 2014 Any academic degree, let it be bachelors or masters, ends
with a project work. The project work is one of the
most critical parts of any academic degree. It is so
important that it always decides what is going to be next
for the student. Let it be higher studies or industrial
job, the whole career path (at least the starting point
of that path) is based on the project work. Talk to the
experts about how to select your CFD academic project in
this FREE Webinar
The 2nd OpenFOAM User Conference 2014
User Conference, Steigenberger Hotel, Berlin, Germany, October 7, 2014 ESI-OpenCFD presents the 2nd OpenFOAM User Conference and opens
up another opportunity for all the OpenFOAM users worldwide to
meet and interact with the OpenFOAM developers, support and
training team from ESI-OpenCFD and find more about new
developments and interesting projects in OpenFOAM.
CFD Simulation for Improving Aftertreatment Devices
Workshop, DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Chicago O'Hare Airport - Rosemont, Chicago, United States, October 6, 2014 This event will feature a wide range of advanced topics
related to aftertreatment devices presented by our
technical leads and one of our product managers.
Design and Optimization of Turbomachinery using NUMECA CFD
Online Event, October 1, 2014 Join NUMECA for a live presentation!
1st International Worshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion, September 30th, 2014, Leipzig, Germany
Workshop, Leipzig, Germany, September 30, 2014 We are delighted to announce the 1st edition of a one-day
international workshop on CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic)
and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion that will be held at
the DBFZ in Leipzig, Germany on September the 30th, 2014.
Simulation in der Medizin und Medizintechnik
Seminar, Aachen, Germany, September 25, 2014 Erfahren Sie auf unserem kostenlosen Informationstag, welche
Moeglichkeiten Ihnen ANSYS in der Stroemungssimulation,
Elektromagnetik und in der Strukturmechanik bietet.
Grid Engine User Forum
User Conference, San Jose Marriott, San Jose, United States, September 25, 2014 An opportunity to influence the future development path by
defining and discussing a rich feature set that will be
sure to increase the benefits driven from Grid Engine.